public function payCreditCard() { echo 1; die; fb($this->orderModel); $requestArray = array('request' => array('terminalid' => null, 'password' => null, 'action' => 1, 'card' => $this->paymentModel->cc_number, 'cvv2' => $this->paymentModel->cc_cvv, 'expYear' => '20' . $this->paymentModel->num4, 'expMonth' => $this->paymentModel->num3, 'member' => $this->customerModel->lname . ' ' . $this->customerModel->fname, 'currencyCode' => $this->campaignModel->currency_id, 'address' => $this->billingAddressModel->address1 . ' ' . $this->billingAddressModel->address2, 'city' => $this->billingAddressModel->city, 'statecode' => $this->billingAddressModel->state_id, 'zip' => $this->billingAddressModel->zip, 'CountryCode' => $this->billingAddressModel->country->country_name, 'email' => $this->customerModel->email, 'amount' => $this->attemptModel->amount, 'trackid' => $this->attemptModel->getrequest_id('vg'), 'udf1' => null, 'udf2' => null, 'udf3' => null, 'udf4' => null, 'udf5' => null)); $xml = HelperFormatted::array2xml($requestArray); echo '<pre>'; print_r($xml); echo '</pre>'; return false; //OrderLog::createLog(0, $this->orderModel->order_id, 22, ($this->attemptModel->amount).' '.$this->campaignModel->currency_id); }
/** * @param $text * @return string - url to the created file */ private function createFile($text) { $this->fileName = 'site_update_' . HelperFormatted::generateString(5) . '_' . time() . '.json'; $this->dirPath = 'files/site_update/'; $this->filePath = Config::get()->basePath . '/' . $this->dirPath . $this->fileName; //Save file try { $fp = fopen($this->filePath, "w"); fwrite($fp, $text); fclose($fp); $this->fileUrl = Config::get()->url . $this->dirPath . $this->fileName; } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } return true; }
public function getForGraph() { $searchFields = $this->searchFields; if (!$searchFields['initial_dates']) { return array(); } $billingCycle = (int) $searchFields['billing_cycle']; if ($billingCycle < 1 || $billingCycle > 2) { $billingCycle = 1; } $initialDates = explode('-', $searchFields['initial_dates']); $dateStartT = explode('.', $initialDates[0]); $dateStart = array_reverse($dateStartT); $dateStart = implode('-', $dateStart); $dateFinishT = explode('.', $initialDates[1]); $dateFinish = array_reverse($dateFinishT); $dateFinish = implode('-', $dateFinish); $datetime1 = new DateTime($dateStart); $datetime2 = new DateTime($dateFinish); $interval = $datetime1->diff($datetime2); $int = $interval->days; $dates = array(); if ($int < 10) { for ($i = 0; $i <= $int; $i++) { $dates[] = $datetime1->format('Y-m-d'); $datetime1->add(new DateInterval('P1D')); } } else { $maxSelect = 10; $max = ceil($int / $maxSelect); $min = floor($interval->days / 10); $dif = $min == $max ? 1 : $min - $max; $x = ($int - $max * $maxSelect) / $dif; $y = ($int - $min * $x) / $max; while ($datetime1->getTimestamp() <= $datetime2->getTimestamp()) { $dates[] = $datetime1->format('Y-m-d'); if ($x) { $step = $min; $x--; } elseif ($y) { $step = $max; $y--; } $datetime1->add(new DateInterval('P' . $step . 'D')); } } $db = self::$_msql; $this->whereAndLimit(); $tempReport = array(); $campaignsName = array(); foreach ($dates as $date) { $sql = "SELECT `campaign_id`, 'ALL' AS `aff_id`, `col_name`, SUM(`data`) AS `data`, `campaign_name`\n FROM (\n SELECT `date`, `campaign_id`, `aff_id`, `col_name`, `data`, `campaign_name`\n FROM (\n SELECT rh.*, c.`campaign_name`\n FROM `retention_history` as rh\n LEFT JOIN `campaigns` as c USING(`campaign_id`)\n WHERE ?p\n AND rh.`id_date` <= ?s\n AND rh.`col_name` IN ('c{$billingCycle}_net_revenue', 'c{$billingCycle}_potential_revenue')\n ORDER BY rh.`id_date` DESC\n ) `t`\n GROUP BY `date`, `campaign_id`, `aff_id`, `col_name`\n ) `t2`\n GROUP BY `campaign_id`, `col_name`\n ORDER BY `campaign_id`"; $r = $db->getAll($sql, $this->where, $date); $tArrayByCampaign = array(); foreach ($r as $item) { if (!isset($campaignsName[$item['campaign_id']])) { $campaignsName[$item['campaign_id']] = $item['campaign_name']; } if (!isset($tArrayByCampaign[$item['campaign_id']])) { $tArrayByCampaign[$item['campaign_id']] = array(); } $colNameArray = explode('_', $item['col_name'], 2); $tArrayByCampaign[$item['campaign_id']][$colNameArray[1]] = $item['data']; } foreach ($tArrayByCampaign as $k => $v) { if (!isset($tempReport[$k])) { $tempReport[$k] = array(); } $tempReport[$k][$date] = isset($v['potential_revenue']) && $v['potential_revenue'] && isset($v['net_revenue']) ? round($v['net_revenue'] / $v['potential_revenue'], 4) * 100 : null; } unset($tArrayByCampaign, $k, $v, $date, $colNameArray, $item, $r); } if (!$tempReport) { return array(); } $campaigns = array_keys($campaignsName); $report = array(0 => array('Dates')); foreach ($campaignsName as $k => $v) { $tName = '[' . $k . '] '; $tName .= $v ? $v : __('no_name'); array_push($report[0], $tName); } $i = 1; foreach ($dates as $date) { $dateFormatted = HelperFormatted::date($date, HelperFormatted::TIME_FORMAT_DATE); $report[$i] = array($dateFormatted); foreach ($campaigns as $campaignID) { array_push($report[$i], isset($tempReport[$campaignID][$date]) ? $tempReport[$campaignID][$date] : 0); } $i++; } return $report; }
public function getrecurring_next_formatted() { return $this->recurring_next ? HelperFormatted::date($this->recurring_next, HelperFormatted::TIME_FORMAT_DATE) : ''; }
public function getcreated_formatted() { return $this->created ? HelperFormatted::date($this->created) : null; }
public function createByOrder(Order $order) { $modelAttempt = new Attempt(); $modelAttempt->getLastOrderAttempt($order->order_id, Attempt::CREDIT_TYPE); //fb($order); $xmlArr = self::$_xmlContainer; $xmlArr['inkasso']['auftraggebernummer'] = 1088; $xmlArr['inkasso']['erstellungsdatum'] = date("d.m.Y"); //$xmlArr['inkasso']['schuldner']['kundennummer']='';//2325 $xmlArr['inkasso']['schuldner']['vorname'] = $order->customer->fname; $xmlArr['inkasso']['schuldner']['name'] = $order->customer->lname; //$xmlArr['inkasso']['schuldner']['anrede']=''; //$xmlArr['inkasso']['schuldner']['geburtsdatum']=''; //$xmlArr['inkasso']['schuldner']['familienstand']=''; $xmlArr['inkasso']['schuldner']['gewerblich'] = 0; $xmlArr['inkasso']['schuldner']['rechtsform'] = 'Privat'; //?? //$xmlArr['inkasso']['schuldner']['arbeitgeber']['arbeitgeber-name1']=''; //$xmlArr['inkasso']['schuldner']['arbeitgeber']['arbeitgeber-strasse']=''; //$xmlArr['inkasso']['schuldner']['arbeitgeber']['arbeitgeber-plz']=''; //$xmlArr['inkasso']['schuldner']['arbeitgeber']['arbeitgeber-ort']=''; $xmlArr['inkasso']['schuldner']['adresse']['strasse'] = $order->address->fullAddress; $xmlArr['inkasso']['schuldner']['adresse']['plz'] = $order->address->zip; $xmlArr['inkasso']['schuldner']['adresse']['ort'] = $order->address->city; $xmlArr['inkasso']['schuldner']['adresse']['land'] = $order->address->country->country_name; //$xmlArr['inkasso']['schuldner']['adresse']['zusatz']=''; $xmlArr['inkasso']['schuldner']['telefon']['telefonnr'] = $order->address->phone; $xmlArr['inkasso']['schuldner']['telefon']['typ'] = 'Telefon'; //or Mobil $xmlArr['inkasso']['schuldner']['telefon']['zusatz'] = 'Zuhause'; //?? Zuhause, Arbeit, Partner, Eltern $xmlArr['inkasso']['schuldner']['email']['emailadresse'] = $order->customer->email; //$xmlArr['inkasso']['schuldner']['bankverbindung']['kontoinhaber']=''; $xmlArr['inkasso']['schuldner']['bankverbindung']['kontonr'] = strlen($order->payment->bank_code) <= 10 ? $order->payment->bank_code : null; $xmlArr['inkasso']['schuldner']['bankverbindung']['blz'] = strlen($order->payment->bank_code) == 8 ? $order->payment->bank_code : null; //$xmlArr['inkasso']['schuldner']['bankverbindung']['bankname']='';//?? $xmlArr['inkasso']['inkassofall']['bestelldatum'] = HelperFormatted::date_euro_format($order->created); $xmlArr['inkasso']['inkassofall']['bestellzeit'] = HelperFormatted::time_format($order->created); $xmlArr['inkasso']['inkassofall']['mandatenreferenz'] = $order->campaign->order_url; $xmlArr['inkasso']['inkassofall']['zusatzinfo1'] = $order->ip_formatted; //$xmlArr['inkasso']['inkassofall']['zusatzinfo2']=''; //$xmlArr['inkasso']['inkassofall']['zusatzinfo3']=''; //$xmlArr['inkasso']['inkassofall']['sachbearbeiter']=''; //$xmlArr['inkasso']['inkassofall']['telsach']=''; $xmlArr['inkasso']['inkassofall']['forderung']['rechnungsnr'] = $modelAttempt->attempt_id; $xmlArr['inkasso']['inkassofall']['forderung']['rechnungstext'] = $modelAttempt->status_note; $xmlArr['inkasso']['inkassofall']['forderung']['betrag'] = $modelAttempt->amount * 100; $xmlArr['inkasso']['inkassofall']['forderung']['rech-datum'] = HelperFormatted::date_euro_format($modelAttempt->created); //$xmlArr['inkasso']['inkassofall']['forderung']['datumerstemahn']=''; //$xmlArr['inkasso']['inkassofall']['forderung']['mahngebuehrengesamt']=''; $xmlArr['inkasso']['inkassofall']['forderung']['zins-datum'] = HelperFormatted::date_euro_format($modelAttempt->created); //$xmlArr['inkasso']['inkassofall']['forderung']['katalog-nr']=''; //$xmlArr['inkasso']['inkassofall']['forderung']['ruecklaeufergebuehr']=''; //$xmlArr['inkasso']['inkassofall']['forderung']['datumruecklaeufergebuehr']=''; //$xmlArr['inkasso']['inkassofall']['forderung']['waehrung']=''; $xmlRequest = HelperFormatted::array2xml($xmlArr, false); /* header("Content-type:text/xml; charset=utf-8"); echo $xmlRequest; die; */ $xmlResponse = $this->request($xmlRequest, self::METHOD_INKASSOFAL_EINTRAGEN); $responseModel = simplexml_load_string($xmlResponse); $responseModel = (array) $responseModel; $responseItem = false; echo '<pre>'; print_r($responseModel); echo '</pre>'; die; foreach ($responseModel as $item) { ///* header("Content-type:text/xml; charset=utf-8"); echo $item; die; //*/ $responseItem = simplexml_load_string($item); return; } if ($responseItem && $responseItem->Code == 'OK') { } else { } }
public function getcreated_formatted() { return HelperFormatted::date($this->created); }
private function send($xmlArray, $url, $service = null, $post = true, $put = false) { $xml = null; if ($post && $service) { $xml = HelperFormatted::array2xml($xmlArray, false); $xml = str_replace('<' . $service . '>', '<' . $service . ' xmlns="">', $xml); fb($xml); } $url = $this->_paymentOptions['curlUrl'] . $url; $options = $this->gatewayModel->attributes; self::log('request', $xml, $url); $login = base64_encode(self::$isTest ? 'API_1420799842330432723628:l4D9dB8g!j4NaV70' : $options['username'] . ':' . $options['shared_secret']); //$key = '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'; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); if ($post) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); if ($put) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'PUT'); } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/xml', 'Authorization: Basic ' . $login)); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $xml); } else { if (http_build_query($xmlArray)) { $url .= '?' . http_build_query($xmlArray); } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); if ($put) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'PUT'); } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/xml', 'Authorization: Basic ' . $login)); } $output = curl_exec($ch); if (curl_errno($ch)) { self::log('response', 'error:' . curl_error($ch)); self::log('response', $output); } $info = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE); curl_close($ch); //Execute Curl call and extract header and body contant $headers = substr($output, 0, $info); $body = substr($output, $info); self::log('response', $body); $t = explode("\r\n", $headers); $headersArray = array(); foreach ($t as $item) { $tt = explode(': ', $item); if (isset($tt[0]) && $tt[0] && isset($tt[1]) && $tt[1]) { $headersArray[trim($tt[0])] = trim($tt[1]); } } $return = array('headers' => $headersArray, 'body' => $body); if ($body) { libxml_use_internal_errors(true); try { $return['xml'] = new SimpleXMLElement($body); } catch (Exception $e) { $return['xml'] = null; } } if (self::$isTest) { fb('Service: ' . $service . '-->'); fb($xmlArray); fb($url); fb('Response:'); fb($return); fb('<--'); } return $return; }
private static function clearDateArray($FilterFields, $dataArray) { foreach ($FilterFields as $k => $v) { if (!in_array($k, $dataArray)) { continue; } $dArray = explode('-', $v); if (isset($dArray[0]) && isset($dArray[1])) { $d1 = HelperFormatted::date($dArray[0], HelperFormatted::TIME_FORMAT_DATE); $d2 = HelperFormatted::date($dArray[1], HelperFormatted::TIME_FORMAT_DATE); if ($d1 && $d2) { $FilterFields[$k . '_post'] = $FilterFields[$k]; $FilterFields[$k] = $d1 . '-' . $d2; } } } return $FilterFields; }
function newretentionAction() { $clearArray = array('campaign_id', 'detail_dates', 'detail_affiliates', 'detail_sid', 'simple', 'currency_id', 'country_id'); $this->filter($clearArray); $filterFields = $this->params; //AFActiveDataProvider::clearDateArray($this->params, array('r_dates')); if (!isset($filterFields['circle']) || isset($filterFields['circle']) && !$filterFields['circle']) { $filterFields['circle'] = 0; } if ($clearArray) { foreach ($clearArray as $value) { if (isset($filterFields[$value])) { $filterFields[$value] = explode(',', $filterFields[$value]); } } } // build filter select datasources $currencies = Currency::model()->cache()->findAllInArray(); $countries = Country::model()->cache()->findAllInArray(); $campaigns = isset($filterFields['campaign_id']) ? $filterFields['campaign_id'] : null; $country_id = isset($filterFields['country_id']) ? $filterFields['country_id'] : null; $currency_id = isset($filterFields['currency_id']) ? $filterFields['currency_id'] : null; $groupDate = isset($filterFields['detail_dates']) ? false : true; $groupAfid = isset($filterFields['detail_affiliates']) ? false : true; $groupSid = isset($filterFields['detail_sid']) ? false : true; $msql = SafeMySQL::getInstance(); $sql = 'SELECT campaign_id, campaign_name FROM `campaigns` ORDER BY `campaign_id`'; $campaignsFilterTemp = $msql->getAll($sql); $campaignsFilter = array(); foreach ($campaignsFilterTemp as $v) { $campaignsFilter[$v['campaign_id']] = $v; } unset($campaignsFilterTemp); $sql = 'SELECT aff_id, aff_name FROM `affiliates` ORDER BY `aff_id`'; $affidsTemp = $msql->getAll($sql); $affids = array(); foreach ($affidsTemp as $v) { $affids[$v['aff_id']] = $v; } unset($affidsTemp); $where = ''; if ($campaigns) { $where .= $msql->parse(" AND `campaign_id` IN (?a)", $campaigns); } if ($currency_id) { $where .= $msql->parse(" AND `campaign_id` IN ( select campaign_id from campaigns where currency_id in (?a))", $currency_id); } if ($country_id) { $where .= $msql->parse(" AND `campaign_id` IN ( select campaign_id from campaigns where country_id in (?a))", $country_id); } if (!isset($filterFields['r_dates'])) { $filterFields['r_dates'] = date('d.m.Y-d.m.Y'); } $dates = explode('-', $filterFields['r_dates']); if (isset($dates[0]) && isset($dates[1])) { $dateStartT = explode('.', $dates[0]); $dateStart = array_reverse($dateStartT); $dateStart = implode('-', $dateStart); $dateFinishT = explode('.', $dates[1]); $dateFinish = array_reverse($dateFinishT); $dateFinish = implode('-', $dateFinish); $where .= $msql->parse(" AND DATE(`date`) BETWEEN ?s AND ?s", $dateStart, $dateFinish); unset($dateStartT, $dateFinishT); } if (!isset($filterFields['report_date'])) { $filterFields['report_date'] = date('d.m.Y'); } $reportDateArray = explode('.', $filterFields['report_date']); if (isset($reportDateArray[0]) && isset($reportDateArray[1]) && isset($reportDateArray[2])) { $reportDate = array_reverse($reportDateArray); $reportDate = implode('-', $reportDate); $where .= $msql->parse("AND `id_date` <= ?s", $reportDate); unset($reportDate, $reportDateArray); } $where .= $msql->parse("AND CAST(SUBSTR(`col_name`,2,1) AS UNSIGNED) <= ?i", (int) $filterFields['circle']); $sql = "\n SELECT " . ($groupDate ? "'ALL' AS " : '') . "`date`, `campaign_id`, " . ($groupAfid ? "'ALL' AS " : '') . "`aff_id`, " . ($groupSid ? "'ALL' AS " : '') . "`sid`, `col_name`, SUM(`data`) AS `data`, `currency_id`\n FROM (\n SELECT `date`, `campaign_id`, `aff_id`, `sid`, `col_name`, `data`, `currency_id`\n FROM (\n SELECT `retention_history`.*, `campaigns`.`currency_id`\n FROM `retention_history`\n LEFT JOIN `campaigns` USING(`campaign_id`)\n WHERE 1 " . $where . "\n ORDER BY `id_date` DESC\n ) `t`\n GROUP BY `date`, `campaign_id`, `aff_id`, `col_name`\n ) `t2`\n GROUP BY " . ($groupDate ? '' : "`date`, ") . "`campaign_id`, " . ($groupAfid ? '' : "`aff_id`, ") . "`col_name`\n "; $result = $msql->getAll($sql); $report = array(); $reportCur = array(); $countR = 0; foreach ($result as $row) { if (isset($row['col_name'])) { $colNameArr = explode('_', $row['col_name']); if (isset($colNameArr[0])) { $countCycles = (int) substr($colNameArr[0], 1, 1); if ($countCycles > $countR) { $countR = $countCycles; } } } if (!isset($report[$row['date'] . '_' . $row['campaign_id'] . '_' . $row['aff_id']]['c' . ($row['col_name'][1] + 1) . '_gross'])) { if (!isset($report[$row['date'] . '_' . $row['campaign_id'] . '_' . $row['aff_id']])) { $report[$row['date'] . '_' . $row['campaign_id'] . '_' . $row['aff_id']] = array(); } $report[$row['date'] . '_' . $row['campaign_id'] . '_' . $row['aff_id']] += self::cycle_array($row['col_name'][1]); } $report[$row['date'] . '_' . $row['campaign_id'] . '_' . $row['aff_id']][$row['col_name']] = $row['data']; if (!isset($reportCur[$row['date'] . '_' . $row['campaign_id'] . '_' . $row['aff_id']])) { $reportCur[$row['date'] . '_' . $row['campaign_id'] . '_' . $row['aff_id']] = $row['currency_id']; } } $countR++; unset($result); foreach ($report as $row => $data) { for ($i = 0; isset($data['c' . ($i + 1) . '_gross']); $i++) { $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_gross'] = (int) $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_gross']; $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_declined'] = (int) $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_declined']; $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_void'] = (int) $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_void']; $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_pending'] = (int) $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_pending']; $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_rma'] = (int) $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_rma']; $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_partial_refund'] = (int) $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_partial_refund']; $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_chargeback'] = (int) $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_chargeback']; if ($i) { $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_discounts'] = (int) $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_discounts']; } $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_decline_rate'] = $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_gross'] ? round($report[$row]['c' . $i . '_declined'] / $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_gross'], 4) : NULL; $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_paid'] = $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_gross'] - $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_declined']; $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_void_rate'] = $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_paid'] ? round($report[$row]['c' . $i . '_void'] / $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_paid'], 4) : NULL; $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_net_approved'] = $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_paid'] - $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_void']; $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_approval_rate'] = $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_paid'] ? round($report[$row]['c' . $i . '_net_approved'] / $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_paid'], 4) : NULL; $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_cancelled'] = $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_paid'] - $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_pending'] - $report[$row]['c' . ($i + 1) . '_gross']; $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_cancel_rate'] = $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_paid'] ? round($report[$row]['c' . $i . '_cancelled'] / $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_paid'], 4) : NULL; $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_subscriptions_approved'] = $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_paid'] - $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_cancelled']; $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_rma_rate'] = $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_paid'] ? round($report[$row]['c' . $i . '_rma'] / $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_paid'], 4) : NULL; // $report[$row]['c'.$i.'_pending_rebill'] = $report[$row]['c'.$i.'_pending'] - $report[$row]['c'.$i.'_rma']; $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_chargeback_rate'] = $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_paid'] ? round($report[$row]['c' . $i . '_chargeback'] / $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_paid'], 4) : NULL; if ($i) { $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_retention_count_rate'] = $report[$row]['c' . ($i - 1) . '_paid'] ? round($report[$row]['c' . $i . '_paid'] / $report[$row]['c' . ($i - 1) . '_paid'], 4) : NULL; $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_retention_rate'] = $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_potential_revenue'] ? round($report[$row]['c' . $i . '_net_revenue'] / $report[$row]['c' . $i . '_potential_revenue'], 4) : NULL; } } if (isset($report[$row]['c' . $countR . '_gross']) && !$report[$row]['c' . $countR . '_gross']) { unset($report[$row]['c' . $countR . '_gross']); } } $extraFields = array(array('gross', 'declined', 'decline_rate', 'paid', 'void', 'void_rate', 'net_approved', 'approval_rate', 'cancelled', 'cancel_rate', 'subscriptions_approved', 'pending', 'rma', 'rma_rate', 'partial_refund', 'refund_amount', 'chargeback', 'chargeback_rate', 'chargeback_loss', 'net_revenue'), array('gross2', 'declined', 'decline_rate', 'paid', 'void', 'void_rate', 'net_approved', 'approval_rate', 'cancelled', 'cancel_rate', 'subscriptions_approved', 'pending', 'rma', 'rma_rate', 'discounts', 'discount_amount', 'partial_refund', 'refund_amount', 'chargeback', 'chargeback_rate', 'chargeback_loss', 'retention_count_rate', 'net_revenue', 'potential_revenue', 'retention_rate')); $simpleReportFields = array('gross', 'gross2', 'decline_rate', 'cancel_rate', 'chargeback_rate', 'pending', 'net_revenue', 'potential_revenue', 'retention_rate'); // CSV builder if (isset($this->params['download_csv']) && $this->params['download_csv']) { self::retentionCsvBuilder($report, $extraFields, $campaignsFilter, $affids, $countR, $simpleReportFields, $filterFields); die; } $tempArray = explode('-', $filterFields['r_dates']); $filterFields['r_dates_post'] = $filterFields['r_dates']; $filterFields['r_dates'] = HelperFormatted::date($tempArray[0], HelperFormatted::TIME_FORMAT_DATE) . '-' . HelperFormatted::date($tempArray[1], HelperFormatted::TIME_FORMAT_DATE); $filterFields['report_date'] = HelperFormatted::date($filterFields['report_date'], HelperFormatted::TIME_FORMAT_DATE); // set ajax table if (AF::isAjaxRequestModels()) { $this->view->includeFile('_newretantion_table', array('application', 'views', 'reports'), array('access' => $this->access, 'controller' => $this->controller, 'report' => $report, 'extraFields' => $extraFields, 'countR' => $countR, 'campaignsFilter' => $campaignsFilter, 'filterFields' => $filterFields, 'affids' => $affids, 'simpleReportFields' => $simpleReportFields, 'simple' => isset($this->params['simple']) ? (int) $this->params['simple'] : 0, 'currencies' => $currencies, 'countries' => $countries, 'reportCur' => $reportCur)); die; } Assets::css('jquery-ui'); Assets::js('//'); Assets::js('dateRange/jquery.daterange'); Assets::js('jquery.form'); // for ajax submission used to build csv Assets::js('ajax_table'); Assets::js('af_input_field'); $this->render('newretention', array('report' => $report, 'extraFields' => $extraFields, 'countR' => $countR, 'campaignsFilter' => $campaignsFilter, 'filterFields' => $filterFields, 'affids' => $affids, 'simpleReportFields' => $simpleReportFields, 'simple' => isset($this->params['simple']) ? (int) $this->params['simple'] : 0, 'currencies' => $currencies, 'countries' => $countries, 'reportCur' => $reportCur)); }
<span class="help-inline"></span> </div> </div> <div class="control-group order-pmf pmf-pn"> <label class="control-label"><?php echo __('exp_date'); ?> </label> <div class="controls"> <select style="width: 160px;" name="fields_expmonth" id="fields_expmonth" class="afnosselect" data-placeholder="<?php echo __('month'); ?> "> <option value=""></option> <? foreach(HelperFormatted::getMonth() as $key => $value){ ?> <option value="<?php echo $key; ?> " <?if($model->fields_expmonth == $key){?>selected="" <?}?>>(<?php echo $key; ?> ) <?php echo $value; ?> </option> <? } ?> </select> <select style="width: 116px;" name="fields_expyear" id="fields_expyear" class="afnosselect" data-placeholder="<?php echo __('year');
protected function getAttemptInfo($isSave = false) { $xmlStructure = array('request' => array('action', 'meta', 'params' => array('order' => array('orderid')))); $xmlArray = $this->getMainRequestArray(self::ACTION_GET_ORDERSTATUS, $xmlStructure); $xmlArray['request']['params']['order']['orderid'] = $this->orderModel->order_id; $xml = HelperFormatted::array2xml($xmlArray); $ExternalData = new ExternalData(); $xmlResponse = $ExternalData->getData($this->_paymentOptions['curlUrl'], $xml); //fb($xmlArray); /* header("Content-type:text/xml; charset=utf-8"); echo $xmlResponse; die; */ if ($ExternalData->checkErrors()) { $this->_paymetnResponse->addError(substr($ExternalData->error, 6)); $this->_paymetnResponse->status = PaymentAPIResponse::ERROR_STATUS; return false; } $xmlResponseModel = simplexml_load_string($xmlResponse); $RESPONSE = $xmlResponseModel->REQUEST->RESPONSE; if ($RESPONSE->RESULT != 'OK') { $this->_paymetnResponse->status = PaymentAPIResponse::ERROR_STATUS; return false; } $this->attemptModel->status_note = $RESPONSE->STATUS->STATUSID; if ($isSave) { if ($RESPONSE->STATUS->PAYMENTREFERENCE && !$RESPONSE->STATUS->CUSTOMERACCOUNT->PAYMENTREFERENCE) { $RESPONSE->STATUS->CUSTOMERACCOUNT->PAYMENTREFERENCE = $RESPONSE->STATUS->PAYMENTREFERENCE; } $this->saveBankData($RESPONSE->STATUS->CUSTOMERACCOUNT); } $this->checkResponseStatusID($RESPONSE); return true; }
</title> <meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" name="viewport"> <base href="<?php echo Config::get()->url; ?> "> <link rel="icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon"> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico"> <?php echo Assets::getCss(); ?> <?php echo Assets::getJS(); ?> <script> var userDateFormatted = {<?foreach(HelperFormatted::getDateFormatted('js') as $k=>$v){?>'<?php echo $k; ?> ' : '<?php echo $v; ?> ',<?}?>}; var prefix = '/lj3/'; </script> </head> <body> <div id="wrap"> <div class="navbar"> <div class="navbar-inner"> <div class="container"> <button data-target=".nav-collapse" data-toggle="collapse" class="btn btn-navbar" type="button">
public function getupdated_formatted_date() { return $this->updated ? HelperFormatted::date($this->updated, HelperFormatted::TIME_FORMAT_DATE) : null; }