protected function __construct() { $this->config = Hayate_Config::load('session'); $driver = isset($this->config->session->driver) ? $this->config->session->driver : 'native'; switch ($driver) { case 'database': // can we get a db connection ? if (null === Hayate_Database::getInstance()) { throw new Hayate_Exception(sprintf(_('%s cannot use "database" driver as it is unable' . ' to retrieve a valid database connection.'), __CLASS__)); } $ses = Hayate_Session_Database::getInstance(); session_set_save_handler(array($ses, 'open'), array($ses, 'close'), array($ses, 'read'), array($ses, 'write'), array($ses, 'destroy'), array($ses, 'gc')); break; case 'native': break; default: throw new Hayate_Exception(sprintf(_('Session driver: "%s" not supported.'), $driver)); } // @see Hayate_Event::add('hayate.shutdown', 'session_write_close'); ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', true); ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', 0); session_name($this->config->get('', 'HayateSession')); // session will not work with a domain without top level $domain = $this->config->get('session.domain', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); if (preg_match('/^\\.?.+\\.[a-z]{2,4}$/i', $domain) != 1) { $domain = ''; } session_set_cookie_params((int) $this->config->get('session.lifetime', 0), $this->config->get('session.path', '/'), $domain, $this->config->get('', false), $this->config->get('session.httponly', false)); session_start(); Hayate_Log::info(sprintf(_('%s initialized.'), __CLASS__)); }
protected function __construct() { $config = Hayate_Config::load('routes', false); if ($config && isset($config->routes)) { $this->routes = $config->routes->getArrayCopy(); } if (count($this->routes)) { $keys = array_keys($this->routes); $values = array_values($this->routes); array_walk($keys, array($this, 'trimSlash')); array_walk($values, array($this, 'trimSlash')); $this->routes = array_combine($keys, $values); } $base_path = array(); if (isset($config->core->base_path)) { $base_path = preg_split('|/|', $config->core->base_path, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); } $segments = Hayate_URI::getInstance()->segments(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($base_path); $i++) { if (isset($segments[$i]) && $segments[$i] == $base_path[$i]) { unset($segments[$i]); } } $this->path = $this->routed_path = implode('/', $segments); }
protected function __construct() { Hayate_Crypto::getInstance(); $this->config = Hayate_Config::load('cookie'); $this->encrypt = isset($this->config->cookie->encrypt) ? (bool) $this->config->cookie->encrypt : false; $this->expire = isset($this->config->cookie->expire) ? $this->config->cookie->expire : 0; $this->path = isset($this->config->cookie->path) ? $this->config->cookie->path : '/'; $this->domain = isset($this->config->cookie->domain) ? $this->config->cookie->domain : Hayate_URI::getInstance()->hostname(); $this->secure = isset($this->config->cookie->secure) ? (bool) $this->config->cookie->secure : false; $this->httponly = isset($this->config->cookie->httponly) ? (bool) $this->config->cookie->httponly : false; }
protected function __construct() { $this->config = Hayate_Config::load('session'); $connName = $this->config->get('session.connection', 'default'); $this->db = Hayate_Database::getInstance($connName); $this->crypto = null; // if we want the session encrypted, and the cookie does not // encrypt then we encrypt here otherwise we let the cookie class encrypt if ($this->config->get('session.encrypt', false)) { $this->crypto = Hayate_Crypto::getInstance(); } }
protected static function write($type, $msg, $print_r) { if (!$print_r && !is_string($msg)) { return self::write($type, $msg, true); } $config = Hayate_Config::load(); $error_level = $config->get('error_level', self::HAYATE_LOG_OFF); if ($type <= $error_level) { $logdir = $config->get('log_directory', APPPATH . 'logs/', true); if (is_dir($logdir) && is_writable($logdir)) { $filename = $logdir . 'log-' . date('d-m-Y') . '.log'; $logfile = new SplFileObject($filename, 'a'); self::header($type, $logfile); if (true === $print_r) { $msg = print_r($msg, true); } $logfile->fwrite($msg); self::footer($logfile); } } }
private function __construct() { self::$hayatePath = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)); $include_path = get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR; $include_path .= self::$hayatePath . PATH_SEPARATOR; set_include_path($include_path); if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, self::REQUIRED_PHP_VERSION) < 0) { require_once 'Hayate/Exception.php'; throw new Hayate_Exception(sprintf(_('Hayate requires PHP >= %s, but %s is installed.'), self::REQUIRED_PHP_VERSION, PHP_VERSION)); } // register error handler set_error_handler('Hayate_Bootstrap::error_handler'); // register shutdown function, capture fatal errors register_shutdown_function('Hayate_Bootstrap::shutdown_function'); // Hayate knows how to autoload its own classes if (false === spl_autoload_functions()) { if (function_exists('__autoload')) { spl_autoload_register('__autoload'); } } spl_autoload_register('Hayate_Bootstrap::autoload'); // register exception handler set_exception_handler(array(Hayate_Dispatcher::getInstance(), 'exceptionDispatch')); // load main config $config = Hayate_Config::load(); // to autoload models class self::$modelsPath = $config->get('models_dir', array()); if (false !== $config->get('display_errors', false)) { ini_set('display_errors', 'On'); } if (false !== $config->get('error_reporting', false)) { error_reporting($config->core->error_reporting); } if ($config->get('timezone', false)) { date_default_timezone_set($config->core->timezone); } if ($config->get('charset', false)) { mb_internal_encoding($config->core->charset); } if ($config->get('locale', false)) { setLocale(LC_ALL, $config->core->locale); } if ($config->get('enable_hooks', false)) { // if present load application hooks $hook = APPPATH . 'hook.php'; if (is_file($hook)) { require_once $hook; } foreach (self::modules() as $module) { $hookpath = MODPATH . $module . '/hook.php'; if (is_file($hookpath)) { require_once $hookpath; } } } // if present load this application bootstrap file $bs = APPPATH . 'bootstrap.php'; if (is_file($bs)) { require_once $bs; } }