<?php // draw the tree by index // default index: -1 show all tree // $file = $_SERVER['argv'][1] ? $_SERVER['argv'][1] : 'test.hdb'; $index = isset($_SERVER['argv'][2]) ? $_SERVER['argv'][2] : 1; if (strrchr($file, '.') == '.xdb') { require "xdb.class.php"; $db = new XTreeDB(); } else { require "hdb.class.php"; $db = new HashTreeDB(); } $db->open($file, "w"); if ($index >= 0) { echo "Before optimize tree data:\n"; echo "-------------------------------------------------\n"; $db->draw($index); } // optimize table $db->optimize($index); if ($index >= 0) { echo "After optimize tree data:\n"; echo "-------------------------------------------------\n"; $db->draw($index); } $db->close();
<?php // draw the tree by index // default index: -1 show all tree // $file = $_SERVER['argv'][1] ? $_SERVER['argv'][1] : 'test.hdb'; if (strrchr($file, '.') == '.xdb') { require "xdb.class.php"; $db = new XTreeDB(); } else { require "hdb.class.php"; $db = new HashTreeDB(); } $db->open($file, "r"); $db->draw(isset($_SERVER['argv'][2]) ? $_SERVER['argv'][2] : -1); $db->close();
set_time_limit(0); ini_set('memory_limit', '128M'); if (!isset($_SERVER['argv'][2])) { echo "Usage: {$_SERVER['argv'][0]} <input file> <output file>\n"; echo " {$_SERVER['argv'][0]} dict.txt dict.hdb\n"; echo " {$_SERVER['argv'][0]} dict.txt dict.xdb\n"; echo " {$_SERVER['argv'][0]} dict.txt dict.cdb\n\n"; exit(0); } // get the paramters $input = $_SERVER['argv'][1]; $output = $_SERVER['argv'][2]; // create the dbm file if (strrchr($output, '.') == '.hdb') { require 'hdb.class.php'; $db = new HashTreeDB(0, 0x3ffd); $ok = $db->Open($output, 'w'); } if (strrchr($output, '.') == '.xdb') { require 'xdb.class.php'; $db = new XTreeDB(0, 0x3ffd); $ok = $db->Open($output, 'w'); } else { require 'dba.class.php'; $db = new DbaHandler(); $ok = $db->Open($output, 'n'); } if (!$ok) { echo "ERROR: cann't setup the database({$output}).\n"; exit(0); }