Пример #1

if (!defined('HABARI_PATH')) {
    die('No direct access');
include 'header.php';

<div class="container dashboardinfo transparent">
		<!--[if lte IE 6]>
$ie6_age = HabariDateTime::difference('now', 'August 27, 2001');
echo _t("Oh, great! You're using IE6! I've finally found someone I can pawn this old betamax player off on!") . '<br />';
echo _t("If you're reading this you're surfing using Internet Explorer 6, a browser that is %d %s old and cannot cope with the demands of the modern internet.", array($ie6_age['y'], _n('year', 'years', $ie6_age['y']))) . '<br />';
echo _t('Consider switching to <a href="http://mozilla.com">Mozilla Firefox</a>, <a href="http://www.apple.com/safari/download/">Safari</a>, <a href="http://www.google.com/chrome">Google Chrome</a>, or a more recent version of <a href="http://www.microsoft.com/windows/Internet-explorer/default.aspx">Internet Explorer</a>.');

if (isset($active_time)) {
    _e('%s has been active for %s', array(Options::get('title'), $active_time->friendly(3, false)));

$content_type_msg = array();
$user = User::identify();
if (!empty($stats['post_count'])) {