  * This is the Widget
  * @param $args
  * @param $instance
 public function widget($args, $instance)
     global $post;
     // Widget options
     $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base);
     // Title
     $this_taxonomy = $instance['taxonomy'];
     // Taxonomy to show
     $hierarchical = !empty($instance['hierarchical']) ? '1' : '0';
     $showcount = !empty($instance['count']) ? '1' : '0';
     $hide_empty = !empty($instance['hide_empty']) ? '1' : '0';
     $depth = !empty($instance['depth']) ? $instance['depth'] : 0;
     $use_skin = !empty($instance['use_skin']) ? 1 : 0;
     $use_skin_options = !empty($instance['extend_skin_options']) ? 1 : 0;
     $skin = isset($instance['skin']) ? $instance['skin'] : '';
     //saved active hash skin
     //skin settings
     $skin_setting = isset($instance['skin_settings']) ? $instance['skin_settings'] : '';
     if ($skin) {
         $skin_setting_file = $this->skin->get_file_skin_setting($skin);
         //current skin setting
         $skin_options = $this->skin->get_file_skin_options();
         //current skin options
         if (file_exists($skin_setting_file)) {
             include $skin_setting_file;
         if (file_exists($skin_options)) {
             include $skin_options;
         if (isset($theme) && isset($theme['options'])) {
             $default_options = $theme['options'];
         if (isset($default_options) && isset($theme_options)) {
             $skin_setting = HW_SKIN::merge_skin_options_values($skin_setting, $default_options, $theme_options);
     //widget feature field: grid_posts
     $grid_posts = HW_AWC::get_widget_feature($this, 'grid_posts');
     $awc_enable_grid_posts = false;
     //disable by default
     if ($grid_posts && HW_AWC::check_widget_feature($this, 'grid_posts')) {
         $awc_enable_grid_posts = $grid_posts->is_active($instance);
         if ($awc_enable_grid_posts) {
             $awc_grid_posts_cols = $grid_posts->get_field_value('awc_grid_posts_cols');
     $show_option_none = !empty($instance['show_option_none']) ? $instance['show_option_none'] : '';
     if (array_key_exists('orderby', $instance)) {
         $orderby = $instance['orderby'];
     } else {
         $orderby = 'count';
     if (array_key_exists('ascdsc', $instance)) {
         $ascdsc = $instance['ascdsc'];
     } else {
         $ascdsc = 'desc';
     if (array_key_exists('exclude', $instance)) {
         $exclude = join(',', (array) $instance['exclude']);
     } else {
         $exclude = '';
     if (array_key_exists('dropdown', $instance)) {
         $dropdown = $instance['dropdown'];
     } else {
         $dropdown = false;
     #child of arg
     if (array_key_exists('childof', $instance)) {
         $childof = $instance['childof'];
     } else {
         $childof = '';
     //get current category/taxonomy
     if (isset($instance['childof_current_term']) && $instance['childof_current_term'] && (is_category() || is_tax())) {
         $obj = get_queried_object();
         //get current page data
         $childof = $obj->term_id;
         //get current term in template
     $show_subcat_by_parent = isset($instance['show_subcat_by_parent']) ? (bool) $instance['show_subcat_by_parent'] : false;
     $categories_by_current_post = isset($instance['categories_by_current_post']) ? (bool) $instance['categories_by_current_post'] : false;
     $args['skin'] = $skin;
     $args['skin_setting'] = $skin_setting;
     $data = array('show_subcat_by_parent' => $show_subcat_by_parent, 'categories_by_current_post' => $categories_by_current_post, 'skin' => $skin, 'skin_setting' => $skin_setting);
     // Output
     $tax = $this_taxonomy;
     if ($dropdown) {
         $taxonomy_object = get_taxonomy($tax);
         $args = array('show_option_all' => false, 'show_option_none' => '', 'orderby' => $orderby, 'order' => $ascdsc, 'show_count' => $showcount, 'hide_empty' => $hide_empty, 'child_of' => $childof, 'exclude' => $exclude, 'echo' => 0, 'hierarchical' => $hierarchical, 'name' => $taxonomy_object->query_var, 'id' => 'hwlct-widget-' . $tax, 'depth' => $depth, 'taxonomy' => $tax, 'hide_if_empty' => (bool) $hide_empty, 'walker' => new hwlctwidget_Taxonomy_Dropdown_Walker(), 'mydata' => $data);
     } else {
         $args = array('show_option_all' => false, 'orderby' => $orderby, 'order' => $ascdsc, 'style' => 'list', 'show_count' => $showcount, 'hide_empty' => $hide_empty, 'use_desc_for_title' => 1, 'child_of' => $childof, 'exclude' => $exclude, 'hierarchical' => $hierarchical, 'title_li' => '', 'show_option_none' => apply_filters('hwlct_show_option_none', $show_option_none), 'number' => null, 'echo' => 0, 'depth' => $depth, 'taxonomy' => $tax, 'mydata' => $data);
         $args['walker'] = new hwlctwidget_Taxonomy_Walker($args);
     $args = apply_filters('hwlct_wp_list_categories_args', $args, $instance);
     //filter args
     if ($use_skin && $this->skin) {
         //load skin
         $skin = $this->skin;
         //$file = $this->skin->get_skin_instance('x')->get_skin_link(empty($instance['skin1'])? 'default':$instance['skin1']);
         $file = $this->skin->get_skin_file(empty($instance['skin']) ? 'default' : $instance['skin']);
         if (file_exists($file)) {
             $terms_data = get_categories($args);
             //get terms data
             foreach ($terms_data as $id => &$term) {
                 //wrap with timber
                 $term = new HW_TimberTerm($term->term_id, $term->taxonomy);
                 $classes = array('item-box');
                 if ($awc_enable_grid_posts && isset($awc_grid_posts_cols) && class_exists('HW_POST')) {
                     $classes = HW_POST::get_item_class($awc_grid_posts_cols, $classes);
                 if (class_exists('HW_POST')) {
                     $term->add_class(HW_POST::item_class($classes, false));
                 //term image custom field
                 /*if(function_exists('get_field')) $image = get_field('image',$term);
                   else $image = '';
                   if(!$image) $image = HW_SKIN::current()->get_skin_url('images/placeholder.png');*/
             //skin template
             $content = $this->skin->render_skin_template(compact('terms_data', 'tax'), false);
             if ($content !== false) {
                 echo $content;
             //init theme setting
             $theme['styles'] = array();
             //declare stylesheets file
             $theme['scripts'] = array();
             //declare js files
             if ($this->skin->allow_skin_file()) {
                 include $file;
             //enqueue stuff from skin
             HW_SKIN::enqueue_skin_assets(array('instance' => $this->skin, 'hash_skin' => $instance['skin'], 'skin_file' => $file, 'skin_settings' => $theme, 'skin_options' => $skin_setting));
     } else {
         echo $before_widget;
         if ($title) {
             echo $before_title . $title . $after_title;
         if ($dropdown) {
             echo '<form action="' . get_bloginfo('url') . '" method="get">';
             echo apply_filters('hwlct_wp_dropdown_categories', wp_dropdown_categories($args), $args, $instance);
             echo '<input type="submit" value="go &raquo;" /></form>';
         } else {
             echo apply_filters('hwlct_wp_list_categories', wp_list_categories($args), $args, $instance);
         echo $after_widget;
     if ($use_skin && !class_exists('HW_SKIN')) {
         echo 'HW_SKIN class không tìm thấy.';
  * load widget template
  * @param array $instance: widget instance (optional)	 
  * @param array $data: array of data need to be extract to current context
 private function load_widget_template(&$instance = array(), $data = array())
     //extract data
     if (isset($this->shared) && is_array($this->shared)) {
     } else {
         if (is_array($data)) {
     //extract variables from array $args that get from 'widget' method
     if (isset($args)) {
     if (!is_array($instance) || !count($instance)) {
         $instance = $this->hw_parse_data();
         $instance = $instance['instance'];
     } else {
     //by hoangweb.com
     if ($this->skin) {
         //load skin
         $file = $this->skin->get_skin_file(empty($instance['skin']) ? 'default' : $instance['skin']);
         if (file_exists($file)) {
              * pagination skin
             $paginav = $this->skin->get_skin_instance('pagination')->get_skin_file(empty($instance['pagination_skin']) ? 'default' : $instance['pagination_skin']);
             //skin settings
             $paginav_skin_setting = isset($instance['skin_setting'])? $instance['skin_setting'] : '';
             $skin_setting_file = $this->skin->get_file_skin_setting(); //current skin setting
             $skin_options = $this->skin->get_file_skin_options();      //current skin options
             if(file_exists($skin_setting_file)) include ($skin_setting_file);
             if(file_exists($skin_options)) include ($skin_options);
             if(isset($theme) && isset($theme['options'])) $default_options = $theme['options'];
             if(isset($default_options) && isset($theme_options)) {
                 $paginav_skin_setting = HW_SKIN::merge_skin_options_values($paginav_skin_setting, $default_options, $theme_options);
              * scrollbar skin
             $scrollbar = $this->skin->get_skin_instance('scrollbar')->get_skin_file(empty($instance['scrollbar_skin']) ? 'default' : $instance['scrollbar_skin']);
             //widget feature: grid_posts
             $grid_posts = HW_AWC::get_widget_feature($this, 'grid_posts');
             $awc_enable_grid_posts = false;
             //disable by default
             if ($grid_posts && HW_AWC::check_widget_feature($this, 'grid_posts')) {
                 $awc_enable_grid_posts = $grid_posts->is_active($instance);
                 if ($awc_enable_grid_posts) {
                     $awc_grid_posts_cols = $grid_posts->get_field_value('awc_grid_posts_cols');
              * init some variables
             $theme = array();
             //declare stylesheets file
             //content wrapper ID
             $hwtpl_wrapper_id = $this->get_holder_id($instance['widget_id']);
             $hwtpl_scrollbar_wrapper_class = '';
             //scrollbar content wrapper css class
             $hwtpl_pagination_class = '';
             //for pagination
              * load pagination component
             if (file_exists($paginav)) {
                 include $paginav;
                 if (!isset($theme['scripts'])) {
                     $theme['scripts'] = array();
                 if (!isset($theme['styles'])) {
                     $theme['styles'] = array();
                 //migrate skin from pagination module
                 if ($instance['use_default_pagenav_skin'] && hw_is_active_module('pagination')) {
                     $theme = HWPageNavi_Core::render_pagination_skin();
                 } elseif (count($theme['styles']) || count($theme['scripts'])) {
                     $this->skin->get_skin_instance('pagination')->enqueue_files_from_skin($theme['styles'], $theme['scripts']);
                     //enqueue stuff from skin
                           'instance' => $this->skin,
                           'hash_skin' => $instance['skin'],
                           'skin_file' => $file,
                           'skin_settings' => $theme,
                           'skin_options' => $skin_setting
                 //parse template tags
                 $hwtpl_pagination_class = isset($theme['pagination_class']) ? $theme['pagination_class'] : '';
                 $this->share_data('pagination', $theme);
             //_print($this->skin->get_active_skin()); //enqueue stuff from skin
              * load scrollbar component
             if (isset($instance['enable_scrollbar']) && $instance['enable_scrollbar'] && file_exists($scrollbar)) {
                 //load skin resource
                 $scrollbar_options_config = $this->skin->get_skin_instance('scrollbar')->get_file_skin_options(empty($instance['scrollbar_skin']) ? 'default' : $instance['scrollbar_skin']);
                 //theme options configuration
                 $scrollbar_theme_setting = $this->skin->get_skin_instance('scrollbar')->get_file_skin_setting();
                 //load theme-setting.php
                 //theme options
                 $scrollbar_theme_options = isset($instance['scrollbar_skin_setting']) ? $instance['scrollbar_skin_setting'] : array();
                 //scrollbar skin options
                 $theme['styles'] = array();
                 //declare stylesheets file
                 $theme['scripts'] = array();
                 //declare js files
                 $theme['options'] = array();
                 if (!empty($scrollbar_options_config) && file_exists($scrollbar_options_config)) {
                     include $scrollbar_options_config;
                     //include define scrollbar theme options
                 if (!empty($scrollbar_theme_setting) && file_exists($scrollbar_theme_setting)) {
                     include $scrollbar_theme_setting;
                     //scrollbar theme setting
                 if (isset($theme_options) && isset($theme)) {
                     $default = isset($theme['options']) ? $theme['options'] : array();
                     $result = HW_SKIN::get_skin_options($scrollbar_theme_options, $default, $theme_options);
                     $scrollbar_theme_options = array_merge($scrollbar_theme_options, $result);
                 //best way but use old way as above do
                 $scrollbar_skin_setting = isset($instance['scrollbar_skin_setting'])? $instance['scrollbar_skin_setting'] : '';
                                    $scrollbarskin_setting_file = $this->skin->get_skin_instance('scrollbar')->get_file_skin_setting(); //current skin setting
                                    $scrollbar_skin_options = $this->skin->get_skin_instance('scrollbar')->get_file_skin_options();      //current skin options
                                    if(file_exists($scrollbarskin_setting_file)) include ($scrollbarskin_setting_file);
                                    if(file_exists($scrollbar_skin_options)) include ($scrollbar_skin_options);
                                    if(isset($theme) && isset($theme['options'])) $scrollbar_default_options = $theme['options'];
                                    if(isset($scrollbar_default_options) && isset($theme_options)) {
                 $scrollbar_skin_setting = HW_SKIN::merge_skin_options_values($scrollbar_skin_setting, $scrollbar_default_options, $theme_options);
                 //parse template tags
                 $hwtpl_scrollbar_wrapper_class = isset($theme['scrollbar_css']) ? $theme['scrollbar_css'] : '';
                 include $scrollbar;
                 /*if(!isset($theme['scripts'])) $theme['scripts'] = array();
                                        if(!isset($theme['styles'])) $theme['styles'] = array();
                                        if(count($theme['styles']) || count($theme['scripts'])) {
                                            $this->skin->get_skin_instance('scrollbar')->enqueue_files_from_skin($theme['styles'], $theme['scripts']);
                 //enqueue stuff from skin
                 HW_SKIN::enqueue_skin_assets(array('instance' => $this->skin->get_skin_instance('scrollbar'), 'hash_skin' => $instance['scrollbar_skin'], 'skin_file' => $scrollbar, 'skin_settings' => $theme, 'skin_options' => $scrollbar_theme_options));
                 $this->init_scrollbar_options($scrollbar_theme_options, $theme);
              * load main skin
             $options_config = $this->skin->get_file_skin_options();
             $skin_setting = $this->skin->get_file_skin_setting();
             if (file_exists($skin_setting)) {
                 include $skin_setting;
             //theme options
             $skin_options = isset($instance['skin_setting']) ? $instance['skin_setting'] : array();
             $skin_options = HW_SKIN::merge_skin_options_values($skin_options, $skin_setting, $options_config);
             if (empty($instance['intermediate_image_sizes']) && !empty($instance['thumb_w']) && !empty($instance['thumb_h'])) {
                 $image_size = array($instance['thumb_w'], $instance['thumb_h']);
             } elseif (!empty($instance['intermediate_image_sizes'])) {
                 $image_size = $instance['intermediate_image_sizes'];
             } else {
                 $image_size = 'thumbnail';
             $theme['styles'] = array();
             //declare stylesheets file
             $theme['scripts'] = array();
             //declare js files
             $theme['options'] = array();
             //refresh theme options
             //widget features
             $wfeatures = $this->init_widget_features(array('theme' => $theme, 'skin_options' => $skin_options, 'instance' => $instance));
             //render skin template power by twig
             $data = array('hwtpl_scrollbar_wrapper_class', 'cat_posts', 'full_image_src', 'fancy_group', 'fancybox_g1', 'arrExlpodeFields', 'image_size', 'wfeatures', 'hwtpl_wrapper_id', 'args', 'instance', 'open_title_link', 'close_title_link');
             $data = compact($data);
             $data['context'] = $this;
             //reference to this object
             $content = $this->skin->render_skin_template($data, false);
             if ($content !== false) {
                 echo $content;
             include $file;
             /*if(!isset($theme['scripts'])) $theme['scripts'] = array();
                                if(!isset($theme['styles'])) $theme['styles'] = array();
                                if(count($theme['styles']) || count($theme['scripts'])) {
                                    $this->skin->enqueue_files_from_skin($theme['styles'], $theme['scripts']); //enqueue stuff from skin
             //enqueue stuff from skin
             HW_SKIN::enqueue_skin_assets(array('instance' => $this->skin, 'hash_skin' => $instance['skin'], 'skin_file' => $file, 'skin_settings' => $theme, 'skin_options' => $skin_options));
             //init scrolling
             //add_action('wp_footer',array(&$this, 'init_content_options'),1000);	//don't use wp hook to setup scroll
             $this->init_content_options(array('theme' => $theme, 'skin_options' => $skin_options, 'instance' => $instance));
     } else {
         echo __('not found class HW_SKIN.');
  * render theme option field
  * @param $aField
 public function renderOptionField($field, $_name, $_id, $values = null, $wrapper = true, $repeat = true)
     if (!isset($field['type'])) {
         $field['type'] = 'text';
     //default set checkbox option
     //valid field type
     if (!in_array($field['type'], self::allow_field_types())) {
     if (!isset($field['name'])) {
         $field['name'] = '';
         //valid field name
         //return ;  //allow type='string'
     /*if(!isset($field['id'])) {  //set field id attr -> never use
           $field['id'] =  $field['name'];
     //filter field setting before render field form
     $field = apply_filters('renderOptionField', $field);
     $tag = '';
     $name = $_name . '[' . $field['name'] . ']';
     //field name
     $id = $_id . '_' . $field['name'];
     //field id
     $title = isset($field['title']) ? $field['title'] : $field['name'];
     $desc = isset($field['description']) ? $field['description'] : '';
     //field value
     if (!empty($values) && isset($values[$field['name']])) {
         $value = esc_attr($values[$field['name']]);
     } else {
         $value = isset($field['value']) ? esc_attr($field['value']) : '';
         //default field value
     $field_atts = array('id' => $id, 'name' => $name, 'value' => $value, 'title' => $title, 'desc' => $desc);
     if ($wrapper) {
         $tag .= '<p style="margin-bottom:14px;">';
     //check field avaiable it'belong to widget feature
     if (isset($field['awc_widget_feature']) && is_object($this->widget_ref) && !HW_AWC::check_widget_feature($this->widget_ref, $field['awc_widget_feature'])) {
         $tag .= '<span>Field (<em>' . $name . '</em>) yêu cầu kích hoạt feature "' . $field['awc_widget_feature'] . '" cho widget này.</span>';
     } else {
         self::build_option_field($field, $field_atts, $tag, array(&$this, 'renderOptionField_callback'));
     if ($wrapper) {
         $tag .= '</p>';
     //repeat the field
     if ($repeat == true && isset($field['repeat'])) {
         //repeat current field
         if (isset($field['repeat']) && is_numeric($field['repeat'])) {
             for ($i = 1; $i < $field['repeat']; $i++) {
                 //- first repeat field
                 $save_id = $field['name'];
                 $field['name'] .= '_' . $i;
                 $field['title'] = $field['name'];
                 //sync for title
                 $tag .= $this->renderOptionField($field, $_name, $_id, $values, false, false);
                 $field['name'] = $save_id;
     return $tag;