public function get_attendees($event_id) { $url = "" . $event_id . "/attendees-" . $event_id . ".txt?sortby=&show=gross,type,status,prefix,last_name,first_name,email,job_title,company,work,work_phone,survey,actions&filterby=all,attending,all,all"; $client = new HTTP_Client(); // log in $ret = $client->post("", array("submitted" => "1", "referrer" => "", "email" => $this->email, "passwd" => $this->password, "remember_me" => "0")); $response = $client->currentResponse(); // var_dump($client->currentResponse()); $dom = new DOMDocument(); @$dom->loadHTML($response['body']); $xp = new DOMXPath($dom); // echo "----------- generated xml ----------------\n"; // echo $dom->saveXML(); $errors = $xp->query("//div[@id='error']"); if ($errors->length) { // an error occurred - most likely $error_text = trim($xp->query("text()", $errors->item(0))->item(0)->nodeValue); throw new PAException(USER_NOT_FOUND, "Error from EventBrite: " . $error_text); } // now fetch the attendee list CSV $ret = $client->get($url); $response = $client->currentResponse(); $mime_type = $response['headers']['content-type']; if ($mime_type != 'text/plain') { throw new PAException(GENERAL_SOME_ERROR, "Invalid MIME type received from EventBrite (expected text/plain, received {$mime_type})"); } return $this->parse_attendee_list($response['body']); }
function http($method = "GET", $url, $argArray = null) { require_once "HTTP/Client.php"; $agent = new HTTP_Client(); if ($method == "POST") { $code = $agent->post($url, $argArray); } else { if ($argArray) { // build query string from $argArray if (strpos("?", $url)) { $query = "&"; } else { $query = "?"; } $url .= $query . http_build_query($argArray); } $code = $agent->get($url); } if (PEAR::isError($code)) { $error = $code->getMessage(); Logger::log(basename(__FILE__) . " {$method} {$url} failed: {$error}"); return false; } else { $responseArray = $agent->currentResponse(); return $responseArray['body']; } }
protected function request($method, $url) { try { $this->http_client->{$method}($url); $response = $this->http_client->currentResponse(); } catch (nc_search_indexer_crawler_exception $e) { // слушателю не понравились заголовки $response = $e->get_response(); } $response["url"] = $url; $response = new nc_search_indexer_crawler_response($response); // if (nc_search::will_log(nc_search::LOG_CRAWLER_REQUEST)) { $len = $response->get_content_length(); nc_search::log(nc_search::LOG_CRAWLER_REQUEST, strtoupper($method) . " {$url}\n" . "Response: {$response->get_code()}\n" . ($response->get_code() < 400 ? "Content-Type: " . $response->get_content_type() . "\n" . "Content-Length: " . (is_null($len) ? "no" : $len) . ", received: " . $response->get_body_length() . " bytes" : '')); // } return $response; }
function testSpamTrapPerformance() { global $base_url; while (@ob_end_clean()) { } $c = new HTTP_Client(); echo "Hitting some pages to test how the system performs when hit by spambots\n"; echo "Spidering content ...\n"; list($dom, $xp) = $this->get_and_parse("{$base_url}/homepage.php"); $content = array(); foreach ($xp->query("//a/@href") as $node) { if (preg_match("|/content.php\\?|", $node->value)) { $content[$node->value] = true; } } $n_retrieved = 0; $total_time = 0.0; foreach ($content as $url => $foo) { echo "Content page to retrieve: {$url}\n"; list(, , $t_taken) = $this->get_and_parse($url); ++$n_retrieved; $total_time += $t_taken; if ($n_retrieved >= 3) { break; } } echo sprintf("avg time per download: %.1f s\n", $total_time / $n_retrieved); echo "Posting spam...\n"; echo "Testing that we can't post comments without being logged in...\n"; foreach ($content as $url => $foo) { echo "Posting anonymous comment to {$url}\n"; if (!preg_match("/cid=(\\d+)/", $url, $m)) { echo "error determining cid from {$url}\n"; continue; } $cid = $m[1]; $c = new HTTP_Client(); $c->setMaxRedirects(0); $ret = $c->post($url, array("addcomment" => "Submit Comment", "name" => "automatic test robot", "email" => "*****@*****.**", "homepage" => "", "cid" => $cid, "ccid" => "")); var_dump($c); $this->assertEquals($c->_responses[0]['code'], 302); break; } echo "Posting personal messages...\n"; }
function can_download($url) { echo "<li>Trying to download <code>{$url}</code> ... "; flush(); $client = new HTTP_Client(); $e = $client->get($url); if (PEAR::isError($e)) { echo "error " . $e->getCode() . " (" . htmlspecialchars($e->getMessage()) . ")<br>"; return FALSE; } $resp = $client->currentResponse(); $code = $resp['code']; if ($code !== 200) { echo "bad status: {$code}</li>"; flush(); return FALSE; } $body = $resp['body']; echo strlen($body) . " bytes</li>"; flush(); return $body; }
/** * Get user information from * * This function uses the given username and password to authenticate * against the website * * @param string Username * @param string Password * @return mixed Error object or boolean */ function fetchData($username, $password) { $this->log('Auth_Container_PEAR::fetchData() called.', AUTH_LOG_DEBUG); $client = new HTTP_Client(); $this->log('Auth_Container_PEAR::fetchData() getting salt.', AUTH_LOG_DEBUG); $code = $client->get(''); if ($code != 200) { return PEAR::raiseError('Bad response to salt request.', $code); } $resp = $client->currentResponse(); $salt = $resp['body']; $this->log('Auth_Container_PEAR::fetchData() calling validate.', AUTH_LOG_DEBUG); $code = $client->post('', array('username' => $username, 'password' => md5($salt . md5($password)))); if ($code != 200) { return PEAR::raiseError('Bad response to validate request.', $code); } $resp = $client->currentResponse(); list($code, $message) = explode(' ', $resp['body'], 1); if ($code != 8) { return PEAR::raiseError($message, $code); } return true; }
public function get_and_parse($url, $c = NULL, $method = "GET", $data = NULL) { if (empty($c)) { $c = new HTTP_Client(); } $t_start = microtime(TRUE); switch ($method) { case "POST": // $c->setDefaultHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); $code = $c->post($url, $data); break; default: $code = $c->get($url); break; } $t_retrieved = microtime(TRUE); $this->assertEquals(200, $code, "Error {$code} retrieving {$url}"); $resp = $c->currentResponse(); list($dom, $xp) = Test::parse_html($resp['body']); $t_finish = microtime(TRUE); echo sprintf("Downloaded %s in %.1f s\n", $url, $t_retrieved - $t_start); return array($dom, $xp, $t_retrieved - $t_start, $c); }
public static function getResponseCode($url) { $client = new HTTP_Client(); $client->setRequestParameter('timeout', $timeout); $client->setDefaultHeader('User-Agent', 'Monazilla/1.00'); if (!empty($_conf['proxy_use'])) { $client->setRequestParameter('proxy_host', $_conf['proxy_host']); $client->setRequestParameter('proxy_port', $_conf['proxy_port']); } return $client->head($url); }
--TEST-- core.get_post default --FILE-- <?php require_once 'HTTP/Client.php'; $http = new HTTP_Client(); $http->get('http://wordpress.test/?json=core.get_post&slug=about-us&dev=1'); $response = $http->currentResponse(); $response = json_decode($response['body']); echo "Response status: {$response->status}\n"; echo "post title: {$response->post->title}\n"; ?> --EXPECT-- Response status: ok post title: Markup: HTML Tags and Formatting
$port = @$parsed['port']; if (empty($port)) { $port = "80"; } $contenttype = @$_REQUEST['contenttype']; if (empty($contenttype)) { $contenttype = "text/xml"; } $data = @$GLOBALS["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"]; // define content type header("Content-type: " . $contenttype); if (empty($data)) { $result = send_request(); } else { // post XML $posting = new HTTP_Client($host, $port, $data); $posting->set_path($path); $result = $posting->send_request(); } // strip leading text from result and output result $len = strlen($result); $pos = strpos($result, "<"); if ($pos > 1) { $result = substr($result, $pos, $len); } //$result = str_replace("xlink:","",$result); echo $result; // define class with functions to open socket and post XML // from by Richard Hundt class HTTP_Client {
} $prefix = $template[0]; $suffix = $template[1]; // Match the recipient address to the address template if (!isset($_ENV["RECIPIENT"])) { error_log("Recipient address not set, unable to get bounce token"); exit(1); } $recipient = $_ENV["RECIPIENT"]; $token_length = strlen($recipient) - strlen($prefix) - strlen($suffix); if ($token_length <= 0 || substr($recipient, 0, strlen($prefix)) != $prefix || substr($recipient, strlen($prefix) + $token_length) != $suffix) { error_log("Recipient address does not match address template: {$recipient}"); exit(1); } $token = substr($recipient, strlen($prefix), $token_length); // Log the bounce to the configured bounce logger if (substr($BOUNCE_LOGGER, 0, strlen("file://")) == "file://") { $fh = fopen(substr($BOUNCE_LOGGER, strlen("file://")), "w+"); if ($fh) { fwrite($fh, "{$token}\n"); fclose($fh); exit(0); } } elseif (substr($BOUNCE_LOGGER, 0, strlen("http://")) == "http://" || substr($BOUNCE_LOGGER, 0, strlen("https://")) == "https://") { /** @ ignore */ $client = new HTTP_Client(); $client->post($BOUNCE_LOGGER, array("token" => $token)); exit(0); } error_log("Error logging bounce token: {$BOUNCE_LOGGER}"); exit(1);
} // Domain control if ($domains) { $found = false; foreach ($domains as $domain) { if (strpos($link, $domain) !== false) { $found = true; } } if (!$found) { error_log("Forbidden redirect: {$link}"); header("Status: 403 Forbidden"); exit(0); } } // Send the redirect header("Location: {$link}"); // Log the link to the configured link logger if (substr($logger, 0, strlen("file://")) == "file://") { $fh = fopen(substr($logger, strlen("file://")), "w+"); if ($fh) { fwrite($fh, "{$token} {$link}\n"); fclose($fh); } } elseif (substr($logger, 0, strlen("http://")) == "http://" || substr($logger, 0, strlen("https://")) == "https://") { $client = new HTTP_Client(); $client->post($logger, array("token" => $token, "link" => $link)); } else { error_log("link detected: {$token} {$link}"); } exit(0);
$cache = new Cache_Lite($options); // del http cache parameter _dc=12334234 $route = preg_replace('/&_dc=(\\d+)$/i', '', substr($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"], 6)); if ($data = $cache->get($route)) { header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate'); header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT'); header('Content-type: application/json'); echo $data; } else { $parsed_url = parse_url($route); if ($parsed_url) { if (array_key_exists("host", $parsed_url)) { $url = $route; } else { $url = '' . $route; } } else { $url = '' . $route; } $hc = new HTTP_Client(); $hc->setMaxRedirects(1); $hc->get($url); $response = $hc->currentResponse(); $headers = $response['headers']; $data = $response['body']; foreach ($headers as $k => $v) { header($k . ': ' . $v); } echo $data; $cache->save($data, $route); }
private function can_download($url, &$res) { $client = new HTTP_Client(); $e = $client->get($url); if (PEAR::isError($e)) { $res = $e->getCode() . '(' . htmlspecialchars($e->getMessage()) . ')'; return FALSE; } $resp = $client->currentResponse(); $code = $resp['code']; if ($code !== 200) { $res = "bad status - {$code}"; return FALSE; } else { $res = '200 OK'; } $body = $resp['body']; return $body; }
//Open stdin by hand $stdin = fopen('php://stdin', 'r'); if (!$stdin) { error_log("Cannot open stdin"); exit(1); } //Get the message source from it $message_source = ''; while (!feof($stdin)) { $message_source .= fread($stdin, 4096); } fclose($stdin); //Sanity check if (empty($message_source)) { error_log('Got empty message, aborting'); exit(1); } //Post to target $client = new HTTP_Client(); $stat = $client->post($POST_TO, array('message_source' => $message_source)); $response = $client->currentResponse(); //If anything at all goes wrong dump debug data and exit with errorcode if ($stat != 200 || $response['code'] != 200 || stristr($response['body'], 'error')) { ob_start(); print_r($response); $response_str = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); error_log("Error posting message to: {$POST_TO} ({$stat}), dumping response data:\n===\n{$response_str}===\n"); exit(1); } exit(0);
public function _request($site, $func_name, $request_method, $data, $auth = FALSE) { $headers = array("User-Agent" => "PeopleAggregator/" . PA_VERSION); global $fortythree_api_key; $data['api_key'] = $fortythree_api_key; if ($auth) { switch ($this->pw_type) { case 'raw': $data['username'] = $this->login; $data['password'] = $this->password; break; case 'wsse': $headers['Authorization'] = 'WSSE profile="UsernameToken"'; $headers['X-WSSE'] = $this->_make_wsse($this->login, $this->password); var_dump($headers); break; default: throw new PAException(0, "Invalid password type {$this->pw_type}"); } } $url = "http://www.{$site}.com/service/{$func_name}"; $c = new HTTP_Client(null, $headers); switch ($request_method) { case 'GET': $ret = $c->get($url, $data); break; case 'POST': $preEncoded = gettype($data) == "string"; $ret = $c->post($url, $data, $preEncoded); break; default: throw new PAException("invalid request method: {$request_method}"); } $r = $c->currentResponse(); echo "did http request to {$url} with data "; var_dump($data); echo ", returned {$ret}.<br>"; $xml = $r["body"]; echo "xml = <pre>" . htmlspecialchars($xml) . "</pre><hr>"; $dom = DomDocument::loadXML($xml); $xp = new DOMXPath($dom); $xp->registerNamespace("dc", ""); $xp->registerNamespace("th", ""); $xp->registerNamespace("pl", ""); $xp->registerNamespace("pe", ""); return array("xml" => $xml, "dom" => $dom, "xpath" => $xp); }
function tgrep_search($query) { global $_conf; $client = new HTTP_Client(); $client->setDefaultHeader('User-Agent', 'p2-tgrep-client'); $code = $client->get($_conf['expack.tgrep_url'] . '?' . $query); if (PEAR::isError($code)) { p2die($code->getMessage()); } elseif ($code != 200) { p2die("HTTP Error - {$code}"); } $response = $client->currentResponse(); $result = unserialize($response['body']); if (!$result) { p2die('Error: 検索結果の展開に失敗しました。'); } return $result; }
function Program() { $param = $this->param . "?id=" . $this->id . "&phoneNumber=" . urlencode($this->phone_number) . "&psw=" . $this->pwd . "&textSms=" . urlencode($this->text_sms) . "&descripcion=" . urlencode($this->descriptionEP) . "&fecha=" . $this->dateEP . "&hora=" . $this->timeEP . "&periodicidadEnvio=" . $this->periodEP; if ($this->from != "") { $param .= "&remite=" . urlencode($this->from); } $url = $this->servletProgram . $param; $httpclient = new HTTP_Client($this->server, $this->port, $timeout = 30); $httpclient->path = $url; $resultado = $httpclient->send_request(); if ($resultado == -1) { $this->smsResult = "KO"; $this->smsDescription = "Error de conexión al servidor SMS"; } else { $simple = $resultado; // Decodifico el resultado $p = xml_parser_create(); $skipWhite = xml_parser_set_option($p, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1); xml_parse_into_struct($p, $simple, $vals, $index); xml_parser_free($p); $auxResult = $index[RESULT][0]; $estadoResult = $vals[$auxResult][value]; $auxDescription = $index[DESCRIPTION][0]; $estadoDescription = $vals[$auxDescription][value]; $auxCredito = $index[CREDIT][0]; $estadoCredito = $vals[$auxCredito][value]; $this->smsResult = $estadoResult; $this->smsDescription = $estadoDescription; $this->smsCredit = $estadoCredito; } return $resultado; }
/** * * auto_post.php * * @package core * @author John.meng <*****@*****.**> * @author цот╤РШ * @author QQ:3440895 * @version CVS: $Id: auto_post.php,v 1.1 2006/10/25 08:55:54 arzen Exp $ */ set_time_limit(0); define('APF_ROOT_DIR', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../..')); require_once APF_ROOT_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'init.php'; require_once 'HTTP/Client.php'; $fields = array('handle' => 'admin', 'passwd' => 'admin', 'category' => '1', 'name' => 'product' . mt_rand(5000, 99999), 'price' => '5.23'); // uploade file $files = array(); $files[] = array('name' => 'photo', 'filename' => 'C:/Documents and Settings/john.meng/My Documents/My Pictures/001004183175_tb.jpg'); $search_action = 'http://localhost/dev/AutoPhpFramework/web/backend.php/product/apf_product/addsubmit'; $headers = array('User-Agent' => 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0)', 'Accept-Language' => 'zh-cn'); $h = new HTTP_Client(NULL, $headers); $code = $h->post($search_action, $fields, false, $files); //false,$files if ($code == 200) { $resp = $h->currentResponse(); $body = $resp['body']; echo $body; } else { echo "fetch the result error."; }
/** * Get user information from * * This function uses the given username and password to authenticate * against the website * * @param string Username * @param string Password * @return mixed Error object or boolean */ function fetchData($username, $password) { $this->log('Auth_Container_PEAR::fetchData() called.', AUTH_LOG_DEBUG); $client = new HTTP_Client(); $this->log('Auth_Container_PEAR::fetchData() getting salt.', AUTH_LOG_DEBUG); $code = $client->get($this->url . '/getsalt'); if ($code instanceof PEAR_Error) { return $code; } if ($code != 200) { return PEAR::raiseError('Bad response to salt request.', $code); } $resp = $client->currentResponse(); $salt = $resp['body']; $this->log('Auth_Container_PEAR::fetchData() calling validate.', AUTH_LOG_DEBUG); $postOptions = array('username' => $username, 'password' => md5($salt . md5($password))); if (is_array($this->karma) && count($this->karma) > 0) { $postOptions['karma'] = implode(',', $this->karma); } $code = $client->post($this->url . '/validate', $postOptions); if ($code instanceof PEAR_Error) { return $code; } if ($code != 200) { return PEAR::raiseError('Bad response to validate request.', $code); } $resp = $client->currentResponse(); list($code, $message) = explode(' ', $resp['body'], 2); if ($code != 8) { return PEAR::raiseError($message, $code); } return true; }
/** * Send the error details to the server via HTTP. * @return void */ public function sendToServer() { $client = new HTTP_Client(); $code = $client->post ($this->m_newReport, array('f_software' => $this->m_software, 'f_version' => $this->m_version, 'f_num' => $this->m_num, 'f_str' => $this->m_str, 'f_line' => $this->m_line, 'f_id' => $this->getId(), 'f_backtrace' => $this->getBacktraceString(), 'f_time' => $this->getTime(), 'f_description' => $this->getDescription(), 'f_email' => $this->getEmail(), '__FORM_TOKEN' => $this->getFormToken($client), )); $response = $client->currentResponse(); $this->__responseHeader = $response['headers']; $this->__responseBody = $response['body']; $this->__responseCode = $code; if ($code != 200) { return false; } elseif (preg_match ("/\baccepted\b/", $this->__responseBody)) { // --- Did we get an "accepted"? return true; } else { return false; } } // fn sendToServer
/** * Download the remote file and save it to disk, create a thumbnail for it, * and create a database entry for the file. * * @param string $p_url * The remote location of the file. ("http://..."); * * @param array $p_attributes * Optional attributes which are stored in the database. * Indexes can be the following: 'Description', 'Photographer', 'Place', 'Date' * * @param int $p_userId * The user ID of the user who uploaded the image. * * @param int $p_id * If you are updating an image, specify its ID here. * * @return mixed * Return an Image object on success, return a PEAR_Error otherwise. */ public static function OnAddRemoteImage($p_url, $p_attributes, $p_userId = null, $p_id = null) { global $Campsite; if (function_exists("camp_load_translation_strings")) { camp_load_translation_strings("api"); } // Check if thumbnail directory is writable. $imageDir = $Campsite['IMAGE_DIRECTORY']; $thumbDir = $Campsite['THUMBNAIL_DIRECTORY']; if (!file_exists($imageDir) || !is_writable($imageDir)) { return new PEAR_Error(camp_get_error_message(CAMP_ERROR_WRITE_DIR, $imageDir), CAMP_ERROR_WRITE_DIR); } if (!file_exists($thumbDir) || !is_writable($thumbDir)) { return new PEAR_Error(camp_get_error_message(CAMP_ERROR_WRITE_DIR, $thumbDir), CAMP_ERROR_WRITE_DIR); } $client = new HTTP_Client(); $client->get($p_url); $response = $client->currentResponse(); if ($response['code'] != 200) { return new PEAR_Error(getGS("Unable to fetch image from remote server.")); } foreach ($response['headers'] as $headerName => $value) { if (strtolower($headerName) == "content-type") { $ContentType = $value; break; } } // Check content type if (!preg_match('/image/', $ContentType)) { // wrong URL return new PEAR_Error(getGS('URL "$1" is invalid or is not an image.', $p_url)); } // Save the file $tmpname = $Campsite['TMP_DIRECTORY'].'img'.md5(rand()); if (is_writable($Campsite['TMP_DIRECTORY'])) { if ($tmphandle = fopen($tmpname, 'w')) { fwrite($tmphandle, $response['body']); fclose($tmphandle); } } else { return new PEAR_Error(camp_get_error_message(CAMP_ERROR_CREATE_FILE, $tmpname), CAMP_ERROR_CREATE_FILE); } // Check if it is really an image file $imageInfo = getimagesize($tmpname); if ($imageInfo === false) { unlink($tmpname); return new PEAR_Error(getGS('URL "$1" is not an image.', $cURL)); } // content-type = image if (!is_null($p_id)) { // Updating the image $image = new Image($p_id); $image->update($p_attributes); // Remove the old image & thumbnail because // the new file might have a different file extension. if (file_exists($image->getImageStorageLocation())) { if (is_writable(dirname($image->getImageStorageLocation()))) { unlink($image->getImageStorageLocation()); } else { return new PEAR_Error(camp_get_error_message(CAMP_ERROR_DELETE_FILE, $image->getImageStorageLocation()), CAMP_ERROR_DELETE_FILE); } } if (file_exists($image->getThumbnailStorageLocation())) { if (is_writable(dirname($image->getThumbnailStorageLocation()))) { unlink($image->getThumbnailStorageLocation()); } else { return new PEAR_Error(camp_get_error_message(CAMP_ERROR_DELETE_FILE, $image->getThumbnailStorageLocation()), CAMP_ERROR_DELETE_FILE); } } } else { // Creating the image $image = new Image(); $image->create($p_attributes); $image->setProperty('TimeCreated', 'NULL', true, true); $image->setProperty('LastModified', 'NULL', true, true); } if (!isset($p_attributes['Date'])) { $image->setProperty('Date', 'NOW()', true, true); } $image->setProperty('Location', 'remote', false); $image->setProperty('URL', $p_url, false); if (isset($imageInfo['mime'])) { $image->setProperty('ContentType', $imageInfo['mime'], false); } // Remember who uploaded the image if (!is_null($p_userId)) { $image->setProperty('UploadedByUser', $p_userId, false); } if ($Campsite['IMAGEMAGICK_INSTALLED']) { // Set thumbnail file name $extension = Image::__ImageTypeToExtension($imageInfo[2]); $thumbnail = $image->generateThumbnailStorageLocation($extension); $image->setProperty('ThumbnailFileName', basename($thumbnail), false); if (!is_writable(dirname($image->getThumbnailStorageLocation()))) { return new PEAR_Error(camp_get_error_message(CAMP_ERROR_CREATE_FILE, $image->getThumbnailStorageLocation()), CAMP_ERROR_CREATE_FILE); } // Create the thumbnail $cmd = $Campsite['THUMBNAIL_COMMAND'].' ' . $tmpname . ' ' . $image->getThumbnailStorageLocation(); system($cmd); if (file_exists($image->getThumbnailStorageLocation())) { chmod($image->getThumbnailStorageLocation(), 0644); } } unlink($tmpname); $image->commit(); $logtext = getGS('The image $1 has been added.', $image->m_data['Description']." (".$image->m_data['Id'].")"); Log::Message($logtext, null, 41); return $image; } // fn OnAddRemoteImage
/** * HTTP_Client::post() のラッパーメソッド * * @param string $uri * @param mixed $data * @param bool $preEncoded * @param array $files * @param array $headers * @return array HTTPレスポンス * @throws P2Exception */ protected function httpPost($uri, $data, $preEncoded = false, $files = array(), $headers = array()) { $code = $this->_httpClient->post($uri, $data, $preEncoded, $files, $headers); P2Exception::pearErrorToP2Exception($code); if ($code != 200) { throw new P2Exception('HTTP ' . $code); } return $this->_httpClient->currentResponse(); }
private function _request($url, $xml) { $headers = array("Accept" => "application/xml", "Content-Type" => "application/xml"); $c = new HTTP_Client(null, $headers); $c->setRequestParameter(array("user" => $this->login, "pass" => $this->password)); $ret = $c->post($url, $xml, TRUE); switch ($ret) { case 200: // ok break; case 401: throw new PAException(USER_INVALID_PASSWORD, "Login incorrect"); case 403: throw new PAException(USER_ACCESS_DENIED, "Access denied"); default: throw new PAException(GENERAL_SOME_ERROR, "BaseCamp API returned HTTP error code {$ret}"); } $r = $c->currentResponse(); // echo "did http request to $url with data "; var_dump($xml); echo ", returned $ret.<br>"; $xmlret = $r["body"]; // echo "xml response: <pre>".htmlspecialchars($xmlret)."</pre>"; return simplexml_load_string($xmlret); }
private function sendPlaxoCmd($argArray = null) { if ($this->debug) { echo '<pre>'; echo print_r($argArray, 1); echo '</pre>'; } $url = PLAXO_SERVICE_URL; $agent = new HTTP_Client(); $code = $agent->post($url, $argArray, true); if (PEAR::isError($code)) { $error = $code->getMessage(); Logger::log(basename(__FILE__) . " {$method} {$url} failed: {$error}"); return false; } else { $responseArray = $agent->currentResponse(); return $responseArray['body']; } }
} // 画像がエラーログにあるか確認 if (!$force && $ini['Getter']['checkerror']) { $errlog = new IC2_DataObject_Errors(); if ($errlog->get($uri)) { ic2_error($errlog->errcode, '', false); } } // }}} // {{{ init http-client // 設定を確認 $conn_timeout = isset($ini['Getter']['conn_timeout']) && $ini['Getter']['conn_timeout'] > 0 ? (double) $ini['Getter']['conn_timeout'] : 60.0; $read_timeout = isset($ini['Getter']['read_timeout']) && $ini['Getter']['read_timeout'] > 0 ? (int) $ini['Getter']['read_timeout'] : 60; $ic2_ua = !empty($_conf['expack.user_agent']) ? $_conf['expack.user_agent'] : $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; // キャッシュされていなければ、取得を試みる $client = new HTTP_Client(); $client->setRequestParameter('timeout', $conn_timeout); $client->setRequestParameter('readTimeout', array($read_timeout, 0)); $client->setMaxRedirects(3); $client->setDefaultHeader('User-Agent', $ic2_ua); if ($force && $time) { $client->setDefaultHeader('If-Modified-Since', http_date($time)); } // プロキシ設定 if ($ini['Proxy']['enabled'] && $ini['Proxy']['host'] && $ini['Proxy']['port']) { $client->setRequestParameter('proxy_host', $ini['Proxy']['host']); $client->setRequestParameter('proxy_port', $ini['Proxy']['port']); if ($ini['Proxy']['user']) { $client->setRequestParameter('proxy_user', $ini['Proxy']['user']); $client->setRequestParameter('proxy_pass', $ini['Proxy']['pass']); $proxy_auth_data = base64_encode($ini['Proxy']['user'] . ':' . $ini['Proxy']['pass']);
function officeautopilot_addContact($info, $tag, $api_key, $api_id) { require_once 'HTTP_Client-1.2.1/Client.php'; $httpc = new HTTP_Client(); $first_name = $info['first_name']; $last_name = $info['last_name']; $email = $info['email']; $tagsXml = '<field name="Contact Tags">*/*' . $tag . '*/*</field>'; $xml = '<contact> <Group_Tag name="Contact Information"> <field name="First Name">' . utf8_encode($first_name) . '</field> <field name="Last Name">' . utf8_encode($last_name) . '</field> <field name="E-Mail">' . $email . '</field> </Group_Tag> <Group_Tag name="Sequences and Tags"> ' . $tagsXml . ' </Group_Tag> </contact>'; $postContact = array('Appid' => $api_id, 'Key' => $api_key, 'reqType' => 'add', 'data' => $xml); try { $httpc->post('', $postContact); $response = $httpc->currentResponse(); return true; } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } return true; }