function testNET_HTTP_HTTPClient() { $robot = new HTTPClient(); // connect to url $res = $robot->Fetch(""); $this->assertTrue($res, "Can't fetch url"); /* end of tests */ }
function testData_XML_RSS_RSSReader() { $http = new HTTPClient(); // rss 2.0 $url = ''; $http->SetTimeouts(30, 15); $xml = $http->Fetch($url); $Reader = new RSSReader(); $Reader->Parse($xml); $data = $Reader->GetData(); $this->assertTrue($data['channel'], "No channel found"); $this->assertTrue($data['item']['pubdate'], "No items found"); }
/** * Get blog entries from myspace account * * @var int friend account number (if not default) */ function GetBlogEntries($accountid) { if (!$accountid) $accountid = $this->AccountID; $blog_page = sprintf(self::BLOG_URL, $accountid); $http = new HTTPClient(); $http->SetTimeouts(60, 30); $http->Fetch($blog_page); if (preg_match("/<title>[^<]*302 Found[^<]*<\/title>/msi", $http->Result)) { $blog_page = sprintf(self::BLOG_URL_SIMPLE, $accountid); $http = new HTTPClient(); $http->SetTimeouts(60, 30); $http->Fetch($blog_page); } $blog_xml = $http->Result; $Reader = new RSSReader(); $Reader->Parse($blog_xml); $data = $Reader->GetData(); if (!$data) return false; $blogs = array(); foreach((array)$data['item']['title'] as $key => $subject) { $timestamp = strtotime($data['item']['pubdate'][$key]); array_push($blogs, array( 'date' => date("Y-m-d", $timestamp), 'subject' => $subject, 'category' => "", 'content' => $data['item']['description'][$key], 'time' => date("H:i", $timestamp), 'comments' => "", 'timestamp' => $timestamp )); } return $blogs; }
/** * Get blog entries from myspace account * * @var int friend account number (if not default) */ function GetBlogEntries($accountid = 0) { if (!$accountid) $accountid = $this->AccountID; $blog_page = sprintf(self::BLOG_ATOM_URL, $accountid); $http = new HTTPClient(); $http->SetTimeouts(60, 30); $http->Fetch($blog_page); $blog_xml = $http->Result; $Reader = new RSSReader(); $Reader->Parse($blog_xml); $data = $Reader->GetData(); if (!$data) return false; $blogs = array(); foreach($data['item']['title'] as $key => $subject) { $timestamp = strtotime($data['item']['published'][$key]); array_push($blogs, array( 'date' => date("Y-m-d", $timestamp), 'subject' => $subject, 'category' => "", 'content' => $data['item']['content'][$key], 'time' => date("H:i", $timestamp), 'comments' => "", 'timestamp' => $timestamp )); } return $blogs; }
private function SendRequest($request) { $HTTPClient = new HTTPClient(); $params = array("APACScommand" => "NewRequest", "Data" => $request); return $HTTPClient->Fetch($this->URL, $params, true); }