function showConfig($row) { jimport('joomla.filter.output'); global $m; JFilterOutput::objectHTMLSafe($row); $folder_check_image = "tick"; // The image magick status $im_status = check_image_magic($row->image_magic_path) ? '<p><img src="images/tick.png" style="vertical-align:middle;"" /> ' . JText::_('E_D_USE_IMAGE_MAGIC_OK') . '</p>' : ' <p><img src="images/publish_x.png" style="vertical-align:middle;"" /> ' . JText::_('E_D_USE_IMAGE_MAGIC_FAIL') . '</p>'; echo ' <script type="text/javascript" src="components/com_joomla_flash_uploader/jfu.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function checkValue(element, min, req) { var val = element.value; if (val == "" && req==1) { alert("' . JText::_('C_W_REQUIRED') . '"); } else if (!isNumeral(val)) { alert("' . JText::_('C_W_NUMBER') . '"); } else if (val < min) { alert("' . JText::_('C_W_SMALL') . ' " + min + "."); } } function checkUploadMaxValue(element) { var val = element.value; var max = ' . getMaximumUploadSize() . '; if (val > max) { alert("' . JText::_('C_W_MAX') . '"); } } </script> <form action="index2.php" method="post" name="adminForm"> <div class="config"> <table class="adminheading"> <tbody> <tr> <th class="config">' . JText::_('E_HEADER') . '</th> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p> <div class="block-menu" > <div id="form1h" class="form-block-menu-sel" onClick="showform(\'form1\')"> ' . JText::_('E_HEADER_1') . ' </div> <div id="form2h" class="form-block-menu" onClick="showform(\'form2\')"> ' . JText::_('E_HEADER_2') . ' </div> <div id="form3h" class="form-block-menu" onClick="showform(\'form3\')"> ' . JText::_('E_HEADER_3') . ' </div> </div> </p> <div id="form1"> <h3 style="text-align:left;">' . JText::_('E_H3_JOM') . '</h3> <table class="adminlist"> <thead> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <th width="20%">' . JText::_('E_H_SETTING') . '</th> <th width="20%">' . JText::_('E_H_VALUE') . '</th> <th width="60%">' . JText::_('E_H_DESCRIPTION') . '</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_ENABLE_SETTING') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('enable_setting', 'class="inputbox"', $row->enable_setting) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_ENABLE_SETTING') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_ID') . '</td> <td>' . $row->id . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_ID') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_GID') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="gid" value="' . $row->gid . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_GID') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_CONFIG_NAME') . '</td> <td><input type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="config_name" value="' . $row->config_name . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_CONFIG_NAME') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION') . '</td> <td><input type="text" class="w250" maxsize="500" name="description" value="' . $row->description . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_TEXT_TITLE') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('text_title_lang', 'class="inputbox"', $row->text_title_lang, JText::_('E_S_USE_FILE'), JText::_('E_S_USE_TEXT')) . '<br /> <input type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="text_title" value="' . $row->text_title . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_TEXT_TITLE') . " " . JText::_('E_D_TEXT') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_TEXT_BEFORE') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('text_top_lang', 'class="inputbox"', $row->text_top_lang, JText::_('E_S_USE_FILE'), JText::_('E_S_USE_TEXT')) . '<br /> <textarea rows="4" name="text_top" id="text_top" class="w250">' . $row->text_top . '</textarea></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_TEXT_BEFORE') . " " . JText::_('E_D_TEXT') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_TEXT_AFTER') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('text_bottom_lang', 'class="inputbox"', $row->text_bottom_lang, JText::_('E_S_USE_FILE'), JText::_('E_S_USE_TEXT')) . '<br /> <textarea rows="4" name="text_bottom" id="text_bottom" class="w250">' . $row->text_bottom . '</textarea></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_TEXT_AFTER') . " " . JText::_('E_D_TEXT') . '</td> </tr> <tr' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_FIXOVERLAY') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('fix_overlay', 'class="inputbox"', $row->fix_overlay) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_FIXOVERLAY') . '</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div id="form2"> <h3 style="text-align:left;">' . JText::_('E_H3_SET') . '</h3> <table class="adminlist"> <thead> <tr> <th width="20%">' . JText::_('E_H_SETTING') . '</th> <th width="20%">' . JText::_('E_H_VALUE') . '</th> <th width="60%">' . JText::_('E_H_DESCRIPTION') . '</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td><strong>' . JText::_('E_S_FOLDER') . '</strong></td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" onKeyUp="javascript:testFolder();" type="text" class="w230" maxsize="100" name="folder" id="folder" value="' . $row->folder . '" /> <img id="foldertestimage" height="16" src="images/' . $folder_check_image . '.png" border="0 "/></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_FOLDER') . '</td> </tr> '; if ($row->id != 1) { echo ' <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_MASTER_PROFILE') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('master_profile', 'class="inputbox"', $row->master_profile) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_MASTER_PROFILE') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_MASTER_PROFILE_MODE') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::mastermodeRadioList('master_profile_mode', 'class="inputbox"', $row->master_profile_mode) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_MASTER_PROFILE_MODE') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_MASTER_PROFILE_LOWERCASE') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('master_profile_lowercase', 'class="inputbox"', $row->master_profile_lowercase) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_MASTER_PROFILE_LOWERCASE') . '</td> </tr> '; } echo ' <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_MAX_FILE_SIZE') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);checkValue(this, 0,0);checkUploadMaxValue(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="maxfilesize" value="' . $row->maxfilesize . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_MAX_FILE_SIZE') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_WIDTH') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);checkValue(this, 100,1);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="display_width" value="' . $row->display_width . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_WIDTH') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_RESIZE') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('resize_show', 'class="inputbox"', $row->resize_show) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_RESIZE') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_RESIZE_VALUES') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="resize_data" value="' . $row->resize_data . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_RESIZE_VALUES') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_RESIZE_LABELS') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="resize_label" value="' . $row->resize_label . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_RESIZE_LABELS') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_RESIZE_DEFAULT') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);checkValue(this, 0,0);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="resize_default" value="' . $row->resize_default . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_RESIZE_DEFAULT') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_ALLOWED_FILE_EXTENSIONS') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="allowed_file_extensions" value="' . $row->allowed_file_extensions . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_ALLOWED_FILE_EXTENSIONS') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_VORBIDDEN_FILE_EXTENSIONS') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="forbidden_file_extensions" value="' . $row->forbidden_file_extensions . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_VORBIDDEN_FILE_EXTENSIONS') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_HIDE_REMOTE_VIEW') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('hide_remote_view', 'class="inputbox"', $row->hide_remote_view) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_HIDE_REMOTE_VIEW') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_SHOW_DELETE') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('show_delete', 'class="inputbox"', $row->show_delete) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_SHOW_DELETE') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_ENABLE_FOLDER_BROWSING') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('enable_folder_browsing', 'class="inputbox"', $row->enable_folder_browsing) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_ENABLE_FOLDER_BROWSING') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_ENABLE_FOLDER_CREATION') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('enable_folder_creation', 'class="inputbox"', $row->enable_folder_creation) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_ENABLE_FOLDER_CREATION') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_ENABLE_FOLDER_DELETION') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('enable_folder_deletion', 'class="inputbox"', $row->enable_folder_deletion) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_ENABLE_FOLDER_DELETION') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_ENABLE_FOLDER_RENAME') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('enable_folder_rename', 'class="inputbox"', $row->enable_folder_rename) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_ENABLE_FOLDER_RENAME') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_ENABLE_FILE_RENAME') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('enable_file_rename', 'class="inputbox"', $row->enable_file_rename) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_ENABLE_FILE_RENAME') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_KEEP_FILE_EXTENSION') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('keep_file_extension', 'class="inputbox"', $row->keep_file_extension) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_KEEP_FILE_EXTENSION') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_SORT_FILES_BY_DATE') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('sort_files_by_date', 'class="inputbox"', $row->sort_files_by_date) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_SORT_FILES_BY_DATE') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_OVERWRITE_FILES') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('overwrite_files', 'class="inputbox"', $row->overwrite_files) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_OVERWRITE_FILES') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_WARNING_SETTING') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::warningRadioList('warning_setting', 'class="inputbox"', $row->warning_setting) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_WARNING_SETTING') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_SHOW_SIZE') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::showSizeRadioList('show_size', 'class="inputbox"', $row->show_size) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_SHOW_SIZE') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_HIDE_DIRECTORY_IN_TITLE') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('hide_directory_in_title', 'class="inputbox"', $row->hide_directory_in_title) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_HIDE_DIRECTORY_IN_TITLE') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_NORMALISE_FILE_NAMES') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('normalise_file_names', 'class="inputbox"', $row->normalise_file_names) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_NORMALISE_FILE_NAMES') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_NORMALISE_DIRECTORY_NAMES') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('normalise_directory_names', 'class="inputbox"', $row->normalise_directory_names) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_NORMALISE_DIRECTORY_NAMES') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_NORMALIZE_SPACES') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('normalize_spaces', 'class="inputbox"', $row->normalize_spaces) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_NORMALIZE_SPACES') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_UPLOAD_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="upload_notification_email" value="' . $row->upload_notification_email . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_UPLOAD_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_UPLOAD_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_FROM') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="upload_notification_email_from" value="' . $row->upload_notification_email_from . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_UPLOAD_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_FROM') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_UPLOAD_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_SUBJECT') . '</td> <td><input type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="upload_notification_email_subject" value="' . $row->upload_notification_email_subject . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_UPLOAD_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_SUBJECT') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_UPLOAD_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_TEXT') . '</td> <td><input type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="upload_notification_email_text" value="' . $row->upload_notification_email_text . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_UPLOAD_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_TEXT') . '</td> </tr> <!-- start new 2.8 --> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_LANGUAGE_DROPDOWN') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="language_dropdown" value="' . $row->language_dropdown . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_LANGUAGE_DROPDOWN') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_USE_IMAGE_MAGIC') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('use_image_magic', 'class="inputbox"', $row->use_image_magic) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_USE_IMAGE_MAGIC') . $im_status . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_IMAGE_MAGIC_PATH') . '</td> <td><input type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="image_magic_path" value="' . $row->image_magic_path . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_IMAGE_MAGIC_PATH') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_EXCLUDE_DIRECTORIES') . '</td> <td><input type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="exclude_directories" value="' . $row->exclude_directories . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_EXCLUDE_DIRECTORIES') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_FIX_UTF8') . '</td> <td><input type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="fix_utf8" value="' . $row->fix_utf8 . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_FIX_UTF8') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_CREATION_DATE') . '</td> <td>' . $row->creation_date . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_CREATION_DATE') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_LAST_MODIFIED_DATE') . '</td> <td>' . $row->last_modified_date . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_LAST_MODIFIED_DATE') . '</td> </tr> </table> </div> '; echo ' <div id="form3"> <h3 style="text-align:left;">' . JText::_('E_H3_REG') . '</h3> '; if (!($m != "" && $m != "s" && $m != "w")) { echo '<div class="redreg">' . JText::_('E_H_NOT_REG') . '</div>'; } echo ' <table class="adminlist"> <thead> <tr> <th width="20%">' . JText::_('E_H_SETTING') . '</th> <th width="20%">' . JText::_('E_H_VALUE') . '</th> <th width="60%">' . JText::_('E_H_DESCRIPTION') . '</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_FLASH_TITLE') . '</td> <td><input type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="flash_title" value="' . $row->flash_title . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_FLASH_TITLE') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_ENABLE_FILE_DOWNLOAD') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::downloadRadioList('enable_file_download', 'class="inputbox"', $row->enable_file_download) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_ENABLE_FILE_DOWNLOAD') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_DIRECT_DOWNLOAD') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('direct_download', 'class="inputbox"', $row->direct_download) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_DIRECT_DOWNLOAD') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_DOWNLOAD_MULTIPLE_FILES_AS_ZIP') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('download_multiple_files_as_zip', 'class="inputbox"', $row->download_multiple_files_as_zip) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_DOWNLOAD_MULTIPLE_FILES_AS_ZIP') . '</td> </tr> <!-- /new 2.7 --> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_DIRECTORY_FILE_LIMIT') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);checkValue(this, 0,0);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="directory_file_limit" value="' . $row->directory_file_limit . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_DIRECTORY_FILE_LIMIT') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_QUEUE_FILE_LIMIT') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);checkValue(this, 0,0);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="queue_file_limit" value="' . $row->queue_file_limit . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_QUEUE_FILE_LIMIT') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_QUEUE_FILE_LIMIT_SIZE') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);checkValue(this, 0,0);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="queue_file_limit_size" value="' . $row->queue_file_limit_size . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_QUEUE_FILE_LIMIT_SIZE') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_PREVIEW_TEXTFILE_EXTENSIONS') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="preview_textfile_extensions" value="' . $row->preview_textfile_extensions . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_PREVIEW_TEXTFILE_EXTENSIONS') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_EDIT_TEXTFILE_EXTENSIONS') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="edit_textfile_extensions" value="' . $row->edit_textfile_extensions . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_EDIT_TEXTFILE_EXTENSIONS') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_ALLOWED_VIEW_FILE_EXTENSIONS') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="allowed_view_file_extensions" value="' . $row->allowed_view_file_extensions . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_ALLOWED_VIEW_FILE_EXTENSIONS') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_FORBIDDEN_VIEW_FILE_EXTENSIONS') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="forbidden_view_file_extensions" value="' . $row->forbidden_view_file_extensions . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_FORBIDDEN_VIEW_FILE_EXTENSIONS') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_SHOW_FULL_URL_FOR_SELECTED_FILE') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('show_full_url_for_selected_file', 'class="inputbox"', $row->show_full_url_for_selected_file) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_SHOW_FULL_URL_FOR_SELECTED_FILE') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_UPLOAD_FINISHED_JS_URL') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="upload_finished_js_url" value="' . $row->upload_finished_js_url . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_UPLOAD_FINISHED_JS_URL') . ' ' . JText::_("E_D_JS_TEXT") . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_PREVIEW_SELECT_JS_URL') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="preview_select_js_url" value="' . $row->preview_select_js_url . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_PREVIEW_SELECT_JS_URL') . ' ' . JText::_("E_D_JS_TEXT") . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_DELETE_JS_URL') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="delete_js_url" value="' . $row->delete_js_url . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_DELETE_JS_URL') . ' ' . JText::_("E_D_JS_TEXT") . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_JS_CHANGE_FOLDER') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="js_change_folder" value="' . $row->js_change_folder . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_JS_CHANGE_FOLDER') . ' ' . JText::_("E_D_JS_TEXT") . '</td> </tr> <!-- new 2.7 --> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_JS_CREATE_FOLDER') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="js_create_folder" value="' . $row->js_create_folder . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_JS_CREATE_FOLDER') . ' ' . JText::_("E_D_JS_TEXT") . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_JS_RENAME_FOLDER') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="js_rename_folder" value="' . $row->js_rename_folder . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_JS_RENAME_FOLDER') . ' ' . JText::_("E_D_JS_TEXT") . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_JS_DELETE_FOLDER') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="js_delete_folder" value="' . $row->js_delete_folder . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_JS_DELETE_FOLDER') . ' ' . JText::_("E_D_JS_TEXT") . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_JS_COPYMOVE') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="js_copymove" value="' . $row->js_copymove . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_JS_COPYMOVE') . ' ' . JText::_("E_D_JS_TEXT") . '</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h3 style="text-align:left;">' . JText::_('E_H3_REG_PROF') . '</h3> <table class="adminlist"> <thead> <tr> <th width="20%">' . JText::_('E_H_SETTING') . '</th> <th width="20%">' . JText::_('E_H_VALUE') . '</th> <th width="60%">' . JText::_('E_H_DESCRIPTION') . '</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_ENABLE_FOLDER_MOVECOPY') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('enable_folder_movecopy', 'class="inputbox"', $row->enable_folder_movecopy) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_ENABLE_FOLDER_MOVECOPY') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_ENABLE_FILE_MOVECOPY') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('enable_file_movecopy', 'class="inputbox"', $row->enable_file_movecopy) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_ENABLE_FILE_MOVECOPY') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_DESCRIPTION_MODE') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('description_mode', 'class="inputbox"', $row->description_mode) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_DESCRIPTION_MODE') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_DESCRIPTION_MODE_SHOW_DEFAULT') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('description_mode_show_default', 'class="inputbox"', $row->description_mode_show_default) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_DESCRIPTION_MODE_SHOW_DEFAULT') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_DESCRIPTION_MODE_MANDATORY') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('description_mode_mandatory', 'class="inputbox"', $row->description_mode_mandatory) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_DESCRIPTION_MODE_MANDATORY') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_DESCRIPTION_MODE_STORE') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::modeRadioList('description_mode_store', 'class="inputbox"', $row->description_mode_store) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_DESCRIPTION_MODE_STORE') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_SWF_TEXT') . '</td> <td><textarea rows="4" name="swf_text" id="swf_text" class="w250">' . $row->swf_text . '</textarea></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_SWF_TEXT') . '</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> '; echo <<<HTML <input type="hidden" name="id" value="{$row->id}" /> <input type="hidden" name="creation_date" value="{$row->creation_date}" /> \t<input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_joomla_flash_uploader" /> \t<input type="hidden" name="task" value="saveConfig" /> </form> <script type="text/javascript"> showform('form1'); testFolder(); </script> HTML; }
function showFlashComponent($id) { $database =& JFactory::getDBO(); $row = new joomla_flash_uploader($database); $row->load($id); if (!$row->resize_show) { // no profile found or no id! HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::wrongId($id); } else { $uploadfolder = $row->folder; $user =& JFactory::getUser(); // we check if we have a master profile! if ($row->master_profile == 'true') { if ($user->id != 0) { if ($row->master_profile_mode == 'id') { $uploadfolder = $uploadfolder . '/' . $user->id; } else { if ($row->master_profile_lowercase == 'true') { $uploadfolder = $uploadfolder . '/' . strtolower($user->username); } else { $uploadfolder = $uploadfolder . '/' . $user->username; } } // we check if the folder exists - if not it is created! if (!file_exists($uploadfolder) && $uploadfolder != "") { mkdir($uploadfolder); // if the copy directory exists we copy everything! $extra_dir = "components/com_joomla_flash_uploader/default"; if (file_exists($extra_dir)) { JFUHelper::dir_copy($extra_dir, $uploadfolder); } } } else { HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::noUser($id); return; } } // we go back to the main folder! path has to be relativ to the tfu upload folder! if ($uploadfolder == "") { $folder = "./../../../.."; } else { $folder = "./../../../../" . $uploadfolder; } JFUHelper::setJFUSession($row, $folder); $_SESSION["TFU_FILE_CHMOD"] = JFUHelper::getVariable($database, 'file_chmod'); $_SESSION["TFU_DIR_CHMOD"] = JFUHelper::getVariable($database, 'dir_chmod'); unset($_SESSION["IS_ADMIN"]); $_SESSION["IS_FRONTEND"] = "TRUE"; if ($user->id != 0) { $_SESSION["TFU_USER"] = $user->username; $_SESSION["TFU_USER_ID"] = $user->id; } else { unset($_SESSION["TFU_USER"]); unset($_SESSION["TFU_USER_ID"]); } // we check if the flash should be included with js oder the object tag $use_js_include = JFUHelper::check_js_include($database); store_temp_session(); JFUHelper::fixSession(); HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::showFlash($row, $uploadfolder, $use_js_include, false); } }
function showConfig($row, $a_user, $p_user, $f_groups, $do_check_image_magic, $showUserPage = false) { jimport('joomla.filter.output'); global $m; JFilterOutput::objectHTMLSafe($row); $folder_check_image = "tick"; // The image magick status $im_check = check_image_magic($row->image_magic_path, $do_check_image_magic == 'true'); $im_status = $im_check == '1' ? '<p><img src="components/com_jfuploader/images/tick.png" style="vertical-align:middle;"" /> ' . JText::_('E_D_USE_IMAGE_MAGIC_OK') . '</p>' : ($im_check == '0' ? ' <p><img src="components/com_jfuploader/images/publish_x.png" style="vertical-align:middle; margin-top:0px;" /> ' . JText::_('E_D_USE_IMAGE_MAGIC_FAIL') . '</p>' : ' <p><img src="images/publish_x.png" style="vertical-align:middle; margin-top:0px;" /> ' . JText::_('E_D_CHECK_IMAGE_MAGIC_DISABLED') . '</p>'); echo ' <script type="text/javascript" src="components/com_jfuploader/js/jfu.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function checkValue(element, min, req) { var val = element.value; if (val == "" && req==1) { alert("' . JText::_('C_W_REQUIRED') . '"); } else if (!isNumeral(val)) { alert("' . JText::_('C_W_NUMBER') . '"); } else if (val < min) { alert("' . JText::_('C_W_SMALL') . ' " + min + "."); } } function checkUploadMaxValue(element) { var val = element.value; var max = ' . getMaximumUploadSize() . '; if (val > max) { alert("' . JText::_('C_W_MAX') . '"); } } </script> <form action="index.php" method="post" name="adminForm" id="adminForm"> <div class="config" > <h2>' . JText::_('E_HEADER_PROFILE') . '</h2> <p> <div class="block-menu" > <div id="form1h" class="form-block-menu-sel" onClick="showform(\'form1\')"> ' . JText::_('E_HEADER_1') . ' </div> <div id="form2h" class="form-block-menu" onClick="showform(\'form2\')"> ' . JText::_('E_HEADER_2') . ' </div> <div id="form3h" class="form-block-menu" onClick="showform(\'form3\')"> ' . JText::_('E_HEADER_3') . ' </div> '; if ($row->id != '1') { echo ' <div id="form4h" class="form-block-menu" onClick="showform(\'form4\')"> ' . JText::_('E_HEADER_4') . ' </div> '; } echo ' </div> </p> <div id="form1"> <br> <table class="adminlist"> <thead> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <th width="20%">' . JText::_('E_H_SETTING') . '</th> <th width="20%">' . JText::_('E_H_VALUE') . '</th> <th width="60%">' . JText::_('E_H_DESCRIPTION') . '</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_ENABLE_SETTING') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('enable_setting', 'class="inputbox"', $row->enable_setting) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_ENABLE_SETTING') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_ID') . '</td> <td>' . $row->id . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_ID') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_GID') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="gid" value="' . $row->gid . '" ' . ($row->id == '1' ? ' readonly="readonly" ' : '') . ' /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_GID') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_CONFIG_NAME') . '</td> <td><input type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="config_name" value="' . $row->config_name . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_CONFIG_NAME') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION') . '</td> <td><input type="text" class="w250" maxsize="500" name="description" value="' . $row->description . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_TEXT_TITLE') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('text_title_lang', 'class="inputbox"', $row->text_title_lang, JText::_('E_S_USE_FILE'), JText::_('E_S_USE_TEXT')) . '<br /> <input type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="text_title" value="' . $row->text_title . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_TEXT_TITLE') . " " . JText::_('E_D_TEXT') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_TEXT_BEFORE') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('text_top_lang', 'class="inputbox"', $row->text_top_lang, JText::_('E_S_USE_FILE'), JText::_('E_S_USE_TEXT')) . '<br /> <textarea rows="4" name="text_top" id="text_top" class="w250">' . $row->text_top . '</textarea></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_TEXT_BEFORE') . " " . JText::_('E_D_TEXT') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_TEXT_AFTER') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('text_bottom_lang', 'class="inputbox"', $row->text_bottom_lang, JText::_('E_S_USE_FILE'), JText::_('E_S_USE_TEXT')) . '<br /> <textarea rows="4" name="text_bottom" id="text_bottom" class="w250">' . $row->text_bottom . '</textarea></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_TEXT_AFTER') . " " . JText::_('E_D_TEXT') . '</td> </tr> <tr' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_FIXOVERLAY') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('fix_overlay', 'class="inputbox"', $row->fix_overlay) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_FIXOVERLAY') . '</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div id="form2"> <br> <table class="adminlist"> <thead> <tr> <th width="20%">' . JText::_('E_H_SETTING') . '</th> <th width="20%">' . JText::_('E_H_VALUE') . '</th> <th width="60%">' . JText::_('E_H_DESCRIPTION') . '</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td><strong>' . JText::_('E_S_FOLDER') . '</strong></td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" onKeyUp="javascript:testFolder();" type="text" class="w230" maxsize="100" name="folder" id="folder" value="' . $row->folder . '" /> <img id="foldertestimage" height="16" src="components/com_jfuploader/images/' . $folder_check_image . '.png" border="0 "/></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_FOLDER') . '</td> </tr> '; if ($row->id != 1) { echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultRadioBox('master_profile', $row->master_profile, ''); echo ' <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_MASTER_PROFILE_MODE') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::mastermodeRadioList('master_profile_mode', 'class="inputbox"', $row->master_profile_mode) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_MASTER_PROFILE_MODE') . '</td> </tr> '; echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultRadioBox('master_profile_lowercase', $row->master_profile_lowercase, ''); } echo ' <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_MAX_FILE_SIZE') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);checkValue(this, 0,0);checkUploadMaxValue(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="maxfilesize" value="' . $row->maxfilesize . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_MAX_FILE_SIZE') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_WIDTH') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);checkValue(this, 100,1);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="display_width" value="' . $row->display_width . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_WIDTH') . '</td> </tr> '; echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultRadioBox('resize_show', $row->resize_show, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultInputBox('resize_data', $row->resize_data, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultInputBox('resize_label', $row->resize_label, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultInputBox('resize_default', $row->resize_default, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultInputBox('compression', $row->compression, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultInputBox('allowed_file_extensions', $row->allowed_file_extensions, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultInputBox('forbidden_file_extensions', $row->forbidden_file_extensions, ''); if (function_exists('fnmatch')) { echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultInputBox('forbidden_view_file_filter', $row->forbidden_view_file_filter, ''); } echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultRadioBox('show_size', $row->show_size, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultInputBox('date_format', $row->date_format, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultRadioBox('show_server_date_instead_size', $row->show_server_date_instead_size, 'class="jfu_indent"'); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultRadioBox('big_server_view', $row->big_server_view, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultRadioBox('switch_sides', $row->switch_sides, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultRadioBox('hide_remote_view', $row->hide_remote_view, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultRadioBox('show_delete', $row->show_delete, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultRadioBox('enable_folder_browsing', $row->enable_folder_browsing, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultRadioBox('enable_folder_creation', $row->enable_folder_creation, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultRadioBox('enable_dir_create_detection', $row->enable_dir_create_detection, 'class="jfu_indent"'); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultRadioBox('ftp_enable', $row->ftp_enable, 'class="jfu_indent"'); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultInputBox('ftp_host', $row->ftp_host, 'class="jfu_indent"'); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultInputBox('ftp_port', $row->ftp_port, 'class="jfu_indent"'); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultInputBox('ftp_user', $row->ftp_user, 'class="jfu_indent"'); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultInputBox('ftp_pass', $row->ftp_pass, 'class="jfu_indent"'); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultInputBox('ftp_root', $row->ftp_root, 'class="jfu_indent"'); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultRadioBox('enable_folder_deletion', $row->enable_folder_deletion, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultRadioBox('enable_folder_rename', $row->enable_folder_rename, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultRadioBox('enable_file_rename', $row->enable_file_rename, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultRadioBox('keep_file_extension', $row->keep_file_extension, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultRadioBox('remove_multiple_php_extension', $row->remove_multiple_php_extension, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultRadioBox('scan_images', $row->scan_images, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultRadioBox('sort_files_by_date', $row->sort_files_by_date, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultRadioBox('sort_directores_by_date', $row->sort_directores_by_date, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultRadioBox('overwrite_files', $row->overwrite_files, ''); echo ' <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_WARNING_SETTING') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::warningRadioList('warning_setting', 'class="inputbox"', $row->warning_setting) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_WARNING_SETTING') . '</td> </tr> '; echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultRadioBox('hide_directory_in_title', $row->hide_directory_in_title, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultRadioBox('truncate_dir_in_title', $row->truncate_dir_in_title, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultRadioBox('normalise_file_names', $row->normalise_file_names, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultRadioBox('normalise_directory_names', $row->normalise_directory_names, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultRadioBox('normalize_spaces', $row->normalize_spaces, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultInputBox('upload_notification_email', $row->upload_notification_email, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultInputBox('upload_notification_email_from', $row->upload_notification_email_from, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultInputBox('upload_notification_email_subject', $row->upload_notification_email_subject, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultInputBox('upload_notification_email_text', $row->upload_notification_email_text, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultRadioBox('upload_notification_use_full_path', $row->upload_notification_use_full_path, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultInputBox('language_dropdown', $row->language_dropdown, ''); $disabled = ''; if ($im_check != '1') { $row->use_image_magic = 'false'; $disabled = ' disabled="disabled" '; echo '<input type="hidden" name="use_image_magic" value="false" />'; } echo ' <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_USE_IMAGE_MAGIC') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('use_image_magic', 'class="inputbox"' . $disabled, $row->use_image_magic) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_USE_IMAGE_MAGIC') . $im_status . '</td> </tr> '; echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultInputBox('image_magic_path', $row->image_magic_path, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultRadioBox('hide_hidden_files', $row->hide_hidden_files, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultInputBox('exclude_directories', $row->exclude_directories, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultInputBox('fix_utf8', $row->fix_utf8, ''); // new 2.13 echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultInputBox('info_text', $row->info_text, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultInputBox('info_textcolor_R', $row->info_textcolor_R, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultInputBox('info_textcolor_G', $row->info_textcolor_G, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultInputBox('info_textcolor_B', $row->info_textcolor_B, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultInputBox('info_font', $row->info_font, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultInputBox('info_fontsize', $row->info_fontsize, ''); echo ' <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_CREATION_DATE') . '</td> <td>' . $row->creation_date . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_CREATION_DATE') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_LAST_MODIFIED_DATE') . '</td> <td>' . $row->last_modified_date . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_LAST_MODIFIED_DATE') . '</td> </tr> </table> </div> '; echo ' <div id="form3"> '; if (!($m != "" && $m != "s" && $m != "w")) { echo '<p><div class="redreg">' . JText::_('E_H_NOT_REG') . '</div></p>'; } else { echo '<br>'; } echo ' <table class="adminlist"> <thead> <tr> <th width="20%">' . JText::_('E_H_SETTING') . '</th> <th width="20%">' . JText::_('E_H_VALUE') . '</th> <th width="60%">' . JText::_('E_H_DESCRIPTION') . '</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody>'; echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultInputBox('flash_title', $row->flash_title, ''); echo ' <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_ENABLE_FILE_DOWNLOAD') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::downloadRadioList('enable_file_download', 'class="inputbox"', $row->enable_file_download) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_ENABLE_FILE_DOWNLOAD') . '</td> </tr> '; echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultRadioBox('direct_download', $row->direct_download, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultRadioBox('download_multiple_files_as_zip', $row->download_multiple_files_as_zip, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultInputBox('zip_folder', $row->zip_folder, 'class="jfu_indent"'); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultInputBox('zip_file_pattern', $row->zip_file_pattern, 'class="jfu_indent"'); echo ' <!-- /new 2.7 --> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_DIRECTORY_FILE_LIMIT') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);checkValue(this, 0,0);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="directory_file_limit" value="' . $row->directory_file_limit . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_DIRECTORY_FILE_LIMIT') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_DIRECTORY_FILE_LIMIT_SIZE') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);checkValue(this, -1,0);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="directory_file_limit_size" value="' . $row->directory_file_limit_size . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_DIRECTORY_FILE_LIMIT_SIZE') . '</td> </tr>'; echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultRadioBox('directory_file_limit_size_system', $row->directory_file_limit_size_system, 'class="jfu_indent"'); echo ' <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_QUEUE_FILE_LIMIT') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);checkValue(this, 0,0);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="queue_file_limit" value="' . $row->queue_file_limit . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_QUEUE_FILE_LIMIT') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_QUEUE_FILE_LIMIT_SIZE') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);checkValue(this, 0,0);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="queue_file_limit_size" value="' . $row->queue_file_limit_size . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_QUEUE_FILE_LIMIT_SIZE') . '</td> </tr> '; echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultInputBox('preview_textfile_extensions', $row->preview_textfile_extensions, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultInputBox('edit_textfile_extensions', $row->edit_textfile_extensions, ''); // # 2.14 echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultRadioBox('enable_file_creation', $row->enable_file_creation, ''); echo '<tr> <td class="key jfu_indent">' . JText::_('E_S_ENABLE_FILE_CREATION_EXTENSIONS') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::showFileCreateSelectBox('enable_file_creation_extensions', 'class="inputbox"', $row->enable_file_creation_extensions) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_ENABLE_FILE_CREATION_EXTENSIONS') . '</td> </tr>'; // end 2.14 echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultInputBox('allowed_view_file_extensions', $row->allowed_view_file_extensions, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultInputBox('forbidden_view_file_extensions', $row->forbidden_view_file_extensions, ''); echo HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getDefaultRadioBox('show_full_url_for_selected_file', $row->show_full_url_for_selected_file, ''); echo ' <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_UPLOAD_FINISHED_JS_URL') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="upload_finished_js_url" value="' . $row->upload_finished_js_url . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_UPLOAD_FINISHED_JS_URL') . ' ' . JText::_("E_D_JS_TEXT") . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_PREVIEW_SELECT_JS_URL') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="preview_select_js_url" value="' . $row->preview_select_js_url . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_PREVIEW_SELECT_JS_URL') . ' ' . JText::_("E_D_JS_TEXT") . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_DELETE_JS_URL') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="delete_js_url" value="' . $row->delete_js_url . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_DELETE_JS_URL') . ' ' . JText::_("E_D_JS_TEXT") . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_JS_CHANGE_FOLDER') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="js_change_folder" value="' . $row->js_change_folder . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_JS_CHANGE_FOLDER') . ' ' . JText::_("E_D_JS_TEXT") . '</td> </tr> <!-- new 2.7 --> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_JS_CREATE_FOLDER') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="js_create_folder" value="' . $row->js_create_folder . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_JS_CREATE_FOLDER') . ' ' . JText::_("E_D_JS_TEXT") . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_JS_RENAME_FOLDER') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="js_rename_folder" value="' . $row->js_rename_folder . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_JS_RENAME_FOLDER') . ' ' . JText::_("E_D_JS_TEXT") . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_JS_DELETE_FOLDER') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="js_delete_folder" value="' . $row->js_delete_folder . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_JS_DELETE_FOLDER') . ' ' . JText::_("E_D_JS_TEXT") . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_JS_COPYMOVE') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="js_copymove" value="' . $row->js_copymove . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_JS_COPYMOVE') . ' ' . JText::_("E_D_JS_TEXT") . '</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h3 style="text-align:left;">' . JText::_('E_H3_REG_PROF') . '</h3> <table class="adminlist"> <thead> <tr> <th width="20%">' . JText::_('E_H_SETTING') . '</th> <th width="20%">' . JText::_('E_H_VALUE') . '</th> <th width="60%">' . JText::_('E_H_DESCRIPTION') . '</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_BIG_PROGRESSBAR') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('big_progressbar', 'class="inputbox"', $row->big_progressbar) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_BIG_PROGRESSBAR') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_IMG_PROGRESSBAR') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="img_progressbar" value="' . $row->img_progressbar . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_IMG_PROGRESSBAR') . ' ' . JText::_('E_D_PROGRESSBAR_ADD') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_IMG_PROGRESSBAR_BACK') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="img_progressbar_back" value="' . $row->img_progressbar_back . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_IMG_PROGRESSBAR_BACK') . ' ' . JText::_('E_D_PROGRESSBAR_ADD') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_IMG_PROGRESSBAR_ANIM') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="img_progressbar_anim" value="' . $row->img_progressbar_anim . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_IMG_PROGRESSBAR_ANIM') . ' ' . JText::_('E_D_PROGRESSBAR_ADD') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_ENABLE_FOLDER_MOVECOPY') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('enable_folder_movecopy', 'class="inputbox"', $row->enable_folder_movecopy) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_ENABLE_FOLDER_MOVECOPY') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_ENABLE_FILE_MOVECOPY') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('enable_file_movecopy', 'class="inputbox"', $row->enable_file_movecopy) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_ENABLE_FILE_MOVECOPY') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_DESCRIPTION_MODE') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('description_mode', 'class="inputbox"', $row->description_mode) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_DESCRIPTION_MODE') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_DESCRIPTION_MODE_SHOW_DEFAULT') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('description_mode_show_default', 'class="inputbox"', $row->description_mode_show_default) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_DESCRIPTION_MODE_SHOW_DEFAULT') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_DESCRIPTION_MODE_MANDATORY') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::truefalseRadioList('description_mode_mandatory', 'class="inputbox"', $row->description_mode_mandatory) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_DESCRIPTION_MODE_MANDATORY') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_DESCRIPTION_MODE_STORE') . '</td> <td>' . tfuHTML::modeRadioList('description_mode_store', 'class="inputbox"', $row->description_mode_store) . '</td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_DESCRIPTION_MODE_STORE') . '</td> </tr> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_FORM_FIELDS') . '</td> <td><input onBlur="javascript:removeSpaces(this);" type="text" class="w250" maxsize="100" name="form_fields" value="' . $row->form_fields . '" /></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_FORM_FIELDS') . '</td> </tr> <tr ' . HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::getRowClass() . '> <td>' . JText::_('E_S_SWF_TEXT') . '</td> <td><textarea rows="4" name="swf_text" id="swf_text" class="w250">' . $row->swf_text . '</textarea></td> <td>' . JText::_('E_D_SWF_TEXT') . '</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> '; if ($row->id != '1') { echo ' <script type="text/javascript" src="components/com_jfuploader/js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="components/com_jfuploader/js/jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.min.js"></script> <script> $jfu = jQuery.noConflict(); </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="components/com_jfuploader/js/dragdrop_jfu.js"></script> <div id="form4">'; if ($row->gid == '') { echo ' <dl id="system-message"> <dt class="message">Message</dt> <dd class="message message fade"> <ul> <li>' . JText::_('E_USER_WARN') . '</li> </ul> </dd> </dl> '; } else { echo ' <br><p style="text-align:left;">' . JText::_('E_USER_MAIN') . '</p>'; echo ' <p>' . JText::_('E_USER_HELP') . '</p><p> ' . JText::_('U_FILTER') . ' <input id="filter" onkeyup="doFilterList(this, \'list_1\');doFilterList(this, \'list_2\');" /> <a onclick="blur(); return resetListFilter();" href="#"><img src="components/com_jfuploader/images/cancel.png" style="margin:-3px;" height=14 border="0" /></a></p> <fieldset class="batch" style="float:left;margin-top:0px;"> <legend>Add users to this profile</legend> <div class="panel"> <h3>' . JText::_('E_USER_AV_USER') . '</h3> <p>' . JText::_('E_USER_SELECT') . ': <a href="#" onclick=\'return $"list_1");\'>' . JText::_('E_USER_ALL') . '</a> <a href="#" onclick=\'return $"list_1");\'>' . JText::_('E_USER_NONE') . '</a> <a href="#" onclick=\'return $"list_1");\'>' . JText::_('E_USER_INVERT') . '</a> </p> <ul id="list_1"><li class="invisible"></li>' . $a_user . ' </ul> </div> <div class="panel"> <h3>' . JText::_('E_USER_AS_USER') . '</h3> <p>' . JText::_('E_USER_SELECT') . ': <a href="#" onclick=\'return $"list_2");\'>' . JText::_('E_USER_ALL') . '</a> <a href="#" onclick=\'return $"list_2");\'>' . JText::_('E_USER_NONE') . '</a> <a href="#" onclick=\'return $"list_2");\'>' . JText::_('E_USER_INVERT') . '</a> </p> <ul id="list_2"><li class="invisible"></li>' . $p_user . ' </ul> </div>'; echo ' </fieldset> '; echo ' <fieldset class="batch" style="margin-top:0px;margin-left:20px;float:left;"> <legend>Add user groups to this profile</legend> <ul class="checklist usergroups "> '; foreach ($f_groups as $group) { $selected = $group->jselected == "true" ? " checked=checked " : ""; echo ' <li> <input name="jgroupfront[]" value="' . $group->value . '" id="jgroupfront_' . $group->value . '" ' . $selected . ' type="checkbox"> <label for="jgroupfront_' . $group->value . '">'; for ($i = 0; $i < $group->level; $i++) { echo '<span class="gi">|—</span>'; } echo $group->text . '</label> </li> '; } echo '</ul>'; if (count($f_groups) == 0) { echo '<div class="message fade">' . JText::_('U_USER_GROUP_ALL_ASSIGNED_IN_A_GROUP') . '</div>'; } else { echo '<div class="" style="clear:both;padding-top:10px;"><p>' . JText::_('U_AVAILABLE_LIST_GROUP') . '</p></div>'; } echo ' </fieldset></div> '; } echo ' </div> '; echo <<<HTML <input type="hidden" name="list_2_sent" id="list_2_sent" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="list_2_changed" id="list_2_changed" value="no" /> HTML; } echo <<<HTML <input type="hidden" name="id" value="{$row->id}" /> <input type="hidden" name="creation_date" value="{$row->creation_date}" /> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_jfuploader" /> <input type="hidden" name="task" value="saveConfig" /> </form> HTML; echo '<script type="text/javascript">'; if ($showUserPage) { echo 'showform("form4");'; } else { echo 'showform("form1");'; } echo ' testFolder(); </script> '; }
function showFlashPlugin($id, $twgpath) { global $prefix_path; $database = JFactory::getDBO(); $row = new joomla_flash_uploader($database); $row->load($id); if (!$row->resize_show) { // no profile found or no id! return HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::wrongId($id, true); } else { $uploadfolder = $row->folder; $uploadfolder_base = $uploadfolder; $user = JFactory::getUser(); // we check if we have a master profile! if ($row->master_profile == 'true') { if ($user->id != 0 || $row->master_profile_mode == 'ip') { if ($row->master_profile_mode == 'id') { $_SESSION["s_user"] = $user->id; $uploadfolder = $uploadfolder . '/' . $user->id; } else if ($row->master_profile_mode == 'ip') { $uploadfolder = $uploadfolder . '/' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } else if ($row->master_profile_mode == 'group') { $group = JFUHelper::getHighestGroupName($database, $user->groups); if ($row->master_profile_lowercase == 'true') { $normalizeSpaces=true; $group = normalizeFileNames($group); } $uploadfolder = $uploadfolder . '/' . $group; } else { if ($row->master_profile_mode == 'login') { $uname = $user->username; } else { $uname = $user->name; } $_SESSION["s_user"] = $uname; if ($row->master_profile_lowercase == 'true') { $normalizeSpaces=true; $uname = normalizeFileNames($uname); } $uploadfolder = $uploadfolder . '/' . $uname; } // we check if the folder exists - if not it is created! if (!file_exists($uploadfolder) && $uploadfolder != "") { $dir_chmod = JFUHelper::getVariable($database, 'dir_chmod'); $ftp_enable = $row->ftp_enable; if (isset($ftp_enable) && $ftp_enable == 'true') { $ftp_host = $row->ftp_host; $ftp_port = $row->ftp_port; $ftp_user = $row->ftp_user; $ftp_pass = $row->ftp_pass; $ftp_root = $row->ftp_root; $ftp_createdir = $uploadfolder; $conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_host, $ftp_port); $login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $ftp_user, $ftp_pass); ftp_chdir($conn_id, $ftp_root); $result = ftp_mkdir ($conn_id , $ftp_createdir); if ($result && $dir_chmod != 0) { @ftp_chmod($conn_id, $dir_chmod, $ftp_createdir); } ftp_close($conn_id); } else { $result = mkdir($uploadfolder); if ($result && $dir_chmod != 0) { @chmod($uploadfolder, $dir_chmod); } } // if the copy directory exists we copy everything! $extra_dir = "components/com_jfuploader/default"; if (file_exists($extra_dir)) { JFUHelper::dir_copy($extra_dir, $uploadfolder); } } } else { return HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::noUser($id,true); } } if (file_exists("components/com_jfuploader/tfu/tfu_helper.php")) { $prefix_path = ''; $prefix_dir_path = ''; } else { $prefix_path = 'administrator/'; $prefix_dir_path = '../'; } // we go back to the main folder! if ($uploadfolder == "") { $folder = './'.$prefix_dir_path.'../../..'; } else { $folder = './'.$prefix_dir_path.'../../../' . $uploadfolder; } JFUHelper::setJFUSession($row, $folder, $database); unset($_SESSION["IS_ADMIN"]); $_SESSION["IS_FRONTEND"] = "TRUE"; if ($user->id != 0) { $_SESSION["TFU_USER"] = $user->username; $_SESSION["TFU_USER_ID"] = $user->id; $_SESSION["TFU_USER_NAME"] = $user->name; $_SESSION["TFU_USER_EMAIL"] = $user->email; JFUHelper::setContactDetailsToSession($user->id); } else { unset($_SESSION['TFU_USER']); unset($_SESSION['TFU_USER_ID']); unset($_SESSION['TFU_USER_NAME']); unset($_SESSION['TFU_USER_EMAIL']); unset($_SESSION['TFU_USER_CONTACT']); } // we check if the flash should be included with js oder the object tag $use_js_include = JFUHelper::check_js_include($database); $jfu_config['idn_url']= JFUHelper::getVariable($database, 'idn_url'); store_temp_session(); JFUHelper::fixSession(); $thumbnailflash = ''; if ($twgpath != '') { $thumbnailflash = $this->getFlashContent($twgpath, $uploadfolder,$use_js_include); } return HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::showFlash( $row, $uploadfolder, $use_js_include, $jfu_config, true ) . $thumbnailflash; } }
function showFlashComponent($id, $user, $editor_plugin, $block_type, $jfu_params) { global $prefix_dir_path, $prefix_path; $database =& JFactory::getDBO(); $row = new joomla_flash_uploader($database); $row->load($id); if (!$row->resize_show) { // no profile found or no id! HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::wrongId($id); } else { $uploadfolder = $row->folder; $uploadfolder_base = $uploadfolder; // we check if we have a master profile! if ($row->master_profile == 'true') { if ($user->id != 0 || $row->master_profile_mode == 'ip') { if ($row->master_profile_mode == 'id') { $_SESSION["s_user"] = $user->id; $uploadfolder = $uploadfolder . '/' . $user->id; } else { if ($row->master_profile_mode == 'ip') { $uploadfolder = $uploadfolder . '/' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } else { if ($row->master_profile_mode == 'group') { $group = JFUHelper::getHighestGroupName($database, $user->groups); if ($row->master_profile_lowercase == 'true') { $normalizeSpaces = true; $group = normalizeFileNames($group); } $uploadfolder = $uploadfolder . '/' . $group; } else { if ($row->master_profile_mode == 'login') { $uname = $user->username; } else { $uname = $user->name; } $_SESSION["s_user"] = $uname; if ($row->master_profile_lowercase == 'true') { $normalizeSpaces = true; $uname = normalizeFileNames($uname); } $uploadfolder = $uploadfolder . '/' . $uname; } } } // we check if the folder exists - if not it is created! if (!file_exists($uploadfolder) && $uploadfolder != "") { $dir_chmod = JFUHelper::getVariable($database, 'dir_chmod'); $ftp_enable = $row->ftp_enable; if (isset($ftp_enable) && $ftp_enable == 'true') { $ftp_host = $row->ftp_host; $ftp_port = $row->ftp_port; $ftp_user = $row->ftp_user; $ftp_pass = $row->ftp_pass; $ftp_root = $row->ftp_root; $ftp_createdir = $uploadfolder; $conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_host, $ftp_port); $login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $ftp_user, $ftp_pass); ftp_chdir($conn_id, $ftp_root); $result = ftp_mkdir($conn_id, $ftp_createdir); if ($result && $dir_chmod != 0) { @ftp_chmod($conn_id, $dir_chmod, $ftp_createdir); } ftp_close($conn_id); } else { $result = mkdir($uploadfolder); if ($result && $dir_chmod != 0) { @chmod($uploadfolder, $dir_chmod); } } // if the copy directory exists we copy everything! $extra_dir = "components/com_jfuploader/default"; if (file_exists($extra_dir)) { JFUHelper::dir_copy($extra_dir, $uploadfolder); } } } else { HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::noUser($id); return; } } // we go back to the main folder! path has to be relativ to the tfu upload folder! if ($uploadfolder == "") { $folder = './' . $prefix_dir_path . '../../..'; } else { $folder = './' . $prefix_dir_path . '../../../' . $uploadfolder; } JFUHelper::setJFUSession($row, $folder, $database); unset($_SESSION["IS_ADMIN"]); $_SESSION["IS_FRONTEND"] = "TRUE"; if ($user->id != 0) { $_SESSION["TFU_USER"] = $user->name; $_SESSION["TFU_USER_ID"] = $user->id; $_SESSION["TFU_USER_NAME"] = $user->username; $_SESSION["TFU_USER_EMAIL"] = $user->email; JFUHelper::setContactDetailsToSession($user->id); } else { unset($_SESSION['TFU_USER']); unset($_SESSION['TFU_USER_ID']); unset($_SESSION['TFU_USER_NAME']); unset($_SESSION['TFU_USER_EMAIL']); unset($_SESSION['TFU_USER_CONTACT']); } // we check if the flash should be included with js oder the object tag $use_js_include = JFUHelper::check_js_include($database); $jfu_config['idn_url'] = JFUHelper::getVariable($database, 'idn_url'); if (!$editor_plugin) { JFUHelper::fixSession(); store_temp_session(); HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::showFlash($row, $uploadfolder, $use_js_include, $jfu_config, false); } else { $_SESSION['TFU']['IS_JFU_PLUGIN'] = true; JFUHelper::fixSession(); store_temp_session(); // I have to set the javascript setting to update the data! $flash = HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::showFlash($row, $uploadfolder, $use_js_include, $jfu_config, true); echo ' <style type="text/css"> body.contentpane { background-color:#ffffff; margin-top:15px; margin-left:15px; margin-bottom:0px; overflow-y: hidden; overflow-x: hidden; line-height: 1.4;} #main { padding: 0px;} </style>'; echo $flash; $base_path = JURI::base(); HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::showImageSelector($base_path, $block_type, $jfu_params); } } }
function showPlugins() { $database = JFactory::getDBO(); $my = JFactory::getUser(); if (checkAccess($database, 'core.admin')) { $plugins = array(); $show_hint = false; foreach (glob(dirname(__FILE__) . '/tfu/*_plugin.php') as $filename) { $name = 'Not set'; $description = 'Not set'; $version_plugin = 'Not set'; $version_tfu = 'Not set'; $content = file_get_contents($filename); $hits = preg_match('/(Name:)([^\\n]*)(\\n)/i', $content, $treffer); if ($hits != 0) { $name = trim($treffer[2]); } $hits = preg_match('/(Description:)([^\\n]*)(\\n)/i', $content, $treffer); if ($hits != 0) { $description = trim($treffer[2]); } $hits = preg_match('/(Version Plugin:)([^\\n]*)(\\n)/i', $content, $treffer); if ($hits != 0) { $version_plugin = trim($treffer[2]); } $hits = preg_match('/(Needed flash version:)([^\\n]*)(\\n)/i', $content, $treffer); if ($hits != 0) { $version_tfu = trim($treffer[2]); if (version_compare($version_tfu, JFUHelper::getVariable($database, 'version')) == 1) { $version_tfu = 'style="color: #ff0000;"'; $show_hint = true; } else { $version_tfu = ''; } } $plugins[] = array(basename($filename), htmlentities($name), htmlentities($description), $version_plugin, $version_tfu); } $available = array("a_plugin", "move_plugin"); HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::showPlugins($plugins, $show_hint); } else { HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::errorRights(); } }
function chmod_tfu($mode) { global $mainframe; $database =& JFactory::getDBO(); $my =& JFactory::getUser(); if (checkAccess($database, $my->usertype, 'backend_access_config')) { chmod(dirname(__FILE__) . "/tfu/tfu_config.php", $mode); chmod(dirname(__FILE__) . "/tfu/tfu_login.php", $mode); chmod(dirname(__FILE__) . "/tfu/tfu_file.php", $mode); chmod(dirname(__FILE__) . "/tfu/tfu_upload.php", $mode); cleanMessageQueue(); $mainframe->redirect("index2.php?option=com_joomla_flash_uploader&act=help", JText::_('H_L_CHMOD_MES')); } else { HTML_joomla_flash_uploader::errorRights(); } }