Пример #1
function show_submits()
    $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
    $user = JFactory::getUser();
    $db = JFactory::getDBO();
    $where = array();
    $own_manage = false;
    if (!$user->authorise('core.manage.submits', 'com_formmaker')) {
        if ($user->authorise('core.manage.submits.own', 'com_formmaker')) {
            $own_manage = true;
        } else {
            $mainframe->redirect("index.php?option=com_formmaker", JText::_('JACCESS_NOT_PERMITTED'), 'error');
    if ($own_manage) {
        $query = "SELECT id, title FROM #__formmaker WHERE created_by = '" . $user->id . "' order by title";
    } else {
        $query = "SELECT id, title FROM #__formmaker order by title";
    $forms = $db->loadObjectList();
    if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
        echo $db->stderr();
        return false;
    $option = 'com_formmaker';
    $task = JRequest::getCmd('task');
    $form_id = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest($option . 'form_id', 'form_id', 'id', 'cmd');
    if ($form_id) {
        if ($own_manage) {
            $query = "SELECT id FROM #__formmaker where created_by = '" . $user->id . "' AND id=" . $db->escape((int) $form_id);
        } else {
            $query = "SELECT id FROM #__formmaker where id=" . $db->escape((int) $form_id);
        $exists = $db->LoadResult();
        if (!$exists) {
            $form_id = 0;
    $filter_order = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest($option . 'filter_order2', 'filter_order2', 'id', 'cmd');
    $filter_order_Dir = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest($option . 'filter_order_Dir2', 'filter_order_Dir2', '', 'word');
    $id_search = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest($option . 'id_search', 'id_search', '', 'string');
    $id_search = JString::strtolower($id_search);
    $ip_search = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest($option . 'ip_search', 'ip_search', '', 'string');
    $ip_search = JString::strtolower($ip_search);
    $username_search = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest($option . 'username_search', 'username_search', '', 'string');
    $username_search = JString::strtolower($username_search);
    $useremail_search = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest($option . 'useremail_search', 'useremail_search', '', 'string');
    $useremail_search = JString::strtolower($useremail_search);
    $limit = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest('global.list.limit', 'limit', $mainframe->getCfg('list_limit'), 'int');
    $limitstart = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest($option . '.limitstart', 'limitstart', 0, 'int');
    $lists['startdate'] = JRequest::getVar('startdate', "");
    $lists['enddate'] = JRequest::getVar('enddate', "");
    $lists['hide_label_list'] = JRequest::getVar('hide_label_list', "");
    if ($id_search) {
        $where[] = 'group_id =' . $db->escape($id_search);
    if ($ip_search) {
        $where[] = 'ip LIKE "%' . $db->escape($ip_search) . '%"';
    if ($username_search) {
        $where[] = 'user_id IN (SELECT `id` FROM `#__users` WHERE `username` LIKE "%' . $db->escape($username_search) . '%")';
    if ($useremail_search) {
        $where[] = 'user_id IN (SELECT `id` FROM `#__users` WHERE `email` LIKE "%' . $db->escape($useremail_search) . '%")';
    if ($lists['startdate'] != '') {
        $where[] = "  `date`>='" . $lists['startdate'] . " 00:00:00' ";
    if ($lists['enddate'] != '') {
        $where[] = "  `date`<='" . $lists['enddate'] . " 23:59:59' ";
    if ($form_id == '') {
        if ($forms) {
            $form_id = $forms[0]->id;
    $where[] = 'form_id="' . $form_id . '"';
    $where = count($where) ? '  ' . implode(' AND ', $where) : '';
    $orderby = ' ';
    if ($filter_order == 'id' or $filter_order == 'title' or $filter_order == 'mail') {
        $orderby = ' ORDER BY `date` desc';
    } else {
        if ($filter_order == 'group_id' or $filter_order == 'date' or $filter_order == 'ip') {
            $orderby = ' ORDER BY ' . $filter_order . ' ' . $filter_order_Dir . '';
        } else {
            if ($filter_order == 'username' or $filter_order == 'email') {
                $orderby = ' ORDER BY (SELECT `' . $filter_order . '` FROM `#__users` WHERE id=user_id) ' . $filter_order_Dir . '';
    $query = "SELECT distinct element_label FROM #__formmaker_submits WHERE " . $where;
    $labels = $db->loadColumn();
    if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
        echo $db->stderr();
        return false;
    $query = "SELECT id FROM #__formmaker_submits WHERE form_id=" . $form_id . " and element_label=0 limit 0, 1";
    $ispaypal = $db->loadResult();
    if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
        echo $db->stderr();
        return false;
    $query = 'SELECT count(distinct group_id) FROM #__formmaker_submits where form_id ="' . $form_id . '"';
    $total_entries = $db->loadResult();
    if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
        echo $db->stderr();
        return false;
    $sorted_labels_type = array();
    $sorted_labels_id = array();
    $sorted_labels = array();
    $label_titles = array();
    $rows_ord = array();
    $rows = array();
    $total = 0;
    $join_count = '';
    if ($labels) {
        $label_id = array();
        $label_order = array();
        $label_order_original = array();
        $label_type = array();
        $this_form = JTable::getInstance('formmaker', 'Table');
        if (strpos($this_form->label_order, 'type_paypal_')) {
            $this_form->label_order = $this_form->label_order . "item_total#**id**#Item Total#**label**#type_paypal_payment_total#****#total#**id**#Total#**label**#type_paypal_payment_total#****#0#**id**#Payment Status#**label**#type_paypal_payment_status#****#";
        $label_all = explode('#****#', $this_form->label_order);
        $label_all = array_slice($label_all, 0, count($label_all) - 1);
        foreach ($label_all as $key => $label_each) {
            $label_id_each = explode('#**id**#', $label_each);
            array_push($label_id, $label_id_each[0]);
            $label_order_each = explode('#**label**#', $label_id_each[1]);
            array_push($label_order_original, $label_order_each[0]);
            $ptn = "/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/";
            $rpltxt = "";
            $label_temp = preg_replace($ptn, $rpltxt, $label_order_each[0]);
            array_push($label_order, $label_temp);
            array_push($label_type, $label_order_each[1]);
        $join_query = array();
        $join_where = array();
        $join = '';
        $is_first = true;
        foreach ($label_id as $key => $label) {
            if (in_array($label, $labels)) {
                array_push($sorted_labels_type, $label_type[$key]);
                array_push($sorted_labels, $label_order[$key]);
                array_push($sorted_labels_id, $label);
                array_push($label_titles, $label_order_original[$key]);
                $search_temp = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest($option . $form_id . '_' . $label . '_search', $form_id . '_' . $label . '_search', '', 'string');
                $search_temp = JString::strtolower($search_temp);
                $lists[$form_id . '_' . $label . '_search'] = $search_temp;
                if ($search_temp) {
                    $join_query[] = 'search';
                    $join_where[] = array('label' => $label, 'search' => $db->escape($search_temp));
        if (strpos($filter_order, "_field")) {
            if (in_array(str_replace("_field", "", $filter_order), $labels)) {
                $join_query[] = 'sort';
                $join_where[] = array('label' => str_replace("_field", "", $filter_order));
        $cols = 'group_id';
        if ($filter_order == 'date' or $filter_order == 'ip') {
            $cols = 'group_id, date, ip';
        switch (count($join_query)) {
            case 0:
                $join = 'SELECT distinct group_id FROM #__formmaker_submits WHERE ' . $where;
            case 1:
                if ($join_query[0] == 'sort') {
                    $join = 'SELECT group_id FROM #__formmaker_submits WHERE ' . $where . ' AND element_label="' . $join_where[0]['label'] . '" ';
                    $join_count = 'SELECT count(group_id) FROM #__formmaker_submits WHERE form_id="' . $form_id . '" AND element_label="' . $join_where[0]['label'] . '" ';
                    $orderby = ' ORDER BY `element_value` ' . $filter_order_Dir . '';
                } else {
                    $join = 'SELECT group_id FROM #__formmaker_submits WHERE element_label="' . $join_where[0]['label'] . '" AND  element_value LIKE "%' . $join_where[0]['search'] . '%" AND ' . $where;
                $join = 'SELECT t.group_id FROM (SELECT ' . $cols . '  FROM #__formmaker_submits WHERE ' . $where . ' AND element_label="' . $join_where[0]['label'] . '" AND  element_value LIKE "%' . $join_where[0]['search'] . '%" ) as t ';
                for ($key = 1; $key < count($join_query); $key++) {
                    if ($join_query[$key] == 'sort') {
                        $join .= 'LEFT JOIN (SELECT group_id as group_id' . $key . ', element_value   FROM #__formmaker_submits WHERE ' . $where . ' AND element_label="' . $join_where[$key]['label'] . '") as t' . $key . ' ON t' . $key . '.group_id' . $key . '=t.group_id ';
                        $orderby = ' ORDER BY t' . $key . '.`element_value` ' . $filter_order_Dir . '';
                    } else {
                        $join .= 'INNER JOIN (SELECT group_id as group_id' . $key . ' FROM #__formmaker_submits WHERE ' . $where . ' AND element_label="' . $join_where[$key]['label'] . '" AND  element_value LIKE "%' . $join_where[$key]['search'] . '%" ) as t' . $key . ' ON t' . $key . '.group_id' . $key . '=t.group_id ';
        $pos = strpos($join, 'SELECT t.group_id');
        if ($pos === false) {
            $query = str_replace(array('SELECT group_id', 'SELECT distinct group_id'), array('SELECT count(distinct group_id)', 'SELECT count(distinct group_id)'), $join);
        } else {
            $query = str_replace('SELECT t.group_id', 'SELECT count(t.group_id)', $join);
        $total = $db->loadResult();
        $pageNav = new JPagination($total, $limitstart, $limit);
        $query = $join . ' ' . $orderby . ' ';
        $db->setQuery($query, $pageNav->limitstart, $pageNav->limit);
        $rows_ord = $db->loadColumn();
        if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
            echo $db->stderr();
            return false;
        $where2 = array();
        $where2[] = "group_id='0'";
        foreach ($rows_ord as $rows_ordd) {
            $where2[] = "group_id='" . $rows_ordd . "'";
        $where2 = count($where2) ? ' WHERE ' . implode(' OR ', $where2) . '' : '';
        $query = "SELECT * FROM #__formmaker_submits " . $where2 . '';
        $rows = $db->loadObjectList();
        if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
            echo $db->stderr();
            return false;
        if ($join_count) {
            $total_sort = $db->loadResult();
            if ($total_sort != $total_entries) {
                $join_count = $total_sort;
            } else {
                $join_count = '';
    $query = 'SELECT views FROM #__formmaker_views WHERE form_id="' . $db->escape((int) $form_id) . '"';
    $total_views = $db->loadResult();
    $pageNav = new JPagination($total, $limitstart, $limit);
    $lists['order_Dir'] = $filter_order_Dir;
    $lists['order'] = $filter_order;
    // search filter
    $lists['id_search'] = $id_search;
    $lists['ip_search'] = $ip_search;
    $lists['username_search'] = $username_search;
    $lists['useremail_search'] = $useremail_search;
    // display function
    HTML_contact::show_submits($rows, $forms, $lists, $pageNav, $sorted_labels, $label_titles, $rows_ord, $form_id, $sorted_labels_id, $sorted_labels_type, $total_entries, $total_views, $join_count);