function todo() { $conflict_ids = array(); $t = HC_Lib::time(); $today = $t->setNow()->formatDate_Db(); /* find conflicts in upcoming shifts */ $shifts = HC_App::model('shift'); $shifts->where('date_end >=', $today)->where_related('user', 'id IS NOT ', 'NULL', FALSE); $shifts->get(); $acl = HC_App::acl(); $cmm = HC_App::model('conflict_manager'); $count = 0; foreach ($shifts as $obj) { if (!$acl->set_object($obj)->can('conflicts::view')) { continue; } $entries = $cmm->get($obj, TRUE); if ($entries) { foreach ($entries as $e) { $conflict_ids[$e->id] = 1; } } } if (!count($conflict_ids)) { return; } /* render view */ $this->layout->set_partial('content', $this->render('conflicts/todo', array('count' => count($conflict_ids)))); $this->layout(); }
function created($model, $vlevel = HC_PRESENTER::VIEW_HTML) { $value = $model->created; $t = HC_Lib::time(); $t->setTimestamp($value); $return = array(); switch ($vlevel) { case HC_PRESENTER::VIEW_HTML: $return[] = HC_Html::icon(HC_App::icon_for('date')); break; } $return[] = $t->formatDateFull(); switch ($vlevel) { case HC_PRESENTER::VIEW_HTML: $return[] = HC_Html::icon(HC_App::icon_for('time')); break; } $return[] = $t->formatTime(); switch ($vlevel) { case HC_PRESENTER::VIEW_TEXT: case HC_PRESENTER::VIEW_RAW: $return = join(' ', $return); break; default: $return = join('', $return); break; } return $return; }
function render() { $name = $this->name(); $value = $this->value(); $id = 'nts-' . $name; $t = HC_Lib::time(); $t->setNow(); $t->setStartDay(); if ($value) { $t->modify('+' . $value . ' seconds'); // $value = $t->formatTime(); } $out = HC_Html_Factory::widget('container'); /* hidden field to store our value */ $hidden = HC_Html_Factory::input('hidden')->set_name($name)->set_value($value)->set_id($id); $out->add_item($hidden); /* text field to display */ $display_name = $name . '_display'; $display_id = 'nts-' . $display_name; $text = HC_Html_Factory::input('text')->set_name($display_name)->set_id($display_id)->add_attr('size', 7); if (strlen($value)) { $display_value = $t->formatTime(); $text->set_value($display_value); } $out->add_item($text); $time_format = $t->timeFormat(); $script = HC_Html_Factory::element('script'); $script->add_attr('language', 'JavaScript'); $js_code = <<<EOT jQuery("#{$display_id}").timepicker( { \t'appendTo' : '#nts', \t'timeFormat' :'{$time_format}', \t'step' : 5, } ); jQuery("#{$display_id}").on('change', function(){ \tvar dbTime = jQuery(this).timepicker('getSecondsFromMidnight'); \tjQuery('#{$id}').val( dbTime ); }); EOT; $script->add_child($js_code); $out->add_item($script); $return = $this->decorate($out->render()); return $return; }
public function index() { $args = hc_parse_args(func_get_args(), TRUE); if (!isset($args['user'])) { echo 'PARAMS MISSING IN availability/index<br>'; return; } $user_id = is_object($args['user']) ? $args['user']->id : $args['user']; $t = HC_Lib::time(); $t->setNow(); $date_start = $t->formatDate_Db(); $t->setEndMonth(); // $t->modify('+1 month'); $date_end = $t->formatDate_Db(); $form_values = array('user' => $user_id, 'date' => array('recurring' => 'single', 'datesingle' => $date_start, 'datestart' => $date_start, 'dateend' => $date_end, 'repeat' => 'daily')); $this->form_add->set_values($form_values); $this->layout->set_partial('content', $this->render('availability/add', array('form' => $this->form_add))); $this->layout(); }
function open() { $t = HC_Lib::time(); $today = $t->setNow()->formatDate_Db(); $shifts = HC_App::model('shift'); $shifts->where('date_end >=', $today)->where('status', $shifts->_const('STATUS_ACTIVE'))->where_related('user', 'id', NULL, TRUE); $shifts->get(); $acl = HC_App::acl(); $count = 0; foreach ($shifts as $obj) { if (!$acl->set_object($obj)->can('view')) { continue; } $count++; } /* view */ $this->layout->set_partial('content', $this->render('admin/todo/open', array('count' => $count))); $this->layout(); }
function get($model) { $limit_qty = 2; $limit_duration = 4 * 60 * 60; $this->shift_id = $model->id; $return = array(); /* find if the employee has more shifts that allowed per week */ if (!(strlen($model->start) && strlen($model->end))) { return $return; } if (!($model->date && $model->date_end)) { return $return; } if (!$model->user_id) { return $return; } if ($model->type != $model->_const('TYPE_SHIFT')) { return $return; } $t = HC_Lib::time(); $t->setDateDb($model->date); list($start_week, $end_week) = $t->getDates('week', TRUE); $my_qty = 0; $my_duration = 0; $sm = HC_App::model('shift'); $sm->select('id, date, date_end, start, end')->where_related('user', 'id', $model->user_id)->where('date_end >=', $start_week)->where('date <=', $end_week); $sm->get_iterated_slim(); foreach ($sm as $test) { $my_qty += 1; $my_duration += $test->get_duration(); } if ($my_qty > $limit_qty) { $conflict = clone $this; $conflict->details = 'qty:' . $my_qty; $return[] = $conflict; } if ($my_duration > $limit_duration) { $conflict = clone $this; $conflict->details = 'duration:' . $my_duration; $return[] = $conflict; } return $return; }
function __construct($name = '') { parent::__construct($name); // $this->add_attr('class', 'timepicker'); $start_with = 0; $end_with = 24 * 60 * 60; /* if( isset($more['conf']['min']) && ($more['conf']['min'] > $start_with) ) { $start_with = $more['conf']['min']; } if( isset($more['conf']['max']) && ($more['conf']['max'] < $end_with) ) { $end_with = $more['conf']['max']; } unset( $more['conf'] ); */ if ($end_with < $start_with) { $end_with = $start_with; } $step = 15 * 60; $options = array(); $t = HC_Lib::time(); $t->setDateDb(20130118); /* if( $value && ($value > $end_with) ) { $value = $value - 24 * 60 * 60; } */ if ($start_with) { $t->modify('+' . $start_with . ' seconds'); } $no_of_steps = ($end_with - $start_with) / $step; for ($ii = 0; $ii <= $no_of_steps; $ii++) { $sec = $start_with + $ii * $step; $options[$sec] = $t->formatTime(); $t->modify('+' . $step . ' seconds'); } $this->set_options($options); }
function render() { $name = $this->name(); $value = $this->value(); $id = 'nts-' . $name; $t = HC_Lib::time(); $value ? $t->setDateDb($value) : $t->setNow(); $value = $t->formatDate_Db(); $out = HC_Html_Factory::widget('container'); /* hidden field to store our value */ $hidden = HC_Html_Factory::input('hidden')->set_name($name)->set_value($value)->set_id($id); $out->add_item($hidden); /* text field to display */ $display_name = $name . '_display'; $display_id = 'nts-' . $display_name; $datepicker_format = $t->formatToDatepicker(); $display_value = $t->formatDate(); $text = HC_Html_Factory::input('text')->set_name($display_name)->set_value($display_value)->set_id($display_id)->add_attr('data-date-format', $datepicker_format)->add_attr('data-date-week-start', $t->weekStartsOn)->add_attr('style', 'width: 8em')->add_attr('class', 'hc-datepicker'); $out->add_item($text); $return = $this->decorate($out->render()); return $return; }
function render() { $name = $this->name(); $value = $this->value(); $id = 'nts-' . $name; $t = HC_Lib::time(); $t->setNow(); $t->setStartDay(); if ($value) { $t->modify('+' . $value . ' seconds'); // $value = $t->formatTime(); } $out = HC_Html_Factory::widget('container'); /* hidden field to store our value */ $hidden = HC_Html_Factory::input('hidden')->set_name($name)->set_value($value)->set_id($id); $attr = $this->attr(); foreach ($attr as $k => $v) { if (!in_array($k, array('disabled', 'readonly'))) { continue; } $hidden->add_attr($k, $v); } $out->add_item($hidden); /* text field to display */ $display_name = $name . '_display'; $display_id = 'nts-' . $display_name; $text = HC_Html_Factory::input('text')->set_name($display_name)->set_id($display_id)->add_attr('size', 7)->add_attr('class', 'hc-timepicker'); if (strlen($value)) { $display_value = $t->formatTime(); $text->set_value($display_value); } foreach ($attr as $k => $v) { $text->add_attr($k, $v); } $out->add_item($text); $return = $this->decorate($out->render()); return $return; }
public function up() { if (!$this->db->field_exists('date_end', 'shifts')) { $this->dbforge->add_column('shifts', array('date_end' => array('type' => 'INT', 'null' => FALSE)), 'start'); // init date end $this->db->set('date_end', 'date', FALSE); $this->db->update('shifts'); // now check those that go next day $this->db->where('end > ', 24 * 60 * 60); $this->db->set('end', 'end - ' . 24 * 60 * 60, FALSE); $this->db->update('shifts'); $affected_count = 0; $t = HC_Lib::time(); $query = $this->db->where('start >= ', 'end', FALSE)->get('shifts'); foreach ($query->result_array() as $row) { $t->setDateDb($row['date']); $t->modify('+1 day'); $date_end = $t->formatDate_Db(); $this->db->where('id', $row['id'])->update('shifts', array('date_end' => $date_end)); $affected_count++; } } }
function render() { $name = $this->name(); $value = $this->value(); $id = 'nts-' . $name; $t = HC_Lib::time(); $value ? $t->setDateDb($value) : $t->setNow(); $value = $t->formatDate_Db(); $out = HC_Html_Factory::widget('container'); /* hidden field to store our value */ $hidden = HC_Html_Factory::input('hidden')->set_name($name)->set_value($value)->set_id($id); $out->add_item($hidden); /* text field to display */ $display_name = $name . '_display'; $display_id = 'nts-' . $display_name; $datepicker_format = $t->formatToDatepicker(); $display_value = $t->formatDate(); $text = HC_Html_Factory::input('text')->set_name($display_name)->set_value($display_value)->set_id($display_id)->add_attr('data-date-format', $datepicker_format)->add_attr('data-date-week-start', $t->weekStartsOn)->add_attr('style', 'width: 8em'); $out->add_item($text); /* JavaScript to make it work */ $js_options = array(); $options = $this->options(); foreach ($options as $k => $v) { switch ($k) { case 'startDate': if ($v > $value) { $value = $v; } $t->setDateDb($v); $v = $t->formatDate(); break; } $js_options[] = "{$k}: \"{$v}\""; } $js_options[] = "weekStart: " . $t->weekStartsOn; $js_options = join(",\n", $js_options); $script = HC_Html_Factory::element('script'); $script->add_attr('language', 'JavaScript'); $cal_language = array('days' => array(HCM::__('Sun'), HCM::__('Mon'), HCM::__('Tue'), HCM::__('Wed'), HCM::__('Thu'), HCM::__('Fri'), HCM::__('Sat'), HCM::__('Sun')), 'daysShort' => array(HCM::__('Sun'), HCM::__('Mon'), HCM::__('Tue'), HCM::__('Wed'), HCM::__('Thu'), HCM::__('Fri'), HCM::__('Sat'), HCM::__('Sun')), 'daysMin' => array(HCM::__('Sun'), HCM::__('Mon'), HCM::__('Tue'), HCM::__('Wed'), HCM::__('Thu'), HCM::__('Fri'), HCM::__('Sat'), HCM::__('Sun')), 'months' => array(HCM::__('Jan'), HCM::__('Feb'), HCM::__('Mar'), HCM::__('Apr'), HCM::__('May'), HCM::__('Jun'), HCM::__('Jul'), HCM::__('Aug'), HCM::__('Sep'), HCM::__('Oct'), HCM::__('Nov'), HCM::__('Dec')), 'monthsShort' => array(HCM::__('Jan'), HCM::__('Feb'), HCM::__('Mar'), HCM::__('Apr'), HCM::__('May'), HCM::__('Jun'), HCM::__('Jul'), HCM::__('Aug'), HCM::__('Sep'), HCM::__('Oct'), HCM::__('Nov'), HCM::__('Dec')), 'today' => 'Today', 'clear' => 'Clear'); $cal_language_js_code = array(); foreach ($cal_language as $k => $v) { $cal_language_js_code_line = ''; $cal_language_js_code_line .= $k . ': '; if (is_array($v)) { $cal_language_js_code_line .= '['; $cal_language_js_code_line .= join(', ', array_map(create_function('$v', 'return "\\"" . $v . "\\"";'), $v)); $cal_language_js_code_line .= ']'; } else { $cal_language_js_code_line .= '"' . $v . '"'; } $cal_language_js_code[] = $cal_language_js_code_line; } $cal_language_js_code = join(",\n", $cal_language_js_code); // echo $cal_language_js_code; $js_code = <<<EOT ;(function(\$){ \t\$.fn.datepicker.dates['en'] = { \t\t{$cal_language_js_code} \t}; }(jQuery)); jQuery('#{$display_id}').datepicker({ \t{$js_options}, \tdateFormat: '{$datepicker_format}', \tautoclose: true, \t}) \t.on('changeDate', function(ev) \t\t{ \t\tvar dbDate = \t\t\ \t\t\t+ "" + \t\t\t("00" + ( ).substr(-2) \t\t\t+ "" + \t\t\t("00" +; \t\tjQuery('#{$id}').val( dbDate ); \t\t}); EOT; $script->add_child($js_code); $out->add_item($script); $return = $this->decorate($out->render()); return $return; }
function differ($other) { if (!is_object($other)) { $other_date = $other; $other = HC_Lib::time(); $other->setDateDb($other_date); } else { $other_date = $other->formatDate_Db(); } $this_date = $this->formatDate_Db(); if ($this_date == $other_date) { $delta = 0; } elseif ($this_date > $other_date) { $delta = $this->getTimestamp() - $other->getTimestamp(); } else { $delta = $other->getTimestamp() - $this->getTimestamp(); } if ($delta) { $return = floor($delta / (24 * 60 * 60)); } return $return; }
function render() { $enabled = $this->enabled(); $value = $this->value(TRUE); $t = HC_Lib::time(); if (isset($value['datestart'])) { $t->setDateDb($value['datestart']); } /* single date part */ $wrap_single = HC_Html_Factory::widget('list')->add_attr('class', array('list-unstyled', 'list-separated')); $wrap_single->add_item($this->fields['datesingle']); /* recurring part */ $wrap = HC_Html_Factory::widget('list')->add_attr('class', array('list-unstyled', 'list-separated'))->add_attr('class', 'hc-radio-info-container'); /* DATES */ $item_dates = HC_Html_Factory::widget('list')->add_attr('class', array('list-inline', 'list-separated')); $item_dates->add_item($this->fields['datestart']); $item_dates->add_item(' - '); $item_dates->add_item($this->fields['dateend']); $wrap->add_item($item_dates); /* RECURRING OPTIONS */ $repeat = clone $this->fields['repeat']; $repeat->add_option('daily', HCM::__('Daily')); $repeat->add_option('weekday', HCM::__('Every Weekday') . ' (' . $t->formatWeekdayShort(1) . ' - ' . $t->formatWeekdayShort(5) . ')'); $repeat->add_option('weekly', HCM::__('Weekly') . ' (' . $t->formatWeekdayShort() . ')'); $wkds = array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); $wkds = $t->sortWeekdays($wkds); /* weekly custom */ $weekly_custom = clone $this->fields['weeklycustom']; $this_weekday = $t->getWeekday(); if (!$weekly_custom->value()) { $weekly_custom->set_value(array($this_weekday)); } reset($wkds); foreach ($wkds as $wkd) { $weekly_custom->add_option($wkd, $t->formatWeekdayShort($wkd)); } // $weekly_custom->set_readonly($this_weekday); $repeat->add_option('weeklycustom', HCM::__('Weekly') . ' (' . HCM::__('Selected Days') . ')', $weekly_custom); /* biweekly custom */ $this_weekday = $t->getWeekday(); $biweekly_custom1 = clone $this->fields['biweeklycustom1']; if (!$biweekly_custom1->value()) { $biweekly_custom1->set_value(array($this_weekday)); } $biweekly_custom2 = clone $this->fields['biweeklycustom2']; if (!$biweekly_custom2->value()) { $biweekly_custom2->set_value(array($this_weekday)); } reset($wkds); foreach ($wkds as $wkd) { $biweekly_custom1->add_option($wkd, $t->formatWeekdayShort($wkd)); $biweekly_custom2->add_option($wkd, $t->formatWeekdayShort($wkd)); } // $weekly_custom->set_readonly($this_weekday); $repeat->add_option('biweeklycustom', HCM::__('Biweekly') . ' (' . HCM::__('Selected Days') . ')', array($biweekly_custom1, $biweekly_custom2)); /* in/out */ if (!$this->fields['inoutin']->value()) { $this->fields['inoutin']->set_value(2); } if (!$this->fields['inoutout']->value()) { $this->fields['inoutout']->set_value(2); } $repeat->add_option('inout', join(' / ', array(sprintf(HCM::_n('%s Day On', '%s Days On', 100), 'X'), sprintf(HCM::_n('%s Day Off', '%s Days Off', 100), 'Y'))), HC_Html_Factory::widget('list')->add_attr('class', array('list-inline', 'list-separated'))->add_item($this->fields['inoutin']->add_attr('size', 2))->add_item('/')->add_item($this->fields['inoutout']->add_attr('size', 2))); $repeat->add_option('monthlyday', HCM::__('Monthly') . ' (' . join(', ', array($t->formatWeekdayShort(), $t->formatWeekOfMonth())) . ')'); $repeat->add_option('monthlydayend', HCM::__('Monthly') . ' (' . join(', ', array($t->formatWeekdayShort(), $t->formatWeekOfMonthFromEnd())) . ')'); $repeat->add_option('monthlydate', HCM::__('Monthly') . ' (' . HCM::__('Day') . ': ' . $t->getDay() . ')'); $wrap->add_item($repeat); /* build output */ // $recurring_part = $wrap->render(); // $recurring_part = $this->decorate( $recurring_part ); // $single_part = $wrap_single->render(); // $single_part = $this->decorate( $wrap_single ); $return = HC_Html_Factory::widget('container'); if (count($enabled) > 1) { $tabs = HC_Html_Factory::widget('tabs'); $tabs_id = 'nts' . hc_random(); $tabs->set_id($tabs_id); $tabs->add_tab('single', HCM::__('Single Day'), $wrap_single); $tabs->add_tab('recurring', HCM::__('Multiple Days'), $wrap); $value_recurring = $value['recurring']; $tabs->set_active($value_recurring); $return->add_item($this->fields['recurring']); $return->add_item($tabs); $name_recurring = $this->fields['recurring']->name(); $tabs_js = <<<EOT <script language="JavaScript"> jQuery('#{$tabs_id}').closest('form').find('[name={$name_recurring}]').val( "{$value_recurring}" ) jQuery('#{$tabs_id} a.hc-tab-toggler').on('', function(e) { \tvar active_tab = jQuery(this).data('toggle-tab'); \tjQuery(this).closest('form').find('[name={$name_recurring}]').val( active_tab ); }); </script> EOT; $return->add_item($tabs_js); } else { if (in_array('single', $enabled)) { $return->add_item($wrap_single); } if (in_array('recurring', $enabled)) { $return->add_item($wrap); } } $return = $return->render(); // return $return; return $this->decorate($return); }
function date($model, $vlevel = HC_PRESENTER::VIEW_HTML, $with_change = FALSE) { $t = HC_Lib::time(); $t->setDateDb($model->date); $return = array(); switch ($vlevel) { case HC_PRESENTER::VIEW_HTML: $return[] = HC_Html::icon(HC_App::icon_for('date')); break; case HC_PRESENTER::VIEW_TEXT: $return[] = HCM::__('Date'); $return[] = ': '; break; } $return[] = $t->formatDateFull(); if ($with_change) { $changes = $model->get_changes(); if (isset($changes['date'])) { $t->setDateDb($changes['date']); $return[] = ' [' . HCM::__('Old Value') . ': ' . $t->formatDateFull() . ']'; } } $return = join('', $return); return $return; }
function render($readonly = FALSE) { if (!$readonly && !($link = $this->link())) { return 'HC_Html_Widget_Date_Nav: link is not set!'; } $t = HC_Lib::time(); $nav_title = $this->_nav_title($readonly); if ($readonly) { $return = HC_Html_Factory::element('span')->add_attr('class', array('btn', 'btn-default'))->add_child($nav_title); return $return; } switch ($this->range()) { case 'all': $t->setNow(); $start_date = $end_date = 0; // $start_date = $end_date = $t->formatDate_Db(); break; case 'upcoming': $t->setNow(); $start_date = $end_date = 0; break; case 'custom': list($start_date, $end_date) = explode('_', $this->date()); $t->setDateDb($start_date)->modify('-1 day'); $before_date = $t->formatDate_Db(); $t->setDateDb($end_date)->modify('+1 day'); $after_date = $t->formatDate_Db(); break; case 'day': $t->setDateDb($this->date()); $start_date = $end_date = $t->formatDate_Db(); $t->modify('-1 day'); $before_date = $t->formatDate_Db(); $t->setDateDb($this->date()); $t->modify('+1 day'); $after_date = $t->formatDate_Db(); break; case 'week': $t->setDateDb($this->date()); $start_date = $t->setStartWeek()->formatDate_Db(); $end_date = $t->setEndWeek()->formatDate_Db(); $t->setDateDb($this->date()); $t->modify('-1 week'); $t->setStartWeek(); $before_date = $t->formatDate_Db(); $t->setDateDb($this->date()); $t->setEndWeek(); $t->modify('+1 day'); $after_date = $t->formatDate_Db(); break; case 'month': $t->setDateDb($this->date()); $start_date = $t->setStartMonth()->formatDate_Db(); $end_date = $t->setEndMonth()->formatDate_Db(); $month_view = $t->getMonthName() . ' ' . $t->getYear(); $t->setDateDb($this->date()); $t->modify('-1 month'); $t->setStartMonth(); $before_date = $t->formatDate_Db(); $t->setDateDb($this->date()); $t->setEndMonth(); $t->modify('+1 day'); $after_date = $t->formatDate_Db(); break; } // $this->add_attr('class', array('nav', 'nav-pills')); $this->add_attr('class', array('list-inline', 'list-separated')); $wrap_nav_title = HC_Html_Factory::element('a')->add_attr('class', array('btn', 'btn-default'))->add_child($nav_title); $current_nav = HC_Html_Factory::widget('dropdown')->set_title($wrap_nav_title); $range_options = array(); /* week */ $this_params = array($this->range_param() => 'week', $this->date_param() => $start_date ? $start_date : NULL); $range_options['week'] = HC_Html_Factory::element('a')->add_child(HCM::__('Week'))->add_attr('href', $link->url($this_params)); /* month */ $this_params = array($this->range_param() => 'month', $this->date_param() => $start_date ? $start_date : NULL); $range_options['month'] = HC_Html_Factory::element('a')->add_child(HCM::__('Month'))->add_attr('href', $link->url($this_params)); /* day */ $this_params = array($this->range_param() => 'day', $this->date_param() => $start_date ? $start_date : NULL); $range_options['day'] = HC_Html_Factory::element('a')->add_child(HCM::__('Day'))->add_attr('href', $link->url($this_params)); /* custom */ $date_param = ''; if ($start_date && $end_date) { $date_param = $start_date . '_' . $end_date; } elseif ($start_date) { $date_param = $start_date; } $this_params = array($this->range_param() => 'custom', $this->date_param() => $date_param ? $date_param : NULL); $range_options['custom'] = HC_Html_Factory::element('a')->add_child(HCM::__('Custom Range'))->add_attr('href', $link->url($this_params)); /* upcoming */ $this_params = array($this->range_param() => 'upcoming', $this->date_param() => NULL); $range_options['upcoming'] = HC_Html_Factory::element('a')->add_child(HCM::__('Upcoming'))->add_attr('href', $link->url($this_params)); /* all */ $this_params = array($this->range_param() => 'all', $this->date_param() => NULL); $range_options['all'] = HC_Html_Factory::element('a')->add_child(HCM::__('All Time'))->add_attr('href', $link->url($this_params)); $enabled = $this->enabled(); foreach ($range_options as $k => $v) { if (!in_array($k, $enabled)) { continue; } if ($k != $this->range()) { $current_nav->add_item($range_options[$k]); } } $this->add_item_attr('current', 'class', array('dropdown')); $enabled = $this->enabled(); switch ($this->range()) { case 'custom': $this->add_item('current', $current_nav); /* now add form */ if (in_array($this->range(), $enabled)) { $form = HC_Lib::form()->set_input('start_date', 'date')->set_input('end_date', 'date'); $form->set_values(array('start_date' => $start_date, 'end_date' => $end_date)); $display_form = HC_Html_Factory::widget('form')->add_attr('action', $this->submit_to()); $display_form->add_item(HC_Html_Factory::widget('list')->add_attr('class', 'list-inline')->add_attr('class', 'list-separated')->add_item($form->input('start_date'))->add_item('-')->add_item($form->input('end_date'))->add_item(HC_Html_Factory::element('input')->add_attr('type', 'submit')->add_attr('class', array('btn', 'btn-default'))->add_attr('title', HCM::__('OK'))->add_attr('value', HCM::__('OK')))); } else { $display_form = HC_Html_Factory::widget('list')->add_attr('class', 'list-inline')->add_attr('class', 'list-separated')->add_item($t->formatDateRange($start_date, $end_date)); } $this->add_item('form', $display_form); break; case 'all': case 'upcoming': $this->add_item('current', $current_nav); break; default: $this->add_item('before', HC_Html_Factory::element('a')->add_attr('href', $link->url(array($this->date_param() => $before_date)))->add_attr('class', array('btn', 'btn-default'))->add_child('<<')); $this->add_item('current', $current_nav); $this->add_item('after', HC_Html_Factory::element('a')->add_attr('href', $link->url(array($this->date_param() => $after_date)))->add_attr('class', array('btn', 'btn-default'))->add_child('>>')); break; } $this->set_active('current'); return parent::render(); }
public function time($model, $vlevel = HC_PRESENTER::VIEW_HTML) { $t = HC_Lib::time(); $return = array(); switch ($vlevel) { case HC_PRESENTER::VIEW_TEXT: $return[] = HCM::__('Time'); $return[] = ': '; break; } $period_view = $t->formatPeriodOfDay($model->start, $model->end); $period_view = str_replace(' ', '', $period_view); $return[] = $period_view; $return = join('', $return); return $return; }
public function _check_date_end($field) { if (!$this->date) { return TRUE; } if ($this->end <= $this->start) { $t = HC_Lib::time(); $t->setDateDb($this->date); $t->modify('+1 day'); $this->date_end = $t->formatDate_Db(); } else { $this->date_end = $this->date; } return TRUE; }
public function save($model, $form) { $t = HC_Lib::time(); $post = array(); $also_get = array('date_from', 'date_to', 'repeat_type', 'repeat', 'custom_weekday', 'in_out_in', 'in_out_out'); reset($also_get); foreach ($also_get as $ag) { $post[$ag] = $this->input->post($ag); } $form->set_defaults($post); $dates = array(); if ($post['repeat'] == 'multiple') { $t->setDateDb($post['date_from']); $rex_date = $post['date_from']; while ($rex_date <= $post['date_to']) { $dates[] = $rex_date; switch ($post['repeat_type']) { case 'daily': $t->modify('+1 day'); break; case 'weekday': $t->modify('+1 day'); while (in_array($t->getWeekday(), array(0, 6))) { $t->modify('+1 day'); } break; case 'weekly': $t->modify('+1 week'); break; case 'weekly-custom': $custom_weekday = $post['custom_weekday']; $t->modify('+1 day'); while (!in_array($t->getWeekday(), $custom_weekday)) { $t->modify('+1 day'); } break; case 'monthly-day': $this_week = $t->getWeekOfMonth(); $t->modify('+4 weeks'); while ($t->getWeekOfMonth() != $this_week) { $t->modify('+1 week'); } break; case 'monthly-day-end': $this_week = $this->hc_time->getWeekOfMonthFromEnd(); $this->hc_time->modify('+4 weeks'); while ($this->hc_time->getWeekOfMonthFromEnd() != $this_week) { $this->hc_time->modify('+1 week'); } break; case 'monthly-date': $t->modify('+1 month'); break; case 'in-out': $in_out_in = $post['in_out_in']; $in_out_out = $post['in_out_out']; if (!isset($in_out_count)) { $in_out_count = 1; } if ($in_out_count < $in_out_in) { $t->modify('+1 day'); $in_out_count++; } else { $in_out_count = 1; $t->modify('+' . ($in_out_out + 1) . ' day'); } break; } $rex_date = $t->formatDate_Db(); } } else { $dates = array($model->date); } $model->date = $dates; if (count($dates) > 1) { /* set the shift group_id */ $sm = HC_App::model('shift'); $max_group_id = $sm->select_max('group_id')->get()->group_id; if (!$max_group_id) { $max_group_id = 0; } $model->group_id = $max_group_id + 1; } $return = array($model, $form); return $return; }
function render() { $sh = $this->shift(); $t = HC_Lib::time(); $titles = array(); $iknow = $this->iknow(); $wide = $this->wide(); $use_color = FALSE; $use_color = TRUE; if ($wide && $wide === 'mini') { $use_color = TRUE; } if (in_array($sh->type, array($sh->_const("TYPE_TIMEOFF")))) { $display = array('date', 'time', 'user', 'location'); } else { if (!$wide or $wide === 'mini') { $display = array('date', 'time', 'location', 'user'); } elseif ($wide) { $display = array('date', 'time', 'user', 'location'); } } foreach ($iknow as $ik) { $display = HC_Lib::remove_from_array($display, $ik); } // if( in_array($sh->type, array($sh->_const("TYPE_TIMEOFF"))) ){ // $display = HC_Lib::remove_from_array($display, 'location'); // } foreach ($display as $ds) { $title_view = ''; switch ($ds) { case 'date': $title_view = $sh->present_date(HC_PRESENTER::VIEW_RAW); break; case 'time': $title_view = $sh->present_time(); break; case 'location': if (in_array($sh->type, array($sh->_const("TYPE_TIMEOFF")))) { $title_view = ''; // $title_view = HCM::__('Timeoff'); // $title_view = $sh->present_location(); } else { $title_view = $sh->present_location(); } break; case 'user': if ($sh->type == $sh->_const('TYPE_TIMEOFF') && !in_array('time', $display)) { $title_view = $sh->present_type(HC_PRESENTER::VIEW_HTML_ICON) . $sh->present_user(HC_PRESENTER::VIEW_RAW); } else { // $titles[] = $sh->present_user(); if ($sh->user_id) { $title_view = $sh->present_user(HC_PRESENTER::VIEW_RAW); } else { $title_view = $sh->present_user(); } } break; } // if( $title_view ){ $titles[] = $title_view; // } } $wrap = HC_Html_Factory::element('div')->add_attr('class', array('alert', 'display-block'))->add_attr('class', array('alert-default-o'))->add_attr('class', array('no-underline'))->add_attr('class', array('alert-condensed2'))->add_attr('class', array('text-smaller'))->add_attr('class', array('squeeze-in')); foreach ($sh->present_status_class() as $status_class) { // $wrap->add_attr('class', 'alert-' . $status_class); } /* background color depends on location */ if ($use_color) { $color = $sh->location->present_color(); } else { $type = $sh->type; switch ($type) { case $sh->_const('TYPE_TIMEOFF'): $wrap->add_attr('class', array('alert-archive')); $color = '#ddd'; break; default: $wrap->add_attr('class', array('alert-success-o')); $color = '#dff0d8'; break; } } if ($sh->status == $sh->_const('STATUS_DRAFT')) { $color1 = HC_Lib::adjust_color_brightness($color, 0); $color2 = HC_Lib::adjust_color_brightness($color, 20); // $color1 = '#fff'; // $color2 = '#eee'; $wrap->add_attr('style', "background: repeating-linear-gradient(\r\n\t\t\t\t\t-45deg,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t{$color1},\r\n\t\t\t\t\t{$color1} 6px,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t{$color2} 6px,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t{$color2} 12px\r\n\t\t\t\t\t);\r\n\t\t\t\t"); } else { $wrap->add_attr('style', 'background-color: ' . $color . ';'); // $wrap->add_attr('class', 'alert-success'); } if (!$sh->user_id) { $wrap->add_attr('class', 'hc-red-triangled'); } // echo $color; /* ID */ if (in_array('id', $iknow)) { $wrap->add_child($sh->present_id()); } /* build link title */ $nolink = $this->nolink(); $new_window = $this->new_window(); $a_link = HC_Html_Factory::widget('titled', 'a'); $link_to = 'shifts/zoom/index/id/' . $sh->id; $a_link->add_attr('href', HC_Lib::link($link_to)->url()); if (!$new_window) { $a_link->add_attr('class', 'hc-flatmodal-loader'); } else { $a_link->add_attr('target', '_blank'); $a_link->add_attr('class', 'hc-parent-loader'); } if ($nolink) { $a_title = HC_Html_Factory::widget('titled', 'span'); } else { $a_title = HC_Html_Factory::widget('titled', 'a'); } $a_title = HC_Html_Factory::widget('titled', 'span'); $a_title->add_attr('class', array('squeeze-in')); // $a_title->add_attr('style', 'border: red 1px solid;'); // $a_title->add_attr('style', 'border-color: ' . $sh->location->present_color()); if ($wide === 'mini') { if (!$nolink) { $final_ttl = clone $a_link; $final_ttl->add_child(' ')->add_attr('style', 'display: block;'); $final_ttl->add_attr('title', join(' ', $titles)); } $a_title->add_child($final_ttl); } else { if (count($display) > 1) { if ($wide) { $titles2 = HC_Html_Factory::widget('grid'); $titles2->set_slim(); $grid_width = array(2 => 6, 3 => 4, 4 => 3, 5 => 2, 6 => 2); $grid_width = isset($grid_width[count($display)]) ? $grid_width[count($display)] : 2; for ($ti = 0; $ti < count($titles); $ti++) { $ttl = $titles[$ti]; // next title is empty? if ($ti < count($titles) - 1 && !strlen($titles[$ti + 1])) { $ti++; $grid_width += $grid_width; } $final_ttl = $ttl; if (!$nolink) { $final_ttl = clone $a_link; $final_ttl->add_child($ttl); } $titles2->add_item($final_ttl, $grid_width, array('class' => 'squeeze-in')); } } else { $titles2 = HC_Html_Factory::widget('list')->add_attr('class', 'list-unstyled'); $this_index = 0; foreach ($titles as $ttl) { if (!strlen($ttl)) { continue; } $final_ttl = $ttl; if (!$nolink) { $final_ttl = clone $a_link; $final_ttl->add_child($ttl); } $titles2->add_item($this_index, $final_ttl); $titles2->add_item_attr($ttl, 'class', array('squeeze-in')); $this_index++; } } $a_title->add_attr('title', join(' ', $titles)); $a_title->add_child($titles2); } else { $final_ttl = $titles; if (!$nolink) { $final_ttl = clone $a_link; $final_ttl->add_child($titles); } $final_ttl->add_attr('title', join(' ', $titles)); $a_title->add_child($final_ttl); } } $wrap->add_child($a_title); /* EXTENSIONS */ $extensions = HC_App::extensions(); $more_content = $extensions->set_skip($iknow)->run('shifts/quickview', $sh, $wrap); if ($wide !== 'mini') { if ($more_content) { $more_wrap = HC_Html_Factory::widget('list')->add_attr('class', 'list-unstyled')->add_attr('class', 'list-separated')->add_attr('class', 'text-small'); $added = 0; foreach ($more_content as $mck => $mc) { if ($mck && in_array($mck, $iknow)) { continue; } $more_wrap->add_item($mc); $added++; } if ($added) { $wrap->add_child($more_wrap); } } } /* THIS CHILDREN */ if ($wide !== 'mini') { $children = $this->children(); foreach ($children as $child) { $wrap->add_child($child); } } $wrap->add_attr('class', 'common-link-parent'); return $wrap->render(); }
private function _add_time($layout, $params) { $default_date = $params->get('date') ? $params->get('date') : HC_Lib::time()->setNow()->formatDate_Db(); if ($default_date) { $already_value = $this->form_add_time->input('date')->value(); if (!$already_value) { $t = HC_Lib::time(); $date_end = $t->setDateDb($default_date)->modify('+1 month')->formatDate_Db(); $this->form_add_time->set_values(array('date' => array('recurring' => 'single', 'datesingle' => $default_date, 'datestart' => $default_date, 'dateend' => $date_end, 'repeat' => 'daily'))); } } $stm = HC_App::model('shift_template'); $shift_templates = $stm->get()->all; $locations = array(); if ($params->get('location') === NULL) { $locations = $params->get_options('location'); } $layout->set_partial('content', $this->render('shifts/add/time', array('form' => $this->form_add_time, 'shift_templates' => $shift_templates, 'params' => $params, 'locations' => $locations))); return $layout; }
<?php $t = HC_Lib::time(); $current_user_id = $this->auth->user()->id; $test_shift = HC_App::model('shift'); $is_print = isset($state['print']) && $state['print'] ? 1 : 0; $can_add = TRUE; if ($is_print or !$current_user_id) { $can_add = FALSE; } $t->setDateDb($state['date']); $dates = $t->getDates($state['range']); /* date labels */ $week_starts_on = $t->weekStartsOn(); $week_border_days = array(); $DATE_LABELS = array(); reset($dates); foreach ($dates as $date) { $t->setDateDb($date); if ($t->getWeekDay() == $week_starts_on) { $week_border_days[] = $date; } $date_label = HC_Html_Factory::element('div')->add_attr('class', 'text-center')->add_attr('class', 'text-smaller')->add_child(HC_Html_Factory::widget('list')->add_attr('class', 'squeeze-in')->add_attr('class', 'list-unstyled')->add_item(HC_Html_Factory::element('small')->add_child($t->formatWeekdayShort()))->add_item($t->getDayShort())); $DATE_LABELS[$date] = $date_label; } /* titles */ $TITLES = array(); reset($locations); foreach ($locations as $location) { $entity_title = $location->present_title(); $TITLES[$location->id] = $entity_title;
function render() { $t = HC_Lib::time(); $t->setDateDb($this->date()); $start_date = $this->date(); $end_date = $this->end_date(); if (!$end_date) { switch ($this->range()) { case 'week': $t->setDateDb($this->date()); $t->setStartWeek(); $start_date = $t->formatDate_Db(); $t->setEndWeek(); $end_date = $t->formatDate_Db(); break; case 'month': $t->setDateDb($this->date()); $t->setStartMonth(); $start_date = $t->formatDate_Db(); $t->setEndMonth(); $end_date = $t->formatDate_Db(); break; } } $t->setDateDb($start_date); $month_matrix = $t->getMonthMatrix($end_date); $slot_width = 1; $title = $this->title(); /* wide slot */ if ($this->range() == 'week' && $this->wide_slot()) { $title = NULL; $slot_width = 3; $month_matrix = array(array_slice($month_matrix[0], 0, 4), array_slice($month_matrix[0], 4)); } $out = HC_Html_Factory::element('div')->add_attr('class', 'cal'); if ($title) { // $out->add_attr('class', 'cal-title'); } foreach ($month_matrix as $week => $days) { $grid = HC_Html_Factory::widget('grid')->add_attr('class', 'cal-row')->add_attr('class', 'flex-box')->add_attr('class', 'row-slim')->add_attr('class', 'flex-bordered'); if ($title) { $title_cell = HC_Html_Factory::element('div')->add_attr('class', 'squeeze-in')->add_attr('style', 'padding: 2px;'); $title_cell->add_child($title); $grid->add_item($title_cell, 2, array('class' => array('hc-cal-day'))); } foreach ($days as $rex_date) { $t->setDateDb($rex_date); $day = HC_Html_Factory::element('div')->add_attr('class', 'squeeze-in')->add_attr('style', 'padding: 2px;'); $date_content = $this->date_content($rex_date); if ($date_content) { $day->add_child($date_content); } else { $day = ''; } $grid->add_item($day, $slot_width, array('class' => array('hc-cal-day'), 'style' => 'border: green 1px solid;')); } $out->add_child($grid); } return $out->render(); }
private function _download($shifts) { $app_conf = HC_App::app_conf(); $separator = $app_conf->get('csv_separator'); // header $headers = array(HCM::__('Type'), HCM::__('Date'), HCM::__('Time'), HCM::__('Duration'), HCM::__('Staff'), HCM::__('Location'), HCM::__('Status')); $data = array(); $data[] = join($separator, $headers); $t = HC_Lib::time(); // shifts foreach ($shifts as $sh) { $values = array(); // type $values[] = $sh->present_type(HC_PRESENTER::VIEW_RAW); // date $values[] = $sh->present_date(HC_PRESENTER::VIEW_RAW); // time $values[] = $sh->present_time(HC_PRESENTER::VIEW_RAW); // duration $values[] = $t->formatPeriodExtraShort($sh->get_duration(), 'hour'); // staff $values[] = $sh->present_user(HC_PRESENTER::VIEW_RAW); // location $values[] = $sh->present_location(HC_PRESENTER::VIEW_RAW); // status $values[] = $sh->present_status(HC_PRESENTER::VIEW_RAW); /* add csv line */ $data[] = HC_Lib::build_csv(array_values($values), $separator); } // output $out = join("\n", $data); $file_name = isset($this->conf['export']) ? $this->conf['export'] : 'export'; $file_name .= '-' . date('Y-m-d_H-i') . '.csv'; $this->load->helper('download'); force_download($file_name, $out); return; }
function render() { $t = HC_Lib::time(); $start_date = $this->date(); $end_date = $this->end_date(); $months = array(); $t->setDateDb($start_date); $t->setStartMonth(); $months[] = $t->formatDate_Db(); $t->setEndMonth(); $rex_date = $t->formatDate_Db(); while ($rex_date < $end_date) { $t->modify('+1 day'); $t->setStartMonth(); $months[] = $t->formatDate_Db(); $t->setEndMonth(); $rex_date = $t->formatDate_Db(); } $full_out = HC_Html_Factory::widget('list')->add_attr('class', 'list-inline')->add_attr('class', 'list-separated-hori'); $show_other = $this->show_other(); $show_weekdays = $this->show_weekdays(); foreach ($months as $start_month_day) { $t->setDateDb($start_month_day); $month_matrix = $t->getMonthMatrix(); $t->setDateDb($start_month_day); $start_month = $t->formatDate_Db(); $t->setEndMonth(); $end_month = $t->formatDate_Db(); $out = HC_Html_Factory::widget('table')->set_engine('div')->add_attr('style', 'width: 14em;'); $rid = 0; if ($show_weekdays) { $cid = 0; foreach ($month_matrix[0] as $date) { $t->setDateDb($date); $cell_content = $t->formatWeekDayShort(); $cell_content = HC_Html_Factory::element('div')->add_attr('class', array('text-muted'))->add_attr('class', array('text-smaller'))->add_attr('class', array('text-center'))->add_child($cell_content); $out->set_cell($rid, $cid, $cell_content); $out->add_cell_attr($rid, $cid, array('class' => array('noborder'))); $cid++; } $rid++; } foreach ($month_matrix as $week => $week_dates) { $cid = 0; foreach ($week_dates as $date) { if (!$show_other && ($date > $end_month or $date < $start_month)) { $cell_content = ''; /* empty cell */ if (!$show_weekdays) { $out->add_cell_attr($rid, $cid, array('class' => array('noborder'))); } } else { $t->setDateDb($date); $cell_content = $this->date_content($date); if ($cell_content === NULL) { $cell_content = clone $this->default_date_content(); } if (is_object($cell_content)) { $cell_content->add_child($t->getDayShort()); } elseif ($cell_content !== NULL) { } else { $cell_content = $t->getDayShort(); } $out->add_cell_attr($rid, $cid, array()); } $out->set_cell($rid, $cid, $cell_content); $cid++; } $rid++; } $month_out = HC_Html_Factory::widget('list')->add_attr('class', 'list-unstyled')->add_attr('class', 'list-separated'); $t->setDateDb($start_month_day); $month_label = $t->getMonthName() . ' ' . $t->getYear(); $month_out->add_item('label', $month_label); $month_out->add_item_attr('label', 'class', 'text-center'); $month_out->add_item('calendar', $out); $full_out->add_item('month_' . $start_month_day, $month_out); $full_out->add_item_attr('month_' . $start_month_day, 'style', 'vertical-align: top;'); } return $full_out->render(); }