<?php define('ABS_PATH', dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']))))) . '/'); define('OC_ADMIN', true); require_once ABS_PATH . 'oc-load.php'; if (osc_is_admin_user_logged_in() == FALSE) { die; } $model = new GzNewsModel(); $dao = GzNewsDao::newInstance(); $redirect_url = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $gn_id = (int) Params::getParam('gn_id'); $from_form = (bool) Params::getParam('from_form'); if ($from_form) { $redirect_url = GzNewsUtils::getAdminIndexUrl(); } $success = $dao->deleteByPrimaryKey($gn_id); if ($success) { $model->removeFiles($gn_id); osc_add_flash_ok_message(__('The item was deleted successfully', 'gz_news'), 'admin'); } else { osc_add_flash_error_message('There were a problem while deleting the item', 'admin'); } $model->redirectTo($redirect_url);
<?php if (osc_is_admin_user_logged_in() == FALSE) { die; } GzNewsForm::initForm(); $back_url = GzNewsUtils::getAdminIndexUrl(); $item = FALSE; $item_id = Params::getParam('gn_id'); if ($item_id) { $dao = GzNewsDao::newInstance(); $item = $dao->findByPrimaryKey($item_id); } $title = NULL; $description = NULL; $tags = NULL; $lang = NULL; if ($item) { $title = $item['gn_title']; $description = $item['gn_description']; $tags = $item['gn_tags']; $lang = $item['gn_lang']; } $images = GzNewsUtils::getImagesUrl($item_id); ?> <h2 class="render-title"> <?php _e('Add New', 'gz_news'); ?> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="<?php echo $back_url;
$conn = getConnection(); $conn->autocommit(FALSE); try { $conn->osc_dbExec('DROP TABLE %st_news', DB_TABLE_PREFIX); } catch (Exception $e) { $conn->rollback(); echo $e->getMessage(); } $conn->autocommit(TRUE); } /** * Includes stylesheets and javascript files to templates */ function gz_news_add_header() { osc_render_file(GZ_NEWS_PLUGIN_FOLDER . 'views/news_header.php'); } /** * Generate admin menu page to list news */ osc_add_admin_menu_page(__('News', 'gz_news'), GzNewsUtils::getAdminIndexUrl(), 'gz_news'); /** * Register a submenu into admin page, to add news */ osc_add_admin_submenu_page('gz_news', __('Add News', 'gz_news'), GzNewsUtils::getAdminAddUrl(), 'gz_news_add'); osc_add_hook('admin_header', 'gz_news_add_header'); osc_add_hook('header', 'gz_news_add_header'); /** Remove the uninstall hook to do not lose data osc_add_hook(osc_plugin_path(__FILE__) . '_uninstall', 'gz_news_call_after_uninstall'); */ osc_register_plugin(osc_plugin_path(__FILE__), 'gz_news_call_after_install');
<?php if (osc_is_admin_user_logged_in() == FALSE) { die; } $add_url = GzNewsUtils::getAdminAddUrl(); $index_url = GzNewsUtils::getAdminIndexUrl(); $dao = GzNewsDao::newInstance(); $current_page = (int) Params::getParam('new_p'); $selected = 0; if ($current_page > 0) { $selected = $current_page - 1; } $total_items = $dao->count(); $total_per_page = 10; $total_pages = ceil($total_items / $total_per_page); $params = array('total' => (int) $total_pages, 'selected' => $selected, 'url' => $index_url . '&new_p={PAGE}', 'sides' => 5); // set pagination $pagination = new Pagination($params); $paginator_html = $pagination->doPagination(); $options = array('page' => $current_page, 'total_per_page' => $total_per_page); $list = $dao->listItems($options); ?> <h2 class="render-title"> <?php _e('Listing News', 'gz_news'); ?> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="<?php echo $add_url; ?>