Пример #1
$chkOptionHideMouse = new GtkCheckButton('Hide Mouse', true);
$chkOptionHideTree = new GtkCheckButton('Hide Tree', true);
$chkOptionHideUsers = new GtkCheckButton('Hide Users', true);
$chkOptionHideUsernames = new GtkCheckButton('Hide Usernames', true);
$chkOptionFullscreen = new GtkCheckButton('Fullscreen', true);
$chkOptionMultiSampling = new GtkCheckButton('Multi Sampling', true);
$chkOptionTransparent = new GtkCheckButton('Transparent', true);
$chkOptionSaveConfig = new GtkCheckButton('Save Config File', true);
$btnRun = new GtkButton('_Run');
$btnConfigFile = new GtkButton('_Config File');
$btnQuit = new GtkButton('_Quit');
//Which widget should be activated when the
// mnemonic (Alt+U or Alt+P) is pressed?
//Destroy the window when the user clicks Cancel
$btnQuit->connect_simple('clicked', array($wnd, 'destroy'));
// what to do when RUN is pressed
$options = array('chkOptionHideFiles' => $chkOptionHideFiles, 'chkOptionHideFilenames' => $chkOptionHideFilenames, 'chkOptionHideDirnames' => $chkOptionHideDirnames, 'chkOptionHideDates' => $chkOptionHideDates, 'chkOptionHideProgress' => $chkOptionHideProgress, 'chkOptionHideBloom' => $chkOptionHideBloom, 'chkOptionHideMouse' => $chkOptionHideMouse, 'chkOptionHideTree' => $chkOptionHideTree, 'chkOptionHideUsers' => $chkOptionHideUsers, 'chkOptionHideUsernames' => $chkOptionHideUsernames, 'chkOptionFullscreen' => $chkOptionFullscreen, 'chkOptionMultiSampling' => $chkOptionMultiSampling, 'chkOptionTransparent' => $chkOptionTransparent, 'chkOptionSaveConfig' => $chkOptionSaveConfig);
$btnRun->connect_simple('clicked', 'run_gource', $wnd, $txtRepositoryPath, $options);
$btnConfigFile->connect_simple('clicked', 'show_file_select', $wnd);
//Lay out all the widgets in the table
$tbl = new GtkTable(3, 6);
$tbl->attach($lblRepositoryPath, 0, 1, 0, 1);
$tbl->attach($txtRepositoryPath, 1, 3, 0, 1);
//options attach to table
$tbl->attach($chkOptionHideFiles, 0, 1, 1, 2);
$tbl->attach($chkOptionHideFilenames, 0, 1, 2, 3);
$tbl->attach($chkOptionHideDirnames, 0, 1, 3, 4);
$tbl->attach($chkOptionHideDates, 0, 1, 4, 5);