$view->group_instruction('Upload the graphic(s) that readers will see on this page.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . "<hr/>\n";
$view->group_instruction('Choose where in your book the new page will go.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . "<hr/>\n";
$link->title = 'Learn more about metadata';
$link->url = 'http://www.getgrawlix.com/docs/' . DOCS_VERSION . '/metadata';
$link->tap = 'information that describes';
$link->transpose = false;
$view->group_instruction('Enter information about this page. Learn more about ' . $link->external_link() . ' this comic page.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . "<hr/>\n";
$view->group_instruction('Your thoughts of the day.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . "<hr/>\n";
$link->url('http://www.getgrawlix.com/docs/' . DOCS_VERSION . '/seo');
$view->group_instruction('Dialogue, scene descriptions, etc — great ' . $link->external_link() . ' stuff.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group();
$content_output .= '<input type="hidden" name="book_id" value="' . $book_id . '"/>' . "\n";
Пример #2
// Group
$view->group_instruction('Change the name of your book.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . '<hr />';
// Group
$view->group_instruction('How often you publish new pages.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . '<hr />';
// Group
$link->title('Learn more about markers');
$link->url('http://www.getgrawlix.com/docs/' . DOCS_VERSION . '/markers');
$view->group_instruction($link->external_link() . ' are sections of a book, like chapters, scenes or supplemental material.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group();
 * Display
$output = $view->open_view();
$output .= $view->view_header();
$output .= $alert_output;
//$output .= $modal->modal_container();
$output .= '<form accept-charset="UTF-8" method="post" action="book.edit.php">' . "\n";
$output .= $content_output;
$output .= '<input type="hidden" name="book_id" value="' . $book_id . '">' . "\n";
$output .= '<button class="btn primary save right" name="submit" type="submit" value="save"><i></i>Save</button>' . "\n";
$output .= '</form>' . "\n";
print $output;
Пример #3
    $home_list[] = array('id' => 'static-' . $static_id, 'title' => 'Static home page');
    $home_options = $sl->buildSelect();
    $home_output = '<div class="row form config">';
    $home_output .= '<div><label for="home-id">Homepage</label></div>';
    $home_output .= '<div>' . $home_options . '</div>';
    $home_output .= '</div>';
    $home_output .= $form->form_buttons($edit_home);
$link->url('http://www.getgrawlix.com/docs/' . DOCS_VERSION . '/settings');
$link->tap('Read the docs');
$instruction = 'Use this panel to customize your overall site. ' . $link->external_link() . ' for details.';
$content_output = $form->open_form();
$view->page_title('Site settings');
$view->headline('Site settings');
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . '<hr />';
$content_output .= $view->format_group();
$content_output .= $form->close_form();
Пример #4
    $folder_output = $list->format_headings();
    $folder_output .= $list->format_content();
// Group
if ($folder_output) {
    $link->url('http://www.getgrawlix.com/docs/' . DOCS_VERSION . '/ftp');
    $link->tap('via FTP');
    $link1->url('http://www.getgrawlix.com/docs/' . DOCS_VERSION . '/importing');
    $link1->tap('Learn more.');
    $view->group_instruction('This tool lets you copy images from the “/import” folder (' . $link->external_link() . ') into ' . $marker_type_list[1]['title'] . 's. ' . $link1->external_link());
    $view->group_contents($folder_output . $submit_output);
    $content_output .= $view->format_group() . "\n";
$view->page_title('Create pages from FTP');
$view->headline('Create pages from FTP');
$link->tap('Create one comic page');
$action_output = $link->button_secondary('new');
$output = $view->open_view();
$output .= $view->view_header();
print $output;
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . '<hr />';
$content_output .= '<form accept-charset="UTF-8" action="marker.create.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" data-abide>' . "\n";
$view->group_h2('Add images');
$view->group_instruction('Upload images from your computer to make comic pages.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group();
$view->group_h3('Starting at');
$view->group_instruction('Where in your story should the new pages go?');
$content_output .= $view->format_group();
$link->title = 'Learn more about markers';
$link->url = 'http://www.getgrawlix.com/docs/' . DOCS_VERSION . '/marker';
$link->tap = 'mark these pages';
$view->group_instruction('Optionally, you can ' . $link->external_link() . ' with a new ' . $this_type . '.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group();
$content_output .= '</form>' . "\n";
print $view->open_view();
print $view->view_header();
print $alert_output;

				<div class="row collapse">
if ($book_list_output) {
    echo $book_list_output;
echo $content_output;
<label for="blog_post">Post</label>
<textarea name="blog_post" id="blog_post" rows="32">{$page->pageInfo[blog_post]}</textarea>

$transcript_output = <<<EOL
<label for="transcript">Transcript</label>
<textarea name="transcript" id="transcript" rows="32">{$page->pageInfo[transcript]}</textarea>

$content_output = '<hr />';
$link1->url('http://www.getgrawlix.com/docs/' . DOCS_VERSION . '/seo');
$view->group_instruction($link1->external_link() . ' is information that describes this comic page.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . '<hr />';
$view->group_instruction('Write your thoughts for the day on this comic page. The post accepts HTML and ' . $link1->external_link() . '.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . '<hr />';
$link1->url('http://www.getgrawlix.com/docs/' . DOCS_VERSION . '/seo');
$view->group_instruction('Transcript is a record of the the dialog, events and scenes in a comic page. In short, a script. Use this to improve accessibility and ' . $link1->external_link() . '.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group();