Пример #1
         $smarty->assign('nearest_distance', $square->nearest->distance);
         $smarty->assign('nearest_gridref', $square->nearest->grid_reference);
     if ($square->percent_land > 0) {
         //find a possible place within 25km
         $smarty->assign('place', $place = $square->findNearestPlace(75000));
         $place_name = strip_tags(smarty_function_place(array('place' => $place)));
         $smarty->assign('meta_description', "Geograph currently has {$square->imagecount} photos in {$square->grid_reference}, {$place_name}");
 $smarty->assign('mode', 'normal');
 if ($grid_ok && !empty($CONF['sphinx_host']) && (isset($_GET['takenfrom']) || isset($_GET['mentioning']))) {
     $sphinx = new sphinxwrapper();
     $sphinx->pageSize = 15;
     if (isset($_GET['takenfrom'])) {
         $ids = $sphinx->returnIdsViewpoint($square->getNatEastings(), $square->getNatNorthings(), $square->reference_index, $square->grid_reference);
         $smarty->assign('viewpoint_query', $sphinx->q);
         $viewpoint_count = 0;
         //set this to zero to suppress the prompt!
         $smarty->assign('mode', 'takenfrom');
     } else {
         $sphinx->prepareQuery("{$square->grid_reference} -grid_reference:{$square->grid_reference}");
         $ids = $sphinx->returnIds(1, "_images");
         $smarty->assign('mode', 'mentioning');
         $mention_count = 0;
         //set this to zero to suppress the prompt!
     if (!empty($ids) && count($ids)) {
         $images = new ImageList();
         $square->totalimagecount = $sphinx->resultCount;
Пример #2
 $links = new kmlPrimative('Folder');
 $links->setItem('name', 'Next Level...');
 $most = $db->GetAll("select \r\n\tgridimage_id,nateastings,natnorthings,count(*) as c\r\n\tfrom gridimage \r\n\twhere {$sql_where}\r\n\tgroup by nateastings div 100,natnorthings div 100 \r\n\torder by null");
 foreach ($most as $id => $entry) {
     if ($entry['nateastings']) {
         $e = ($e2 = intval($entry['nateastings'] / 100)) * 100;
         $n = ($n2 = intval($entry['natnorthings'] / 100)) * 100;
         $e2 = $e2 % 10;
         $n2 = $n2 % 10;
         list($wgs84_lat, $wgs84_long) = $conv->national_to_wgs84($e + 50, $n + 50, $ri);
         $entry['hunk_square'] = $square->gridsquare . $square->eastings . $e2 . $square->northings . $n2;
         $name = "{$entry['hunk_square']} :: {$entry['c']} images";
     } else {
         //should be only one of these!
         $e = $square->getNatEastings();
         $n = $square->getNatNorthings();
         list($wgs84_lat, $wgs84_long) = $conv->national_to_wgs84($e, $n, $ri);
         $entry['hunk_square'] = $square->gridsquare . $square->eastings . '_' . $square->northings . '_';
         $name = "{$square->grid_reference} :: {$entry['c']} images";
     $c = $entry['c'] > 20 ? 20 : ($entry['c'] > 4 ? 10 : $entry['c']);
     $point = new kmlPoint($wgs84_lat, $wgs84_long);
     $placemark = new kmlPlacemark($entry['hunk_square'], $name, $point);
     $placemark->useHoverStyle('p' . $c);
     list($south, $west) = $conv->national_to_wgs84($e, $n, $ri);
     list($north, $east) = $conv->national_to_wgs84($e + 100, $n + 100, $ri);
     $delta = $entry['gridimage_id'] % 10;
     $Region = $placemark->addChild('Region');
     $Region->setBoundary($north, $south, $east, $west);
     $Region->setLod(10 + $delta, 600);