Пример #1
     * @param array $rawattr The original unmodified attributes.
     * @return string The embed HTML.
    private function render_frontend($matches, $attr, $url, $rawattr)
        // If it's already been parsed, don't re-output it.
        if (!empty($this->output[$this->entry_id])) {
            return $this->output[$this->entry_id];
        $entry_output = $this->generate_entry_output();
        // Wrap a container div around the output to allow for custom styling
        $output = sprintf('<div class="gravityview-oembed gravityview-oembed-entry gravityview-oembed-entry-' . $this->entry_id . '">%s</div>', $entry_output);
         * @filter `gravityview/oembed/entry` Filter the output of the oEmbed entry embed
         * @param string $output HTML of the embedded entry, with wrapper div
         * @param GravityView_oEmbed $object The current GravityView_oEmbed instance
         * @param array $atts Other passed parameters and info. \n
         *  @var string $entry_output HTML of just the View output, without the wrapper \n
         *  @var array  $matches Capture group matches from the regex \n
         *  @var array $attr Embed attributes. \n
         *  @var string $url The original URL that was matched by the regex. \n
         *  @var array $rawattr The original unmodified attributes.
        $output = apply_filters('gravityview/oembed/entry', $output, $this, compact($entry_output, $matches, $attr, $url, $rawattr));
        $this->output[$this->entry_id] = $output;
        return $this->output[$this->entry_id];
  * Check if the user can edit the entry
  * - Is the nonce valid?
  * - Does the user have the right caps for the entry
  * - Is the entry in the trash?
  * @todo Move to GVCommon
  * @param  boolean $echo Show error messages in the form?
  * @return boolean        True: can edit form. False: nope.
 function user_can_edit_entry($echo = false)
     $error = NULL;
      *  1. Permalinks are turned off
      *  2. There are two entries embedded using oEmbed
      *  3. One of the entries has just been saved
     if (!empty($_POST['lid']) && !empty($_GET['entry']) && $_POST['lid'] !== $_GET['entry']) {
         $error = true;
     if (!empty($_GET['entry']) && (string) $this->entry['id'] !== $_GET['entry']) {
         $error = true;
     } elseif (!$this->verify_nonce()) {
          * If the Entry is embedded, there may be two entries on the same page.
          * If that's the case, and one is being edited, the other should fail gracefully and not display an error.
         if (GravityView_oEmbed::getInstance()->get_entry_id()) {
             $error = true;
         } else {
             $error = __('The link to edit this entry is not valid; it may have expired.', 'gravityview');
     if (!GravityView_Edit_Entry::check_user_cap_edit_entry($this->entry)) {
         $error = __('You do not have permission to edit this entry.', 'gravityview');
     if ($this->entry['status'] === 'trash') {
         $error = __('You cannot edit the entry; it is in the trash.', 'gravityview');
     // No errors; everything's fine here!
     if (empty($error)) {
         return true;
     if ($echo && $error !== true) {
         $error = esc_html($error);
          * @since 1.9
         if (!empty($this->entry)) {
             $error .= ' ' . gravityview_get_link('#', _x('Go back.', 'Link shown when invalid Edit Entry link is clicked', 'gravityview'), array('onclick' => "window.history.go(-1); return false;"));
         echo GVCommon::generate_notice(wpautop($error), 'gv-error error');
     do_action('gravityview_log_error', 'GravityView_Edit_Entry[user_can_edit_entry]' . $error);
     return false;