public function getTree($node, $ontology) { $filename = getcwd() . "/cache/onto-" . urlencode($ontology->url) . ".json"; if (is_readable($filename)) { return json_decode(file_get_contents($filename)); } $count = new PrefixCounter($ontology->prefix); $graph = new Graphite(); $xml = simplexml_load_file($ontology->url); foreach ($xml->getNamespaces(true) as $prefix => $uri) { $graph->ns($prefix, stripslashes($uri)); } $graph->load($ontology->url); $classes = $graph->allOfType("owl:Class"); $classes = $classes->append($graph->allOfType("rdfs:Class")); $toplevel = $classes->except($classes->all("-rdfs:subClassOf")); $json = array(); foreach ($toplevel as $class) { $uri = $graph->shrinkUri($class); $children = Ontology::getChildren($graph, $class, $count); $count->step(); $json[] = array("id" => $count->value(), "text" => $uri, "iconCls" => "class", "children" => $children, "leaf" => empty($children)); } file_put_contents($filename, json_encode($json)); return $json; }
<?php include_once "arc/ARC2.php"; include_once "Graphite.php"; $graph = new Graphite(); $uri = ""; $graph->load($uri); print $graph->resource($uri)->dump(); //print $graph->resource( $uri )->dumpText();
<?php require_once "../arc/ARC2.php"; require_once "../Graphite.php"; $graph = new Graphite(); $graph->load(""); $me = $graph->resource(""); print "<h1>" . $me->prettyLink() . "</h1>"; print "<p>default, built-in icons.</p>"; print "<div>" . $me->get("foaf:mbox")->prettyLink() . "</div>"; print "<div>" . $me->get("foaf:phone")->prettyLink() . "</div>"; print "<h1>" . $me->prettyLink() . "</h1>"; print '<p>The following icons by <a href="">Yusuke Kamiyamane</a>. All rights reserved. Licensed under a <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License</a>.</p>'; $graph->mailtoIcon("icons/mail.png"); $graph->telIcon("icons/telephone-handset.png"); print "<div>" . $me->get("foaf:mbox")->prettyLink() . "</div>"; print "<div>" . $me->get("foaf:phone")->prettyLink() . "</div>";
<?php include_once "arc/ARC2.php"; include_once "Graphite.php"; $graph = new Graphite(); $graph->ns("uosbuilding", ""); $graph->load("uosbuilding:32"); print $graph->resource("uosbuilding:32")->label();
<?php include_once "../arc/ARC2.php"; include_once "../Graphite.php"; //error_reporting(E_ALL); //ini_set('display_errors', '1'); $map = array("" => "Creator", "" => "Date created", "" => "Visits", "" => "Established", "" => "Version", "" => "Presented at", "" => "Contributor", "" => "Analyser", "" => "Downloads", "" => "Sample size"); $uri = ""; $rdfuri = "../results.rdf"; $graph = new Graphite(); $graph->ns("eprel", ""); $graph->ns("ecs", ""); $graph->load($rdfuri); // attempt to get a value from a resource // it will return the first non-null valued element from the array, or if none can be found return the placeholder function get_from_rdf($resource, $element_order_array, $placeholder) { global $graph; foreach ($element_order_array as $element) { $value = $graph->resource($resource)->get($element); if ($value != "[NULL]") { return htmlspecialchars_decode($value); } } return $placeholder; } // get the text for the head title function main_head() { global $uri; global $graph;
<?php include_once "arc/ARC2.php"; include_once "Graphite.php"; $graph = new Graphite(); $graph->load(""); print $graph->resource("")->get("foaf:name");
//} $types = array('person' => array('sr' => 'Person', 'srp' => "People", 'tags' => array(0 => 'foaf:Person', 'ecs:Person')), 'paper' => array('sr' => 'Article', 'srp' => "Articles", 'tags' => array(0 => 'bibo:Article', 'bibo:AcademicArticle')), 'project' => array('sr' => 'Project', 'srp' => "Projects", 'tags' => array(0 => 'foaf:Project')), 'avdoc' => array('sr' => 'AV Document', 'srp' => "AV documents", 'tags' => array(0 => '')), 'conference' => array('sr' => 'Conference', 'srp' => "Conferences", 'tags' => array(0 => 'bibo:Conference'))); // } $strings = array('person' => array('short' => '', 'long' => ''), 'article' => array('short' => '', 'long' => ''), 'project' => array('short' => '', 'long' => '')); //} require_once "Graphite.php"; require_once "arc/ARC2.php"; $g = new Graphite($nsArr); // if (!is_null($url = $_GET['url'])) $g->load($url); // elseif (!is_null($_REQUEST['rdf'])) foreach ($_REQUEST['rdf'] as $rdf) $g->loadRDFXML($rdf); // else { // echo 'document.write("Not RDF");'; // } $source = "file:///var/www/d-ROC/results2.rdf"; // $source = ""; $g->load($source); echo '<ul class="floatingLinks">'; $struct = array(); $html = ""; foreach ($types as $intype => $array) { foreach ($array['tags'] as $type) { if (is_null($reslist)) { $reslist = $g->allOfType($type); } else { $reslist = $reslist->union($g->allOfType($type)); } } $count = 0; $str = ""; foreach ($reslist as $res) { $str .= renderResource($res, $intype);
header("Content-Type:application/json"); include_once "arc2/ARC2.php"; include_once "arc2/Graphite.php"; $URL = $_GET['url']; $CLASS = $_GET['class']; $filename = getcwd() . "/cache/inst-" . urlencode($CLASS) . "-" . urlencode($URL) . ".json"; if (is_readable($filename)) { print file_get_contents($filename); return; } $graph = new Graphite(); $xml = simplexml_load_file($URL); foreach ($xml->getNamespaces(true) as $prefix => $uri) { $graph->ns($prefix, stripslashes($uri)); } $graph->load($URL); $properties = array(); if (array_key_exists('properties', $_REQUEST)) { $PROPS = $_GET['properties']; $properties = explode(",", $PROPS); } // Here, we grab a List of all of this type of class $resources = $graph->allOfType($CLASS); $json = array(); foreach ($resources as $instance) { $suri = $graph->shrinkURI(trim($instance)); $add = array("id" => $suri); foreach ($properties as $prop) { $propname = trim($prop); $value = trim($instance->get($prop)); $split = ARC2::splitUri($value);
static function processSouthamptonURI($uri) { $graph = new Graphite(); $graph->load('file:/home/opendatamap/isleofwight.rdf'); $res = $graph->resource($uri); echo "<div id='content'>"; $name = $res->getString('rdfs:label'); $icon = $res->getString(''); echo "<h2><img class='icon' src='" . ($icon != "" ? $icon : "img/blackness.png") . "' />" . $name; echo "</h2>"; if ($res->has('foaf:phone')) { $phone = $res->getString('foaf:phone'); if (substr($phone, 0, 8) == 'tel:+442') { echo '(0' . substr($phone, 7, 2) . ') ' . substr($phone, 9, 4) . ' ' . substr($phone, 13); } elseif (substr($phone, 0, 7) == 'tel:+44') { echo '(0' . substr($phone, 7, 4) . ') ' . substr($phone, 11, 3) . ' ' . substr($phone, 14); } else { echo substr($phone, 4); } //foreach($res->all('foaf:phone') as $phone) // echo $phone.'<br/>'; } $allpos = array(); foreach ($res->all('-') as $offering) { foreach ($offering->all('') as $include) { if ($include->isType('')) { $p['label'] = $include->getString('rdfs:label'); $allpos[] = $p; } } } if (count($allpos) == 0) { foreach ($res->all('-') as $offering) { foreach ($offering->all('') as $include) { if ($include->isType('')) { $p['label'] = $include->getString('rdfs:label'); $allpos[] = $p; } } } } /* $allpos = sparql_get(self::$endpoint, " PREFIX geo: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX spacerel: <> PREFIX org: <> PREFIX gr: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?label WHERE { ?o gr:availableAtOrFrom <$uri> . ?o gr:includes ?ps . ?ps a gr:ProductOrServicesSomeInstancesPlaceholder . ?ps rdfs:label ?label . } ORDER BY ?label "); if(count($allpos) == 0) { $allpos = sparql_get(self::$endpoint, " PREFIX geo: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX spacerel: <> PREFIX org: <> PREFIX gr: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?label WHERE { ?o gr:availableAtOrFrom <$uri> . ?o gr:includes ?ps . ?ps a gr:ProductOrService . ?ps rdfs:label ?label . } ORDER BY ?label "); } */ self::processOffers($allpos); $allopen = array(); foreach ($res->all('') as $time) { if ($time->has('')) { $open['start'] = $time->getString(''); } else { $open['start'] = null; } if ($time->has('')) { $open['end'] = $time->getString(''); } else { $open['end'] = null; } $open['day'] = $time->getString(''); $open['opens'] = $time->getString(''); $open['closes'] = $time->getString(''); $allopen[] = $open; } /* $allopen = sparql_get(self::$endpoint, " PREFIX geo: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX spacerel: <> PREFIX org: <> PREFIX gr: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { <$uri> gr:hasOpeningHoursSpecification ?time . OPTIONAL { ?time gr:validFrom ?start . } OPTIONAL { ?time gr:validThrough ?end . } ?time gr:hasOpeningHoursDayOfWeek ?day . ?time gr:opens ?opens . ?time gr:closes ?closes . } ORDER BY ?start ?end ?day ?opens ?closes "); */ self::processOpeningTimes($allopen); if (substr($uri, 0, strlen('')) == '') { self::processSownURI($uri); } echo "</div>"; return true; }
#!/usr/bin/php <?php # this is intended to be run on the command-line, but you could run it # via the web if you wanted. # you'll need to change all the paths. require_once "../arc/ARC2.php"; require_once "../Graphite.php"; $graph = new Graphite(); $graph->ns("foo", ""); $graph->load("mydata.rdf"); $graph->freeze("mydata.rdf.graphite"); # to use this graph from a script, use # $graph = Graphite::thaw( "mydata.rdf.graphite" );
<?php include_once "arc/ARC2.php"; include_once "Graphite.php"; $person_uri = ""; $graph = new Graphite(); # this must be a directory the webserver can write to. //$graph->cacheDir( "/usr/local/apache/sites/" ); $graph->cacheDir("/tmp/"); $graph->load($person_uri); $person = $graph->resource($person_uri); print "<h3>" . $person->link() . "</h3>"; # Show sameAs properties foreach ($person->all("owl:sameAs") as $sameas) { print "<div>sameAs: " . $sameas->link() . "</div>"; } showPersonInfo("Before", $person); # follow the sameAs links and load them into our graph $person->loadSameAs(); showPersonInfo("After", $person); function showPersonInfo($title, $person) { print "<h4>{$title}</h4>"; print "<div><b>name:</b> " . $person->all("foaf:name")->join(", ") . "</div>"; print "<div><b>phone:</b> " . $person->all("foaf:phone")->prettyLink()->join(", ") . "</div>"; print "<div><b>homepage:</b> " . $person->all("foaf:homepage")->link()->join(", ") . "</div>"; }