function detectAttack() { /******************************************/ // 基本上 此物件裡面使用到的資訊 // 都會從檔案中讀取 並不會產生http request // 不需要做synchronization /******************************************/ $PLANET = $this->PLANET; //echo "\n"; echo "AttackDetector: [" . $PLANET[0] . ":" . $PLANET[1] . ":" . $PLANET[2] . "](" . $PLANET[3] . ") "; echo "Start detecting attacks.\n"; $final_arrive_time = "0"; if ($this->hasAttack()) { //Attacked; get event list $eList = file_get_contents($this->Config['ADEventList'], true); //echo "event list result strlen: ". strlen($eList)."\n"; if (strlen($eList) < $this->Config['AskPageLeastStrLen']) { $LoginManager = new LoginManager(); $eList = GlobalFunc::getEventList(); } $event_list_dom = GlobalFunc::loadHtml("<?xml encoding='UTF-8'>" . $eList); //每個tr都是一筆傳對往返的event $items = $event_list_dom->getElementsByTagName('tr'); if (!is_object($items)) { echo "Error occur, <tr> tags are not found in event list, return 0.\n"; return 0; } $items_num = $items->length; //items of fleets action report are sorted by arriving time from closest to farest //逐項檢查event list(items)裡面的每筆event(item) for ($i = 0; $i < $items_num; $i++) { //船隊的抵達時間 $arrive_time = 0; //取得event(item)下的所有td $item = $items->item($i); $tds = $item->getElementsByTagName('td'); $tds_num = $tds->length; //取得船隊的到達時間 echo "Prepare to check arrival time.\n"; for ($tdIdx = 0; $tdIdx < $tds_num; $tdIdx++) { $tmp_td_item = $tds->item($tdIdx); $tmp_class_value = $tmp_td_item->attributes->getNamedItem('class')->nodeValue; if ($tmp_class_value == "arrivalTime") { $arrive_time_str = $tmp_td_item->textContent; //trim chinese code after the time string $arrive_time = GlobalFunc::trimArrivalTime($arrive_time_str); break; } } if ($arrive_time != "") { //data-arrival-time不為空值 //剩下多少時間會到達 $left_arrive_time = GlobalFunc::timeFromNowInSecond($arrive_time, true); echo "AttackDetector: Arrive_time " . $arrive_time . ".\n"; echo "AttackDetector: Reaction time " . $this->ReactionTime . " seconds.\n"; echo "AttackDetector: An Attack arrive after " . $left_arrive_time . " seconds.\n"; if ($left_arrive_time > $this->ReactionTime) { echo "AttackDetector: Attack over reaction time, do nothing. \n"; //(因為第一個偵測到的攻擊一定是最早到的攻擊) //所以第一個都還沒到就可以直接結束偵測了 //到達時間超過反應時間 不需理會 break; } } else { echo "AttackDetector: No arrive time , it's not an attack.\n"; //沒有抵達時間 該event應該不是攻擊 break; } //紀錄event狀態的flag $isTDAttackEvent = false; $isGroupAttackEvent = false; //是聯合攻擊 $isTDEventOver = true; $dest_coord = array(0, 0, 0); $dest_type = 0; $total_fleets_count = 10000; $eventFleetStr = ""; //查看該event的所有<td>並取得重要內容 for ($j = 0; $j < $tds_num; $j++) { $td_dom = $tds->item($j); $td_class_value = $td_dom->attributes->getNamedItem('class')->nodeValue; if ($td_class_value == "missionFleet") { //確認該事件是否為攻擊事件 //被攻擊的會有這個圖示 以圖片網址來判定 //<td class="missionFleet"> //<img src="" class="tooltipHTML" title=""> //</td> $img = $td_dom->getElementsByTagName('img')->item(0); $icon_source = $img->attributes->getNamedItem('src')->nodeValue; if ($icon_source == "") { $isTDAttackEvent = true; } else { if ($icon_source == "") { $isTDAttackEvent = true; $isGroupAttackEvent = true; echo "AttackDetector: This is a group attack event. Withdraw fleets whatever.\n"; } else { echo "AttackDetector: This is not an known attack event. "; echo "Check if is attack event. Icon Source = " . $icon_source . "\n"; } } } else { if ($td_class_value == "detailsFleet") { $span_dom = $td_dom->getElementsByTagName('span')->item(0); $total_fleets_count = $span_dom->textContent; //一定要拿掉三位撇 否則會錯 //"6,643" <= 20 = true (錯誤結果) //"6643" <= 20 = false echo "total_fleets_count before trim: " . $total_fleets_count . "\n"; $total_fleets_count = GlobalFunc::strToIntByTakeCommaOff($total_fleets_count); echo "total_fleets_count after trim: " . $total_fleets_count . "\n"; /*if($total_fleets_count <= $this->Config['ThreatenCount']){ echo "\n================= Ignore Attack ==================\n"; echo "\nFleets count Total(".$total_fleets_count.") <= Threshold(".$this->Config['ThreatenCount']."), no big deal. Ignore the attack.\n"; echo "AttackDetector: Attack arrive after ". $left_arrive_time . " seconds.\n"; echo "\n==================================================\n"; break; }else{ echo "AttackDetector: This attack is dangerous, hide fleets.\n"; }*/ } else { if ($td_class_value == "icon_movement") { //確認該船隊是否為前往狀態 //icon_movement存在表示艦隊正在前往 $isTDEventOver = false; //取得eventFleetStr $eventFleetStr = EscapeFilter::getEventFleetStr($td_dom); } else { if ($td_class_value == "destFleet") { //找出被攻擊的星球type $dest_type = GlobalFunc::getTargetTypeByTdDom($td_dom); if ($dest_type != $PLANET[3]) { //打的不是本Planet(type不一樣) $isTDAttackEvent = false; } } else { if ($td_class_value == "destCoords") { //取得目的地星球座標 //<td class="destCoords"> //<a href="" target="_top"> //[1:79:10] //</a> //</td> $a_dom = $td_dom->getElementsByTagName('a')->item(0); $dest_coord_string = trim($a_dom->textContent); $dest_coord_string = substr($dest_coord_string, 1, strlen($dest_coord_string) - 2); // trim notation '[]' $dest_coord = explode(":", $dest_coord_string); //echo "dest_coord_string = ".$dest_coord_string; //var_dump($dest_coord); //echo PHP_EOL; } } } } } } //取得目標的type $dest_coord[3] = $dest_type; if ($isTDAttackEvent && !$isTDEventOver) { //確定該星球正在被攻擊 且 攻擊船隊是前往的狀態 if (GlobalFunc::isCoordinateMatch($dest_coord, $PLANET)) { //判斷威脅性 若此event沒有威脅性 則coninue $p_coord_text = GlobalFunc::getCoordTextWithType($PLANET); //是聯合攻擊的話 不管怎樣直接逃 if ($isGroupAttackEvent == false) { $isThreaten = EscapeFilter::escapeIfThreatenFilter($total_fleets_count, $eventFleetStr, EscapeFilter::getEscapeList(), $p_coord_text); if ($isThreaten != true) { //不具威脅性 echo "================================= Ignore Attack =================================\n"; echo iconv("UTF-8", "big5//IGNORE", "\n此攻擊(arrive_time:{$arrive_time})(目標:{$p_coord_text}) 不具威脅性 忽略.\n"); echo "\n================================= Ignore Attack =================================\n"; continue; } } //宣告該星球是被攻擊的星球 echo "AttackDetector: [{$dest_coord['0']}:{$dest_coord['1']}:{$dest_coord['2']}]({$dest_coord['3']}):\n"; echo "final_arrive_time: "; var_dump($final_arrive_time); if (strcmp($final_arrive_time, "0") == 0) { $final_arrive_time = $arrive_time; echo "Attack arrive time is updated, after," . $left_arrive_time . " s.\n"; } else { //之前已經有一個攻擊被偵測到了了 //之前被偵測到的攻擊 還剩幾秒鐘會到? $latest_attack_left_arr_time = GlobalFunc::timeFromNowInSecond($final_arrive_time, true); //這次攻擊抵達的時間 一定要 比之前檢查到的晚到(因為對方伺服器給的資料有照時間順序排序) //所以如果 attack_interval < 0 表示有error $attack_interval = $left_arrive_time - $latest_attack_left_arr_time; if ($attack_interval < 0) { echo "\n!!!!!!!!!!!!! error !!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n"; echo "attack_interval = " . $attack_interval . "\n"; echo "There must be some error happened.\n"; echo "\n!!!!!!!!!!!!! error !!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n"; } //確認attack interval是否太近 會造成危險 //若太接近則視為同一起攻擊事件, // 取最晚到的攻擊做為final_arrive_time //但 取最早到的攻擊做為判斷船隻是否需要撤離的條件 //(只要 $final_arrive_time 不為0, 船隻就會被送走) echo "{$attack_interval}: " . $attack_interval . " CAttackPvtInterval: " . $this->Config['CAttackPvtInterval'] . "\n"; if ($attack_interval < $this->Config['CAttackPvtInterval']) { $final_arrive_time = $arrive_time; echo "Second Attack is detected, arrive time is updated, after " . $left_arrive_time . " sec.\n"; } else { echo "Second Attack is detected, it's too far from the preceding ones.\n"; } } } } } } else { echo "AttackDetector: [" . $PLANET[0] . ":" . $PLANET[1] . ":" . $PLANET[2] . "](" . $PLANET[3] . ") "; echo " No Attack Detected.\n"; } echo "AttackDetector: [" . $PLANET[0] . ":" . $PLANET[1] . ":" . $PLANET[2] . "](" . $PLANET[3] . ") "; echo "Detecting finished.\n"; return $final_arrive_time; }