$app->sfunc->badRequest400($app, "targetMissing");
 $targets = $app->sfunc->convertStringToIntArray($inputs["targets"]);
 try {
     // Check that an access token is present and is valid
     //get and check the user id by AccessToken
     $app->sfunc->isValidUUID($app, $uuid);
     $thisTime = "'" . $app->sfunc->getGMT() . "'";
     // use ' to quote the time string
     $outputString = "";
     $outputString2 = "";
     $thsUser = NiuUsrInfo::findFirst("id = " . $uuid);
     foreach ($targets as $val) {
         //GiftBox::findFirst("id = " . $val . " AND targetid = " . $uuid. " AND expired_at > " . $thisTime);
         $gBoxEntry = GiftBox::findFirst(array("conditions" => "id = {$val} AND targetid = {$uuid} AND expired_at > {$thisTime}"));
         if (!$gBoxEntry) {
             $outputString2 = $outputString2 . "," . $val;
         $giftContent = $app->sfunc->convertStringToIntArray($gBoxEntry->json);
         //now we get int[,]
         //if giftContent[0] is not array
         //$giftContent[0] is the type based on public enum NiuPurchaseType,
         //$giftContent[1] is the index of the item, used in cashcard/ eq
         //$giftContent[2] is the amount in general, used in diamond/ cash
         //if giftContent[0] is array
         //$giftContent[0][$i] is the type based on public enum NiuPurchaseType,
         //$giftContent[1][$i] is the index of the item, used in cashcard/ eq
         //$giftContent[2][$i] is the amount in general, used in diamond/ cash
         if (is_array($giftContent[0])) {