public static function saveVersion($entry, $fields, $is_update)
     // list existing versions of this entry
     $existing_versions = General::listStructure(MANIFEST . '/versions/' . $entry->get('id') . '/', '/.xml$/');
     // create folder
     if (!file_exists(MANIFEST . '/versions/' . $entry->get('id'))) {
         General::realiseDirectory(MANIFEST . '/versions/' . $entry->get('id'));
     // max version number
     $new_version_number = count($existing_versions['filelist']);
     if ($is_update) {
     if ($new_version_number == 0) {
     // run custom DS to get the built XML of this entry
     $ds = new EntryVersionsXMLDataSource(self::Context(), null, false);
     $ds->dsParamINCLUDEDELEMENTS = array_keys($fields);
     $ds->dsParamFILTERS['id'] = $entry->get('id');
     $ds->dsSource = (string) $entry->get('section_id');
     $param_pool = array();
     $entry_xml = $ds->grab($param_pool);
     // get text value of the entry
     $proc = new XsltProcess();
     $data = $proc->process($entry_xml->generate(), file_get_contents(EXTENSIONS . '/entry_versions/lib/entry-version.xsl'), array('version' => $new_version_number, 'created-by' => self::Context()->Author ? self::Context()->Author->getFullName() : '', 'created-date' => date('Y-m-d', time()), 'created-time' => date('H:i', time())));
     $write = General::writeFile(MANIFEST . '/versions/' . $entry->get('id') . '/' . $new_version_number . '.xml', $data);
     General::writeFile(MANIFEST . '/versions/' . $entry->get('id') . '/' . $new_version_number . '.dat', self::serializeEntry($entry));
     return $new_version_number;
Пример #2
 public function build()
     $this->_root = DOCROOT . '/';
     $this->_path = @realpath(strlen(trim($_GET['browse'])) == 0 ? $this->_root : $_GET['browse']);
     $this->_xsl = @file_get_contents($this->_pagedata['filelocation']);
     // Keep everything within DOCROOT:
     if (strpos($this->_path, $this->_root) !== 0) {
         $this->_path = $this->_root;
     $this->_item = new PathListItem($this->_path);
     if ($this->_path != $this->_root) {
         $this->_link = '=' . $this->_item->path($this->_root);
     // Toggle bookmarks:
     if (isset($_GET['bookmark'])) {
         $configuration = Frontend::instance()->Configuration;
         $bookmarks = $configuration->get('browsedevkit-bookmarks');
         $path = realpath($_GET['bookmark']);
         if (strpos($path, $this->_root) !== 0) {
             $path = $this->_root;
         if (!is_array($bookmarks)) {
             $bookmarks = array();
         if (in_array($path, $bookmarks)) {
             $bookmarks = array_diff($bookmarks, array($path));
         } else {
             $bookmarks[] = $path;
         $configuration->set('browsedevkit-bookmarks', $bookmarks);
         General::writeFile(CONFIG, "<?php\n\t\$settings = {$configuration};\n", $configuration->get('write_mode', 'file'));
     return parent::build();
Пример #3
 public function install()
     // create tables
     Symphony::Database()->query("CREATE TABLE `tbl_elasticsearch_logs` (\n\t\t\t\t  `id` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n\t\t\t\t  `date` datetime NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t  `keywords` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t  `keywords_raw` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t  `sections` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t  `page` int(11) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t  `results` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t  `session_id` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t  `user_agent` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t  `ip` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n\t\t\t\t  UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`),\n\t\t\t\t  KEY `keywords` (`keywords`),\n\t\t\t\t  KEY `date` (`date`),\n\t\t\t\t  KEY `session_id` (`session_id`)\n\t\t\t\t) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
     // create config defaults
     Symphony::Configuration()->setArray(array('elasticsearch' => array('host' => '', 'index-name' => '', 'reindex-batch-size' => 20, 'reindex-batch-delay' => 0, 'per-page' => 20, 'sort' => '_score', 'direction' => 'desc', 'highlight-fragment-size' => 200, 'highlight-per-field' => 1, 'build-entry-xml' => 'no', 'default-sections' => '', 'default-language' => '', 'log-searches' => 'yes')));
     // create workspace structure
     $config = (object) Symphony::Configuration()->get('directory');
     General::realiseDirectory(WORKSPACE . '/elasticsearch', $config->{'write_mode'});
     General::writeFile(WORKSPACE . '/elasticsearch/.htaccess', file_get_contents(EXTENSIONS . '/elasticsearch/templates/.htaccess'), $config->{'write_mode'});
     General::writeFile(WORKSPACE . '/elasticsearch/index.json', file_get_contents(EXTENSIONS . '/elasticsearch/templates/index.json'), $config->{'write_mode'});
     General::realiseDirectory(WORKSPACE . '/elasticsearch/mappings', $config->{'write_mode'});
Пример #4
 private function persist($url, $result)
     $cache = array();
     $cache[] = array();
     if (file_exists(BITLY_CACHE)) {
         $cache = file_get_contents(BITLY_CACHE);
         $cache = json_decode($cache, true);
     $token = md5($url);
     if (!array_key_exists($token, $cache)) {
         $cache[0][$token] = array("url" => $url, "tinyurl" => $result);
     $cache = json_encode($cache);
     General::writeFile(BITLY_CACHE, $cache);
Пример #5
function writeConfig($dest, $conf, $mode)
    $string = "<?php\n";
    $string .= "\n\t\$settings = array(";
    foreach ($conf as $group => $data) {
        $string .= "\r\n\r\n\r\n\t\t###### " . strtoupper($group) . " ######";
        $string .= "\r\n\t\t'{$group}' => array(";
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
            $string .= "\r\n\t\t\t'{$key}' => " . (strlen($value) > 0 ? "'" . addslashes($value) . "'" : 'NULL') . ",";
        $string .= "\r\n\t\t),";
        $string .= "\r\n\t\t########";
    $string .= "\r\n\t);\n\n";
    return General::writeFile($dest . '/config.php', $string, $mode);
  * Changes the source of navigation datasources.
  * @static
  * @param string $mode - flag for datasource status.
 public static function editAllNavDssTo($mode)
     $datasources = array_keys(DatasourceManager::listAll());
     if (is_array($datasources) && !empty($datasources)) {
         foreach ($datasources as $value) {
             $filename = WORKSPACE . '/data-sources/data.' . $value . '.php';
             if (is_file($filename) && is_writable($filename)) {
                 $old_content = file_get_contents($filename);
                 if (self::_isDsTypeNavigation($old_content)) {
                     if (method_exists(get_class(), "setNavDsTo{$mode}")) {
                         $new_content = call_user_func(array(self, "setNavDsTo{$mode}"), $old_content);
                         General::writeFile($filename, $new_content);
Пример #7
 public function install()
     if (file_exists(MANIFEST . '/jit-precaching.php')) {
     $string = "<?php\n";
     $string .= "\n\t\$cached_recipes = array(";
     $string .= "\r\n\r\n\t\t/*";
     $string .= "\r\n\t\tarray(";
     $string .= "\r\n\t\t\t'section' => 'section-handle',";
     $string .= "\r\n\t\t\t'field' => 'field-handle',";
     $string .= "\r\n\t\t\t//'recipes' => array('*'),";
     $string .= "\r\n\t\t\t'recipes' => array('gallery', 'profile-small', 'profile-large'),";
     $string .= "\r\n\t\t),";
     $string .= "\r\n\t\t*/";
     $string .= "\r\n\t);\n\n";
     return General::writeFile(MANIFEST . '/jit-precaching.php', $string, Symphony::Configuration()->get('write_mode', 'file'));
Пример #8
 public function __actionIndex()
     $sections_post = @$_POST['sections'];
     if (empty($this->_driver)) {
         $this->_driver = $this->_Parent->ExtensionManager->create('section_schemas');
     if (@isset($_POST['action']['save'])) {
         $blueprint = new contentBlueprintsDatasources();
         $sm = new SectionManager($this->_Parent);
         $sections = $sm->fetch();
         foreach ($sections as $section) {
             $file = DATASOURCES . '/data.section_schema_' . str_replace('-', '_', $section->_data['handle']) . '.php';
             if (in_array($section->_data['handle'], $sections_post)) {
                 $dsShell = file_get_contents(TEMPLATE . '/datasource.tpl');
                 $dsShell = str_replace("require_once(TOOLKIT . '/class.datasource.php');", "require_once(TOOLKIT . '/class.datasource.php');\n\trequire_once(TOOLKIT . '/class.sectionmanager.php');\n\trequire_once(TOOLKIT . '/class.fieldmanager.php');\n\trequire_once(TOOLKIT . '/class.entrymanager.php');", $dsShell);
                 $dsShell = str_replace('<!-- CLASS NAME -->', 'section_schema_' . str_replace('-', '_', $section->_data['handle']), $dsShell);
                 $dsShell = str_replace('<!-- FILTERS -->', '', $dsShell);
                 $dsShell = str_replace('<!-- INCLUDED ELEMENTS -->', '', $dsShell);
                 $dsShell = str_replace('<!-- DS DEPENDANCY LIST -->', '""', $dsShell);
                 $params['rootelement'] = 'section-schema';
                 $blueprint->__injectVarList($dsShell, $params);
                 $about = array('name' => 'Section Schema: ' . $section->_data['name'], 'version' => '1.0', 'release date' => DateTimeObj::getGMT('c'), 'author name' => $this->_Parent->Author->getFullName(), 'author website' => URL, 'author email' => $this->_Parent->Author->get('email'));
                 $blueprint->__injectAboutInformation($dsShell, $about);
                 $dsShell = str_replace('<!-- SOURCE -->', $section->_data['id'], $dsShell);
                 $dsShell = str_replace('return true;', 'return false;', $dsShell);
                 $dsShell = str_replace('<!-- GRAB -->', "\$extension = \$this->_Parent->ExtensionManager->create('section_schemas');" . self::CRLF . "\t\t\t\t\$extension->getSectionSchema(\$result, \$this->getSource());", $dsShell);
                 $dsShell = str_replace('<!-- EXTRAS -->', '', $dsShell);
                 if (!is_writable(dirname($file)) || !($write = General::writeFile($file, $dsShell, $this->_Parent->Configuration->get('write_mode', 'file')))) {
                     $this->pageAlert(__('Failed to write data sources to <code>%s</code>. Please check permissions.', array(DATASOURCES)), Alert::ERROR);
                 } else {
                     $this->pageAlert('Section Schema data sources saved.', Alert::SUCCESS);
Пример #9
  * This function will write the given message to the log file. Messages will be appended
  * the existing log file.
  * @param string $message
  *  The message to add to the Log
  * @param boolean $addbreak
  *  To be used in conjunction with `$writeToLog`, this will add a line break
  *  before writing this message in the log file. Defaults to true.
  * @return boolean
  *  Returns true if the message was written successfully, false otherwise
 public function writeToLog($message, $addbreak = true)
     if (file_exists($this->_log_path) && !is_writable($this->_log_path)) {
         $this->pushToLog('Could Not Write To Log. It is not readable.');
         return false;
     $permissions = class_exists('Symphony') ? Symphony::Configuration()->get('write_mode', 'file') : '0664';
     return General::writeFile($this->_log_path, $message . ($addbreak ? PHP_EOL : ''), $permissions, 'a+');
 public static function migrateSection($section_id)
     $section = self::$sectionManager->fetch($section_id);
     // Ensures that section has a guid value
     if (!$section->get('guid')) {
         $section->set('guid', uniqid());
     $meta = $section->get();
     $fields = array();
     $field_objects = $section->fetchFields();
     if (is_array($field_objects) && !empty($field_objects)) {
         foreach ($field_objects as $f) {
             // Ensures that fields has guid values
             if (!$f->get('guid')) {
                 $f->set('guid', uniqid());
                 self::$fieldManager->edit($f->get('id'), array('guid' => $f->get('guid')));
             $fields[] = $f->get();
     // Creates DOMDocument object
     $xml = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
     $xml->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
     $xml->formatOutput = true;
     // Section element
     $section = $xml->createElement('section');
     $section->setAttribute('guid', $meta['guid']);
     // Section meta data
     $section_meta = $xml->createElement('meta');
     foreach ($meta as $key => $value) {
         if ($key == 'id') {
         $element = $xml->createElement($key, $value);
     // Section fields
     $section_fields = $xml->createElement('fields');
     foreach ($fields as $f) {
         $field = $xml->createElement('entry');
         foreach ($f as $key => $value) {
             if ($key == 'id' || $key == 'field_id') {
             $data = $xml->createElement($key, $value);
     // Saves output in an external file
     $location = WORKSPACE . "/sections/{$meta['handle']}.xml";
     $output = $xml->saveXML();
     General::writeFile($location, $output, Symphony::Configuration()->get('write_mode', 'file'));
Пример #11
 public function save(MessageStack $errors)
     $editing = isset($this->parameters()->{'root-element'}) ? $this->parameters()->{'root-element'} : false;
     // About info:
     if (!isset($this->about()->name) || empty($this->about()->name)) {
         $errors->append('about::name', __('This is a required field'));
     try {
         $existing = self::loadFromHandle($this->handle);
     } catch (DataSourceException $e) {
         //	Datasource not found, continue!
     if ($existing instanceof Datasource && $editing != $this->handle) {
         throw new DataSourceException(__('A Datasource with the name <code>%s</code> already exists', array($this->about()->name)));
     // Save type:
     if ($errors->length() <= 0) {
         $user = Administration::instance()->User;
         if (!file_exists($this->getTemplate())) {
             $errors->append('write', __("Unable to find Data Source Type template '%s'.", array($this->getTemplate())));
             throw new DataSourceException(__("Unable to find Data Source Type template '%s'.", array($this->getTemplate())));
         $this->parameters()->{'root-element'} = $this->handle;
         $classname = Lang::createHandle(ucwords($this->about()->name), '_', false, true, array('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\\x7f-\\xff]/' => NULL), true);
         $pathname = DATASOURCES . "/" . $this->handle . ".php";
         $data = array($classname, var_export($this->about()->name, true), var_export($user->getFullName(), true), var_export(URL, true), var_export($user->email, true), var_export('1.0', true), var_export(DateTimeObj::getGMT('c'), true));
         foreach ($this->parameters() as $value) {
             $data[] = trim(General::var_export($value, true, is_array($value) ? 5 : 0));
         if (General::writeFile($pathname, vsprintf(file_get_contents($this->getTemplate()), $data), Symphony::Configuration()->core()->symphony->{'file-write-mode'})) {
             if ($editing !== false && $editing != $this->handle) {
                 General::deleteFile(DATASOURCES . '/' . $editing . '.php');
             return $pathname;
         $errors->append('write', __('Failed to write datasource "%s" to disk.', array($filename)));
     throw new DataSourceException('Errors were encountered whilst attempting to save.');
 function __actionEdit()
     if (!($page_id = $this->_context[1])) {
         redirect(URL . '/symphony/blueprints/pages/');
     if (@array_key_exists('delete', $_POST['action'])) {
         ## TODO: Fix Me
         # Delegate: Delete
         # Description: Prior to deletion. Provided with Page's database ID
         //$ExtensionManager->notifyMembers('Delete', getCurrentPage(), array('page' => $page_id));
         $page = $this->_Parent->Database->fetchRow(0, "SELECT * FROM tbl_pages WHERE `id` = '{$page_id}'");
         $filename = $page['path'] . '_' . $page['handle'];
         $filename = trim(str_replace('/', '_', $filename), '_');
         $this->_Parent->Database->delete('tbl_pages', " `id` = '{$page_id}'");
         $this->_Parent->Database->delete('tbl_pages_types', " `page_id` = '{$page_id}'");
         $this->_Parent->Database->query("UPDATE tbl_pages SET `sortorder` = (`sortorder` + 1) WHERE `sortorder` < '{$page_id}'");
         General::deleteFile(PAGES . "/{$filename}.xsl");
         redirect(URL . '/symphony/blueprints/pages/');
     } elseif (@array_key_exists('save', $_POST['action'])) {
         $fields = $_POST['fields'];
         $this->_errors = array();
         if (!isset($fields['body']) || trim($fields['body']) == '') {
             $this->_errors['body'] = __('Body is a required field');
         } elseif (!General::validateXML($fields['body'], $errors, false, new XSLTProcess())) {
             $this->_errors['body'] = __('This document is not well formed. The following error was returned: <code>%s</code>', array($errors[0]['message']));
         if (!isset($fields['title']) || trim($fields['title']) == '') {
             $this->_errors['title'] = __('Title is a required field');
         if (trim($fields['type']) != '' && preg_match('/(index|404|403)/i', $fields['type'])) {
             $haystack = strtolower($fields['type']);
             if (preg_match('/\\bindex\\b/i', $haystack, $matches) && ($row = $this->_Parent->Database->fetchRow(0, "SELECT * FROM `tbl_pages_types` WHERE `page_id` != '{$page_id}' AND `type` = 'index' LIMIT 1"))) {
                 $this->_errors['type'] = __('An index type page already exists.');
             } elseif (preg_match('/\\b404\\b/i', $haystack, $matches) && ($row = $this->_Parent->Database->fetchRow(0, "SELECT * FROM `tbl_pages_types` WHERE `page_id` != '{$page_id}' AND `type` = '404' LIMIT 1"))) {
                 $this->_errors['type'] = __('A 404 type page already exists.');
             } elseif (preg_match('/\\b403\\b/i', $haystack, $matches) && ($row = $this->_Parent->Database->fetchRow(0, "SELECT * FROM `tbl_pages_types` WHERE `page_id` != '{$page_id}' AND `type` = '403' LIMIT 1"))) {
                 $this->_errors['type'] = __('A 403 type page already exists.');
         if (empty($this->_errors)) {
             ## Manipulate some fields
             //$fields['sortorder'] = $this->_Parent->Database->fetchVar('next', 0, "SELECT MAX(sortorder) + 1 as `next` FROM `tbl_pages` LIMIT 1");
             //if(empty($fields['sortorder']) || !is_numeric($fields['sortorder'])) $fields['sortorder'] = 1;
             $autogenerated_handle = false;
             if (trim($fields['handle']) == '') {
                 $fields['handle'] = $fields['title'];
                 $autogenerated_handle = true;
             $fields['handle'] = Lang::createHandle($fields['handle']);
             if ($fields['params']) {
                 $fields['params'] = trim(preg_replace('@\\/{2,}@', '/', $fields['params']), '/');
             ## Clean up type list
             $types = preg_split('/,\\s*/', $fields['type'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
             $types = @array_map('trim', $types);
             //if(trim($fields['type'])) $fields['type'] = preg_replace('/\s*,\s*/i', ', ', $fields['type']);
             //else $fields['type'] = NULL;
             ## Manipulate some fields
             $fields['parent'] = $fields['parent'] != 'None' ? $fields['parent'] : NULL;
             $fields['data_sources'] = @implode(',', $fields['data_sources']);
             $fields['events'] = @implode(',', $fields['events']);
             $fields['path'] = NULL;
             if ($fields['parent']) {
                 $fields['path'] = $this->_Parent->resolvePagePath(intval($fields['parent']));
             $new_filename = trim(str_replace('/', '_', $fields['path'] . '_' . $fields['handle']), '_');
             $current = $this->_Parent->Database->fetchRow(0, "SELECT * FROM `tbl_pages` WHERE `id` = '{$page_id}' LIMIT 1");
             $current_filename = $current['path'] . '_' . $current['handle'];
             $current_filename = trim(str_replace('/', '_', $current_filename), '_');
             ## Duplicate
             if ($this->_Parent->Database->fetchRow(0, "SELECT * FROM `tbl_pages` \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE `handle` = '" . $fields['handle'] . "' \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t AND `id` != '{$page_id}' \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t AND `path` " . ($fields['path'] ? " = '" . $fields['path'] . "'" : ' IS NULL') . " \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t LIMIT 1")) {
                 if ($autogenerated_handle) {
                     $this->_errors['title'] = __('A page with that title %s already exists', array($fields['parent'] ? __('and parent') : ''));
                 } else {
                     $this->_errors['handle'] = __('A page with that handle %s already exists', array($fields['parent'] ? __('and parent') : ''));
             } else {
                 ## Write the file
                 if (!($write = General::writeFile(PAGES . "/{$new_filename}.xsl", $fields['body'], $this->_Parent->Configuration->get('write_mode', 'file')))) {
                     $this->pageAlert(__('Page could not be written to disk. Please check permissions on <code>/workspace/pages</code>.'), Alert::ERROR);
                 } else {
                     if ($new_filename != $current_filename) {
                         @unlink(PAGES . "/{$current_filename}.xsl");
                     ## No longer need the body text
                     ## Insert the new data
                     if (!$this->_Parent->Database->update($fields, 'tbl_pages', "`id` = '{$page_id}'")) {
                         $this->pageAlert(__('Unknown errors occurred while attempting to save. Please check your <a href="%s">activity log</a>.', array(URL . '/symphony/system/log/')), Alert::ERROR);
                     } else {
                         $this->_Parent->Database->delete('tbl_pages_types', " `page_id` = '{$page_id}'");
                         if (is_array($types) && !empty($types)) {
                             foreach ($types as $type) {
                                 $this->_Parent->Database->insert(array('page_id' => $page_id, 'type' => $type), 'tbl_pages_types');
                         ## TODO: Fix Me
                         # Delegate: Edit
                         # Description: After saving the page. The Page's database ID is provided.
                         //$ExtensionManager->notifyMembers('Edit', getCurrentPage(), array('page_id' => $page_id));
                         redirect(URL . "/symphony/blueprints/pages/edit/{$page_id}/saved/");
         if (is_array($this->_errors) && !empty($this->_errors)) {
             $this->pageAlert(__('An error occurred while processing this form. <a href="#error">See below for details.</a>'), Alert::ERROR);
Пример #13
 function saveConfig()
     if (!defined('DOMAIN')) {
         $clean_path = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . dirname($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);
         $clean_path = rtrim($clean_path, '/\\');
         $clean_path = preg_replace('/\\/{2,}/i', '/', $clean_path);
         ## Strip the /symphony part from the URL
         $clean_path = substr($clean_path, 0, strlen($clean_path) - 9);
         define('DOMAIN', $clean_path);
     $string = '<?php' . CRLF . "define('DOCROOT','" . DOCROOT . "');" . CRLF . "define('DOMAIN','" . DOMAIN . "');" . CRLF . CRLF . '$settings = array();' . CRLF;
     $string .= $this->_config->create("php");
     $string .= CRLF . "require_once(DOCROOT . '/symphony/lib/boot/bundle.php');" . CRLF . '?>';
     return General::writeFile(CONFIG, $string, $this->getConfigVar("write_mode", "file"));
  * A wrapper for `General::writeFile`, this function takes a `$path`
  * and a `$data` and writes the new template to disk.
  * @param string $path
  *  The path to write the template to
  * @param string $data
  *  The contents of the template
  * @return boolean
  *  True when written successfully, false otherwise
 public static function writePageFiles($path, $data)
     return General::writeFile($path, $data, Symphony::Configuration()->get('write_mode', 'file'));
    public function __formAction()
        $fields = $_POST['fields'];
        $this->_errors = array();
        $providers = Symphony::ExtensionManager()->getProvidersOf(iProvider::EVENT);
        $providerClass = null;
        if (trim($fields['name']) == '') {
            $this->_errors['name'] = __('This is a required field');
        if (trim($fields['source']) == '') {
            $this->_errors['source'] = __('This is a required field');
        $filters = isset($fields['filters']) ? $fields['filters'] : array();
        // See if a Provided Datasource is saved
        if (!empty($providers)) {
            foreach ($providers as $providerClass => $provider) {
                if ($fields['source'] == call_user_func(array($providerClass, 'getSource'))) {
                    call_user_func_array(array($providerClass, 'validate'), array(&$fields, &$this->_errors));
        $classname = Lang::createHandle($fields['name'], 255, '_', false, true, array('@^[^a-z\\d]+@i' => '', '/[^\\w-\\.]/i' => ''));
        $rootelement = str_replace('_', '-', $classname);
        $extends = 'SectionEvent';
        // Check to make sure the classname is not empty after handlisation.
        if (empty($classname) && !isset($this->_errors['name'])) {
            $this->_errors['name'] = __('Please ensure name contains at least one Latin-based character.', array($classname));
        $file = EVENTS . '/event.' . $classname . '.php';
        $isDuplicate = false;
        $queueForDeletion = NULL;
        if ($this->_context[0] == 'new' && is_file($file)) {
            $isDuplicate = true;
        } else {
            if ($this->_context[0] == 'edit') {
                $existing_handle = $this->_context[1];
                if ($classname != $existing_handle && is_file($file)) {
                    $isDuplicate = true;
                } else {
                    if ($classname != $existing_handle) {
                        $queueForDeletion = EVENTS . '/event.' . $existing_handle . '.php';
        // Duplicate
        if ($isDuplicate) {
            $this->_errors['name'] = __('An Event with the name %s already exists', array('<code>' . $classname . '</code>'));
        if (empty($this->_errors)) {
            $multiple = in_array('expect-multiple', $filters);
            $elements = NULL;
            $placeholder = '<!-- GRAB -->';
            $source = $fields['source'];
            $params = array('rootelement' => $rootelement);
            $about = array('name' => $fields['name'], 'version' => 'Symphony ' . Symphony::Configuration()->get('version', 'symphony'), 'release date' => DateTimeObj::getGMT('c'), 'author name' => Administration::instance()->Author->getFullName(), 'author website' => URL, 'author email' => Administration::instance()->Author->get('email'));
            // If there is a provider, get their template
            if ($providerClass) {
                $eventShell = file_get_contents(call_user_func(array($providerClass, 'getTemplate')));
            } else {
                $eventShell = file_get_contents($this->getTemplate('blueprints.event'));
                $about['trigger condition'] = $rootelement;
            $this->__injectAboutInformation($eventShell, $about);
            // Replace the name
            $eventShell = str_replace('<!-- CLASS NAME -->', $classname, $eventShell);
            // Build the templates
            if ($providerClass) {
                $eventShell = call_user_func(array($providerClass, 'prepare'), $fields, $params, $eventShell);
            } else {
                $this->__injectFilters($eventShell, $filters);
                // Add Documentation
                $documentation = NULL;
                $documentation_parts = array();
                $documentation_parts[] = new XMLElement('h3', __('Success and Failure XML Examples'));
                $documentation_parts[] = new XMLElement('p', __('When saved successfully, the following XML will be returned:'));
                if ($multiple) {
                    $code = new XMLElement($rootelement);
                    $entry = new XMLElement('entry', NULL, array('index' => '0', 'result' => 'success', 'type' => 'create | edit'));
                    $entry->appendChild(new XMLElement('message', __('Entry [created | edited] successfully.')));
                } else {
                    $code = new XMLElement($rootelement, NULL, array('result' => 'success', 'type' => 'create | edit'));
                    $code->appendChild(new XMLElement('message', __('Entry [created | edited] successfully.')));
                $documentation_parts[] = self::processDocumentationCode($code);
                $documentation_parts[] = new XMLElement('p', __('When an error occurs during saving, due to either missing or invalid fields, the following XML will be returned') . ($multiple ? ' (<strong> ' . __('Notice that it is possible to get mixtures of success and failure messages when using the ‘Allow Multiple’ option') . '</strong>)' : NULL) . ':');
                if ($multiple) {
                    $code = new XMLElement($rootelement);
                    $entry = new XMLElement('entry', NULL, array('index' => '0', 'result' => 'error'));
                    $entry->appendChild(new XMLElement('message', __('Entry encountered errors when saving.')));
                    $entry->appendChild(new XMLElement('field-name', NULL, array('type' => 'invalid | missing')));
                    $entry = new XMLElement('entry', NULL, array('index' => '1', 'result' => 'success', 'type' => 'create | edit'));
                    $entry->appendChild(new XMLElement('message', __('Entry [created | edited] successfully.')));
                } else {
                    $code = new XMLElement($rootelement, NULL, array('result' => 'error'));
                    $code->appendChild(new XMLElement('message', __('Entry encountered errors when saving.')));
                    $code->appendChild(new XMLElement('field-name', NULL, array('type' => 'invalid | missing')));
                $code->setValue('...', false);
                $documentation_parts[] = self::processDocumentationCode($code);
                if (is_array($filters) && !empty($filters)) {
                    $documentation_parts[] = new XMLElement('p', __('The following is an example of what is returned if any options return an error:'));
                    $code = new XMLElement($rootelement, NULL, array('result' => 'error'));
                    $code->appendChild(new XMLElement('message', __('Entry encountered errors when saving.')));
                    $code->appendChild(new XMLElement('filter', NULL, array('name' => 'admin-only', 'status' => 'failed')));
                    $code->appendChild(new XMLElement('filter', __('Recipient not found'), array('name' => 'send-email', 'status' => 'failed')));
                    $code->setValue('...', false);
                    $documentation_parts[] = self::processDocumentationCode($code);
                $documentation_parts[] = new XMLElement('h3', __('Example Front-end Form Markup'));
                $documentation_parts[] = new XMLElement('p', __('This is an example of the form markup you can use on your frontend:'));
                $container = new XMLElement('form', NULL, array('method' => 'post', 'action' => '', 'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data'));
                $container->appendChild(Widget::Input('MAX_FILE_SIZE', (string) min(ini_size_to_bytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')), Symphony::Configuration()->get('max_upload_size', 'admin')), 'hidden'));
                if (is_numeric($fields['source'])) {
                    $section = SectionManager::fetch($fields['source']);
                    if ($section instanceof Section) {
                        $section_fields = $section->fetchFields();
                        if (is_array($section_fields) && !empty($section_fields)) {
                            foreach ($section_fields as $f) {
                                if ($f->getExampleFormMarkup() instanceof XMLElement) {
                $container->appendChild(Widget::Input('action[' . $rootelement . ']', __('Submit'), 'submit'));
                $code = $container->generate(true);
                $documentation_parts[] = self::processDocumentationCode($multiple ? str_replace('fields[', 'fields[0][', $code) : $code);
                $documentation_parts[] = new XMLElement('p', __('To edit an existing entry, include the entry ID value of the entry in the form. This is best as a hidden field like so:'));
                $documentation_parts[] = self::processDocumentationCode(Widget::Input('id' . ($multiple ? '[0]' : NULL), '23', 'hidden'));
                $documentation_parts[] = new XMLElement('p', __('To redirect to a different location upon a successful save, include the redirect location in the form. This is best as a hidden field like so, where the value is the URL to redirect to:'));
                $documentation_parts[] = self::processDocumentationCode(Widget::Input('redirect', URL . '/success/', 'hidden'));
                if (in_array('send-email', $filters)) {
                    $documentation_parts[] = new XMLElement('h3', __('Send Notification Email'));
                    $documentation_parts[] = new XMLElement('p', __('Upon the event successfully saving the entry, this option takes input from the form and send an email to the desired recipient.') . ' <strong>' . __('It currently does not work with ‘Allow Multiple’') . '</strong>. ' . __('The following are the recognised fields:'));
                    $documentation_parts[] = self::processDocumentationCode('send-email[sender-email] // ' . __('Optional') . PHP_EOL . 'send-email[sender-name] // ' . __('Optional') . PHP_EOL . 'send-email[reply-to-email] // ' . __('Optional') . PHP_EOL . 'send-email[reply-to-name] // ' . __('Optional') . PHP_EOL . 'send-email[subject]' . PHP_EOL . 'send-email[body]' . PHP_EOL . 'send-email[recipient] // ' . __('list of comma-separated author usernames.'));
                    $documentation_parts[] = new XMLElement('p', __('All of these fields can be set dynamically using the exact field name of another field in the form as shown below in the example form:'));
                    $documentation_parts[] = self::processDocumentationCode('<form action="" method="post">
			<label>' . __('Name') . ' <input type="text" name="fields[author]" value="" /></label>
			<label>' . __('Email') . ' <input type="text" name="fields[email]" value="" /></label>
			<label>' . __('Message') . ' <textarea name="fields[message]" rows="5" cols="21"></textarea></label>
			<input name="send-email[sender-email]" value="fields[email]" type="hidden" />
			<input name="send-email[sender-name]" value="fields[author]" type="hidden" />
			<input name="send-email[reply-to-email]" value="fields[email]" type="hidden" />
			<input name="send-email[reply-to-name]" value="fields[author]" type="hidden" />
			<input name="send-email[subject]" value="You are being contacted" type="hidden" />
			<input name="send-email[body]" value="fields[message]" type="hidden" />
			<input name="send-email[recipient]" value="fred" type="hidden" />
			<input id="submit" type="submit" name="action[save-contact-form]" value="Send" />
                 * Allows adding documentation for new filters. A reference to the $documentation
                 * array is provided, along with selected filters
                 * @delegate AppendEventFilterDocumentation
                 * @param string $context
                 * '/blueprints/events/(edit|new|info)/'
                 * @param array $selected
                 *  An array of all the selected filters for this Event
                 * @param array $documentation
                 *  An array of all the documentation XMLElements, passed by reference
                Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('AppendEventFilterDocumentation', '/blueprints/events/' . $this->_context[0] . '/', array('selected' => $filters, 'documentation' => &$documentation_parts));
                $documentation = join(PHP_EOL, array_map(create_function('$x', 'return rtrim($x->generate(true, 4));'), $documentation_parts));
                $documentation = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $documentation);
                $eventShell = str_replace('<!-- CLASS EXTENDS -->', $extends, $eventShell);
                $eventShell = str_replace('<!-- DOCUMENTATION -->', General::tabsToSpaces($documentation, 2), $eventShell);
            $eventShell = str_replace('<!-- ROOT ELEMENT -->', $rootelement, $eventShell);
            $eventShell = str_replace('<!-- CLASS NAME -->', $classname, $eventShell);
            $eventShell = str_replace('<!-- SOURCE -->', $source, $eventShell);
            // Remove left over placeholders
            $eventShell = preg_replace(array('/<!--[\\w ]++-->/'), '', $eventShell);
            if ($this->_context[0] == 'new') {
                 * Prior to creating an Event, the file path where it will be written to
                 * is provided and well as the contents of that file.
                 * @delegate EventsPreCreate
                 * @since Symphony 2.2
                 * @param string $context
                 * '/blueprints/events/'
                 * @param string $file
                 *  The path to the Event file
                 * @param string $contents
                 *  The contents for this Event as a string passed by reference
                 * @param array $filters
                 *  An array of the filters attached to this event
                Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('EventPreCreate', '/blueprints/events/', array('file' => $file, 'contents' => &$eventShell, 'filters' => $filters));
            } else {
                 * Prior to editing an Event, the file path where it will be written to
                 * is provided and well as the contents of that file.
                 * @delegate EventPreEdit
                 * @since Symphony 2.2
                 * @param string $context
                 * '/blueprints/events/'
                 * @param string $file
                 *  The path to the Event file
                 * @param string $contents
                 *  The contents for this Event as a string passed by reference
                 * @param array $filters
                 *  An array of the filters attached to this event
                Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('EventPreEdit', '/blueprints/events/', array('file' => $file, 'contents' => &$eventShell, 'filters' => $filters));
            // Write the file
            if (!is_writable(dirname($file)) || !($write = General::writeFile($file, $eventShell, Symphony::Configuration()->get('write_mode', 'file')))) {
                $this->pageAlert(__('Failed to write Event to disk.') . ' ' . __('Please check permissions on %s.', array('<code>/workspace/events</code>')), Alert::ERROR);
            } else {
                if ($queueForDeletion) {
                    $pages = PageManager::fetch(false, array('events', 'id'), array("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`events` REGEXP '[[:<:]]" . $existing_handle . "[[:>:]]'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"));
                    if (is_array($pages) && !empty($pages)) {
                        foreach ($pages as $page) {
                            $page['events'] = preg_replace('/\\b' . $existing_handle . '\\b/i', $classname, $page['events']);
                            PageManager::edit($page['id'], $page);
                if ($this->_context[0] == 'new') {
                     * After creating the Event, the path to the Event file is provided
                     * @delegate EventPostCreate
                     * @since Symphony 2.2
                     * @param string $context
                     * '/blueprints/events/'
                     * @param string $file
                     *  The path to the Event file
                    Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('EventPostCreate', '/blueprints/events/', array('file' => $file));
                } else {
                     * After editing the Event, the path to the Event file is provided
                     * @delegate EventPostEdit
                     * @since Symphony 2.2
                     * @param string $context
                     * '/blueprints/events/'
                     * @param string $file
                     *  The path to the Event file
                     * @param string $previous_file
                     *  The path of the previous Event file in the case where an Event may
                     *  have been renamed. To get the handle from this value, see
                     *  `EventManager::__getHandleFromFilename`
                    Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('EventPostEdit', '/blueprints/events/', array('file' => $file, 'previous_file' => $queueForDeletion ? $queueForDeletion : null));
                redirect(SYMPHONY_URL . '/blueprints/events/edit/' . $classname . '/' . ($this->_context[0] == 'new' ? 'created' : 'saved') . '/');
 function action()
     $this->_existing_file = isset($this->_context[1]) ? $this->_context[1] . '.xsl' : NULL;
     if (array_key_exists('save', $_POST['action']) || array_key_exists('done', $_POST['action'])) {
         $fields = $_POST['fields'];
         $this->_errors = array();
         if (!isset($fields['name']) || trim($fields['name']) == '') {
             $this->_errors['name'] = __('Name is a required field.');
         if (!isset($fields['body']) || trim($fields['body']) == '') {
             $this->_errors['body'] = __('Body is a required field.');
         } elseif (!General::validateXML($fields['body'], $errors, false, new XSLTProcess())) {
             $this->_errors['body'] = __('This document is not well formed. The following error was returned: <code>%s</code>', array($errors[0]['message']));
         if (empty($this->_errors)) {
             $fields['name'] = Lang::createFilename($fields['name']);
             if (General::right($fields['name'], 4) != '.xsl') {
                 $fields['name'] .= '.xsl';
             $file = UTILITIES . '/' . $fields['name'];
             if ($this->_context[0] == 'edit' && ($this->_existing_file != $fields['name'] && is_file($file))) {
                 $this->_errors['name'] = __('A Utility with that name already exists. Please choose another.');
             } elseif ($this->_context[0] == 'new' && is_file($file)) {
                 $this->_errors['name'] = __('A Utility with that name already exists. Please choose another.');
             } elseif (!($write = General::writeFile($file, $fields['body'], $this->_Parent->Configuration->get('write_mode', 'file')))) {
                 $this->pageAlert(__('Utility could not be written to disk. Please check permissions on <code>/workspace/utilities</code>.'), Alert::ERROR);
             } else {
                 ## Remove any existing file if the filename has changed
                 if ($this->_existing_file && $file != UTILITIES . '/' . $this->_existing_file) {
                     General::deleteFile(UTILITIES . '/' . $this->_existing_file);
                 ## TODO: Fix me
                 # Delegate: Edit
                 # Description: After saving the asset, the file path is provided.
                 //$ExtensionManager->notifyMembers('Edit', getCurrentPage(), array('file' => $file));
                 redirect(URL . '/symphony/blueprints/utilities/edit/' . str_replace('.xsl', '', $fields['name']) . '/' . ($this->_context[0] == 'new' ? 'created' : 'saved') . '/');
     } elseif ($this->_context[0] == 'edit' && @array_key_exists('delete', $_POST['action'])) {
         ## TODO: Fix me
         # Delegate: Delete
         # Description: Prior to deleting the asset file. Target file path is provided.
         //$ExtensionManager->notifyMembers('Delete', getCurrentPage(), array('file' => WORKSPACE . '/' . $this->_existing_file_rel));
         General::deleteFile(UTILITIES . '/' . $this->_existing_file);
         redirect(URL . '/symphony/blueprints/components/');
    public function __formAction()
        $fields = $_POST['fields'];
        $this->_errors = array();
        if (trim($fields['name']) == '') {
            $this->_errors['name'] = __('This is a required field');
        if (trim($fields['source']) == '') {
            $this->_errors['source'] = __('This is a required field');
        $filters = is_array($fields['filters']) ? $fields['filters'] : array();
        $classname = Lang::createHandle($fields['name'], NULL, '_', false, true, array('@^[^a-z]+@i' => '', '/[^\\w-\\.]/i' => ''));
        $rootelement = str_replace('_', '-', $classname);
        $file = EVENTS . '/event.' . $classname . '.php';
        $isDuplicate = false;
        $queueForDeletion = NULL;
        if ($this->_context[0] == 'new' && is_file($file)) {
            $isDuplicate = true;
        } elseif ($this->_context[0] == 'edit') {
            $existing_handle = $this->_context[1];
            if ($classname != $existing_handle && is_file($file)) {
                $isDuplicate = true;
            } elseif ($classname != $existing_handle) {
                $queueForDeletion = EVENTS . '/event.' . $existing_handle . '.php';
        if ($isDuplicate) {
            $this->_errors['name'] = __('An Event with the name <code>%s</code> name already exists', array($classname));
        if (empty($this->_errors)) {
            $multiple = in_array('expect-multiple', $filters);
            $eventShell = file_get_contents(TEMPLATE . '/event.tpl');
            $about = array('name' => $fields['name'], 'version' => '1.0', 'release date' => DateTimeObj::getGMT('c'), 'author name' => Administration::instance()->Author->getFullName(), 'author website' => URL, 'author email' => Administration::instance()->Author->get('email'), 'trigger condition' => $rootelement);
            $source = $fields['source'];
            $filter = NULL;
            $elements = NULL;
            $this->__injectAboutInformation($eventShell, $about);
            $this->__injectFilters($eventShell, $filters);
            $documentation = NULL;
            $documentation_parts = array();
            $documentation_parts[] = new XMLElement('h3', __('Success and Failure XML Examples'));
            $documentation_parts[] = new XMLElement('p', __('When saved successfully, the following XML will be returned:'));
            if ($multiple) {
                $code = new XMLElement($rootelement);
                $entry = new XMLElement('entry', NULL, array('index' => '0', 'result' => 'success', 'type' => 'create | edit'));
                $entry->appendChild(new XMLElement('message', __('Entry [created | edited] successfully.')));
            } else {
                $code = new XMLElement($rootelement, NULL, array('result' => 'success', 'type' => 'create | edit'));
                $code->appendChild(new XMLElement('message', __('Entry [created | edited] successfully.')));
            $documentation_parts[] = self::processDocumentationCode($code);
            $documentation_parts[] = new XMLElement('p', __('When an error occurs during saving, due to either missing or invalid fields, the following XML will be returned') . ($multiple ? __(' (<b>Notice that it is possible to get mixtures of success and failure messages when using the "Allow Multiple" option</b>)') : NULL) . ':');
            if ($multiple) {
                $code = new XMLElement($rootelement);
                $entry = new XMLElement('entry', NULL, array('index' => '0', 'result' => 'error'));
                $entry->appendChild(new XMLElement('message', __('Entry encountered errors when saving.')));
                $entry->appendChild(new XMLElement('field-name', NULL, array('type' => 'invalid | missing')));
                $entry = new XMLElement('entry', NULL, array('index' => '1', 'result' => 'success', 'type' => 'create | edit'));
                $entry->appendChild(new XMLElement('message', __('Entry [created | edited] successfully.')));
            } else {
                $code = new XMLElement($rootelement, NULL, array('result' => 'error'));
                $code->appendChild(new XMLElement('message', __('Entry encountered errors when saving.')));
                $code->appendChild(new XMLElement('field-name', NULL, array('type' => 'invalid | missing')));
            $code->setValue('...', false);
            $documentation_parts[] = self::processDocumentationCode($code);
            if (is_array($filters) && !empty($filters)) {
                $documentation_parts[] = new XMLElement('p', __('The following is an example of what is returned if any options return an error:'));
                $code = new XMLElement($rootelement, NULL, array('result' => 'error'));
                $code->appendChild(new XMLElement('message', __('Entry encountered errors when saving.')));
                $code->appendChild(new XMLElement('filter', NULL, array('name' => 'admin-only', 'status' => 'failed')));
                $code->appendChild(new XMLElement('filter', __('Recipient not found'), array('name' => 'send-email', 'status' => 'failed')));
                $code->setValue('...', false);
                $documentation_parts[] = self::processDocumentationCode($code);
            $documentation_parts[] = new XMLElement('h3', __('Example Front-end Form Markup'));
            $documentation_parts[] = new XMLElement('p', __('This is an example of the form markup you can use on your frontend:'));
            $container = new XMLElement('form', NULL, array('method' => 'post', 'action' => '', 'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data'));
            $container->appendChild(Widget::Input('MAX_FILE_SIZE', Symphony::Configuration()->get('max_upload_size', 'admin'), 'hidden'));
            $sectionManager = new SectionManager($this->_Parent);
            $section = $sectionManager->fetch($fields['source']);
            $section_fields = $section->fetchFields();
            if (is_array($section_fields) && !empty($section_fields)) {
                foreach ($section_fields as $f) {
                    if ($f->getExampleFormMarkup() instanceof XMLElement) {
            $container->appendChild(Widget::Input('action[' . $rootelement . ']', __('Submit'), 'submit'));
            $code = $container->generate(true);
            $documentation_parts[] = self::processDocumentationCode($multiple ? str_replace('fields[', 'fields[0][', $code) : $code);
            $documentation_parts[] = new XMLElement('p', __('To edit an existing entry, include the entry ID value of the entry in the form. This is best as a hidden field like so:'));
            $documentation_parts[] = self::processDocumentationCode(Widget::Input('id' . ($multiple ? '[0]' : NULL), 23, 'hidden'));
            $documentation_parts[] = new XMLElement('p', __('To redirect to a different location upon a successful save, include the redirect location in the form. This is best as a hidden field like so, where the value is the URL to redirect to:'));
            $documentation_parts[] = self::processDocumentationCode(Widget::Input('redirect', URL . '/success/', 'hidden'));
            if (in_array('send-email', $filters)) {
                $documentation_parts[] = new XMLElement('h3', __('Send Notification Email'));
                $documentation_parts[] = new XMLElement('p', __('Upon the event successfully saving the entry, this option takes input from the form and send an email to the desired recipient. <b>It currently does not work with "Allow Multiple".</b> The following are the recognised fields:'));
                $documentation_parts[] = self::processDocumentationCode('send-email[sender-email] // ' . __('Optional') . self::CRLF . 'send-email[sender-name] // ' . __('Optional') . self::CRLF . 'send-email[reply-to-email] // ' . __('Optional') . self::CRLF . 'send-email[reply-to-name] // ' . __('Optional') . self::CRLF . 'send-email[subject]' . self::CRLF . 'send-email[body]' . self::CRLF . 'send-email[recipient] // ' . __('list of comma-separated author usernames.'));
                $documentation_parts[] = new XMLElement('p', __('All of these fields can be set dynamically using the exact field name of another field in the form as shown below in the example form:'));
                $documentation_parts[] = self::processDocumentationCode('<form action="" method="post">
		<label>' . __('Name') . ' <input type="text" name="fields[author]" value="" /></label>
		<label>' . __('Email') . ' <input type="text" name="fields[email]" value="" /></label>
		<label>' . __('Message') . ' <textarea name="fields[message]" rows="5" cols="21"></textarea></label>
		<input name="send-email[sender-email]" value="fields[email]" type="hidden" />
		<input name="send-email[sender-name]" value="fields[author]" type="hidden" />
		<input name="send-email[reply-to-email]" value="fields[email]" type="hidden" />
		<input name="send-email[reply-to-name]" value="fields[author]" type="hidden" />
		<input name="send-email[subject]" value="You are being contacted" type="hidden" />
		<input name="send-email[body]" value="fields[message]" type="hidden" />
		<input name="send-email[recipient]" value="fred" type="hidden" />
		<input id="submit" type="submit" name="action[save-contact-form]" value="Send" />
             * Allows adding documentation for new filters. A reference to the $documentation
             * array is provided, along with selected filters
             * @delegate AppendEventFilterDocumentation
             * @param string $context
             * '/blueprints/events/(edit|new|info)/'
             * @param array $selected
             *  An array of all the selected filters for this Event
             * @param array $documentation
             *  An array of all the documentation XMLElements, passed by reference
            Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('AppendEventFilterDocumentation', '/blueprints/events/' . $this->_context[0] . '/', array('selected' => $filters, 'documentation' => &$documentation_parts));
            $documentation = join(self::CRLF, array_map(create_function('$x', 'return rtrim($x->generate(true, 4));'), $documentation_parts));
            $documentation = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $documentation);
            $eventShell = str_replace('<!-- CLASS NAME -->', $classname, $eventShell);
            $eventShell = str_replace('<!-- SOURCE -->', $source, $eventShell);
            $eventShell = str_replace('<!-- DOCUMENTATION -->', General::tabsToSpaces($documentation, 2), $eventShell);
            $eventShell = str_replace('<!-- ROOT ELEMENT -->', $rootelement, $eventShell);
            ## Remove left over placeholders
            $eventShell = preg_replace(array('/<!--[\\w ]++-->/'), '', $eventShell);
            if ($this->_context[0] == 'new') {
                 * Prior to creating an Event, the file path where it will be written to
                 * is provided and well as the contents of that file.
                 * @delegate EventsPreCreate
                 * @since Symphony 2.2
                 * @param string $context
                 * '/blueprints/events/'
                 * @param string $file
                 *  The path to the Event file
                 * @param string $contents
                 *  The contents for this Event as a string passed by reference
                 * @param array $filters
                 *  An array of the filters attached to this event
                Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('EventPreCreate', '/blueprints/events/', array('file' => $file, 'contents' => &$eventShell, 'filters' => $filters));
            } else {
                 * Prior to editing an Event, the file path where it will be written to
                 * is provided and well as the contents of that file.
                 * @delegate EventPreEdit
                 * @since Symphony 2.2
                 * @param string $context
                 * '/blueprints/events/'
                 * @param string $file
                 *  The path to the Event file
                 * @param string $contents
                 *  The contents for this Event as a string passed by reference
                 * @param array $filters
                 *  An array of the filters attached to this event
                Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('EventPreEdit', '/blueprints/events/', array('file' => $file, 'contents' => &$eventShell, 'filters' => $filters));
            // Write the file
            if (!is_writable(dirname($file)) || !($write = General::writeFile($file, $eventShell, Symphony::Configuration()->get('write_mode', 'file')))) {
                $this->pageAlert(__('Failed to write Event to <code>%s</code>. Please check permissions.', array(EVENTS)), Alert::ERROR);
            } else {
                if ($queueForDeletion) {
                    $sql = "SELECT * FROM `tbl_pages` WHERE `events` REGEXP '[[:<:]]" . $existing_handle . "[[:>:]]' ";
                    $pages = Symphony::Database()->fetch($sql);
                    if (is_array($pages) && !empty($pages)) {
                        foreach ($pages as $page) {
                            $page['events'] = preg_replace('/\\b' . $existing_handle . '\\b/i', $classname, $page['events']);
                            Symphony::Database()->update($page, 'tbl_pages', "`id` = '" . $page['id'] . "'");
                if ($this->_context[0] == 'new') {
                     * After creating the Event, the path to the Event file is provided
                     * @delegate EventPostCreate
                     * @since Symphony 2.2
                     * @param string $context
                     * '/blueprints/events/'
                     * @param string $file
                     *  The path to the Event file
                    Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('EventPostCreate', '/blueprints/events/', array('file' => $file));
                } else {
                     * After editing the Event, the path to the Event file is provided
                     * @delegate EventPostEdit
                     * @since Symphony 2.2
                     * @param string $context
                     * '/blueprints/events/'
                     * @param string $file
                     *  The path to the Event file
                    Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('EventPostEdit', '/blueprints/events/', array('file' => $file));
                redirect(SYMPHONY_URL . '/blueprints/events/edit/' . $classname . '/' . ($this->_context[0] == 'new' ? 'created' : 'saved') . '/');
  * Writes the current Symphony Configuration object to a file in the
  * CONFIG directory. This will overwrite any existing configuration
  * file every time this function is called.
  * @see core.Configuration#__toString()
  * @return boolean
  *  True if the Configuration object was successfully written, false otherwise
 public function saveConfig()
     $string = "<?php\n\t\$settings = " . (string) self::Configuration() . ";\n";
     return General::writeFile(CONFIG, $string, self::Configuration()->get('write_mode', 'file'));
Пример #19
 public static function save(self $view, MessageStack &$messages, $simulate = false)
     if (!isset($view->title) || strlen(trim($view->title)) == 0) {
         $messages->append('title', __('Title is required.'));
     $pathname = sprintf('%s/%s/%s.config.xml', VIEWS, $view->path, $view->handle);
     if (file_exists($pathname)) {
         $existing = self::loadFromPath($view->path);
         if ($existing->guid != $view->guid) {
             $messages->append('handle', 'A view with that handle already exists.');
     if (isset($view->types) && is_array($view->types) && (bool) array_intersect($view->types, array('index', '404', '403'))) {
         foreach ($view->types as $t) {
             switch ($t) {
                 case 'index':
                 case '404':
                 case '403':
                     $views = self::findFromType($t);
                     if (isset($views[$view->guid])) {
                     if (!empty($views)) {
                         $messages->append('types', __('A view of type "%s" already exists.', array($t)));
                         break 2;
     if (strlen(trim($view->template)) == 0) {
         $messages->append('template', 'Template is required, and cannot be empty.');
     } elseif (!General::validateXML($view->template, $errors)) {
         $fragment = Administration::instance()->Page->createDocumentFragment();
         $fragment->appendChild(new DOMText(__('This document is not well formed. The following error was returned: ')));
         $fragment->appendChild(Administration::instance()->Page->createElement('code', $errors->current()->message));
         $messages->append('template', $fragment);
     if ($messages->length() > 0) {
         throw new ViewException(__('View could not be saved. Validation failed.'), self::ERROR_MISSING_OR_INVALID_FIELDS);
     if ($simulate != true) {
         if (!is_dir(dirname($pathname)) && !mkdir(dirname($pathname), intval(Symphony::Configuration()->core()->symphony->{'directory-write-mode'}, 8), true)) {
             throw new ViewException(__('Could not create view directory. Please check permissions on <code>%s</code>.', $view->path), self::ERROR_FAILED_TO_WRITE);
         // Save the config
         if (!General::writeFile($pathname, (string) $view, Symphony::Configuration()->core()->symphony->{'file-write-mode'})) {
             throw new ViewException(__('View configuration XML could not be written to disk. Please check permissions on <code>%s</code>.', $view->path), self::ERROR_FAILED_TO_WRITE);
         // Save the template file
         $result = General::writeFile(sprintf('%s/%s/%s.xsl', VIEWS, $view->path, $view->handle), $view->template, Symphony::Configuration()->core()->symphony->{'file-write-mode'});
         if (!$result) {
             throw new ViewException(__('Template could not be written to disk. Please check permissions on <code>%s</code>.', $view->path), self::ERROR_FAILED_TO_WRITE);
     return true;
Пример #20
 public function action()
     if (!array_key_exists('save', $_POST['action']) && !array_key_exists('done', $_POST['action'])) {
     $fields = $_POST['fields'];
     $this->_errors = array();
     if (!isset($fields['name']) || strlen(trim($fields['name'])) == 0) {
         $this->_errors['name'] = 'Name is a required field.';
     } else {
         $filename = strtolower(Lang::createFilename($fields['name'] . '.task'));
         $file = realpath(MANIFEST . '/cron') . '/' . $filename;
         if (file_exists($file)) {
             $this->_errors['name'] = __('A task with that name already exists. Please choose another.');
     if (!isset($fields['command']) || strlen(trim($fields['command'])) == 0) {
         $this->_errors['command'] = 'Command is a required field.';
     if (!isset($fields['interval']) || strlen(trim($fields['interval'])) == 0) {
         $this->_errors['interval'] = 'Interval is a required field.';
     } elseif (!is_numeric($fields['interval']) || (int) $fields['interval'] == 0) {
         $this->_errors['interval'] = 'Interval must be a positive integer value.';
     if (isset($fields['start']) && strlen(trim($fields['start'])) > 0) {
         $time = strtotime($fields['start']);
         $info = getdate($time);
         if ($time == false || $info == false || !checkdate($info['mon'], $info['mday'], $info['year'])) {
             $this->_errors['start'] = 'Start Date is invalid.';
     if (isset($fields['finish']) && strlen(trim($fields['finish'])) > 0) {
         $time = strtotime($fields['finish']);
         $info = getdate($time);
         if ($time == false || $info === false || !checkdate($info['mon'], $info['mday'], $info['year'])) {
             $this->_errors['finish'] = 'Finish Date is invalid.';
         } elseif (!isset($this->_errors['start']) && isset($fields['start']) && strlen(trim($fields['start'])) > 0) {
             if (strtotime($fields['finish']) <= strtotime($fields['start'])) {
                 $this->_errors['finish'] = 'Finish Date must occur <strong>after</strong> Start Date.';
     if (empty($this->_errors)) {
         $task = new Lib\CronTask(Symphony::Database());
         $task->path = $file;
         $task->filename = $filename;
         $task->name = $fields['name'];
         $task->command = $fields['command'];
         $task->setInterval($fields['interval'], $fields['interval-type']);
         $task->start = strlen(trim($fields['start'])) > 0 ? strtotime($fields['start']) : null;
         $task->finish = strlen(trim($fields['finish'])) > 0 ? strtotime($fields['finish']) : null;
         $task->description = $fields['description'];
         $task->enabled = isset($fields['enabled']) ? true : false;
         try {
             $task->save(function ($file, $data) {
                 return General::writeFile($file, $data, Symphony::Configuration()->get('write_mode', 'file'));
             redirect(sprintf("%sedit/%s/created/", preg_replace('/new\\/$/', '', Administration::instance()->getCurrentPageURL()), $filename));
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
Пример #21
 public function __formAction()
     $fields = $_POST['fields'];
     $this->_errors = array();
     $providers = Symphony::ExtensionManager()->getProvidersOf(iProvider::EVENT);
     $providerClass = null;
     if (trim($fields['name']) == '') {
         $this->_errors['name'] = __('This is a required field');
     if (trim($fields['source']) == '') {
         $this->_errors['source'] = __('This is a required field');
     $filters = isset($fields['filters']) ? $fields['filters'] : array();
     // See if a Provided Datasource is saved
     if (!empty($providers)) {
         foreach ($providers as $providerClass => $provider) {
             if ($fields['source'] == call_user_func(array($providerClass, 'getSource'))) {
                 call_user_func_array(array($providerClass, 'validate'), array(&$fields, &$this->_errors));
     $classname = Lang::createHandle($fields['name'], 255, '_', false, true, array('@^[^a-z\\d]+@i' => '', '/[^\\w-\\.]/i' => ''));
     $rootelement = str_replace('_', '-', $classname);
     $extends = 'SectionEvent';
     // Check to make sure the classname is not empty after handlisation.
     if (empty($classname) && !isset($this->_errors['name'])) {
         $this->_errors['name'] = __('Please ensure name contains at least one Latin-based character.', array($classname));
     $file = EVENTS . '/event.' . $classname . '.php';
     $isDuplicate = false;
     $queueForDeletion = null;
     if ($this->_context[0] == 'new' && is_file($file)) {
         $isDuplicate = true;
     } elseif ($this->_context[0] == 'edit') {
         $existing_handle = $this->_context[1];
         if ($classname != $existing_handle && is_file($file)) {
             $isDuplicate = true;
         } elseif ($classname != $existing_handle) {
             $queueForDeletion = EVENTS . '/event.' . $existing_handle . '.php';
     // Duplicate
     if ($isDuplicate) {
         $this->_errors['name'] = __('An Event with the name %s already exists', array('<code>' . $classname . '</code>'));
     if (empty($this->_errors)) {
         $multiple = in_array('expect-multiple', $filters);
         $elements = null;
         $placeholder = '<!-- GRAB -->';
         $source = $fields['source'];
         $params = array('rootelement' => $rootelement);
         $about = array('name' => $fields['name'], 'version' => 'Symphony ' . Symphony::Configuration()->get('version', 'symphony'), 'release date' => DateTimeObj::getGMT('c'), 'author name' => Symphony::Author()->getFullName(), 'author website' => URL, 'author email' => Symphony::Author()->get('email'));
         // If there is a provider, get their template
         if ($providerClass) {
             $eventShell = file_get_contents(call_user_func(array($providerClass, 'getTemplate')));
         } else {
             $eventShell = file_get_contents($this->getTemplate('blueprints.event'));
             $about['trigger condition'] = $rootelement;
         $this->__injectAboutInformation($eventShell, $about);
         // Replace the name
         $eventShell = str_replace('<!-- CLASS NAME -->', $classname, $eventShell);
         // Build the templates
         if ($providerClass) {
             $eventShell = call_user_func(array($providerClass, 'prepare'), $fields, $params, $eventShell);
         } else {
             $this->__injectFilters($eventShell, $filters);
             // Add Documentation
             require_once CONTENT . '/content.ajaxeventdocumentation.php';
             $ajaxEventDoc = new contentAjaxEventDocumentation();
             $documentation = null;
             $doc_parts = array();
             // Add Documentation (Success/Failure)
             $ajaxEventDoc->addEntrySuccessDoc($doc_parts, $rootelement, $fields['source'], $filters);
             $ajaxEventDoc->addEntryFailureDoc($doc_parts, $rootelement, $fields['source'], $filters);
             // Filters
             $ajaxEventDoc->addDefaultFiltersDoc($doc_parts, $rootelement, $fields['source'], $filters);
             // Frontend Markup
             $ajaxEventDoc->addFrontendMarkupDoc($doc_parts, $rootelement, $fields['source'], $filters);
             $ajaxEventDoc->addSendMailFilterDoc($doc_parts, $rootelement, $fields['source'], $filters);
              * Allows adding documentation for new filters. A reference to the $documentation
              * array is provided, along with selected filters
              * @delegate AppendEventFilterDocumentation
              * @param string $context
              * '/blueprints/events/(edit|new|info)/'
              * @param array $selected
              *  An array of all the selected filters for this Event
              * @param array $documentation
              *  An array of all the documentation XMLElements, passed by reference
             Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('AppendEventFilterDocumentation', '/blueprints/events/' . $rootelement . '/', array('selected' => $filters, 'documentation' => &$doc_parts));
             $documentation = join(PHP_EOL, array_map(create_function('$x', 'return rtrim($x->generate(true, 4));'), $doc_parts));
             $documentation = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $documentation);
             $eventShell = str_replace('<!-- CLASS EXTENDS -->', $extends, $eventShell);
             $eventShell = str_replace('<!-- DOCUMENTATION -->', General::tabsToSpaces($documentation, 4), $eventShell);
         $eventShell = str_replace('<!-- ROOT ELEMENT -->', $rootelement, $eventShell);
         $eventShell = str_replace('<!-- CLASS NAME -->', $classname, $eventShell);
         $eventShell = str_replace('<!-- SOURCE -->', $source, $eventShell);
         // Remove left over placeholders
         $eventShell = preg_replace(array('/<!--[\\w ]++-->/'), '', $eventShell);
         if ($this->_context[0] == 'new') {
              * Prior to creating an Event, the file path where it will be written to
              * is provided and well as the contents of that file.
              * @delegate EventsPreCreate
              * @since Symphony 2.2
              * @param string $context
              * '/blueprints/events/'
              * @param string $file
              *  The path to the Event file
              * @param string $contents
              *  The contents for this Event as a string passed by reference
              * @param array $filters
              *  An array of the filters attached to this event
             Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('EventPreCreate', '/blueprints/events/', array('file' => $file, 'contents' => &$eventShell, 'filters' => $filters));
         } else {
              * Prior to editing an Event, the file path where it will be written to
              * is provided and well as the contents of that file.
              * @delegate EventPreEdit
              * @since Symphony 2.2
              * @param string $context
              * '/blueprints/events/'
              * @param string $file
              *  The path to the Event file
              * @param string $contents
              *  The contents for this Event as a string passed by reference
              * @param array $filters
              *  An array of the filters attached to this event
             Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('EventPreEdit', '/blueprints/events/', array('file' => $file, 'contents' => &$eventShell, 'filters' => $filters));
         // Write the file
         if (!is_writable(dirname($file)) || !($write = General::writeFile($file, $eventShell, Symphony::Configuration()->get('write_mode', 'file')))) {
             $this->pageAlert(__('Failed to write Event to disk.') . ' ' . __('Please check permissions on %s.', array('<code>/workspace/events</code>')), Alert::ERROR);
             // Write successful
         } else {
             if (function_exists('opcache_invalidate')) {
                 opcache_invalidate($file, true);
             // Attach this event to pages
             $connections = $fields['connections'];
             ResourceManager::setPages(RESOURCE_TYPE_EVENT, is_null($existing_handle) ? $classname : $existing_handle, $connections);
             if ($queueForDeletion) {
                 $pages = PageManager::fetch(false, array('events', 'id'), array("\n                        `events` REGEXP '[[:<:]]" . $existing_handle . "[[:>:]]'\n                    "));
                 if (is_array($pages) && !empty($pages)) {
                     foreach ($pages as $page) {
                         $page['events'] = preg_replace('/\\b' . $existing_handle . '\\b/i', $classname, $page['events']);
                         PageManager::edit($page['id'], $page);
             if ($this->_context[0] == 'new') {
                  * After creating the Event, the path to the Event file is provided
                  * @delegate EventPostCreate
                  * @since Symphony 2.2
                  * @param string $context
                  * '/blueprints/events/'
                  * @param string $file
                  *  The path to the Event file
                 Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('EventPostCreate', '/blueprints/events/', array('file' => $file));
             } else {
                  * After editing the Event, the path to the Event file is provided
                  * @delegate EventPostEdit
                  * @since Symphony 2.2
                  * @param string $context
                  * '/blueprints/events/'
                  * @param string $file
                  *  The path to the Event file
                  * @param string $previous_file
                  *  The path of the previous Event file in the case where an Event may
                  *  have been renamed. To get the handle from this value, see
                  *  `EventManager::__getHandleFromFilename`
                 Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('EventPostEdit', '/blueprints/events/', array('file' => $file, 'previous_file' => $queueForDeletion ? $queueForDeletion : null));
             redirect(SYMPHONY_URL . '/blueprints/events/edit/' . $classname . '/' . ($this->_context[0] == 'new' ? 'created' : 'saved') . '/');
Пример #22
 public function generatePDFAttachments(&$output)
     $params = Frontend::Page()->_param;
     $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
     $doc->formatOutput = true;
     if ($dom === false) {
         return $output;
     $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
     // Copy any <link rel='stylesheet'/> or <style type='text/css'> prepend to the blocks
     $css = '';
     $styling = $xpath->query('//link[@rel="stylesheet"] | //style[@type="text/css"]');
     if ($styling->length !== 0) {
         foreach ($styling as $style) {
             $css .= $dom->saveXML($style);
     // Find anything with @data-utp attribute set to attachment
     $blocks = $xpath->query('//*[@data-utp = "attachment"]');
     if ($blocks->length !== 0) {
         foreach ($blocks as $block) {
             // Get the content in those blocks
             $data = $dom->saveXML($block);
             // Send the block to the PDF generator, saving it in /TMP
             $data = $css . $data;
             $pdf = self::initPDF();
             // output the HTML content
             $pdf->writeHTML($data, true, false, true, false, '');
             // reset pointer to the last page
             // get the output of the PDF as a string and save it to a file
             // attempt to find the filename if it's provided with @data-utp-filename
             if (!($filename = $xpath->evaluate('string(//@data-utp-filename)'))) {
                 $filename = md5(sprintf('%s - %s', $params['website-name'], $params['page-title']));
             $filename = TMP . '/' . Lang::createFilename($filename) . '.pdf';
             General::writeFile($filename, $pdf->Output($filename, 'S'), Symphony::Configuration()->get('write_mode', 'file'));
             // Replace the attachment node with <link rel='attachment' href='{path/to/file}' />
             $link = $dom->createElement('link');
             $link->setAttribute('rel', 'attachment');
             $link->setAttribute('href', str_replace(DOCROOT, URL, $filename));
             $block->parentNode->replaceChild($link, $block);
     $output = $dom->saveHTML();
Пример #23
 private static function __install()
     $fields = $_POST['fields'];
     $start = time();
     Symphony::Log()->writeToLog(PHP_EOL . '============================================', true);
     Symphony::Log()->writeToLog('INSTALLATION PROCESS STARTED (' . DateTimeObj::get('c') . ')', true);
     Symphony::Log()->writeToLog('============================================', true);
     // MySQL: Establishing connection
     Symphony::Log()->pushToLog('MYSQL: Establishing Connection', E_NOTICE, true, true);
     try {
         Symphony::Database()->connect($fields['database']['host'], $fields['database']['user'], $fields['database']['password'], $fields['database']['port'], $fields['database']['db']);
     } catch (DatabaseException $e) {
         self::__abort('There was a problem while trying to establish a connection to the MySQL server. Please check your settings.', $start);
     // MySQL: Setting prefix & character encoding
     // MySQL: Importing schema
     Symphony::Log()->pushToLog('MYSQL: Importing Table Schema', E_NOTICE, true, true);
     try {
         Symphony::Database()->import(file_get_contents(INSTALL . '/includes/install.sql'), true);
     } catch (DatabaseException $e) {
         self::__abort('There was an error while trying to import data to the database. MySQL returned: ' . $e->getDatabaseErrorCode() . ': ' . $e->getDatabaseErrorMessage(), $start);
     // MySQL: Creating default author
     Symphony::Log()->pushToLog('MYSQL: Creating Default Author', E_NOTICE, true, true);
     try {
         Symphony::Database()->insert(array('id' => 1, 'username' => Symphony::Database()->cleanValue($fields['user']['username']), 'password' => Cryptography::hash(Symphony::Database()->cleanValue($fields['user']['password'])), 'first_name' => Symphony::Database()->cleanValue($fields['user']['firstname']), 'last_name' => Symphony::Database()->cleanValue($fields['user']['lastname']), 'email' => Symphony::Database()->cleanValue($fields['user']['email']), 'last_seen' => NULL, 'user_type' => 'developer', 'primary' => 'yes', 'default_area' => NULL, 'auth_token_active' => 'no'), 'tbl_authors');
     } catch (DatabaseException $e) {
         self::__abort('There was an error while trying create the default author. MySQL returned: ' . $e->getDatabaseErrorCode() . ': ' . $e->getDatabaseErrorMessage(), $start);
     // Configuration: Populating array
     $conf = Symphony::Configuration()->get();
     foreach ($conf as $group => $settings) {
         foreach ($settings as $key => $value) {
             if (isset($fields[$group]) && isset($fields[$group][$key])) {
                 $conf[$group][$key] = $fields[$group][$key];
     // Create manifest folder structure
     Symphony::Log()->pushToLog('WRITING: Creating ‘manifest’ folder (/manifest)', E_NOTICE, true, true);
     if (!General::realiseDirectory(DOCROOT . '/manifest', $conf['directory']['write_mode'])) {
         self::__abort('Could not create ‘manifest’ directory. Check permission on the root folder.', $start);
     Symphony::Log()->pushToLog('WRITING: Creating ‘logs’ folder (/manifest/logs)', E_NOTICE, true, true);
     if (!General::realiseDirectory(DOCROOT . '/manifest/logs', $conf['directory']['write_mode'])) {
         self::__abort('Could not create ‘logs’ directory. Check permission on /manifest.', $start);
     Symphony::Log()->pushToLog('WRITING: Creating ‘cache’ folder (/manifest/cache)', E_NOTICE, true, true);
     if (!General::realiseDirectory(DOCROOT . '/manifest/cache', $conf['directory']['write_mode'])) {
         self::__abort('Could not create ‘cache’ directory. Check permission on /manifest.', $start);
     Symphony::Log()->pushToLog('WRITING: Creating ‘tmp’ folder (/manifest/tmp)', E_NOTICE, true, true);
     if (!General::realiseDirectory(DOCROOT . '/manifest/tmp', $conf['directory']['write_mode'])) {
         self::__abort('Could not create ‘tmp’ directory. Check permission on /manifest.', $start);
     // Writing configuration file
     Symphony::Log()->pushToLog('WRITING: Configuration File', E_NOTICE, true, true);
     if (!Symphony::Configuration()->write(CONFIG, $conf['file']['write_mode'])) {
         self::__abort('Could not create config file ‘' . CONFIG . '’. Check permission on /manifest.', $start);
     // Writing htaccess file
     Symphony::Log()->pushToLog('CONFIGURING: Frontend', E_NOTICE, true, true);
     $rewrite_base = ltrim(preg_replace('/\\/install$/i', NULL, dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])), '/');
     $htaccess = str_replace('<!-- REWRITE_BASE -->', $rewrite_base, file_get_contents(INSTALL . '/includes/htaccess.txt'));
     if (!General::writeFile(DOCROOT . "/.htaccess", $htaccess, $conf['file']['write_mode'], 'a')) {
         self::__abort('Could not write ‘.htaccess’ file. Check permission on ' . DOCROOT, $start);
     // Writing /workspace folder
     if (!is_dir(DOCROOT . '/workspace')) {
         // Create workspace folder structure
         Symphony::Log()->pushToLog('WRITING: Creating ‘workspace’ folder (/workspace)', E_NOTICE, true, true);
         if (!General::realiseDirectory(DOCROOT . '/workspace', $conf['directory']['write_mode'])) {
             self::__abort('Could not create ‘workspace’ directory. Check permission on the root folder.', $start);
         Symphony::Log()->pushToLog('WRITING: Creating ‘data-sources’ folder (/workspace/data-sources)', E_NOTICE, true, true);
         if (!General::realiseDirectory(DOCROOT . '/workspace/data-sources', $conf['directory']['write_mode'])) {
             self::__abort('Could not create ‘workspace/data-sources’ directory. Check permission on the root folder.', $start);
         Symphony::Log()->pushToLog('WRITING: Creating ‘events’ folder (/workspace/events)', E_NOTICE, true, true);
         if (!General::realiseDirectory(DOCROOT . '/workspace/events', $conf['directory']['write_mode'])) {
             self::__abort('Could not create ‘workspace/events’ directory. Check permission on the root folder.', $start);
         Symphony::Log()->pushToLog('WRITING: Creating ‘pages’ folder (/workspace/pages)', E_NOTICE, true, true);
         if (!General::realiseDirectory(DOCROOT . '/workspace/pages', $conf['directory']['write_mode'])) {
             self::__abort('Could not create ‘workspace/pages’ directory. Check permission on the root folder.', $start);
         Symphony::Log()->pushToLog('WRITING: Creating ‘utilities’ folder (/workspace/utilities)', E_NOTICE, true, true);
         if (!General::realiseDirectory(DOCROOT . '/workspace/utilities', $conf['directory']['write_mode'])) {
             self::__abort('Could not create ‘workspace/utilities’ directory. Check permission on the root folder.', $start);
     } else {
         Symphony::Log()->pushToLog('An existing ‘workspace’ directory was found at this location. Symphony will use this workspace.', E_NOTICE, true, true);
         // MySQL: Importing workspace data
         Symphony::Log()->pushToLog('MYSQL: Importing Workspace Data...', E_NOTICE, true, true);
         if (is_file(DOCROOT . '/workspace/install.sql')) {
             try {
                 Symphony::Database()->import(file_get_contents(DOCROOT . '/workspace/install.sql'), $fields['database']['use-server-encoding'] != 'yes' ? true : false, true);
             } catch (DatabaseException $e) {
                 self::__abort('There was an error while trying to import data to the database. MySQL returned: ' . $e->getDatabaseErrorCode() . ': ' . $e->getDatabaseErrorMessage(), $start);
     // Write extensions folder
     if (!is_dir(DOCROOT . '/extensions')) {
         // Create extensions folder
         Symphony::Log()->pushToLog('WRITING: Creating ‘extensions’ folder (/extensions)', E_NOTICE, true, true);
         if (!General::realiseDirectory(DOCROOT . '/extensions', $conf['directory']['write_mode'])) {
             self::__abort('Could not create ‘extension’ directory. Check permission on the root folder.', $start);
     // Install existing extensions
     Symphony::Log()->pushToLog('CONFIGURING: Installing existing extensions', E_NOTICE, true, true);
     $disabled_extensions = array();
     foreach (new DirectoryIterator(EXTENSIONS) as $e) {
         if ($e->isDot() || $e->isFile() || !is_file($e->getRealPath() . '/extension.driver.php')) {
         $handle = $e->getBasename();
         try {
             if (!ExtensionManager::enable($handle)) {
                 $disabled_extensions[] = $handle;
                 Symphony::Log()->pushToLog('Could not enable the extension ‘' . $handle . '’.', E_NOTICE, true, true);
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             $disabled_extensions[] = $handle;
             Symphony::Log()->pushToLog('Could not enable the extension ‘' . $handle . '’. ' . $ex->getMessage(), E_NOTICE, true, true);
     // Loading default language
     if (isset($_REQUEST['lang']) && $_REQUEST['lang'] != 'en') {
         Symphony::Log()->pushToLog('CONFIGURING: Default language', E_NOTICE, true, true);
         $language = Lang::Languages();
         $language = $language[$_REQUEST['lang']];
         // Is the language extension enabled?
         if (in_array('lang_' . $language['handle'], ExtensionManager::listInstalledHandles())) {
             Symphony::Configuration()->set('lang', $_REQUEST['lang'], 'symphony');
             if (!Symphony::Configuration()->write(CONFIG, $conf['file']['write_mode'])) {
                 Symphony::Log()->pushToLog('Could not write default language ‘' . $language['name'] . '’ to config file.', E_NOTICE, true, true);
         } else {
             Symphony::Log()->pushToLog('Could not enable the desired language ‘' . $language['name'] . '’.', E_NOTICE, true, true);
     // Installation completed. Woo-hoo!
     Symphony::Log()->writeToLog('============================================', true);
     Symphony::Log()->writeToLog(sprintf('INSTALLATION COMPLETED: Execution Time - %d sec (%s)', max(1, time() - $start), date('d.m.y H:i:s')), true);
     Symphony::Log()->writeToLog('============================================' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL, true);
     return $disabled_extensions;
 public function __formAction()
     $fields = $_POST['fields'];
     $this->_errors = array();
     $providers = Symphony::ExtensionManager()->getProvidersOf(iProvider::DATASOURCE);
     $providerClass = null;
     if (trim($fields['name']) == '') {
         $this->_errors['name'] = __('This is a required field');
     if ($fields['source'] == 'static_xml') {
         if (trim($fields['static_xml']) == '') {
             $this->_errors['static_xml'] = __('This is a required field');
         } else {
             $xml_errors = null;
             include_once TOOLKIT . '/class.xsltprocess.php';
             General::validateXML($fields['static_xml'], $xml_errors, false, new XsltProcess());
             if (!empty($xml_errors)) {
                 $this->_errors['static_xml'] = __('XML is invalid.');
     } elseif (is_numeric($fields['source'])) {
         if (strlen(trim($fields['max_records'])) == 0 || is_numeric($fields['max_records']) && $fields['max_records'] < 1) {
             if ($fields['paginate_results'] === 'yes') {
                 $this->_errors['max_records'] = __('A result limit must be set');
         } elseif (!self::__isValidPageString($fields['max_records'])) {
             $this->_errors['max_records'] = __('Must be a valid number or parameter');
         if (strlen(trim($fields['page_number'])) == 0 || is_numeric($fields['page_number']) && $fields['page_number'] < 1) {
             if ($fields['paginate_results'] === 'yes') {
                 $this->_errors['page_number'] = __('A page number must be set');
         } elseif (!self::__isValidPageString($fields['page_number'])) {
             $this->_errors['page_number'] = __('Must be a valid number or parameter');
         // See if a Provided Datasource is saved
     } elseif (!empty($providers)) {
         foreach ($providers as $providerClass => $provider) {
             if ($fields['source'] == call_user_func(array($providerClass, 'getSource'))) {
                 call_user_func_array(array($providerClass, 'validate'), array(&$fields, &$this->_errors));
     $classname = Lang::createHandle($fields['name'], 255, '_', false, true, array('@^[^a-z\\d]+@i' => '', '/[^\\w-\\.]/i' => ''));
     $rootelement = str_replace('_', '-', $classname);
     // Check to make sure the classname is not empty after handlisation.
     if (empty($classname) && !isset($this->_errors['name'])) {
         $this->_errors['name'] = __('Please ensure name contains at least one Latin-based character.', array($classname));
     $file = DATASOURCES . '/data.' . $classname . '.php';
     $isDuplicate = false;
     $queueForDeletion = null;
     if ($this->_context[0] == 'new' && is_file($file)) {
         $isDuplicate = true;
     } elseif ($this->_context[0] == 'edit') {
         $existing_handle = $this->_context[1];
         if ($classname != $existing_handle && is_file($file)) {
             $isDuplicate = true;
         } elseif ($classname != $existing_handle) {
             $queueForDeletion = DATASOURCES . '/data.' . $existing_handle . '.php';
     // Duplicate
     if ($isDuplicate) {
         $this->_errors['name'] = __('A Data source with the name %s already exists', array('<code>' . $classname . '</code>'));
     if (empty($this->_errors)) {
         $filters = array();
         $elements = null;
         $source = $fields['source'];
         $params = array('rootelement' => $rootelement);
         $about = array('name' => $fields['name'], 'version' => 'Symphony ' . Symphony::Configuration()->get('version', 'symphony'), 'release date' => DateTimeObj::getGMT('c'), 'author name' => Symphony::Author()->getFullName(), 'author website' => URL, 'author email' => Symphony::Author()->get('email'));
         // If there is a provider, get their template
         if ($providerClass) {
             $dsShell = file_get_contents(call_user_func(array($providerClass, 'getTemplate')));
         } else {
             $dsShell = file_get_contents($this->getTemplate('blueprints.datasource'));
         // Author metadata
         self::injectAboutInformation($dsShell, $about);
         // Do dependencies, the template file must have <!-- CLASS NAME -->
         $dsShell = str_replace('<!-- CLASS NAME -->', $classname, $dsShell);
         // If there is a provider, let them do the prepartion work
         if ($providerClass) {
             $dsShell = call_user_func(array($providerClass, 'prepare'), $fields, $params, $dsShell);
         } else {
             switch ($source) {
                 case 'authors':
                     $extends = 'AuthorDatasource';
                     if (isset($fields['filter']['author'])) {
                         $filters = $fields['filter']['author'];
                     $elements = $fields['xml_elements'];
                     $params['order'] = $fields['order'];
                     $params['redirectonempty'] = $fields['redirect_on_empty'];
                     $params['redirectonforbidden'] = $fields['redirect_on_forbidden'];
                     $params['redirectonrequired'] = $fields['redirect_on_required'];
                     $params['requiredparam'] = trim($fields['required_url_param']);
                     $params['negateparam'] = trim($fields['negate_url_param']);
                     $params['paramoutput'] = $fields['param'];
                     $params['sort'] = $fields['sort'];
                 case 'navigation':
                     $extends = 'NavigationDatasource';
                     if (isset($fields['filter']['navigation'])) {
                         $filters = $fields['filter']['navigation'];
                     $params['order'] = $fields['order'];
                     $params['redirectonempty'] = $fields['redirect_on_empty'];
                     $params['redirectonforbidden'] = $fields['redirect_on_forbidden'];
                     $params['redirectonrequired'] = $fields['redirect_on_required'];
                     $params['requiredparam'] = trim($fields['required_url_param']);
                     $params['negateparam'] = trim($fields['negate_url_param']);
                 case 'static_xml':
                     $extends = 'StaticXMLDatasource';
                     $fields['static_xml'] = trim($fields['static_xml']);
                     if (preg_match('/^<\\?xml/i', $fields['static_xml']) == true) {
                         // Need to remove any XML declaration
                         $fields['static_xml'] = preg_replace('/^<\\?xml[^>]+>/i', null, $fields['static_xml']);
                     $params['static'] = sprintf('%s', trim($fields['static_xml']));
                     $extends = 'SectionDatasource';
                     $elements = $fields['xml_elements'];
                     if (is_array($fields['filter']) && !empty($fields['filter'])) {
                         $filters = array();
                         foreach ($fields['filter'] as $f) {
                             foreach ($f as $key => $val) {
                                 $filters[$key] = $val;
                     $params['order'] = $fields['order'];
                     $params['group'] = $fields['group'];
                     $params['paginateresults'] = $fields['paginate_results'];
                     $params['limit'] = $fields['max_records'];
                     $params['startpage'] = $fields['page_number'];
                     $params['redirectonempty'] = $fields['redirect_on_empty'];
                     $params['redirectonforbidden'] = $fields['redirect_on_forbidden'];
                     $params['redirectonrequired'] = $fields['redirect_on_required'];
                     $params['requiredparam'] = trim($fields['required_url_param']);
                     $params['negateparam'] = trim($fields['negate_url_param']);
                     $params['paramoutput'] = $fields['param'];
                     $params['sort'] = $fields['sort'];
                     $params['htmlencode'] = $fields['html_encode'];
                     $params['associatedentrycounts'] = $fields['associated_entry_counts'];
             $this->__injectVarList($dsShell, $params);
             $this->__injectIncludedElements($dsShell, $elements);
             self::injectFilters($dsShell, $filters);
             if (preg_match_all('@(\\$ds-[0-9a-z_\\.\\-]+)@i', $dsShell, $matches)) {
                 $dependencies = General::array_remove_duplicates($matches[1]);
                 $dsShell = str_replace('<!-- DS DEPENDENCY LIST -->', "'" . implode("', '", $dependencies) . "'", $dsShell);
             $dsShell = str_replace('<!-- CLASS EXTENDS -->', $extends, $dsShell);
             $dsShell = str_replace('<!-- SOURCE -->', $source, $dsShell);
         if ($this->_context[0] == 'new') {
              * Prior to creating the Datasource, the file path where it will be written to
              * is provided and well as the contents of that file.
              * @delegate DatasourcePreCreate
              * @since Symphony 2.2
              * @param string $context
              * '/blueprints/datasources/'
              * @param string $file
              *  The path to the Datasource file
              * @param string $contents
              *  The contents for this Datasource as a string passed by reference
              * @param array $params
              *  An array of all the `$dsParam*` values
              * @param array $elements
              *  An array of all the elements included in this datasource
              * @param array $filters
              *  An associative array of all the filters for this datasource with the key
              *  being the `field_id` and the value the filter.
              * @param array $dependencies
              *  An array of dependencies that this datasource has
             Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('DatasourcePreCreate', '/blueprints/datasources/', array('file' => $file, 'contents' => &$dsShell, 'params' => $params, 'elements' => $elements, 'filters' => $filters, 'dependencies' => $dependencies));
         } else {
              * Prior to editing a Datasource, the file path where it will be written to
              * is provided and well as the contents of that file.
              * @delegate DatasourcePreEdit
              * @since Symphony 2.2
              * @param string $context
              * '/blueprints/datasources/'
              * @param string $file
              *  The path to the Datasource file
              * @param string $contents
              *  The contents for this Datasource as a string passed by reference
              * @param array $dependencies
              *  An array of dependencies that this datasource has
              * @param array $params
              *  An array of all the `$dsParam*` values
              * @param array $elements
              *  An array of all the elements included in this datasource
              * @param array $filters
              *  An associative array of all the filters for this datasource with the key
              *  being the `field_id` and the value the filter.
             Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('DatasourcePreEdit', '/blueprints/datasources/', array('file' => $file, 'contents' => &$dsShell, 'dependencies' => $dependencies, 'params' => $params, 'elements' => $elements, 'filters' => $filters));
         // Remove left over placeholders
         $dsShell = preg_replace(array('/<!--[\\w ]++-->/', '/(\\t+[\\r\\n]){2,}/', '/(\\r\\n){2,}/'), '$1', $dsShell);
         // Write the file
         if (!is_writable(dirname($file)) || !General::writeFile($file, $dsShell, Symphony::Configuration()->get('write_mode', 'file'), 'w', true)) {
             $this->pageAlert(__('Failed to write Data source to disk.') . ' ' . __('Please check permissions on %s.', array('<code>/workspace/data-sources</code>')), Alert::ERROR);
             // Write successful
         } else {
             if (function_exists('opcache_invalidate')) {
                 opcache_invalidate($file, true);
             // Attach this datasources to pages
             $connections = $fields['connections'];
             ResourceManager::setPages(ResourceManager::RESOURCE_TYPE_DS, is_null($existing_handle) ? $classname : $existing_handle, $connections);
             // If the datasource has been updated and the name changed, then adjust all the existing pages that have the old datasource name
             if ($queueForDeletion) {
                 // Update pages that use this DS
                 $pages = PageManager::fetch(false, array('data_sources', 'id'), array("\n                        `data_sources` REGEXP '[[:<:]]" . $existing_handle . "[[:>:]]'\n                    "));
                 if (is_array($pages) && !empty($pages)) {
                     foreach ($pages as $page) {
                         $page['data_sources'] = preg_replace('/\\b' . $existing_handle . '\\b/i', $classname, $page['data_sources']);
                         PageManager::edit($page['id'], $page);
             if ($this->_context[0] == 'new') {
                  * After creating the Datasource, the path to the Datasource file is provided
                  * @delegate DatasourcePostCreate
                  * @since Symphony 2.2
                  * @param string $context
                  * '/blueprints/datasources/'
                  * @param string $file
                  *  The path to the Datasource file
                 Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('DatasourcePostCreate', '/blueprints/datasources/', array('file' => $file));
             } else {
                  * After editing the Datasource, the path to the Datasource file is provided
                  * @delegate DatasourcePostEdit
                  * @since Symphony 2.2
                  * @param string $context
                  * '/blueprints/datasources/'
                  * @param string $file
                  *  The path to the Datasource file
                  * @param string $previous_file
                  *  The path of the previous Datasource file in the case where a Datasource may
                  *  have been renamed. To get the handle from this value, see
                  *  `DatasourceManager::__getHandleFromFilename`
                 Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('DatasourcePostEdit', '/blueprints/datasources/', array('file' => $file, 'previous_file' => $queueForDeletion ? $queueForDeletion : null));
             redirect(SYMPHONY_URL . '/blueprints/datasources/edit/' . $classname . '/' . ($this->_context[0] == 'new' ? 'created' : 'saved') . '/');
 function __formAction()
     $fields = $_POST['fields'];
     $this->_errors = array();
     if (trim($fields['name']) == '') {
         $this->_errors['name'] = __('This is a required field');
     if ($fields['source'] == 'static_xml') {
         if (trim($fields['static_xml']) == '') {
             $this->_errors['static_xml'] = __('This is a required field');
         } else {
             $xml_errors = NULL;
             include_once TOOLKIT . '/class.xsltprocess.php';
             General::validateXML($fields['static_xml'], $xml_errors, false, new XsltProcess());
             if (!empty($xml_errors)) {
                 $this->_errors['static_xml'] = __('XML is invalid');
     } elseif ($fields['source'] == 'dynamic_xml') {
         if (trim($fields['dynamic_xml']['url']) == '') {
             $this->_errors['dynamic_xml']['url'] = __('This is a required field');
         if (trim($fields['dynamic_xml']['xpath']) == '') {
             $this->_errors['dynamic_xml']['xpath'] = __('This is a required field');
         if (!is_numeric($fields['dynamic_xml']['cache'])) {
             $this->_errors['dynamic_xml']['cache'] = __('Must be a valid number');
         } elseif ($fields['dynamic_xml']['cache'] < 1) {
             $this->_errors['dynamic_xml']['cache'] = __('Must be greater than zero');
     } else {
         if ($fields['source'] != 'navigation') {
             if (strlen(trim($fields['max_records'])) == 0 || is_numeric($fields['max_records']) && $fields['max_records'] < 1) {
                 $this->_errors['max_records'] = __('A result limit must be set');
             } elseif (!self::__isValidPageString($fields['max_records'])) {
                 $this->_errors['max_records'] = __('Must be a valid number or parameter');
             if (strlen(trim($fields['page_number'])) == 0 || is_numeric($fields['page_number']) && $fields['page_number'] < 1) {
                 $this->_errors['page_number'] = __('A page number must be set');
             } elseif (!self::__isValidPageString($fields['page_number'])) {
                 $this->_errors['page_number'] = __('Must be a valid number or parameter');
     $classname = Lang::createHandle($fields['name'], NULL, '_', false, true, array('@^[^a-z]+@i' => '', '/[^\\w-\\.]/i' => ''));
     $rootelement = str_replace('_', '-', $classname);
     $file = DATASOURCES . '/data.' . $classname . '.php';
     $isDuplicate = false;
     $queueForDeletion = NULL;
     if ($this->_context[0] == 'new' && @is_file($file)) {
         $isDuplicate = true;
     } elseif ($this->_context[0] == 'edit') {
         $existing_handle = $this->_context[1];
         if ($classname != $existing_handle && @is_file($file)) {
             $isDuplicate = true;
         } elseif ($classname != $existing_handle) {
             $queueForDeletion = DATASOURCES . '/data.' . $existing_handle . '.php';
     if ($isDuplicate) {
         $this->_errors['name'] = __('A Data source with the name <code>%s</code> name already exists', array($classname));
     if (empty($this->_errors)) {
         $dsShell = file_get_contents(TEMPLATE . '/datasource.tpl');
         //$oDate = $this->_Parent->getDateObj();
         $params = array('rootelement' => $rootelement);
         $about = array('name' => $fields['name'], 'version' => '1.0', 'release date' => DateTimeObj::getGMT('c'), 'author name' => $this->_Parent->Author->getFullName(), 'author website' => URL, 'author email' => $this->_Parent->Author->get('email'));
         $source = $fields['source'];
         $filter = NULL;
         $elements = NULL;
         switch ($source) {
             case 'authors':
                 $filters = $fields['filter']['author'];
                 $elements = $fields['xml_elements'];
                 $params['order'] = $fields['order'];
                 $params['limit'] = $fields['max_records'];
                 $params['redirectonempty'] = isset($fields['redirect_on_empty']) ? 'yes' : 'no';
                 $params['requiredparam'] = $fields['required_url_param'];
                 $params['paramoutput'] = $fields['param'];
                 $params['sort'] = $fields['sort'];
                 $params['startpage'] = $fields['page_number'];
                 $dsShell = str_replace('<!-- GRAB -->', "include(TOOLKIT . '/data-sources/');", $dsShell);
             case 'navigation':
                 $filters = $fields['filter']['navigation'];
                 $params['order'] = $fields['order'];
                 $params['redirectonempty'] = isset($fields['redirect_on_empty']) ? 'yes' : 'no';
                 $params['requiredparam'] = $fields['required_url_param'];
                 $dsShell = str_replace('<!-- GRAB -->', "include(TOOLKIT . '/data-sources/datasource.navigation.php');", $dsShell);
             case 'dynamic_xml':
                 $namespaces = $fields['dynamic_xml']['namespace'];
                 $filters = array();
                 for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($namespaces['name']); $ii++) {
                     $filters[$namespaces['name'][$ii]] = $namespaces['uri'][$ii];
                 $params['url'] = $fields['dynamic_xml']['url'];
                 $params['xpath'] = $fields['dynamic_xml']['xpath'];
                 $params['cache'] = $fields['dynamic_xml']['cache'];
                 $dsShell = str_replace('<!-- GRAB -->', "include(TOOLKIT . '/data-sources/datasource.dynamic_xml.php');", $dsShell);
             case 'static_xml':
                 $value = sprintf('$result = "%s";', addslashes($fields['static_xml']));
                 $dsShell = str_replace('<!-- GRAB -->', $value, $dsShell);
                 $elements = $fields['xml_elements'];
                 if (is_array($fields['filter']) && !empty($fields['filter'])) {
                     $filters = array();
                     foreach ($fields['filter'] as $f) {
                         foreach ($f as $key => $val) {
                             $filters[$key] = $val;
                 $params['order'] = $fields['order'];
                 $params['group'] = $fields['group'];
                 $params['limit'] = $fields['max_records'];
                 $params['redirectonempty'] = isset($fields['redirect_on_empty']) ? 'yes' : 'no';
                 $params['requiredparam'] = $fields['required_url_param'];
                 $params['paramoutput'] = $fields['param'];
                 $params['sort'] = $fields['sort'];
                 $params['startpage'] = $fields['page_number'];
                 $params['htmlencode'] = $fields['html_encode'];
                 $dsShell = str_replace('<!-- GRAB -->', "include(TOOLKIT . '/data-sources/datasource.section.php');", $dsShell);
         $this->__injectVarList($dsShell, $params);
         $this->__injectAboutInformation($dsShell, $about);
         $this->__injectIncludedElements($dsShell, $elements);
         $this->__injectFilters($dsShell, $filters);
         $dsShell = str_replace('<!-- CLASS NAME -->', $classname, $dsShell);
         $dsShell = str_replace('<!-- SOURCE -->', $source, $dsShell);
         if (preg_match_all('@{(\\$ds-[^}]+)}@i', $dsShell, $matches)) {
             $dependancies = array();
             foreach ($matches[1] as $match) {
                 if (preg_match_all('/(\\$ds-[^:]+)/i', $match, $inner_matches)) {
                     $dependancies = array_merge($dependancies, $inner_matches[1]);
             $dependancies = General::array_remove_duplicates($dependancies);
             $dsShell = str_replace('<!-- DS DEPENDANCY LIST -->', "'" . implode("', '", $dependancies) . "'", $dsShell);
         ## Remove left over placeholders
         $dsShell = preg_replace(array('/<!--[\\w ]++-->/', '/(\\r\\n){2,}/', '/(\\t+[\\r\\n]){2,}/'), '', $dsShell);
         ##Write the file
         if (!is_writable(dirname($file)) || !($write = General::writeFile($file, $dsShell, $this->_Parent->Configuration->get('write_mode', 'file')))) {
             $this->pageAlert(__('Failed to write Data source to <code>%s</code>. Please check permissions.', array(DATASOURCES)), Alert::ERROR);
         } else {
             if ($queueForDeletion) {
                 ## Update pages that use this DS
                 $sql = "SELECT * FROM `tbl_pages` WHERE `data_sources` REGEXP '[[:<:]]" . $existing_handle . "[[:>:]]' ";
                 $pages = $this->_Parent->Database->fetch($sql);
                 if (is_array($pages) && !empty($pages)) {
                     foreach ($pages as $page) {
                         $page['data_sources'] = preg_replace('/\\b' . $existing_handle . '\\b/i', $classname, $page['data_sources']);
                         $this->_Parent->Database->update($page, 'tbl_pages', "`id` = '" . $page['id'] . "'");
             ### TODO: Fix me
             # Delegate: Create
             # Description: After saving the datasource, the file path is provided and an array
             #              of variables set by the editor
             #$ExtensionManager->notifyMembers('Create', getCurrentPage(), array('file' => $file, 'defines' => $defines, 'var' => $var));
             redirect(URL . '/symphony/blueprints/datasources/edit/' . $classname . '/' . ($this->_context[0] == 'new' ? 'created' : 'saved') . '/');
 } else {
     ##Manipulate some fields
     $datasources = $fields['data_source'];
     $events = $fields['events'];
     $fields['name'] = General::sanitize($fields['name']);
     $fields['handle'] = preg_replace('/[\\s]++/', '-', $fields['name']);
     $fields['handle'] = preg_replace('/[^-_\\w\\d]++/', '', $fields['handle']);
     $fields['handle'] = strtolower($fields['handle']);
     if ($DB->fetchRow(0, "SELECT * FROM `tbl_utilities` WHERE `handle` = '" . $fields['handle'] . "' LIMIT 1")) {
         $Admin->pageAlert("duplicate", array("A Utility", "name"), false, 'error');
     } else {
         ##Write the file
         if (!($write = General::writeFile(WORKSPACE . "/utilities/" . $fields['handle'] . ".xsl", $fields['body'], $Admin->getConfigVar("write_mode", "file")))) {
             $Admin->pageAlert("write-failed", array("Utility"), false, 'error');
         } else {
             ##No longer need the body text
             ##Insert the new data
             if (!$DB->insert($fields, "tbl_utilities")) {
                 define("__SYM_DB_INSERT_FAILED__", true);
             } else {
                 $id = $DB->getInsertID();
                 ## Datasources
                 $DB->query("DELETE FROM `tbl_utilities2datasources` WHERE `utility_id` = '{$id}'");
                 if (is_array($datasources) && !empty($datasources)) {
                     foreach ($datasources as $d) {
                         $DB->query("INSERT INTO tbl_utilities2datasources VALUES ('', '{$id}', '{$d}')");
 protected function __updatePageFiles($new_path, $new_handle, $old_path = null, $old_handle = null)
     $new = PAGES . '/' . $this->__createHandle($new_path, $new_handle) . '.xsl';
     $old = PAGES . '/' . $this->__createHandle($old_path, $old_handle) . '.xsl';
     $data = null;
     // Nothing to do:
     if (file_exists($new) && $new == old) {
         return true;
     // Old file doesn't exist, use template:
     if (!file_exists($old)) {
         $data = file_get_contents(TEMPLATE . '/page.xsl');
     } else {
         $data = file_get_contents($old);
     return General::writeFile($new, $data, $this->_Parent->Configuration->get('write_mode', 'file'));
Пример #28
  * Builds the attachment section of a multipart email.
  * Will return a string containing the section. Can be used to send to
  * an email server directly.
  * @throws EmailGatewayException
  * @throws Exception
  * @return string
 protected function getSectionAttachments()
     $output = '';
     foreach ($this->_attachments as $key => $file) {
         $tmp_file = false;
         // If the attachment is a URL, download the file to a temporary location.
         // This prevents downloading the file twice - once for info, once for data.
         if (filter_var($file['file'], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
             $gateway = new Gateway();
             $gateway->setopt('TIMEOUT', 30);
             $file_content = @$gateway->exec();
             $tmp_file = tempnam(TMP, 'attachment');
             General::writeFile($tmp_file, $file_content, Symphony::Configuration()->get('write_mode', 'file'));
             $original_filename = $file['file'];
             $file['file'] = $tmp_file;
             // Without this the temporary filename will be used. Ugly!
             if (is_null($file['filename'])) {
                 $file['filename'] = basename($original_filename);
         } else {
             $file_content = @file_get_contents($file['file']);
         if ($file_content !== false && !empty($file_content)) {
             $output .= $this->boundaryDelimiterLine('multipart/mixed') . $this->contentInfoString($file['mime-type'], $file['file'], $file['filename'], $file['charset']) . EmailHelper::base64ContentTransferEncode($file_content);
         } else {
             if (!$tmp_file === false) {
                 $filename = $original_filename;
             } else {
                 $filename = $file['file'];
             throw new EmailGatewayException(__('The content of the file `%s` could not be loaded.', array($filename)));
         if (!$tmp_file === false) {
     return $output;
  * Fetch all subsection elements included in a data source and
  * join modes into a single call to `appendFormattedElement()`.
  * Preprocess all subsection entry for performance reasons.
  * @see
 public function __prepareSubsection(&$context)
     $parent = get_parent_class($context['datasource']);
     // Default Data Source
     if ($parent == 'DataSource' || $parent == 'SectionDatasource') {
         $this->__parseSubsectionFields($context['datasource']->dsParamINCLUDEDELEMENTS, $context['datasource']->dsParamROOTELEMENT, $context['datasource']);
     } elseif ($parent == 'UnionDatasource') {
         foreach ($context['datasource']->datasources as $datasource) {
             $this->__parseSubsectionFields($datasource['datasource']->dsParamINCLUDEDELEMENTS, $datasource['datasource']->dsParamROOTELEMENT, $datasource['datasource']);
     // Update field cache
     if (self::$updateCache == true) {
         $cache = self::$storage;
         General::writeFile(CACHE . '/subsectionmanager-storage', serialize($cache), Symphony::Configuration()->get('write_mode', 'file'));
     // Preload entries
 public function action()
     $this->_existing_file = isset($this->_context[1]) ? $this->_context[1] . '.xsl' : NULL;
     if (array_key_exists('save', $_POST['action']) || array_key_exists('done', $_POST['action'])) {
         $fields = $_POST['fields'];
         $this->_errors = array();
         if (!isset($fields['name']) || trim($fields['name']) == '') {
             $this->_errors['name'] = __('Name is a required field.');
         if (!isset($fields['body']) || trim($fields['body']) == '') {
             $this->_errors['body'] = __('Body is a required field.');
         } elseif (!General::validateXML($fields['body'], $errors, false, new XSLTProcess())) {
             $this->_errors['body'] = __('This document is not well formed. The following error was returned: <code>%s</code>', array($errors[0]['message']));
         $fields['name'] = Lang::createFilename($fields['name']);
         if (General::right($fields['name'], 4) != '.xsl') {
             $fields['name'] .= '.xsl';
         $file = UTILITIES . '/' . $fields['name'];
         if ($this->_context[0] == 'edit' && ($this->_existing_file != $fields['name'] && is_file($file))) {
             $this->_errors['name'] = __('A Utility with that name already exists. Please choose another.');
         } elseif ($this->_context[0] == 'new' && is_file($file)) {
             $this->_errors['name'] = __('A Utility with that name already exists. Please choose another.');
         if (empty($this->_errors)) {
             if ($this->_context[0] == 'new') {
                  * Just before the Utility has been created
                  * @delegate UtilityPreCreate
                  * @since Symphony 2.2
                  * @param string $context
                  * '/blueprints/utilities/'
                  * @param string $file
                  *  The path to the Utility file
                  * @param string $contents
                  *  The contents of the `$fields['body']`, passed by reference
                 Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('UtilityPreCreate', '/blueprints/utilities/', array('file' => $file, 'contents' => &$fields['body']));
             } else {
                  * Just before the Utility has been updated
                  * @delegate UtilityPreEdit
                  * @since Symphony 2.2
                  * @param string $context
                  * '/blueprints/utilities/'
                  * @param string $file
                  *  The path to the Utility file
                  * @param string $contents
                  *  The contents of the `$fields['body']`, passed by reference
                 Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('UtilityPreEdit', '/blueprints/utilities/', array('file' => $file, 'contents' => &$fields['body']));
             ##Write the file
             if (!($write = General::writeFile($file, $fields['body'], Symphony::Configuration()->get('write_mode', 'file')))) {
                 $this->pageAlert(__('Utility could not be written to disk. Please check permissions on <code>/workspace/utilities</code>.'), Alert::ERROR);
             } else {
                 ## Remove any existing file if the filename has changed
                 if ($this->_existing_file && $file != UTILITIES . '/' . $this->_existing_file) {
                     General::deleteFile(UTILITIES . '/' . $this->_existing_file);
                 if ($this->_context[0] == 'new') {
                      * Just after the Utility has been written to disk
                      * @delegate UtilityPostCreate
                      * @since Symphony 2.2
                      * @param string $context
                      * '/blueprints/utilities/'
                      * @param string $file
                      *  The path to the Utility file
                     Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('UtilityPostCreate', '/blueprints/utilities/', array('file' => $file));
                 } else {
                      * Just after a Utility has been edited and written to disk
                      * @delegate UtilityPostEdit
                      * @since Symphony 2.2
                      * @param string $context
                      * '/blueprints/utilities/'
                      * @param string $file
                      *  The path to the Utility file
                     Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('UtilityPostEdit', '/blueprints/utilities/', array('file' => $file));
                 redirect(SYMPHONY_URL . '/blueprints/utilities/edit/' . str_replace('.xsl', '', $fields['name']) . '/' . ($this->_context[0] == 'new' ? 'created' : 'saved') . '/');
     } elseif ($this->_context[0] == 'edit' && @array_key_exists('delete', $_POST['action'])) {
          * Prior to deleting the Utility
          * @delegate UtilityPreDelete
          * @since Symphony 2.2
          * @param string $context
          * '/blueprints/utilities/'
          * @param string $file
          *  The path to the Utility file
         Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('UtilityPreDelete', '/blueprints/utilities/', array('file' => $this->_existing_file));
         General::deleteFile(UTILITIES . '/' . $this->_existing_file);
         redirect(SYMPHONY_URL . '/blueprints/components/');