  * Load up the leaderboard module data based on a specific time slot
  * @param string $SlotType Valid options are 'a': All Time, 'w': Weekly, 'm':
  * Monthly, 'y': Yearly
 public function GetData($SlotType = 'a')
     // Get the leaderboard data
     $Leaders = Gdn::SQL()->Select('up.Points as YagaPoints, u.*')->From('User u')->Join('UserPoints up', 'u.UserID = up.UserID')->Where('up.SlotType', $SlotType)->Where('up.TimeSlot', gmdate('Y-m-d', Gdn_Statistics::TimeSlotStamp($SlotType)))->Where('up.Source', 'Total')->OrderBy('up.Points', 'desc')->Limit(C('Yaga.LeaderBoard.Limit', 10), 0)->Get()->Result();
     $this->Data = $Leaders;
     switch ($SlotType) {
         case 'a':
             $this->Title = T('Yaga.LeaderBoard.AllTime');
         case 'w':
             $this->Title = T('Yaga.LeaderBoard.Week');
         case 'm':
             $this->Title = T('Yaga.LeaderBoard.Month');
         case 'y':
             $this->Title = T('Yaga.LeaderBoard.Year');
  * Add points to a user's total in a specific timeslot.
  * @since 2.1.0
  * @access protected
  * @see self::GivePoints
 protected static function _GivePoints($UserID, $Points, $SlotType, $Source = 'Total', $Timestamp = FALSE)
     $TimeSlot = gmdate('Y-m-d', Gdn_Statistics::TimeSlotStamp($SlotType, $Timestamp));
     $Px = Gdn::Database()->DatabasePrefix;
     $Sql = "insert {$Px}UserPoints (UserID, SlotType, TimeSlot, Source, Points)\n         values (:UserID, :SlotType, :TimeSlot, :Source, :Points)\n         on duplicate key update Points = Points + :Points1";
     Gdn::Database()->Query($Sql, array(':UserID' => $UserID, ':Points' => $Points, ':SlotType' => $SlotType, ':Source' => $Source, ':TimeSlot' => $TimeSlot, ':Points1' => $Points));