Пример #1
  * Defines and loads the locale.
  * @param string $LocaleName The name of the locale to load. Locale definitions are kept in each
  * application's locale folder. For example:
  *  /dashboard/locale/$LocaleName.php
  *  /vanilla/locale/$LocaleName.php
  * @param array $ApplicationWhiteList An array of application folders that are safe to examine for locale
  *  definitions.
  * @param array $PluginWhiteList An array of plugin folders that are safe to examine for locale
  *  definitions.
  * @param bool $ForceRemapping For speed purposes, the application folders are crawled for locale
  *  sources. Once sources are found, they are saved in the
  *  cache/locale_mapppings.php file. If ForceRemapping is true, this file will
  *  be ignored and the folders will be recrawled and the mapping file will be
  *  re-generated. You can also simply delete the file and it will
  *  automatically force a remapping.
 public function Set($LocaleName, $ApplicationWhiteList, $PluginWhiteList, $ForceRemapping = FALSE)
     $SafeLocaleName = preg_replace('/([^\\w\\d_-])/', '', $LocaleName);
     // Removes everything from the string except letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores
     $LocaleSources = array();
     if (!is_array($ApplicationWhiteList)) {
         $ApplicationWhiteList = array();
     if (!is_array($PluginWhiteList)) {
         $PluginWhiteList = array();
     if ($ForceRemapping === TRUE || !Gdn_FileCache::CacheReady('locale')) {
         $LocaleSources = array();
         // Get application-based locale definition files
         $ApplicationLocaleSources = Gdn_FileSystem::FindAll(PATH_APPLICATIONS, CombinePaths(array('locale', $LocaleName, 'definitions.php')), $ApplicationWhiteList);
         if ($ApplicationLocaleSources !== FALSE) {
             $LocaleSources = $ApplicationLocaleSources;
         // Get plugin-based locale definition files
         $PluginLocaleSources = Gdn_FileSystem::FindAll(PATH_PLUGINS, CombinePaths(array('locale', $LocaleName, 'definitions.php')), $PluginWhiteList);
         if ($PluginLocaleSources !== FALSE) {
             $LocaleSources = array_merge($LocaleSources, $PluginLocaleSources);
         // Save the mappings
         $FileContents = array();
         $Count = count($LocaleSources);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $Count; ++$i) {
             $FileContents[$SafeLocaleName][] = Gdn_Format::ArrayValueForPhp($LocaleSources[$i]);
         // Add the config locale if it exists
         $ConfigLocale = PATH_CONF . DS . 'locale.php';
         if (file_exists($ConfigLocale)) {
             $FileContents[$SafeLocaleName][] = $ConfigLocale;
         Gdn_FileCache::Import('locale', $FileContents);
     // Set up defaults
     $Definition = array();
     $this->_Definition = array();
     // Now set the locale name and import all of the sources.
     $this->_Locale = $LocaleName;
     $LocaleSources = Gdn_FileCache::GetCache('locale', $SafeLocaleName);
     if (is_null($SafeLocaleName)) {
         $LocaleSources = array();
     $ConfLocaleOverride = PATH_CONF . DS . 'locale.php';
     $Count = count($LocaleSources);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $Count; ++$i) {
         if ($ConfLocaleOverride != $LocaleSources[$i]) {
             // Don't double include the conf override file... and make sure it comes last
             @(include_once $LocaleSources[$i]);
     // Also load any custom defined definitions from the conf directory
     @(include_once $ConfLocaleOverride);
     // All of the included files should have contained
     // $Definition['Code'] = 'Definition'; assignments. The overwrote each
     // other in the order they were included. Now assign the $Definition array
     // to the local private _Definition property.
     $this->_Definition = $Definition;
Пример #2
  * Searches in the specified mapping cache for $LibraryName. If a mapping is
  * found, it returns it. If not, it searches through the application
  * directories $Depth levels deep looking for $LibraryName. Returns FALSE
  * if not found.
  * @param string $MappingsFileName The name of the mappings file to look in for library mappings. These
  * files are contained in the application's /cache folder.
  * @param string $SourceFolders The path to the folders that should be considered the "root" of this search.
  * @param mixed $FolderWhiteList A white-list array of sub-folders within $SourceFolder in which the
  * search can be performed. If FALSE is specified instead, the search will
  * only be performed in $SourceFolders.
  * @param string $LibraryName The name of the library to search for. This is a valid file name.
  * ie. "class.database.php"
 public static function FindByMapping($MappingCacheName, $SourceFolders, $FolderWhiteList, $LibraryName)
     // If the application folder was provided, it will be the only entry in the whitelist, so prepend it.
     if (is_array($FolderWhiteList) && count($FolderWhiteList) == 1) {
         $LibraryName = CombinePaths(array($FolderWhiteList[0], $LibraryName));
     $LibraryKey = str_replace('.', '__', $LibraryName);
     $LibraryPath = Gdn_FileCache::GetCache($MappingCacheName, $LibraryKey);
     if ($LibraryPath === NULL) {
         // $LibraryName wasn't contained in the mappings array.
         // I need to look through the folders in this application for the requested file.
         // Once I find it, I need to save the mapping so we don't have to search for it again.
         // Attempt to find the file directly off the root (if the app folder was provided in the querystring)
         if ($FolderWhiteList !== FALSE && count($FolderWhiteList) == 1) {
             $LibraryPath = self::Find($SourceFolders, $LibraryName);
         } else {
             $LibraryPath = self::Find($SourceFolders, $LibraryName, $FolderWhiteList);
         // If the controller was found
         if ($LibraryPath !== FALSE) {
             Gdn_FileCache::Cache($MappingCacheName, $LibraryKey, $LibraryPath);
     return $LibraryPath;