Пример #1
 Publish TR data 
 public static function publishTraceroute($data)
     global $dbconn, $ixmaps_debug_mode;
     // FIXME: move this to config.php
     $URI = "https://www.ixmaps.ca/cgi-bin/gather-tr.cgi";
     $trSubString = "";
     $trString = "";
     /*check tr status: does the TR reach its destination?*/
     $lastKey = key($data['ip_analysis']['hops']);
     $lastIp = $data['ip_analysis']['hops'][$lastKey]['winIp'];
     //echo "LastIP: ".$lastIp;
     if ($data['dest_ip'] == $lastIp) {
         $trStatus = "c";
     } else {
         $trStatus = "i";
     // FIXED! collecting the protocol used in the submission data_type = json
     foreach ($data['traceroute_submissions'] as $sub_data) {
         if ($sub_data['data_type'] == "json") {
             // convert to lowercase before comparison
             $sub_data['protocol'] = strtolower($sub_data['protocol']);
             if ($sub_data['protocol'] == "icmp") {
                 $protocol = "i";
             } else {
                 if ($sub_data['protocol'] == "udp") {
                     $protocol = "u";
                 } else {
                     if ($sub_data['protocol'] == "tcp") {
                         $protocol = "t";
     // TODO: check for null fields
     // convert timeout to seconds
     $data['timeout'] = round($data['timeout'] / 1000);
     $trString = "dest=" . $data['dest'] . "&dest_ip=" . $data['dest_ip'] . "&submitter=" . urlencode($data['submitter']) . "&zip_code=" . urlencode($data['postal_code']) . "&client=" . urlencode($data['traceroute_submissions'][0]['client']) . "&cl_ver=1.0&privacy=8&timeout=" . $data['timeout'] . "&protocol=" . $protocol . "&maxhops=" . $data['maxhops'] . "&attempts=" . $data['queries'] . "&status=" . $trStatus;
     $hopCount = 0;
     $foundFirstValidIp = false;
     // hops
     foreach ($data['ip_analysis']['hops'] as $key => $hop) {
         // skip local ips
         if (!GatherTr::checkIpIsPrivate($hop['winIp']) || $hop['winIp'] == "") {
             // anonimize first valid ip
             if (!$foundFirstValidIp && $hop['winIp'] != "") {
                 $foundFirstValidIp = true;
                 //echo "\n First Valid IP: ".$hop['winIp'];
                 $ipQuads = explode('.', $hop['winIp']);
                 $ipAmonim = "";
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($ipQuads); $i++) {
                     if ($i == count($ipQuads) - 1) {
                         $ipAmonim .= ".0";
                     } else {
                         if ($i == 0) {
                             $ipAmonim .= "" . $ipQuads[$i];
                         } else {
                             $ipAmonim .= "." . $ipQuads[$i];
                 $hop['winIp'] = $ipAmonim;
             $latencyCount = 0;
             // latencies
             foreach ($hop['latencies'] as $key1 => $latency) {
                 $rtt_ms = 0;
                 if ($hop['winIp'] == "") {
                     $status = "t";
                 } else {
                     $status = "r";
                 $trString .= "&status_" . $hopCount . "_" . $latencyCount . "=" . $status . "&ip_addr_" . $hopCount . "_" . $latencyCount . "=" . $hop['winIp'] . "&rtt_ms_" . $hopCount . "_" . $latencyCount . "=" . round($latency);
         } else {
             //echo "\n skiping ip: ".$hop['winIp'];
         // end skip ip
     $totItems = $hopCount * $data['queries'];
     $trString .= "&n_items=" . $totItems;
     //echo "\n".$trString."";
     // adding exceptions for SSL certificate
     $arrContextOptions = array("ssl" => array("verify_peer" => false, "verify_peer_name" => false));
     // publish data
     $trResult = file_get_contents($URI . "?" . $trString, false, stream_context_create($arrContextOptions));
     //echo "\n\n".$trResult;
     $search = "new traceroute ID";
     //$lines       = file('example.txt');
     $line_number = false;
     $tr_id_arr = explode("\n", $trResult);
     while (list($key, $line) = each($tr_id_arr) and !$line_number) {
         $line_number = strpos($line, $search) !== FALSE ? $key + 1 : $line_number;
     $tr_id_line = explode("=", $tr_id_arr[$line_number - 1]);
     //echo "\nTR ID: ".$tr_id_line[1];
     if (count($tr_id_line) == 2 && $tr_id_line[1] != 0) {
         return $tr_id_line[1];
     } else {
         return 0;
Пример #2

header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
include '../config.php';
include '../model/GatherTr.php';
// MaxMind Include Files
include '../geoip/geoip.inc';
include '../geoip/geoipcity.inc';
include '../geoip/geoipregionvars.php';
$gi1 = geoip_open("../geoip/dat/GeoLiteCity.dat", GEOIP_STANDARD);
if (isset($_REQUEST['ip']) && $_REQUEST['ip'] != "") {
    $ip = $_REQUEST['ip'];
} else {
    $ip = 0;
$ip_data = GatherTr::getHostnames($_REQUEST['ip'], $_REQUEST['t']);
echo "TOT: IPs analyzed:" . count($ip_data);
echo "<hr/>";
$c = 0;
echo "<pre>";
//echo "IP\tixmaps-hostname\tnew-hostname\tStatus";
foreach ($ip_data as $key => $ip) {
    // current IXmaps data
    echo "IXmaps IP: " . $ip['ip_addr'];
    echo "\n";
    // Checking MaxMind Data
    $record1 = geoip_record_by_addr($gi1, $ip['ip_addr']);
    echo "\nMaxMind Data:";
    echo "\n";
Пример #3
//header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
include '../config.php';
include '../model/GatherTr.php';
if (!isset($_REQUEST['ip'])) {
    echo "You must provide an IP as parameter: <br/>\n http://www.ixmaps.ca/application/controller/ip-to-asn.php?ip=<b>[ip]</b>";
} else {
    $ip = $_REQUEST['ip'];
    Check ip IP for geolocation purposes
    // dev display
    $asn_carrier = GatherTr::getIpForAsn($ip);
    echo "<hr/>getIpForAsn...";
    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";
    echo "<hr/>getHostnameForIp...";
    $hostname_new = GatherTr::getHostnameForIp($ip);
    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";
    echo "<hr/>ipInIXmaps...";
    $ixmaps_data = GatherTr::ipInIXmaps($ip);
    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";
    // display
    /*echo "<br/>netmask: ".$asn_carrier[0]['netmask'];
      echo "<br/>asn: ".$asn_carrier[0]['asn'];
      echo "<br/>Carrier: ".$asn_carrier[0]['name'];*/

header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
//ini_set( "display_errors", 0); // use only in production
include '../config.php';
include '../model/GatherTr.php';
if (isset($_REQUEST['tr_c_id']) && $_REQUEST['tr_c_id'] != "") {
    // use only for debugging
    $c = GatherTr::getTrContribution($_REQUEST['tr_c_id']);
    //echo "TR Data saved!\n\n";
    // fix json return: assume now not order in the contributions
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($c['traceroute_submissions']); $i++) {
        if ($c['traceroute_submissions'][$i]['data_type'] == "json") {
            $c['traceroute_submissions'][$i]['tr_data'] = json_decode($c['traceroute_submissions'][$i]['tr_data']);
    echo json_encode($c);
} else {
    echo 'No tr_c_id sent.';
Пример #5
$_POST['privacy'] = 8;
$_POST['client'] = "";
$_POST['cl_version'] = "";
	TODO: add  exahustive check for consistency and completness of the TR data 
	Requires discussion with tests on the TrGen client
if (isset($_POST['dest_ip']) && $_POST['dest_ip'] != "") {
    $tr_c_id = GatherTr::saveTrContribution($_POST);
    //echo "\ntr_c_id: ". $tr_c_id."\n";
    $b = GatherTr::saveTrContributionData($_POST, $tr_c_id);
    $trData = GatherTr::getTrContribution($tr_c_id);
    $trByHop = GatherTr::formatTrData($trData);
    if ($trByHop == 0) {
        // analyis of TR failed or not implemented yet
    } else {
        $trAnalyzed = GatherTr::analyzeTrData($trByHop);
        $trData['ip_analysis'] = $trAnalyzed;
        $trId = GatherTr::publishTraceroute($trData);
        $f = GatherTr::flagContribution($tr_c_id, $trId);
        $result = array("TRid" => $trId, "tr_c_id" => $tr_c_id);
        echo json_encode($result);
} else {
    echo 'No parameters sent.';