protected function resolveConfirmAlertInHtmlOptions($htmlOptions) { $htmlOptions['confirm'] = Zurmo::t('Core', 'Are you sure you want to delete this {modelLabel}?', array('{modelLabel}' => GameRewardsModule::getModuleLabelByTypeAndLanguage('SingularLowerCase'))); return $htmlOptions; }
/** * Action called in the event that the mass delete quantity is larger than the pageSize. * This action is called after the pageSize quantity has been delted and continues to be * called until the mass delete action is complete. For example, if there are 20 records to delete * and the pageSize is 5, then this action will be called 3 times. The first 5 are updated when * the actionMassDelete is called upon the initial form submission. */ public function actionMassDeleteProgress() { $pageSize = Yii::app()->pagination->resolveActiveForCurrentUserByType('massDeleteProgressPageSize'); $gameReward = new GameReward(false); $dataProvider = $this->getDataProviderByResolvingSelectAllFromGet(new GameRewardsSearchForm($gameReward), $pageSize, Yii::app()->user->userModel->id, null, 'GameRewardsSearchView'); $this->processMassDeleteProgress('GameReward', $pageSize, GameRewardsModule::getModuleLabelByTypeAndLanguage('Plural'), $dataProvider); }