public static function fetchFromParameters($postParams, $fileParams = null) { global $systemConfiguration; SliderImage::$staticErrors = array(); $sliderImage = new SliderImage(); $sliderImage->galleryImage = GalleryImage::fetchFromParameters($postParams, $fileParams); return $sliderImage; }
public static function fetchFromParameters($postParams, $fileParams = null) { global $systemConfiguration; global $logger; RoomImage::$staticErrors = array(); $roomImage = new RoomImage(); $roomImage->galleryImage = GalleryImage::fetchFromParameters($postParams, $fileParams); if (isset($postParams['room_id']) && is_numeric($postParams['room_id'])) { $roomImage->roomId = intval($postParams['room_id']); } else { if (is_null($roomImage->galleryImage)) { $logger->LogError("Gallery image is null."); } } return $roomImage; }
public static function fetchFromDbWhere($whereSql) { global $logger; $logger->LogInfo("Fetching gallery images using WHERE SQL: {$whereSql}"); $galleryImages = array(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM bsi_gallery_images " . $whereSql . " ORDER BY display_order"; $query = mysql_query($sql); if (!$query) { $logger->LogFatal("Database error: " . mysql_errno() . ". Message: " . mysql_error()); $logger->LogError("SQL: " . $sql); die("Database error: " . mysql_errno() . ". Message: " . mysql_error()); } while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) { $galleryImage = GalleryImage::fetchFromParameters($row); $galleryImages[] = $galleryImage; } mysql_free_result($query); return $galleryImages; }
<?php // TODO: Uncomment include "access.php"; include_once "../includes/SystemConfiguration.class.php"; global $systemConfiguration; global $logger; $errors = array(); $message = ""; $galleryImage = new GalleryImage(); if (isset($_POST['SBMT_REG'])) { $logger->LogInfo("Form has been submitted."); $galleryImage = GalleryImage::fetchFromParameters($_POST); if (!$galleryImage->save()) { $logger->LogError("Error saving news category."); foreach ($galleryImage->errors as $error) { $logger->LogError($error); $errors[] = $error; } } else { $message = "Values were updated successfully!"; } } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['id']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['id'])) { $logger->LogInfo("Page was called for edit of id: " . $_REQUEST['id']); $id = intval($_REQUEST['id']); $logger->LogDebug("Numeric id is: {$id}"); $galleryImage = GalleryImage::fetchFromDb($id); if ($galleryImage == null) { $logger->LogError("Invalid request. No gallery image with id: {$id} exists."); $errors[] = "Invalid request. No gallery image with id: {$id} exists.";