Пример #1
 * @param string $permissions A list of comma separated permissions.
 * @return Gajus\Fuss\User
function create_test_user($permissions = '')
    $app = new Gajus\Fuss\App(\TEST_APP_ID, \TEST_APP_SECRET);
    $request = new Gajus\Fuss\Request($app, 'POST', 'app/accounts/test-users', ['permissions' => $permissions]);
    $test_user = $request->make();
    $GLOBALS['test']['test_user'][] = $test_user;
    return $test_user;
Пример #2
  * @param Gajus\Fuss\AccessToken $access_token
  * @return null
 public function setAccessToken(\Gajus\Fuss\AccessToken $access_token)
     $this->access_token = $access_token;
     $request = new \Gajus\Fuss\Request($this, 'GET', 'me', ['fields' => 'id']);
     $response = $request->make();
     // @todo Check if it is user access token, as oppose to page or whatever.
     if ($this->id && $response['id'] !== $this->id) {
         throw new \Gajus\Fuss\Exception\UserException('The new access token is for a different user.');
     $this->id = $response['id'];
Пример #3
  * @dataProvider nonStringBodyParametersProvider
 public function testNonStringBodyParameters(array $restrictions)
     $request = new Gajus\Fuss\Request($this->app, 'POST', 'app');
     $request->setBody(['restrictions' => $restrictions]);
     $request = new Gajus\Fuss\Request($this->app, 'GET', 'app', ['fields' => 'restrictions']);
     $response = $request->make();
     $this->assertSame($restrictions, $response['restrictions']);
Пример #4
  * Exchange code for an access token.
  * @see https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/manually-build-a-login-flow/v2.0#exchangecode
  * @param string $code The parameter received from the Login Dialog.
  * @param string $redirect_url This argument is required and must be the same as the original request_uri that you used when starting the OAuth login process. In case of FB.login, it is empty string.
  * @return Gajus\Fuss\AccessToken
 public static function makeFromCode(\Gajus\Fuss\App $app, $code, $redirect_url = '')
     $request = new \Gajus\Fuss\Request($app, 'GET', 'oauth/access_token', ['client_id' => $app->getId(), 'client_secret' => $app->getSecret(), 'redirect_uri' => $redirect_url, 'code' => $code]);
     $response = $request->make();
     return new \Gajus\Fuss\AccessToken($app, $response['access_token'], \Gajus\Fuss\AccessToken::TYPE_USER);