public function execute() { GWF_Website::plaintext(); GWF3::setConfig('store_last_url', false); $lat = $this->module->lat(); $lon = $this->module->lon(); $descr = trim(Common::getGetString('pp_descr')); $descr = $descr === '' ? null : $descr; $id = Common::getGetInt('pp_id', 0); $user = GWF_User::getStaticOrGuest(); $uid = $user->getID(); if (!GWF_ProfilePOI::changeAllowed($id, $uid)) { $this->module->ajaxError('Permission error!'); } $count = $id === 0 ? GWF_ProfilePOI::getPOICount($uid) : 0; $max_pois = $this->module->cfgAllowedPOIs(); if ($count >= $max_pois) { $this->module->ajaxErr('err_poi_exceed'); } $poi = new GWF_ProfilePOI(array('pp_id' => $id, 'pp_uid' => $uid, 'pp_lat' => $lat, 'pp_lon' => $lon, 'pp_descr' => $descr)); $poi->replace(); $data = $poi->getGDOData(); $data['user_name'] = $user->getVar('user_name'); die(json_encode($data)); }
public function execute() { GWF3::setConfig('store_last_url', false); if (false !== ($error = $this->sanitize())) { return $error; } return $this->imageButton(); }
public function execute() { $user = GWF_User::getStaticOrGuest(); GWF_Website::addJavascriptInline($this->getInlineJS($user)); $tVars = array('worlds' => $this->getWorlds($user)); GWF3::setDesign('jqmsl4'); return $this->module->template('shadowclient.tpl', $tVars); }
public function execute() { GWF3::setConfig('store_last_url', false); if (false !== ($error = $this->validate())) { return $error; } return $this->templateGraph(); }
public function execute() { // $iso = Common::getGet('iso', 'en'); // if (false === ($lang = GWF_Language::getByISO($iso))) { // $lang = GWF_Language::getEnglish(); // } GWF3::setConfig('store_last_url', false); $lang = GWF_Language::getCurrentLanguage(); return $this->templateFeed($lang); }
public function execute() { GWF_Website::plaintext(); GWF3::setConfig('store_last_url', false); $id = Common::getGetInt('pp_id'); if (!GWF_ProfilePOI::changeAllowed($id, GWF_Session::getUserID())) { $this->module->ajaxError('Permission error!'); } GDO::table('GWF_ProfilePOI')->deleteWhere("pp_id = {$id}"); die("{$id}"); }
public function execute() { GWF3::setConfig('log_request', false); $back = array(); $user = GWF_User::getStaticOrGuest(); $back['news'] = (int) $this->module->getNewsCount(); $back['pm'] = (int) WC_HTML::getUnreadPMCount($user); $back['links'] = (int) WC_HTML::getUnreadLinksCount($user); $back['forum'] = (int) WC_HTML::getUnreadThreadCount($user); return json_encode($back); }
private static function initModules() { if (!Dog_Module::inited()) { self::initModulesDir('dog_module'); if (GWF3::getConfig('env') === 'dev') { self::initModulesDir('dog_module_dev'); } self::initModulesDir('dog_module_user_' . Dog::getUnixUsername()); self::initModulesDir('dog_module_secret'); } }
public function execute() { GWF3::setConfig('store_last_url', false); if ('totalscore' === ($type = Common::getGet('type'))) { return $this->graphUserLevel('userhist_totalscore'); } if ('rank' === ($type = Common::getGet('type'))) { return $this->graphUserLevel('userhist_rank'); } return GWF_HTML::err('ERR_GENERAL', array(__FILE__, __LINE__)); }
public function execute() { switch (substr(Common::getGetString('fancy'), 0, 4)) { case 'head': GWF_Website::addCSS(sprintf('/tpl/%s/css/fancy.css', GWF3::getDesign())); return GWF3::onDisplayHead(); case 'foot': return GWF3::onDisplayFoot(); default: return GWF_HTML::err('ERR_PARAMETER', array(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'fancy')); } }
public static function getPlugins($name) { self::$PLUGIN = array(); GWF_File::filewalker(self::getPlugDir(), array(__CLASS__, 'getPlugRec'), false, true, $name); if (GWF3::getConfig('env') === 'dev') { GWF_File::filewalker(self::getPlugDirDev(), array(__CLASS__, 'getPlugRec'), false, true, $name); } GWF_File::filewalker(self::getPlugDirUser(), array(__CLASS__, 'getPlugRec'), false, true, $name); GWF_File::filewalker(self::getPlugDirSecret(), array(__CLASS__, 'getPlugRec'), false, true, $name); usort(self::$PLUGIN, array(__CLASS__, 'sort_power_descending')); return self::$PLUGIN; }
public function execute() { GWF_Website::plaintext(); GWF3::setConfig('store_last_url', false); if (!$this->module->canReadPOIs()) { return $this->module->ajaxErr('err_poi_read_perm'); } $minlat = $this->module->lat('minlat'); $maxlat = $this->module->lat('maxlat'); $minlon = $this->module->lon('minlon'); $maxlon = $this->module->lon('maxlon'); $where_perms = GWF_ProfilePOI::wherePermissions(); $where_place = GWF_ProfilePOI::whereLocations($minlat, $maxlat, $minlon, $maxlon); $where = "({$where_perms}) AND ({$where_place})"; $joins = array('users', 'profiles', 'whitelist'); $result = GDO::table('GWF_ProfilePOI')->selectAll('pp_id, pp_uid, user_name, pp_lat, pp_lon, pp_descr', $where, '', $joins); die(json_encode($result)); }
public function execute() { GWF3::setConfig('log_request', false); $_GET['ajax'] = 1; $cut = time() - GWF_ONLINE_TIMEOUT; $user = new GWF_User(); $table = GDO::table('GWF_Session'); $profiles = ''; if (false === ($result = $table->select('sess_user,user_name,user_options,user_level', "sess_time>={$cut}", 'user_name ASC', array('user')))) { return; } $guest = 0; $member = 0; $total = 0; $u_count = array(); $u_users = array(); while (false !== ($row = $table->fetch($result, GDO::ARRAY_A))) { $total++; $uid = $row['sess_user']; if ($uid == 0) { $guest++; continue; } $member++; $user->setGDOData($row); if ($user->isOptionEnabled(GWF_User::HIDE_ONLINE)) { continue; } if (isset($u_count[$uid])) { $u_count[$uid]++; } else { $u_count[$uid] = 1; $u_users[$uid] = $user->displayProfileLink(); } } $table->free($result); foreach ($u_count as $uid => $cnt) { $multi = $cnt > 1 ? "(x{$cnt})" : ''; $profiles .= ', ' . $u_users[$uid] . $multi; } $profiles = $profiles === '' ? '.' : ': ' . substr($profiles, 2) . '.'; return sprintf('%s Online%s', $total, $profiles); }
public function execute() { # Don't store this url. GWF3::setConfig('store_last_url', false); # Load the Captcha class require GWF_CORE_PATH . 'inc/3p/Class_Captcha.php'; # disable Logging GWF3::setConfig('log_request', false); # disable HTTP Caching GWF_HTTP::noCache(); # Setup Font, Color, Size $aFonts = $this->module->cfgCaptchaFont(); $rgbcolor = $this->module->cfgCaptchaBG(); $width = $this->module->cfgCaptchaWidth(); $height = $this->module->cfgCaptchaHeight(); $oVisualCaptcha = new PhpCaptcha($aFonts, $width, $height, $rgbcolor); # Output the captcha die($oVisualCaptcha->Create('', Common::getGetString('chars', true))); }
public function sendTheFile(GWF_Download $dl) { GWF3::setConfig('store_last_url', false); $realpath = $dl->getCustomDownloadPath(); # http header $mime = $dl->getVar('dl_mime'); # currently i am looking for pecl filetype? $mime = 'application/octet-stream'; # not sure about... header("Content-Type: {$mime}"); # about ... mime // $name = $dl->getVar('dl_filename'); # filename is sane. No " is allowed in filename. $name = $dl->getCustomDownloadName(); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$name}\""); # drop attachment? $size = filesize($realpath); header("Content-Length: {$size}"); # Print file and die echo file_get_contents($realpath); die(0); }
break; case GWF_Form::SUBMIT: printf('<input type="submit" name="%s" value="%s" />' . PHP_EOL, $key, $data[1]); break; case GWF_Form::TIME: case GWF_Form::DATE: case GWF_Form::SELECT: case GWF_Form::SSTRING: case GWF_Form::HTML: printf('%s' . PHP_EOL, $data[1]); break; // case GWF_Form::CAPTCHA: // printf('<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td><img src="%sCaptcha/" onclick="this.src=\'%sCaptcha/?\'+(new Date()).getTime();" /></td></tr>'.PHP_EOL, GWF_HTML::lang('th_captcha1'), GWF_Button::tooltip(GWF_HTML::lang('tt_captcha1')), GWF_WEB_ROOT, GWF_WEB_ROOT); // printf('<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td><input type="text" name="%s" value="%s" /></td></tr>'.PHP_EOL, GWF_HTML::lang('th_captcha2'), GWF_Button::tooltip(GWF_HTML::lang('tt_captcha2')), $key, $data[1]); // break; // case GWF_Form::CAPTCHA: // printf('<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td><img src="%sCaptcha/" onclick="this.src=\'%sCaptcha/?\'+(new Date()).getTime();" /></td></tr>'.PHP_EOL, GWF_HTML::lang('th_captcha1'), GWF_Button::tooltip(GWF_HTML::lang('tt_captcha1')), GWF_WEB_ROOT, GWF_WEB_ROOT); // printf('<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td><input type="text" name="%s" value="%s" /></td></tr>'.PHP_EOL, GWF_HTML::lang('th_captcha2'), GWF_Button::tooltip(GWF_HTML::lang('tt_captcha2')), $key, $data[1]); // break; default: GWF3::logDie(sprintf('Your ' . __FILE__ . ' is missing datatype %d', $data[0])); } echo '</td>'; } ?> </tr> </tbody> </table> </form> </div>
<?php chdir('../'); $worker_ip = 'YOUR.IP.GOES.HERE'; if (!is_readable('protected/config.php')) { die('Try install/wizard.php'); } set_time_limit(0); require_once 'protected/config.php'; require_once '../gwf3.class.php'; $gwf = new GWF3(getcwd(), array('website_init' => false, 'autoload_modules' => false, 'load_module' => false, 'load_config' => false, 'start_debug' => true, 'get_user' => false, 'do_logging' => false, 'log_request' => false, 'blocking' => false, 'no_session' => true, 'store_last_url' => false, 'ignore_user_abort' => true)); ###################### ### Security Check ### ###################### if (!GWF_IP6::isLocal()) { if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] !== $worker_ip) { GWF3::logDie(sprintf('You have no valid $worker_ip in %s line %s.', __FILE__, __LINE__)); } } GWF_Debug::setDieOnError(false); GWF_Language::initEnglish(); GWF_HTML::init(); GWF_Log::init(false, true, GWF_WWW_PATH . 'protected/logs'); require_once GWF_CORE_PATH . 'inc/install/GWF_InstallFunctions.php'; if (false !== Common::getPost('core')) { $success = true; install_core(false, $success); } if (false !== Common::getPost('lang')) { install_createLanguage(true, true, false); } if (false !== Common::getPost('lang2')) {
public static function setDesign($design) { self::$DESIGN = $design; }
// printf(); printf('<tr><td colspan="%d">%s</td></tr>' . PHP_EOL, $cols, $data[2]); printf('<tr><td colspan="%d"><textarea id="%s" name="%s" cols="80" rows="8">%s</textarea></td></tr>' . PHP_EOL, $cols, $key, $key, $data[1]); break; case GWF_Form::VALIDATOR: break; case GWF_Form::FILE: case GWF_Form::FILE_OPT: printf('<tr><td>%s%s</td><td>%s</td><td><input type="file" name="%s" /></td></tr>' . PHP_EOL, $req, $data[2], $tt, $key); break; case GWF_Form::HTML: echo $data[1] . PHP_EOL; break; default: var_dump($data); GWF3::logDie(sprintf('Your tpl/formY.php is missing datatype %d', $data[0])); } ?> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> </form> <?php if (isset($have_required)) { echo GWF_HTML::lang('form_required', array('*')); } ?> </div>
if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') { die('CLI Please'); } # GWF_PATH chdir('../../../'); require_once 'gwf3.class.php'; if (!defined('GWF_CONFIG_PATH')) { define('GWF_CONFIG_PATH', realpath(GWF_PATH . 'www/protected/config.php')); #TODO } # Is there a config file? if (false === file_exists(GWF_CONFIG_PATH)) { $write_a_config = true; define('GWF_HAVE_CONFIG', true); } else { GWF3::onLoadConfig(GWF_CONFIG_PATH); } require_once GWF_CORE_PATH . 'inc/install/GWF_InstallWizard.php'; require_once GWF_CORE_PATH . 'inc/install/GWF_InstallFunctions.php'; require_once GWF_CORE_PATH . 'inc/install/GWF_InstallConfig.php'; require_once GWF_CORE_PATH . 'inc/install/GWF_InstallWizardLanguage.php'; GWF_InstallWizardLanguage::init(); GWF_Log::init(false, true, GWF_PATH . '/protected/installlog'); $lang = new GWF_LangTrans(GWF_CORE_PATH . 'lang/install/install'); if (isset($write_a_config)) { GWF_InstallConfig::writeConfig($lang); echo 'I have written a default config to protected/config.php' . PHP_EOL; echo 'Please edit that config.php, before installing gwf3.' . PHP_EOL; die(0); } if (false === gdo_db()) {
public function execute() { # Do not remember this "non 200" page GWF3::setConfig('store_last_url', false); return $this->templateError(); }
<?php chdir('../../'); apache_setenv('no-gzip', 1); ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 0); //ini_set('implicit_flush', 1); #ob_implicit_flush(); require_once 'gwf3.class.php'; GWF3::onLoadConfig(GWF_CONFIG_PATH); # Get the modules. $modules = GWF_Module::loadModulesDB(); # Start session if (false === GWF_Session::start(false)) { GWF3::LogDie('Session error. GWF not installed?'); } # Init core templates and stuff GWF_Language::init(); GWF_HTML::initCronjob(); # Yay, a http stream \o/ GWF_Javascript::streamHeader(); # Call Chat::AjaxStream if (false === ($module = GWF_Module::getModule('Chat'))) { GWF3::logDie('MISSING MODULE'); } $module->onLoadLanguage(); $module->onInclude(); $module->requestMethodB('AjaxStream');
public static function getAllMethods(GWF_Module $module) { $back = array(); $name = $module->getName(); $path = GWF_CORE_PATH . "module/{$name}/method"; if (!Common::isDir($path)) { return array(); } if (false === ($dir = scandir($path))) { GWF3::logDie('Cannot access ' . $path . ' in ' . __METHOD__ . ' line ' . __LINE__); } foreach ($dir as $file) { # starts with . if ($file[0] === '.' || false === Common::endsWith($file, '.php')) { continue; } $path2 = $path . '/' . $file; if (Common::isFile($path2)) { if (false === ($method = $module->getMethod(substr($file, 0, -4)))) { GWF3::logDie('NO METHOD for ' . $file); } $back[] = $method; } } return $back; }
<?php if (defined('WC_HTML_HEAD__DEFINED')) { return; } $_GET['mo'] = 'WeChall'; $_GET['me'] = 'null'; require_once 'protected/config.php'; require_once '../gwf3.class.php'; $gwf = new GWF3(dirname(dirname(__FILE__) . '../'), array('init' => true, 'bootstrap' => false, 'website_init' => true, 'autoload_modules' => true, 'load_module' => false, 'load_config' => false, 'start_debug' => true, 'get_user' => true, 'do_logging' => true, 'log_request' => true, 'blocking' => !defined('GWF_SESSION_NOT_BLOCKING'), 'no_session' => false, 'store_last_url' => true, 'ignore_user_abort' => true)); if (false === ($wechall = GWF_Module::loadModuleDB('WeChall', true, true))) { die('GWF3/WC5 not installed?'); } //$error = GWF_Module::startup(); if (defined('GWF_PAGE_TITLE')) { GWF_Website::setPageTitle(GWF_PAGE_TITLE); GWF_Website::setMetaDescr(GWF_PAGE_TITLE . ' challenge on WeChall'); GWF_Website::setMetaTags(GWF_PAGE_TITLE . ', Challenge, WeChall'); } # Include Needed Modules //GWF_Module::getModule('Votes', true); GWF_Module::loadModuleDB('Forum', true); //GWF_Module::getModule('WeChall', true)->onLoadLanguage(); require_once GWF_CORE_PATH . 'module/WeChall/WC_ChallSolved.php'; //GWF_ForumBoard::init(true); if (isset($_GET['ajax'])) { GWF_Website::plaintext(); return; } $mb = WC_HTML::wantFooter() ? ' style="margin-bottom: -48px;"' : ''; # HTML Header
<?php /* * This is an example how your index.php could look like */ # Security headers header('X-Frame-Options: DENY'); header('content-security-policy: default-src \'self\''); # Load config require_once 'protected/config.php'; # <-- You might need to adjust this path. # Init GDO and GWF core require_once '%%GWFPATH%%gwf3.class.php'; # Init GWF $gwf = new GWF3(getcwd(), array()); # Display page echo $gwf->onDisplayPage();
public function execute() { GWF3::setConfig('store_last_url', false); return $this->graph(Common::getGet('site'), Common::getGet('type')); }
# Require config $config_file = $argv[1]; require_once '../../../www/protected/' . $config_file; # and gwf require_once '../../../gwf3.class.php'; $gwf = new GWF3(NULL, array('init' => true, 'bootstrap' => false, 'website_init' => false, 'autoload_modules' => false, 'load_module' => false, 'load_config' => false, 'start_debug' => true, 'get_user' => false, 'do_logging' => false, 'log_request' => false, 'blocking' => true, 'no_session' => true, 'store_last_url' => false, 'ignore_user_abort' => false, 'kick_banned_ip' => false, 'env' => isset($argv[5]) ? $argv[5] : 'prod', 'unix_user' => isset($argv[6]) ? $argv[6] : 'root')); # That´s all of GWF3 we will share with the worker. GWF_HTML::init(); GWF_Debug::setDieOnError(false); GWF_Debug::setMailOnError(false); $_GET['ajax'] = 1; # And this is the worker process require 'dog_include/Dog_WorkerThread.php'; $worker = new Dog_WorkerThread(); $worker->start(); # Parent resources GWF_Log::init(false, GWF_Log::_DEFAULT - GWF_Log::BUFFERED, GWF_PATH . 'www/protected/logs/dog'); gdo_db(); # Dog please require_once 'Dog.php'; Dog::setUnixUsername(GWF3::getConfig('unix_user')); # Dog installer if (isset($argv[2]) && $argv[2] === 'install') { require_once 'mini_install.php'; } # Dog init Dog_Init::init($worker); # Dog l(a)unch if (!defined('DOG_NO_LAUNCH') && Dog_Init::validate()) { Dog::mainloop(); }
/** * The GWF-Installation-Wizard * @author spaceone * @author gizmore */ header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'); # Load Install-Core require_once GWF_CORE_PATH . 'inc/install/GWF_InstallWizard.php'; require_once GWF_CORE_PATH . 'inc/install/GWF_InstallConfig.php'; require_once GWF_CORE_PATH . 'inc/install/GWF_InstallFunctions.php'; require_once GWF_CORE_PATH . 'inc/install/GWF_InstallWizardLanguage.php'; // define('GWF_INSTALLATION', true); define('GWF_STEP', Common::getGetString('step', '0')); define('GWF_LOGGING_PATH', getcwd() . '/protected/installog'); $gwf = new GWF3(getcwd(), array('website_init' => false, 'autoload_modules' => false, 'load_module' => false, 'load_config' => false, 'start_debug' => true, 'get_user' => false, 'do_logging' => true, 'log_request' => true, 'blocking' => false, 'no_session' => true, 'store_last_url' => false, 'ignore_user_abort' => true)); GWF_Debug::setDieOnError(false); # Website init GWF_InstallWizardLanguage::init(); GWF_HTML::init(); # Set install language $il = new GWF_LangTrans(GWF_CORE_PATH . 'lang/install/install'); GWF_InstallWizard::setGWFIL($il); # Design init GWF3::setDesign('install'); GWF_Website::addCSS(GWF_WEB_ROOT . 'tpl/install/css/install.css'); GWF_Website::addCSS(GWF_WEB_ROOT . 'tpl/install/css/design.css'); GWF_Website::setPageTitle('GWF Install Wizard'); $tVars = array('gwfpath' => GWF_PATH, 'gwfwebpath' => GWF_WWW_PATH, 'step' => GWF_STEP, 'il' => $il, 'steps' => 11, 'timings' => GWF_DebugInfo::getTimings()); GWF_Template::addMainTvars($tVars); if (false !== Common::getPost('create_admin')) {
public static function getDesign() { return GWF3::getDesign(); }