Пример #1
            echo "=--- locked " . $this->getPid() . "\n";
            $this->criticalSection->addOrUpdateResource('IAM', $this->getPid());
            $this->criticalSection->addOrUpdateResource('IAMNOT', '0xdead1');
            while (!$this->criticalSection->unlock()) {
            echo "=--- unlocked " . $this->getPid() . "\n";
echo "Master main EP " . getmypid() . "\n";
$criticalSection = new GPhpThreadCriticalSection();
// remove any garbage left from any ungracefully terminated previous executions
echo "\nLaunching Thread1...\n\n";
$thr1 = new MyThread($criticalSection, true);
echo "\n---Thread1 id was: " . $criticalSection->getResourceValueFast('IAM') . "---\n";
echo "Master after the join of Thread1.\n\n";
echo "\nLaunching Thread2...\n\n";
$thr2 = new MyThread($criticalSection, true);
echo "---Thread2 id was: " . $criticalSection->getResourceValueFast('IAM') . "---\n";
echo "Master after the join of Thread2.\n\n";
echo "\n\nThe resources that left in the critical section:\n";
$thr1 = null;
$thr2 = null;