public static function get_instance() { if (self::$_instance == null) { self::$_instance = new GFSignature(); } return self::$_instance; }
function gf_signature() { return GFSignature::get_instance(); }
/** * Trigger hooks that are normally run in the admin for Addons, but need to be triggered manually because we're not in the admin * @return void */ private function addon_specific_hooks() { if (class_exists('GFSignature') && is_callable(array('GFSignature', 'get_instance'))) { add_filter('gform_admin_pre_render', array(GFSignature::get_instance(), 'edit_lead_script')); } }
<?php /** * Display the signature field type * * @package GravityView * @subpackage GravityView/templates/fields */ $gravityview_view = GravityView_View::getInstance(); extract($gravityview_view->getCurrentField()); // If empty, there's no signature to show if (empty($value)) { return; } if (!class_exists('GFSignature')) { do_action('gravityview_log_error', '[fields/signature.php] GFSignature not loaded.'); return; } $image_atts = array('src' => GFSignature::get_instance()->get_signature_url($value), 'width' => rgblank(rgget("boxWidth", $field)) ? '300' : rgar($field, "boxWidth"), 'height' => '180', 'validate_src' => false, 'alt' => ''); echo new GravityView_Image($image_atts);
function all_fields_extra_options($value, $merge_tag, $options, $field, $raw_value) { if ($merge_tag != 'all_fields') { return $value; } // usage: {all_fields:include[ID],exclude[ID,ID]} $include = preg_match("/include\\[(.*?)\\]/", $options, $include_match); $include_array = explode(',', rgar($include_match, 1)); $exclude = preg_match("/exclude\\[(.*?)\\]/", $options, $exclude_match); $exclude_array = explode(',', rgar($exclude_match, 1)); $log = "all_fields_extra_options(): {$field['label']}({$field['id']} - {$field['type']}) - "; if ($include && in_array($field['id'], $include_array)) { switch ($field['type']) { case 'html': $value = $field['content']; break; case 'section': $value .= sprintf('<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <td width="20"> </td> <td> <font style="font-family: sans-serif; font-size:12px;">%s</font> </td> </tr> ', $field['description']); break; case 'signature': $url = GFSignature::get_signature_url($raw_value); $value = "<img alt='signature' src='{$url}'/>"; break; } GFCommon::log_debug($log . 'included.'); } if ($exclude && in_array($field['id'], $exclude_array)) { GFCommon::log_debug($log . 'excluded.'); return false; } return $value; }