private function URL() { $ex = explode('<img', self::$TEXT); if (count($ex) > 1) { $newText = $ex[0]; for ($k = 1; $k < count($ex); $k++) { $getSRC = explode('src=', $ex[$k]); if (mb_substr($getSRC[1], 1, 4, "UTF-8") !== 'http') { $newText .= '<img' . $getSRC[0] . 'src=' . mb_substr($getSRC[1], 0, 1, "UTF-8") . parent::$CONFIG['homeURL'] . mb_substr($getSRC[1], 1, mb_strlen($getSRC[1], "UTF-8") - 1, "UTF-8"); } else { $newText .= '<img' . $ex[$k]; } } self::$TEXT = $newText; } $ex = explode('<a', self::$TEXT); if (count($ex) > 1) { $newText = $ex[0]; for ($k = 1; $k < count($ex); $k++) { $getSRC = explode('href=', $ex[$k]); $mb = mb_substr($getSRC[1], 1, 4, "UTF-8"); if ($mb !== 'http' and $mb !== 'java' and mb_substr($getSRC[1], 1, 1, "UTF-8") !== '#') { $newText .= '<a' . $getSRC[0] . 'href=' . mb_substr($getSRC[1], 0, 1, "UTF-8") . parent::$CONFIG['homeURL'] . mb_substr($getSRC[1], 1, mb_strlen($getSRC[1], "UTF-8") - 1, "UTF-8"); } else { $newText .= '<a' . urldecode($ex[$k]); } } self::$TEXT = $newText; } self::getFunction(); }
private function getTranslation($Language, $titleLang, $Enabled, $ResultType) { self::$getTranslation = parent::select('translation', '`text`', "`translationTitleLang`='{$titleLang}' AND `isEnabled`='{$Enabled}' AND `LanguageID` IN (SELECT `languageID` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "languages` WHERE `languageShort`='{$Language}')", ''); self::Results($ResultType); }