function render_stars_custom_value($settings = array()) { $style = $this->g->is_ie6 ? $settings["style_ie6"] : $settings["style"]; $value = isset($settings["vote"]) ? floatval($settings["vote"]) : 0; $star_factor = $settings["star_factor"]; $stars = $settings["max_value"]; $size = $settings["size"]; return GDSRRender::render_static_stars($style, $size, $stars, $value, "", "", $star_factor); }
function rating_stars($style, $unit_width, $rater_id, $class, $rating_width, $allow_vote, $unit_count, $type, $id, $user_id, $loader_id, $rater_length, $typecls, $wait_msg = '', $template_id = 0) { $rater = '<div id="' . $rater_id . '" class="' . $class . '"><div class="starsbar">'; $rater .= '<div class="gdouter" align="left"><div id="gdr_vote_' . $type . $id . '" style="width: ' . $rating_width . 'px;" class="gdinner"></div>'; if ($allow_vote) { $rater .= '<div id="gdr_stars_' . $type . $id . '" class="gdsr_rating_as">'; for ($ic = 0; $ic < $unit_count; $ic++) { $ncount = $unit_count - $ic; $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $url_pos = strpos($url, "?"); if ($url_pos === false) { $first_char = '?'; } else { $first_char = '&'; } $ajax_id = sprintf("gdsrX%sX%sX%sX%sX%sX%sX%s", $id, $ncount, $user_id, $type, $rater_id, $loader_id, $template_id); $rater .= '<a id="' . $ajax_id . '" title="' . $ncount . ' / ' . $unit_count . '" class="s' . $ncount . '" rel="nofollow"></a>'; } $rater .= '</div>'; } $rater .= '</div></div></div>'; if ($allow_vote) { $rater .= GDSRRender::rating_wait($loader_id, $rater_length . "px", $typecls, $wait_msg); } return $rater; }
/** * Renders single rating stars image with average rating for the multi rating post results from rating or review. * * @param int $post_id id of the post rating will be attributed to * @param bool $review if set to true average of review will be rendered * @param array $settings override settings for rendering the block */ function get_multi_average_rendered($post_id, $settings = array()) { $sum = $votes = $rating = 0; if ($settings["id"] == "") { $multi_id = $this->o["mur_review_set"]; } else { $multi_id = $settings["id"]; } if ($multi_id > 0 && $post_id > 0) { $set = gd_get_multi_set($multi_id); $data = GDSRDBMulti::get_averages($post_id, $multi_id); if ($set != null && is_object($data)) { if ($settings["render"] == "review") { $review = GDSRRender::render_static_stars($this->is_ie6 ? $this->o["mur_style_ie6"] : $this->o["mur_style"], $this->o['mur_size'], $set->stars, $data->average_review); return $review; } else { switch ($settings["show"]) { case "visitors": $rating = $data->average_rating_visitors; break; case "users": $rating = $data->average_rating_users; break; case "total": $sum = $data->average_rating_users * $data->total_votes_users + $data->average_rating_visitors * $data->total_votes_visitors; $votes = $data->total_votes_users + $data->total_votes_visitors; $rating = number_format($votes == 0 ? 0 : $sum / $votes, 1); break; } $rating = GDSRRender::render_static_stars($this->is_ie6 ? $this->o["mur_style_ie6"] : $this->o["mur_style"], $this->o['mur_size'], $set->stars, $rating); return $rating; } } } $max = is_null($set) ? 10 : $set->stars; $rating = GDSRRender::render_static_stars($this->is_ie6 ? $this->o["mur_style_ie6"] : $this->o["mur_style"], $this->o['mur_size'], $max, 0); return $rating; }
function render_car($template_id, $rpar = array()) { $rdef = array("votes" => 0, "rating" => 0, "comments" => 0, "star_style" => "oxygen", "star_size" => 20, "star_max" => 10); $rpar = wp_parse_args($rpar, $rdef); $rpar = apply_filters('gdsr_t2parameters_car', $rpar); extract($rpar, EXTR_SKIP); $template = GDSRRenderT2::get_template($template_id, "CAR"); $tpl_render = $template->elm["normal"]; $tpl_render = html_entity_decode($tpl_render); $tpl_render = apply_filters('gdsr_t2render_car_normal', $tpl_render, $template, $rpar, "normal"); $tpl_render = str_replace("%CMM_COUNT%", apply_filters('gdsr_t2_tag_value', ${$comments}, "CAR", "%CMM_COUNT%"), $tpl_render); $tpl_render = str_replace("%CMM_VOTES%", apply_filters('gdsr_t2_tag_value', $votes, "CAR", "%CMM_VOTES%"), $tpl_render); $tpl_render = str_replace("%CMM_RATING%", apply_filters('gdsr_t2_tag_value', $rating, "CAR", "%CMM_RATING%"), $tpl_render); $tpl_render = str_replace("%MAX_CMM_RATING%", $star_max, $tpl_render); $word_votes = $template->dep["EWV"]; $tense = $votes == 1 ? $word_votes->elm["singular"] : $word_votes->elm["plural"]; $tpl_render = str_replace('%WORD_VOTES%', __($tense), $tpl_render); $rating_stars = GDSRRender::render_static_stars($star_style, $star_size, $star_max, $rating); $tpl_render = str_replace("%CMM_STARS%", $rating_stars, $tpl_render); return $tpl_render; }
function render_car($template_id, $rpar = array()) { $rdef = array('votes' => 0, 'rating' => 0, 'comments' => 0, 'star_style' => 'oxygen', 'star_size' => 20, 'star_max' => 10); $rpar = wp_parse_args($rpar, $rdef); $rpar = apply_filters('gdsr_t2parameters_car', $rpar); extract($rpar, EXTR_SKIP); $template = GDSRRenderT2::get_template($template_id, 'CAR'); $tpl_render = $template->elm['normal']; $tpl_render = html_entity_decode($tpl_render); $tpl_render = apply_filters('gdsr_t2render_car_normal', $tpl_render, $template, $rpar, 'normal'); $tpl_render = str_replace('%CMM_COUNT%', apply_filters('gdsr_t2_tag_value', ${$comments}, 'CAR', '%CMM_COUNT%'), $tpl_render); $tpl_render = str_replace('%CMM_VOTES%', apply_filters('gdsr_t2_tag_value', $votes, 'CAR', '%CMM_VOTES%'), $tpl_render); $tpl_render = str_replace('%CMM_RATING%', apply_filters('gdsr_t2_tag_value', $rating, 'CAR', '%CMM_RATING%'), $tpl_render); $tpl_render = str_replace('%MAX_CMM_RATING%', $star_max, $tpl_render); $word_votes = $template->dep['EWV']; $tense = $votes == 1 ? $word_votes->elm['singular'] : $word_votes->elm['plural']; $tpl_render = str_replace('%WORD_VOTES%', __($tense), $tpl_render); $rating_stars = GDSRRender::render_static_stars($star_style, $star_size, $star_max, $rating); $tpl_render = str_replace('%CMM_STARS%', $rating_stars, $tpl_render); return $tpl_render; }
function render_static_stars($star_style, $star_size, $star_max, $rating, $id = "", $rendering = "", $star_factor = 1) { if ($rendering == "") { $rendering = STARRATING_STARS_GENERATOR; } switch ($rendering) { case "GFX": return GDSRRender::render_static_stars_gfx($star_style, $star_size, $star_max, $rating, $id, $star_factor); break; default: case "DIV": return GDSRRender::render_static_stars_div($star_style, $star_size, $star_max, $rating, $id, $star_factor); break; } }
function render_car($template_id, $votes, $rating, $comments, $star_style, $star_size, $star_max) { $template = GDSRRenderT2::get_template($template_id, "CAR"); $tpl_render = $template->elm["normal"]; $tpl_render = html_entity_decode($tpl_render); $tpl_render = str_replace("%CMM_COUNT%", $comments, $tpl_render); $tpl_render = str_replace("%CMM_VOTES%", $votes, $tpl_render); $tpl_render = str_replace("%MAX_CMM_RATING%", $star_max, $tpl_render); $tpl_render = str_replace("%CMM_RATING%", $rating, $tpl_render); $word_votes = $template->dep["EWV"]; $tense = $votes == 1 ? $word_votes->elm["singular"] : $word_votes->elm["plural"]; $tpl_render = str_replace('%WORD_VOTES%', __($tense), $tpl_render); $rating_stars = GDSRRender::render_static_stars($star_style, $star_size, $star_max, $rating); $tpl_render = str_replace("%CMM_STARS%", $rating_stars, $tpl_render); return $tpl_render; }
function gd_get_rating_ajax($post) { $rating = GDSRDatabase::get_post_data($post->ID); $uservoters = $rating->user_voters; $visitorvoters = $rating->visitor_voters; $votes = $uservoters + $visitorvotes; $uservotes = $rating->user_votes; $visitorvotes = $rating->visitor_votes; if ($votes > 0) { $finalrating = number_format(($visitorvotes + $uservotes) / ($visitorvoters + $uservoters), 1); } return GDSRRender::render_static_stars("magnovus", "20", "5", $finalrating, "", "", 1); }