Пример #1
  * Test GQL Fetch With Namespace
 public function testGqlFetchWithNamespace()
     $str_ns = 'Namespacey';
     $str_id = '1263751723';
     $str_id_parent = '1263751724';
     $str_id_grandparent = '1263751725';
     $obj_http = $this->initTestHttpClient('https://datastore.googleapis.com/v1/projects/DatasetTest:runQuery', ['json' => (object) ['gqlQuery' => (object) ['allowLiterals' => true, 'queryString' => 'SELECT * FROM Test LIMIT 1'], 'partitionId' => (object) ['projectId' => self::TEST_PROJECT, 'namespaceId' => $str_ns]]], ['batch' => (object) ['entityResultType' => 'FULL', 'entityResults' => [(object) ['entity' => (object) ['key' => (object) ['path' => [(object) ['kind' => 'GrandParent', 'id' => $str_id_grandparent], (object) ['kind' => 'Parent', 'id' => $str_id_parent], (object) ['kind' => 'Test', 'id' => $str_id]]], 'properties' => (object) ['name' => (object) ['excludeFromIndexes' => false, 'stringValue' => 'Tom'], 'age' => (object) ['excludeFromIndexes' => false, 'integerValue' => 37]]], 'version' => '123', 'cursor' => 'gfuh37f86gyu23']]]]);
     $obj_gateway = $this->initTestGateway($str_ns)->setHttpClient($obj_http);
     $obj_store = new \GDS\Store('Test', $obj_gateway);
     $obj_entity = $obj_store->fetchOne("SELECT * FROM Test");
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\GDS\\Entity', $obj_entity);
     $this->assertEquals($str_id, $obj_entity->getKeyId());
     $this->assertEquals('Tom', $obj_entity->name);
     $this->assertEquals(37, $obj_entity->age);
     // Do we have ancestry?
     $this->assertEquals(2, count($obj_entity->getAncestry()));
     // Extract the ancestry
     $arr_ancestry = $obj_entity->getAncestry();
     $arr_grandparent = $arr_ancestry[0];
     $arr_parent = $arr_ancestry[1];
     // Grandparent tests
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('kind', $arr_grandparent);
     $this->assertEquals('GrandParent', $arr_grandparent['kind']);
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('id', $arr_grandparent);
     $this->assertEquals($str_id_grandparent, $arr_grandparent['id']);
     // Parent test
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('kind', $arr_parent);
     $this->assertEquals('Parent', $arr_parent['kind']);
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('id', $arr_parent);
     $this->assertEquals($str_id_parent, $arr_parent['id']);
Пример #2

 * Create a single record in GDS
 * @author Tom Walder <*****@*****.**>
require_once 'boilerplate.php';
$obj_person_schema = (new GDS\Schema('Person'))->addString('name')->addString('description');
$obj_store = new GDS\Store($obj_person_schema, $obj_gateway);
// Create the parent
$obj_john = new \GDS\Entity();
$obj_john->name = 'John Smiths';
$obj_john->description = 'A parent';
$obj_stored_parent = $obj_store->fetchOne("SELECT * FROM Person WHERE __key__ = KEY(Person, '*****@*****.**')");
// Create a child
$obj_jane = new \GDS\Entity();
$obj_jane->name = 'Jane Smiths';
$obj_jane->description = 'A child';
Пример #3

 * Simplest GDS example - no schema, Kind only
 * @author Tom Walder <*****@*****.**>
require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';
require_once 'config/setup.php';
// We'll need a Google_Client, use our convenience method
$obj_client = GDS\Gateway\GoogleAPIClient::createGoogleClient(GDS_APP_NAME, GDS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME, GDS_KEY_FILE_PATH);
// Gateway requires a Google_Client and Dataset ID
$obj_gateway = new GDS\Gateway\GoogleAPIClient($obj_client, GDS_DATASET_ID);
// Store requires a Gateway and Kind
$obj_book_store = new GDS\Store($obj_gateway, 'Book');
// Fetch a record
$obj_book = $obj_book_store->fetchOne();
// Dump the result
Пример #4
  * Test transaction Request
 public function testBeginAndUseTransactionRequest()
     $obj_gateway = new GDS\Gateway\GoogleAPIClient($this->setupTestClient(), 'Dataset');
     $obj_store = new \GDS\Store('Book', $obj_gateway);
     $this->expectRequest('https://www.googleapis.com/datastore/v1beta2/datasets/Dataset/beginTransaction', '{}', '{"transaction":"EeDoHGJsLR4eGjkABRmGMYV-Vj6Gtwn3ayLOvPX8ccUzuR4NZG0MMhmD28O-3gTTwdIUINZeJBk22kubBQPd0-Nz1sY="}');
     // And a second test to show we have correctly extracted the Transaction ID
     $this->expectRequest('https://www.googleapis.com/datastore/v1beta2/datasets/Dataset/runQuery', '{"readOptions":{"transaction":"EeDoHGJsLR4eGjkABRmGMYV-Vj6Gtwn3ayLOvPX8ccUzuR4NZG0MMhmD28O-3gTTwdIUINZeJBk22kubBQPd0-Nz1sY="},"gqlQuery":{"allowLiteral":true,"queryString":"SELECT * FROM `Book` ORDER BY __key__ ASC LIMIT 1"}}');
Пример #5

 * Move data between name spaces
 * @author Tom Walder <*****@*****.**>
require_once '../_includes.php';
// Define our Book Schema
$obj_schema = (new GDS\Schema('Book'))->addString('title', FALSE)->addString('author')->addString('isbn')->addDatetime('published', FALSE)->addInteger('pages', FALSE);
// This Store uses the default Protocol Buffer Gateway - for App Engine local development or live App Engine
// BUT, this time With a namespace defined ("ns1")
$obj_gateway_ns1 = new GDS\Gateway\ProtoBuf(null, 'ns1');
$obj_store_ns1 = new \GDS\Store($obj_schema, $obj_gateway_ns1);
// This Store uses the default Protocol Buffer Gateway - for App Engine local development or live App Engine
// BUT, this time With a namespace defined ("ns2")
$obj_gateway_ns2 = new GDS\Gateway\ProtoBuf(null, 'ns2');
$obj_store_ns2 = new \GDS\Store($obj_schema, $obj_gateway_ns2);
// Fetch a record from the first namespace
$obj_book = $obj_store_ns1->fetchOne();
// =========
// =========
// The book inserted to ns2 here will have the SAME keyId or keyName
// BUT will be in a different namespace, so will still be uniquely addressable
// As the "fully qualified" key of an Entity in GDS includes the namespace
// Insert into the second namesapce
Пример #6
  * Run a complex GQL Query
 public function testGqlQueryParams()
     $obj_http = $this->initTestHttpClient('https://datastore.googleapis.com/v1/projects/DatasetTest:runQuery', ['json' => (object) ['gqlQuery' => (object) ['allowLiterals' => true, 'queryString' => 'SELECT * FROM Test WHERE booly = @booly AND stringy = @stringy AND inty = @inty AND floaty = @floaty AND datey = @datey AND somekey = @somekey LIMIT 1', 'namedBindings' => (object) ['booly' => (object) ['value' => (object) ['booleanValue' => true]], 'stringy' => (object) ['value' => (object) ['stringValue' => 'test']], 'inty' => (object) ['value' => (object) ['integerValue' => 123]], 'floaty' => (object) ['value' => (object) ['doubleValue' => 4.56]], 'datey' => (object) ['value' => (object) ['timestampValue' => '1955-11-10T01:02:03.000000Z']], 'somekey' => (object) ['value' => (object) ['keyValue' => (object) ['path' => [(object) ['kind' => 'Test', 'name' => 'my-first-key-name']], 'partitionId' => (object) ['projectId' => self::TEST_PROJECT]]]]]], 'partitionId' => (object) ['projectId' => self::TEST_PROJECT]]], ['batch' => (object) ['entityResultType' => 'FULL', 'entityResults' => []]]);
     $obj_gateway = $this->initTestGateway()->setHttpClient($obj_http);
     $obj_store = new \GDS\Store('Test', $obj_gateway);
     $obj_key_entity = $obj_store->createEntity()->setKeyName('my-first-key-name');
     $obj_store->fetchOne("SELECT * FROM Test WHERE booly = @booly AND stringy = @stringy AND inty = @inty AND floaty = @floaty AND datey = @datey AND somekey = @somekey", ['booly' => true, 'stringy' => 'test', 'inty' => 123, 'floaty' => 4.56, 'datey' => new DateTime('1955-11-10 01:02:03'), 'somekey' => $obj_key_entity]);