private function getItemXML($product, $lang, $id_curr, $id_shop, $combination = false) { $xml_googleshopping = ''; $id_lang = (int) $lang['id_lang']; $title_limit = 70; $description_limit = 4990; $languages = Language::getLanguages(); $tailleTabLang = sizeof($languages); $this->context->language->id = $id_lang; $this->context->shop->id = $id_shop; $p = new Product($product['id_product'], true, $id_lang, $id_shop, $this->context); // Get module configuration for this shop if (!$combination) { $product['quantity'] = StockAvailable::getQuantityAvailableByProduct($product['id_product'], 0, $id_shop); } // Exclude non-available products if ($this->module_conf['export_nap'] === 0 && $product['quantity'] < 1) { $this->nb_not_exported_products++; return; } // Check minimum product price $price = Product::getPriceStatic((int) $product['id_product'], true); if ((double) $this->module_conf['export_min_price'] > 0 && (double) $this->module_conf['export_min_price'] > (double) $price) { return; } $cat_link_rew = Category::getLinkRewrite($product['id_gcategory'], (int) $lang); $product_link = $this->context->link->getProductLink((int) $product['id_product'], $product['link_rewrite'], $cat_link_rew, $product['ean13'], (int) $product['id_lang'], $id_shop, $combination, true); // Product name $title_crop = $product['name']; // Product color attribute, if any if (!empty($product['color'])) { $title_crop .= ' ' . $product['color']; } if (!empty($product['material'])) { $title_crop .= ' ' . $product['material']; } if (!empty($product['pattern'])) { $title_crop .= ' ' . $product['pattern']; } if (!empty($product['size'])) { $title_crop .= ' ' . $product['size']; } if (Tools::strlen($product['name']) > $title_limit) { $title_crop = Tools::substr($title_crop, 0, $title_limit - 1); $title_crop = Tools::substr($title_crop, 0, strrpos($title_crop, " ")); } // Description type if ($this->module_conf['description'] == 'long') { $description_crop = $product['description']; } else { if ($this->module_conf['description'] == 'short') { $description_crop = $product['description_short']; } else { if ($this->module_conf['description'] == 'meta') { $description_crop = $product['meta_description']; } } } $description_crop = $this->rip_tags($description_crop); if (Tools::strlen($description_crop) > $description_limit) { $description_crop = Tools::substr($description_crop, 0, $description_limit - 1); $description_crop = Tools::substr($description_crop, 0, strrpos($description_crop, " ")) . ' ...'; } $xml_googleshopping .= '<item>' . "\n"; $xml_googleshopping .= '<g:id>' . $product['gid'] . '</g:id>' . "\n"; $xml_googleshopping .= '<title><![CDATA[' . $title_crop . ']]></title>' . "\n"; $xml_googleshopping .= '<description><![CDATA[' . $description_crop . ']]></description>' . "\n"; $xml_googleshopping .= '<link><![CDATA[' . htmlspecialchars($product_link, self::REPLACE_FLAGS, self::CHARSET, false) . ']]></link>' . "\n"; // Image links $images = Image::getImages($lang['id_lang'], $product['id_product'], $combination); $indexTabLang = 0; if ($tailleTabLang > 1) { while (sizeof($images) < 1 && $indexTabLang < $tailleTabLang) { if ($languages[$indexTabLang]['id_lang'] != $lang['id_lang']) { $images = Image::getImages($languages[$indexTabLang]['id_lang'], $product['id_product']); } $indexTabLang++; } } $nbimages = 0; $image_type = $this->module_conf['img_type']; if ($image_type == '') { $image_type = 'large_default'; } foreach ($images as $im) { $image = $this->context->link->getImageLink($product['link_rewrite'], $product['id_product'] . '-' . $im['id_image'], $image_type); $image = preg_replace('*http://' . Tools::getHttpHost() . '/*', $this->uri, $image); if ($im['cover'] == 1) { $xml_googleshopping .= '<g:image_link><![CDATA[' . $image . ']]></g:image_link>' . "\n"; } else { $xml_googleshopping .= '<g:additional_image_link><![CDATA[' . $image . ']]></g:additional_image_link>' . "\n"; } // max images by product if (++$nbimages == 10) { break; } } // Product condition, or category's condition attribute, or its parent one... // Product condition = new, used, refurbished if (empty($product['condition'])) { $product['condition'] = $this->categories_values[$product['id_gcategory']]['gcat_condition']; } if (!empty($product['condition'])) { $xml_googleshopping .= '<g:condition><![CDATA[' . $product['condition'] . ']]></g:condition>' . "\n"; } // Shop category $breadcrumb = GCategories::getPath($product['id_gcategory'], '', $id_lang, $id_shop, $this->id_root); $product_type = ''; if (!empty($this->module_conf['product_type[]'][$id_lang])) { $product_type = $this->module_conf['product_type[]'][$id_lang]; if (!empty($breadcrumb)) { $product_type .= " > "; } } $product_type .= $breadcrumb; $xml_googleshopping .= '<g:product_type><![CDATA[' . $product_type . ']]></g:product_type>' . "\n"; // Matching Google category, or parent categories' one $product['gcategory'] = $this->categories_values[$product['category_default']]['gcategory']; $xml_googleshopping .= '<g:google_product_category><![CDATA[' . $product['gcategory'] . ']]></g:google_product_category>' . "\n"; // Product quantity & availability if (empty($this->categories_values[$product['category_default']]['gcat_avail'])) { if ($this->module_conf['quantity'] == 1) { $xml_googleshopping .= '<g:quantity>' . $product['quantity'] . '</g:quantity>' . "\n"; } if ($product['quantity'] > 0 && $product['available_for_order']) { $xml_googleshopping .= '<g:availability>in stock</g:availability>' . "\n"; } elseif ($p->isAvailableWhenOutOfStock((int) $p->out_of_stock) && $product['available_for_order']) { $xml_googleshopping .= '<g:availability>preorder</g:availability>' . "\n"; } else { $xml_googleshopping .= '<g:availability>out of stock</g:availability>' . "\n"; } } else { if ($this->module_conf['quantity'] == 1 && $product['quantity'] > 0) { $xml_googleshopping .= '<g:quantity>' . $product['quantity'] . '</g:quantity>' . "\n"; } $xml_googleshopping .= '<g:availability>' . $this->categories_values[$product['category_default']]['gcat_avail'] . '</g:availability>' . "\n"; } // Price(s) $currency = new Currency((int) $id_curr); $use_tax = $product['tax_included'] ? true : false; $no_tax = !$use_tax ? true : false; $product['price'] = (double) $p->getPriceStatic($product['id_product'], $use_tax, $combination) * $currency->conversion_rate; $product['price_without_reduct'] = (double) $p->getPriceWithoutReduct($no_tax, $combination) * $currency->conversion_rate; $product['price'] = number_format(round($product['price'], 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN), 2, '.', ' '); $product['price_without_reduct'] = number_format(round($product['price_without_reduct'], 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN), 2, '.', ' '); if ((double) $product['price'] < (double) $product['price_without_reduct']) { $xml_googleshopping .= '<g:price>' . $product['price_without_reduct'] . ' ' . $currency->iso_code . '</g:price>' . "\n"; $xml_googleshopping .= '<g:sale_price>' . $product['price'] . ' ' . $currency->iso_code . '</g:sale_price>' . "\n"; } else { $xml_googleshopping .= '<g:price>' . $product['price'] . ' ' . $currency->iso_code . '</g:price>' . "\n"; } $identifier_exists = 0; // GTIN (EAN, UPC, JAN, ISBN) if (!empty($product['ean13'])) { $xml_googleshopping .= '<g:gtin>' . $product['ean13'] . '</g:gtin>' . "\n"; $identifier_exists++; } // Brand if ($this->module_conf['no_brand'] != 0 && !empty($product['id_manufacturer'])) { $xml_googleshopping .= '<g:brand><![CDATA[' . htmlspecialchars(Manufacturer::getNameById((int) $product['id_manufacturer']), self::REPLACE_FLAGS, self::CHARSET, false) . ']]></g:brand>' . "\n"; $identifier_exists++; } // MPN if (empty($product['supplier_reference'])) { $product['supplier_reference'] = ProductSupplier::getProductSupplierReference($product['id_product'], 0, $product['id_supplier']); } if ($this->module_conf['mpn_type'] == 'reference' && !empty($product['reference'])) { $xml_googleshopping .= '<g:mpn><![CDATA[' . $product['reference'] . ']]></g:mpn>' . "\n"; $identifier_exists++; } else { if ($this->module_conf['mpn_type'] == 'supplier_reference' && !empty($product['supplier_reference'])) { $xml_googleshopping .= '<g:mpn><![CDATA[' . $product['supplier_reference'] . ']]></g:mpn>' . "\n"; $identifier_exists++; } } // Tag "identifier_exists" if ($this->module_conf['id_exists_tag'] && $identifier_exists < 2) { $xml_googleshopping .= '<g:identifier_exists>FALSE</g:identifier_exists>' . "\n"; } // Product gender and age_group attributes association $product_features = $this->getProductFeatures($product['id_product'], $id_lang, $id_shop); $product['gender'] = $this->categories_values[$product['category_default']]['gcat_gender']; $product['age_group'] = $this->categories_values[$product['category_default']]['gcat_age_group']; foreach ($product_features as $feature) { switch ($feature['id_feature']) { case $this->module_conf['gender']: $product['gender'] = $feature['value']; continue 2; case $this->module_conf['age_group']: $product['age_group'] = $feature['value']; continue 2; } if (!$product['color']) { foreach ($this->module_conf['color[]'] as $id => $v) { if ($v == $feature['id_feature']) { $product['color'] = $feature['value']; } } } if (!$product['material']) { foreach ($this->module_conf['material[]'] as $id => $v) { if ($v == $feature['id_feature']) { $product['material'] = $feature['value']; } } } if (!$product['pattern']) { foreach ($this->module_conf['pattern[]'] as $id => $v) { if ($v == $feature['id_feature']) { $product['pattern'] = $feature['value']; } } } if (!$product['size']) { foreach ($this->module_conf['size[]'] as $id => $v) { if ($v == $feature['id_feature']) { $product['size'] = $feature['value']; } } } } // Product gender attribute, or category gender attribute, or parent's one if (!empty($product['gender'])) { $xml_googleshopping .= '<g:gender><![CDATA[' . $product['gender'] . ']]></g:gender>' . "\n"; } // Product age_group attribute, or category age_group attribute, or parent's one if (!empty($product['age_group'])) { $xml_googleshopping .= '<g:age_group><![CDATA[' . $product['age_group'] . ']]></g:age_group>' . "\n"; } // Product attributes combination groups if ($combination && !empty($product['item_group_id'])) { $xml_googleshopping .= '<g:item_group_id>' . $product['item_group_id'] . '</g:item_group_id>' . "\n"; } // Product color attribute, or category color attribute, or parent's one if (!empty($product['color'])) { $xml_googleshopping .= '<g:color><![CDATA[' . $product['color'] . ']]></g:color>' . "\n"; } // Product material attribute, or category material attribute, or parent's one if (!empty($product['material'])) { $xml_googleshopping .= '<g:material><![CDATA[' . $product['material'] . ']]></g:material>' . "\n"; } // Product pattern attribute, or category pattern attribute, or parent's one if (!empty($product['pattern'])) { $xml_googleshopping .= '<g:pattern><![CDATA[' . $product['pattern'] . ']]></g:pattern>' . "\n"; } // Product size attribute, or category size attribute, or parent's one if (!empty($product['size'])) { $xml_googleshopping .= '<g:size><![CDATA[' . $product['size'] . ']]></g:size>' . "\n"; } // Featured products if ($this->module_conf['featured_products'] == 1 && $product['on_sale'] != '0') { $xml_googleshopping .= '<g:featured_product>true</g:featured_product>' . "\n"; } // Shipping $xml_googleshopping .= '<g:shipping>' . "\n"; $xml_googleshopping .= "\t" . '<g:country>' . $this->module_conf['shipping_country'] . '</g:country>' . "\n"; $xml_googleshopping .= "\t" . '<g:service>Standard</g:service>' . "\n"; $xml_googleshopping .= "\t" . '<g:price>' . number_format($this->module_conf['shipping_price'], 2, '.', ' ') . ' ' . $currency->iso_code . '</g:price>' . "\n"; $xml_googleshopping .= '</g:shipping>' . "\n"; // Shipping weight if ($product['weight'] != '0') { $xml_googleshopping .= '<g:shipping_weight>' . number_format($product['weight'], 2, '.', '') . ' ' . Configuration::get('PS_WEIGHT_UNIT') . '</g:shipping_weight>' . "\n"; } $xml_googleshopping .= '</item>' . "\n\n"; if ($combination) { $this->nb_combinations++; $this->nb_prd_w_attr[$product['id_product']] = 1; } $this->nb_total_products++; return $xml_googleshopping; }