* --><!DOCTYPE html> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <style> body {max-width: 960px; margin: 0 auto} pre {background: #999; color: white; padding: 0 4px} input, textarea {width: 100%; font: inherit; background: #eee; border: 0; padding: 2px 4px} button {font: inherit} </style> <body> <h1>GCMnotifier Client</h1> <pre><?php require __DIR__ . "/../GCMnotifier.php"; error_reporting(E_ERROR); $client = new GCMnotifier(); if (@$_POST['command'] == 'send') { $data = ['title' => $_POST['title'], 'body' => $_POST['body'], 'id' => (string) time()]; $notification = ['to' => $_POST['to'], 'data' => $data, "message_id" => (string) time()]; $result = $client->send($notification); } if (@$_POST['command'] == 'stop') { $result = $client->send('stop'); } ?> </pre> <?php if (isset($result)) { ?> <p>Result: <?php
<?php /** * An example that represents a service, ie. a background process listening for client TCP connections, * taking their notifications and delivering them to Google Cloud Connection servers. * * Replace sender_id and api_key below with your official credentials obtained from Google's Developer Console. * * @package GCMnotifier */ require __DIR__ . "/../GCMnotifier.php"; $service = new GCMnotifier(['sender_id' => '000000000000', 'api_key' => 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'onSend' => function ($message_id) { echo "Sent message #{$message_id} successfully.\n"; }, 'onFail' => function ($message_id, $error, $description) { echo "Failed message #{$message_id} with {$error} ({$description}).\n"; }, 'onExpire' => function ($old_token, $new_token) { if ($new_token) { echo "Need to replace expired token {$old_token} with #{$new_token}\n"; } else { echo "Need to forget invalid token {$old_token}\n"; } }]); $service->listen() or die("Cannot start service.\n");