Пример #1
 public static function get_tone_color(G1_Color $color, $delta = 10, $breakpoint = 50)
     $out = clone $color;
     $lightness = $color->get_lightness();
     if ($lightness <= $breakpoint) {
         $lightness += $lightness + $delta > 100 ? -$delta : $delta;
     } else {
         $lightness -= $lightness + $delta < 0 ? -$delta : $delta;
     return $out;
Пример #2
  * Shortcode callback function.
  * @return string
 protected function do_shortcode()
     $step = 1;
     $delay = 0;
     $duration = 1500;
     // Compose final HTML id attribute
     $final_id = strlen($id) ? $id : 'duplicator-counter-' . $this->get_counter();
     // Compose final HTML class attribute
     $final_class = array('g1-duplicator', 'g1-duplicator--' . $style, 'g1-duplicator--' . $direction);
     $final_class = array_merge($final_class, explode(' ', $class));
     // Compose custom CSS rules
     $css = '';
     if (strlen($color)) {
         $color = new G1_Color($color);
         $css .= '#' . esc_attr($final_id) . '.g1-duplicator .g1-duplicate--active i { color:#' . $color->get_hex() . '; }';
     $css = strlen($css) ? "\n" . '<style type="text/css" scoped="scoped">' . $css . '</style>' . "\n" : '';
     $content = '<i class="icon-' . sanitize_html_class($icon) . '"></i>';
     // Compose the template
     $data = array('data-g1-start="%start%"', 'data-g1-stop="%stop%"', 'data-g1-max="%max%"', 'data-g1-step="%step%"');
     if (strlen($delay)) {
         $data[] = 'data-g1-delay="' . esc_attr($delay) . '"';
     $out = '%CSS%<span id="%id%" class="%class%" ' . implode(' ', $data) . '>%content%</span>';
     // Fill in the template
     $out = str_replace(array('%CSS%', '%id%', '%class%', '%start%', '%stop%', '%max%', '%step%', '%duration%', '%content%'), array($css, esc_attr($final_id), sanitize_html_classes($final_class), esc_attr($start), esc_attr($stop), esc_attr($max), esc_attr($step), esc_attr($duration), do_shortcode(shortcode_unautop($content))), $out);
     return $out;
Пример #3
  * shortcode callback function.
  * @param 			array $atts
  * @param			string $content
  * @return			string
 protected function do_shortcode()
     $content = preg_replace('#^<\\/p>|<p>$#', '', $content);
     // Compose final HTML id attribute
     $final_id = strlen($id) ? $id : 'g1-section-' . $this->get_counter();
     // Compose final HTML class attribute
     $final_class = array('g1-section');
     if ('standard' === $background_scroll) {
         $final_class[] = 'g1-section--scroll';
     $final_class = array_merge($final_class, explode(' ', $class));
     // Compose custom CSS rules
     $css = '';
     $css_rules = array();
     if (strlen($background_color)) {
         $color = new G1_Color($background_color);
         $css_rules[] = 'background-color: #' . $color->get_hex() . ';';
     if (strlen($background_image)) {
         $css_rules[] = 'background-image:url(' . esc_url($background_image) . ');';
     if (strlen($background_repeat)) {
         $background_repeat = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z -]*/', '', $background_repeat);
         $css_rules[] = 'background-repeat:' . $background_repeat . ';';
     if (strlen($background_position)) {
         $background_position = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z -]*/', '', $background_position);
         $css_rules[] = 'background-position:' . $background_position . ';';
     if (strlen($background_attachment)) {
         $background_position = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z -]*/', '', $background_attachment);
         $css_rules[] = 'background-attachment:' . $background_attachment . ';';
     if (strlen($border_size)) {
         $css_rules[] = 'border-width:' . absint($border_size) . 'px 0;';
     if (strlen($padding_bottom)) {
         $css_rules[] = 'padding-bottom:' . absint($padding_bottom) . 'px;';
     if (strlen($padding_top)) {
         $css_rules[] = 'padding-top:' . absint($padding_top) . 'px;';
     if (count($css_rules)) {
         $css = '<style type="text/css" scoped="scoped">' . '#' . esc_attr($final_id) . '.g1-section {' . implode(' ', $css_rules) . '}' . '</style>';
     // Compose output
     $out = '%css%' . '<div id="%id%" class="%class%">' . '<div class="g1-layout-inner">' . '%content%' . '</div>' . '</div>';
     $out = str_replace(array('%css%', '%id%', '%class%', '%content%'), array($css, esc_attr($final_id), sanitize_html_classes($final_class), do_shortcode(shortcode_unautop($content))), $out);
     return $out;
Пример #4
  * Shortcode callback function.
  * @return string
 protected function do_shortcode()
     // Compose final HTML id attribute
     $final_id = strlen($id) ? $id : 'g1-gmap-counter-' . $this->get_counter();
     // Compose final HTML class attribute
     $final_class = array('g1-gmap');
     add_action('wp_footer', array($this, 'enqueue_scripts'));
     if (!$width) {
         $width = '100%';
     if (!$height) {
         return '';
     $inline_style = ' style="width: ' . esc_attr($width) . '; height: ' . esc_attr($height) . ';"';
     $config = array('map_type' => !empty($map_type) ? $map_type : 'roadmap', 'invert_lightness' => $invert_lightness, 'latitude' => $latitude, 'longitude' => $longitude, 'zoom' => !empty($zoom) ? $zoom : 15, 'marker' => !empty($marker) ? $marker : 'none', 'marker_icon' => !empty($marker_icon) ? $marker_icon : '', 'type' => $type);
     if (!empty($color)) {
         $colorObj = new G1_Color($color);
         $colorConfig = array('color' => $color, 'color_hue' => '#' . $colorObj->get_hex(), 'color_saturation' => ($colorObj->get_saturation() - 50) * 2, 'color_lightness' => ($colorObj->get_lightness() - 50) * 2);
         $config = array_merge($config, $colorConfig);
     $data_attr = ' data-g1-gmap-config="' . g1_data_capture($config) . '"';
     // Compose output
     $out = '<div class="g1-gmap-wrapper">' . "\n";
     $out .= '<div id="' . esc_attr($final_id) . '" class="' . sanitize_html_classes($final_class) . '"' . $data_attr . $inline_style . '>' . "\n";
     $out .= '<div class="g1-gmap-content" style="display: none;">';
     $out .= $content;
     $out .= '</div>';
     $out .= '</div>';
     $out .= '</div>' . "\n";
     return $out;
Пример #5
  * Generates color variations based on a single color
  * @param $color
  * @return array
 public function get_color_variations($color)
     $result = array();
     $color = new G1_Color($color);
     $color_rgb = $color->get_rgb();
     $color_rgb = array_map('round', $color_rgb);
     $result['hex'] = $color->get_hex();
     $result['r'] = $color_rgb[0];
     $result['g'] = $color_rgb[1];
     $result['b'] = $color_rgb[2];
     $result['from_hex'] = $color->get_hex();
     $result['from_r'] = $color_rgb[0];
     $result['from_g'] = $color_rgb[1];
     $result['from_b'] = $color_rgb[2];
     $result['to_hex'] = $color->get_hex();
     $result['to_r'] = $color_rgb[0];
     $result['to_g'] = $color_rgb[1];
     $result['to_b'] = $color_rgb[2];
     $border2 = G1_Color_Generator::get_tone_color($color, 20);
     $border2_rgb = $border2->get_rgb();
     $border2_rgb = array_map('round', $border2_rgb);
     $border1 = clone $color;
     $border1->set_lightness(round(($border1->get_lightness() + $border2->get_lightness()) / 2));
     $border1_rgb = $border1->get_rgb();
     $border1_rgb = array_map('round', $border1_rgb);
     $result['border2_hex'] = $border2->get_hex();
     $result['border2_r'] = $border2_rgb[0];
     $result['border2_g'] = $border2_rgb[1];
     $result['border2_b'] = $border2_rgb[2];
     $result['border1_hex'] = $border1->get_hex();
     $result['border1_r'] = $border1_rgb[0];
     $result['border1_g'] = $border1_rgb[1];
     $result['border1_b'] = $border1_rgb[2];
     if ($color->get_lightness() >= 50) {
         $result['border1_start'] = 0;
         $result['border1_end'] = 0.66;
     } else {
         $result['border1_start'] = 0.66;
         $result['border1_end'] = 0;
     $tone_20_20 = G1_Color_Generator::get_tone_color($color, 20, 20);
     $tone_20_20_rgb = $tone_20_20->get_rgb();
     $tone_20_20_rgb = array_map('round', $tone_20_20_rgb);
     $result['tone_20_20_hex'] = $tone_20_20->get_hex();
     $result['tone_20_20_r'] = $tone_20_20_rgb[0];
     $result['tone_20_20_g'] = $tone_20_20_rgb[1];
     $result['tone_20_20_b'] = $tone_20_20_rgb[2];
     $tone_5_90 = G1_Color_Generator::get_tone_color($color, 5, 90);
     $tone_5_90_rgb = $tone_5_90->get_rgb();
     $tone_5_90_rgb = array_map('round', $tone_5_90_rgb);
     $result['tone_5_90_hex'] = $tone_5_90->get_hex();
     $result['tone_5_90_r'] = $tone_5_90_rgb[0];
     $result['tone_5_90_g'] = $tone_5_90_rgb[1];
     $result['tone_5_90_b'] = $tone_5_90_rgb[2];
     return $result;
Пример #6
  * Shortcode callback function.
  * @return string
 protected function do_shortcode()
     $value = absint($value);
     if ($value < 0) {
         $value = 0;
     if ($value > 100) {
         $value = 100;
     $final_id = strlen($id) ? $id : 'g1-progress-bar-' . $this->get_counter();
     $final_class = array('g1-progress-bar', 'g1-progress-bar--' . $style, 'g1-progress-bar--' . $size, 'g1-progress-bar--' . $direction);
     $final_class = array_merge($final_class, explode(' ', $class));
     $css_rules = array();
     /* Compose CSS */
     if (strlen($text_color)) {
         $color = new G1_Color($text_color);
         $css_rules[] = 'color: #' . $color->get_hex() . ';';
     if (strlen($bg_color)) {
         $color = new G1_Color($bg_color);
         $css_rules[] = 'background-color: #' . $color->get_hex() . ';';
         $css_rules[] = 'border-color: #' . $color->get_hex() . ';';
     $css = '';
     if (count($css_rules)) {
         $css = '<style type="text/css" scoped="scoped">' . '#' . esc_attr($final_id) . '.g1-progress-bar .g1-progress-bar__bar {' . implode(' ', $css_rules) . '}' . '</style>' . "\n";
     /* Compose icon */
     if (strlen($icon)) {
         $icon = '<i class="icon-' . sanitize_html_class($icon) . ' g1-progress-bar__icon"></i>';
         $final_class[] = 'g1-progress-bar--icon';
     } else {
         $final_class[] = 'g1-progress-bar--noicon';
     /* Compose label */
     if (strlen($content)) {
         $content = '<div class="g1-progress-bar__label">' . $content . '</div>';
     /* Compose output */
     $out = '%css%' . '<div id="%id%" class="%class%">' . '%content%' . '<div class="g1-progress-bar__track">' . '<div class="g1-progress-bar__bar" style="width:%value%%;">' . '<span>%value%</span>' . '%icon%' . '</div>' . '</div>' . '</div>';
     $out = str_replace(array('%css%', '%id%', '%class%', '%content%', '%value%', '%icon%'), array($css, esc_attr($final_id), sanitize_html_classes($final_class), $content, $value, $icon), $out);
     return $out;
Пример #7
 public function g1_gmaps_plugin_activate()
     $migrated_map_id = get_option('g1_gmaps_migrated_map_id', false);
     if ($migrated_map_id) {
     $options = get_option(G1_Theme()->get_id());
     $color = $options['map_color'];
     // hex or empty string
     $invert_lightness = $options['map_invert_lightness'] === '1';
     // bool
     $type = $options['map_type'];
     // roadmap | satellite | hybrid | terrain
     $center_lat = $options['map_latitude'];
     $center_long = $options['map_longitude'];
     $zoom = (int) $options['map_zoom'];
     // int
     $marker = $options['map_marker'];
     // none | standard | open-bubble
     $marker_icon = $options['map_marker_icon'];
     // image path
     $marker_content = $options['map_marker_content'];
     $marker_icon_id = null;
     if ($marker_icon) {
         $marker_icon_id = $this->get_image_id($marker_icon);
     // create new map
     $defaults = G1_GMaps()->get_default_map_config();
     $config = array('width' => '', 'height' => '380', 'full_width' => 'standard', 'parallax' => 'standard', 'street_view_control' => 'none', 'overview_control' => 'none', 'scroll_wheel_to_zoom' => 'none', 'double_click_to_zoom' => 'standard', 'draggable' => 'standard', 'type_control' => 'horizontal', 'pan_control' => 'standard', 'scale_control' => 'none', 'zoom_control' => 'small');
     if ($center_lat) {
         $config['lat'] = $center_lat;
     if ($center_long) {
         $config['long'] = $center_long;
     if ($zoom) {
         $config['zoom'] = $zoom;
     if ($type) {
         $config['type'] = $type;
     if ($invert_lightness) {
         $config['invert_lightness'] = 'standard';
     if ($color) {
         $c = new G1_Color($color);
         $config['color_hue'] = $c->get_hue();
         $config['color_saturation'] = $c->get_saturation() * 2 - 100;
         $config['color_lightness'] = $c->get_lightness() * 2 - 100;
         $config['custom_colors'] = 'standard';
     } else {
         $config['custom_colors'] = 'none';
     $config = wp_parse_args($config, $defaults);
     $post = array('post_title' => 'Old map', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_type' => G1_GMaps()->get_post_type());
     $post_id = wp_insert_post($post);
     if ($post_id > 0) {
         $data_to_save = array();
         foreach ($config as $option_name => $option_value) {
             $data_to_save['map_' . $option_name] = $option_value;
         update_post_meta($post_id, '_g1_gmap_lat', $data_to_save['map_lat']);
         update_post_meta($post_id, '_g1_gmap_long', $data_to_save['map_long']);
         update_post_meta($post_id, '_g1_gmap', $data_to_save);
         // create marker
         if ($marker !== 'none') {
             $marker_id = wp_insert_post(array('post_status' => 'publish', 'post_type' => G1_GMaps()->get_map_marker_post_type()));
             if ($marker_id > 0) {
                 $marker_data_to_save = G1_GMaps()->get_default_map_marker_config();
                 $marker_data_to_save['lat'] = $data_to_save['map_lat'];
                 $marker_data_to_save['long'] = $data_to_save['map_long'];
                 $marker_data_to_save['label'] = 'Marker';
                 if ($marker_icon_id) {
                     $marker_data_to_save['icon_id'] = $marker_icon_id;
                     $marker_data_to_save['icon_path'] = $marker_icon;
                 $marker_data_to_save['info'] = $marker_content;
                 $marker_data_to_save['info_state'] = $marker === 'open-bubble' ? 'standard' : 'none';
                 $marker_data_to_save['visibility'] = 'standard';
                 update_post_meta($marker_id, '_g1_gmap_id', $post_id);
                 update_post_meta($marker_id, '_g1_gmap_marker_lat', $marker_data_to_save['lat']);
                 update_post_meta($marker_id, '_g1_gmap_marker_long', $marker_data_to_save['long']);
                 update_post_meta($marker_id, '_g1_gmap_marker', $marker_data_to_save);
         update_option('g1_gmaps_migrated_map_id', $post_id);
         $global_map_enabled = $options['ta_prefooter_gmap'] === 'standard';
         // if map was enabled, we need to set it to new created map
         if ($global_map_enabled) {
             $options['ta_prefooter_gmap'] = $post_id;
             update_option(G1_Theme()->get_id(), $options);