/** * Render the shortcode * * @param array $args Shortcode paramters * @param string $content Content between shortcode * @return string HTML output */ function render($args, $content = '') { $defaults = FusionCore_Plugin::set_shortcode_defaults(array('class' => '', 'id' => '', 'circle' => 'yes', 'circlecolor' => '', 'circlebordercolor' => '', 'flip' => '', 'icon' => '', 'iconcolor' => '', 'rotate' => '', 'size' => 'medium', 'spin' => 'no', 'animation_type' => '', 'animation_direction' => 'down', 'animation_speed' => '0.1', 'alignment' => ''), $args); extract($defaults); // Dertmine line-height and margin from font size $defaults['font_size'] = FusionCore_Plugin::strip_unit(self::convert_deprecated_sizes($defaults['size'])); $defaults['circle_yes_font_size'] = $defaults['font_size'] * 0.88; $defaults['line_height'] = $defaults['font_size'] * 1.76; $defaults['icon_margin'] = $defaults['font_size'] * 0.5; $defaults['icon_margin_position'] = is_rtl() ? 'left' : 'right'; self::$args = $defaults; $html = sprintf('<i %s>%s</i>', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes('fontawesome-shortcode'), do_shortcode($content)); if ($alignment) { $html = sprintf('<div class="align%s">%s</div>', $alignment, $html); } return $html; }
function divider_candy_arrow_attr($args) { $attr = array(); $attr['class'] = 'divider-candy-arrow'; if ($args) { $divider_candy = $args['divider_candy']; } else { $divider_candy = self::$args['divider_candy']; } // For borders of size 1, we need to hide the border line on the arrow, thus we set it to 0 $arrow_position = FusionCore_Plugin::strip_unit(self::$args['bordersize']); if ($arrow_position == '1') { $arrow_position = 0; } if ($divider_candy == 'bottom') { $attr['class'] .= ' bottom'; $attr['style'] = sprintf('top:%spx;border-top-color: %s;', $arrow_position, self::$args['backgroundcolor']); } elseif ($divider_candy == 'top') { $attr['class'] .= ' top'; $attr['style'] = sprintf('bottom:%spx;border-bottom-color: %s;', $arrow_position, self::$args['backgroundcolor']); } return $attr; }
function content_box_heading_attr() { $attr['class'] = 'content-box-heading'; $attr['style'] = ''; if (self::$parent_args['title_size']) { $font_size = FusionCore_Plugin::strip_unit(self::$parent_args['title_size']); $attr['style'] = sprintf('font-size: %spx;line-height:%spx;', $font_size, $font_size + 2); } if (self::$parent_args['title_color']) { $attr['style'] .= sprintf('color:%s;', self::$parent_args['title_color']); } if (self::$parent_args['layout'] == 'icon-on-side' || self::$parent_args['layout'] == 'clean-horizontal') { if (self::$child_args['image'] && self::$child_args['image_width'] && self::$child_args['image_height']) { if (self::$parent_args['icon_align'] == 'right') { $attr['style'] .= sprintf('padding-right:%spx;', self::$child_args['image_width'] + 20); } else { $attr['style'] .= sprintf('padding-left:%spx;', self::$child_args['image_width'] + 20); } } else { if (self::$child_args['icon']) { if (self::$parent_args['icon_circle'] == 'yes') { $full_icon_size = self::$parent_args['icon_size'] * 2 + intval(self::$child_args['circlebordersize']) * 2 + intval(self::$child_args['outercirclebordersize']) * 2; } else { $full_icon_size = self::$parent_args['icon_size']; } if (self::$parent_args['icon_align'] == 'right') { $attr['style'] .= sprintf('padding-right:%spx;', $full_icon_size + 20); } else { $attr['style'] .= sprintf('padding-left:%spx;', $full_icon_size + 20); } } } } return $attr; }
function content_box_heading_attr() { $attr['class'] = 'content-box-heading'; if (self::$parent_args['title_size']) { $font_size = FusionCore_Plugin::strip_unit(self::$parent_args['title_size']); $attr['style'] = sprintf('font-size: %spx;line-height:%spx;', $font_size, $font_size + 2); } return $attr; }