Пример #1
 public static function getVenueByLatLng($lat, $lng)
     list($lat, $lng) = array($lat, $lng);
     // Prepare parameters
     $params = array("ll" => "{$lat},{$lng}", "categoryId" => "4bf58dd8d48988d113951735", "radius" => "800");
     // Perform a request to a public resource
     $response = $foursquare->GetPublic("venues/search", $params);
     return $response;
 public function testLanguageSupport()
     $foursquare = new FoursquareAPI(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, '', 'v2', 'fr');
     $categories = json_decode($foursquare->GetPublic('venues/categories'));
     foreach ($categories->response->categories as $category) {
         if ($category->id == '4d4b7104d754a06370d81259') {
             $this->assertEquals($category->name, 'Culture et loisirs', "Locale failed or \"{$category->name}\" is a new translation");
             $run = true;
     $this->assertEquals($run, true, 'Test category no longer exists in fr locale, update test.');
     // Ensure we get a success response
     $this->assertLessThan(400, $venues->meta->code, $venues->meta->errorDetail);
 //	Upload the image to EyeEm
 $filename = $eyeem->uploadPhoto($targetname);
 //	initialize the EyeEm Photo object params
 $eye_params = array('filename' => $filename, 'title' => stripslashes(mb_ereg_replace('@', '', $_REQUEST['title'])), 'timestamp' => !empty($_REQUEST['created']) ? $_REQUEST['created'] : time());
 //	Save original Instagram photo ID
 if (!empty($instagram_id)) {
     $eye_params['instagram_id'] = $instagram_id;
 //	Geolocate through FourSquare
 if (!empty($_REQUEST['loc_lat']) && !empty($_REQUEST['loc_lon']) && !empty($_REQUEST['loc_name'])) {
     $lat = $_REQUEST['loc_lat'];
     $lon = $_REQUEST['loc_lon'];
     $location = $_REQUEST['loc_name'];
     $fs_params = array('ll' => $lat . ',' . $lon);
     //	Perform a request to a public resource
     $response = $foursquare->GetPublic('venues/search', $fs_params);
     $venues = json_decode($response);
     $igers_name = mb_convert_case($location, MB_CASE_LOWER, 'UTF-8');
     $venueId = null;
     //	Let's try to find a matching location name near given latitude and longitude
     //	Trying to match Instagram location name and FourSquare venue Name
     foreach ($venues->response->venues as $venue) {
         $foursquare_name = mb_convert_case($venue->name, MB_CASE_LOWER, 'UTF-8');
         if ($foursquare_name == $igers_name) {
             //	YiPPIE KI-YAY! We found a matching location name!!!
             $venueId = $venue->id;
     //	If we found a venue let's include it in the EyeEm Photo object params!
     if (!empty($venueId)) {
Пример #4
echo $location;
<hr />
// Set your client key and secret
$client_key = "<your client key>";
$client_secret = "<your client secret>";
// Load the Foursquare API library
$foursquare = new FoursquareAPI($client_key, $client_secret);
// Generate a latitude/longitude pair using Google Maps API
list($lat, $lng) = $foursquare->GeoLocate($location);
// Prepare parameters
$params = array("ll" => "{$lat},{$lng}");
// Perform a request to a public resource
$response = $foursquare->GetPublic("venues/search", $params);
$venues = json_decode($response);
foreach ($venues->response->groups as $group) {

    echo $group->name;
    foreach ($group->items as $venue) {
        echo $venue->name;
Пример #5
    function draw_widget_foursquare($widget, $position = FALSE, $preview = FALSE)
        if (!is_object($widget)) {
            return FALSE;
        $CI = get_instance();
        //		$CI->load->library('twitteroauth');
        //		$CI->config->load('twitter');
        $foursquare_key = $CI->config->item('foursquare_key');
        $foursquare_secret = $CI->config->item('foursquare_secret');
        // check if user and pass are set
        if (!isset($foursquare_key) || !isset($foursquare_secret) || !$foursquare_key || !$foursquare_secret) {
            die('ERROR: Foursquare secret and key is not defined.' . PHP_EOL);
        if ($widget->widget_data == '') {
            $widget->widget_data = 'a:1:{i:1;a:2:{s:5:"title";s:15:"Foursquare Feed";s:7:"hashtag";s:24:"5321b871498e22c8856f46e8";}}';
        require_once APPPATH . 'widgets/foursquare/FoursquareAPI.class.php';
        if ($preview) {
<div id="widget-<?php 
            echo $widget->widget_type . '-' . $widget->id;
" class="widget widget-wrapper" data-type="<?php 
            echo $widget->widget_type;
	<div class="widget-top">
		<div class="widget-title"><h4>Foursquare Feed<span class="in-widget-title"></span></h4></div>
		<div class="widget-action">
			<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-move move-widget" title="Move"></span>
			<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit edit-widget" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#widget-<?php 
            echo $widget->widget_type . '-' . $widget->id;
-modal" title="Edit"></span>
			<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove delete-widget" title="Delete"></span>

	<div class="widget-inside">
        $foursquares = unserialize($widget->widget_data);
        //i don't what is the plan, do you plan to support multiple hashtag?
        //for now I assume it store in wrong way
        if (is_array($foursquares) && count($foursquares) > 0) {
            $foursquares = $foursquares[1];
            //-> remove this after fix store data function
		<div class="widget foursquare">
			<div class="panel panel-default widget-testimonials-full">
				<div class="panel-heading">
					<h3 class="panel-title">People in your neighborhood are checking in at <?php 
            echo $foursquares['hashtag'];
				<div class="panel-body">
            //$foursquare_connection = $CI->twitteroauth->create($consumer_token, $consumer_secret);
            $foursquare_connection = new FoursquareAPI($foursquare_key, $foursquare_secret);
            if ($foursquares['hashtag'] == '') {
                $foursquares['hashtag'] = 'KFC';
            $params = array('near' => 'Salt Lake City, UT', 'query' => $foursquares['hashtag']);
            $response = $foursquare_connection->GetPublic("venues/search", $params);
            $venues = json_decode($response);
            if (!isset($venues->response->venues[0])) {
                echo 'Business name is not found';
                echo '</div>';
                echo '</div>';
                echo '</div>';
                echo '</div>';
                echo '</div>';
            $venue_id = $venues->response->venues[0]->id;
            $params = array('VENUE_ID' => $venue_id);
            $response = $foursquare_connection->GetPublic("venues/" . $venue_id, $params);
            $venues = json_decode($response);
            //			print_r($venues);
            //$results = $foursquare_connection->get('search/tweets', $query);
            $i = 0;
            $venue = $venues->response->venue;
            //			foreach ($venues->response->venue as $venue):
            //				print_r($venue);
            if (isset($venue->categories['0'])) {
                $img = $venue->categories['0']->icon->prefix . '64.png';
            } else {
                $img = 'https://foursquare.com/img/categories/building/default_64.png';
            if ($i <= 1) {
					   <div class="panel-review pull-left"> 
					   <img src="<?php 
                echo $img;
" width="64" height="64" alt="" class="foursquareicon pull-left"/>
						<div class="media-body">
						  <h4 class="media-heading"><a target="_blank" href="<?php 
                echo $venue->canonicalUrl;
                echo $venue->name;
                							echo ' <i> '.$venue->categories['0']->name.'</i><br/>';
                					if(isset($venue->location->formattedAddress)) {
                						echo $venue->location->formattedAddress[0].'<br />';
                						if(isset($venue->location->formattedAddress[1]) && $venue->location->formattedAddress[1]!='United States') {
                							echo $venue->location->formattedAddress[1].'<br />';
                						if(isset($venue->location->formattedAddress[2]) && $venue->location->formattedAddress[2]!='United States') {
                							echo $venue->location->formattedAddress[2].'<br />';	
                					if(isset($venue->contact->formattedPhone)) {
                						echo 'Phone '.$venue->contact->formattedPhone.'<br />';	
                							echo $venue->hereNow->count ." people currently here <br/> ";
                                    echo '<b><i>Stats</i></b> :'.$venue->stats->usersCount." visitors, ".
                					$venue->stats->checkinsCount." visits, ".$venue->stats->tipCount.' tips</div>';
                //					echo '</div>';
                if ($venue->stats->tipCount > 0) {
                    $tip_params = array('VENUE_ID', $venue->id, 'sort' => 'recent');
                    $r_tips = $foursquare_connection->GetPublic("venues/" . $venue->id . "/tips", $tip_params);
                    $tips = json_decode($r_tips);
                    //						echo '<b>Tips</b> : <br />';
                    foreach ($tips->response->tips->items as $tip) {
                        //echo '<image class="icon" src="'.$tip->user->photo->prefix.$tip->user->photo->suffix.'"/>';
                        //echo '<a href="">';
                        echo '<div class="panel-review pull-left">';
                        echo '<img src="' . $tip->user->photo->prefix . '64x64' . $tip->user->photo->suffix . '" class="img64 pull-left"/>';
                        echo '<div class="media-body">';
                        echo '<h4 class="media-heading">';
                        if (isset($tip->user->firstName)) {
                            echo $tip->user->firstName . ' ';
                        if (isset($tip->user->lastName)) {
                            echo $tip->user->lastName;
                        echo ' : </h4>' . $tip->text . '</div></div>';
                    // if($tips->response->tips->count == '0') {
                    //	 echo 'ZERO';
                    // } echo {
                    // echo 'HOUSTON, WE GOT TIPS';

            //			endforeach;
        //if ( is_array($foursquares) && count($foursquares) > 0 ):
        if ($preview) {
	<div class="widget-description">Add Foursquare Feeds</div>