function actionViewForum() { // Retrieve one forum with all subjects $forumLogic = new ForumsLogic(); $forum = $forumLogic->retrieveForumById($_GET['id']); if (isset($_GET['from']) && is_numeric($_GET['from'])) { $forum->loadSubjects($_GET['from']); } else { $forum->loadSubjects(); } // Assign variables to the template $this->actionTpl->assign('user', $this->user); $this->actionTpl->assign('forum', $forum); $this->actionTpl->assign('posts', $forum->subjects); $content = $this->actionTpl->fetch('templates/forums.list.subjects.tpl'); $menus = ' » ' . '' . $forum->name . ''; // Display the action template into the master template $this->display(new Page($content, $forum->name, $menus)); }
function actionDelPost() { if (isset($_GET['idPost'])) { $postlogic = new PostsLogic(); $post = $postlogic->retrievePostById($_GET['idPost']); if ($post != null) { $forumLogic = new ForumsLogic(); $forum = $forumLogic->retrieveForumById($post->idForum); if ($this->user->rightslevel >= LEVEL_MODERATOR) { if ($post->idPostParent != null) { $postParent = $postlogic->retrievePostById($post->idPostParent); $postParent->nbAnswers--; } $forum->nbPosts -= 1; $post->delete(); $menus = ' » ' . '<a class="fff_link1" href="forums.php?do=viewForum&id=' . $forum->id . '">' . $forum->name . '</a>' . ' » ' . t('posts.delmessage'); // affiche l'opération a été effectuée $this->actionTpl->assign('post', $post); $content = new page($this->actionTpl->fetch('templates/posts.del.tpl'), t('posts.messagedeleted'), $menus); $this->display($content); return; } else { $this->errorActionNotAllowed(); return; } } else { $this->errorRequete(); return; } } else { $this->errorRequete(); return; } }
function actionDelForum() { $forumLogic = new ForumsLogic(); $forum = $forumLogic->retrieveForumById($_GET['idforum']); $forum->delete(); $this->forward('manageForums'); return; }