Пример #1
             $endDate = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", $d) . ' 23:59');
             $array[] = $torrents = $torrent->getSweTvGuideTorrents($startDate, $endDate);
         $memcache && $memcache->set($cacheId, $array, MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED, 60 * 15);
         if ($week == 0) {
     /* Forum */
 /* Forum */
 case validateRoute('GET', 'forums'):
     $forum = new Forum($db, $user);
 case validateRoute('GET', 'forums/\\d+'):
     $forum = new Forum($db, $user);
 case validateRoute('GET', 'forums/\\d+/topics'):
     $forum = new Forum($db, $user);
     list($result, $totalCount) = $forum->getTopics($params[1], (int) $_GET["limit"] ?: 10, (int) $_GET["index"] ?: 0);
     httpResponse($result, $totalCount);
 case validateRoute('GET', 'forums/\\d+/topics/\\d+'):
     $forum = new Forum($db, $user);
Пример #2
 public function Execute(Template $template, Session $session, $request)
     /* Create the ancestors bar (if we run into any trouble */
     $template = CreateAncestors($template, $template['L_POSTREPLY']);
     /* Open a connection to the database */
     $this->dba = DBA::Open();
     /* Set the a variable to this user's permissions and id */
     $user_perms = isset($session['user']['perms']) ? $session['user']['perms'] : ALL;
     $user_id = $session['user']['id'];
     /* Quote all of the REQUEST variables */
     foreach ($request as $key => $val) {
         $request[$key] = $this->dba->Quote($val);
     /* Parse the body text to replace bbcodes, emoticons, etc */
     $parser = new BBParser(substr($request['message'], 0, $template['postmaxchars']));
     //$parser->addOmit('omit', 'omit');
     $request['message'] = $parser->Execute();
     /* Get forums, etc */
     try {
         $forum = new Forum();
         $stack = $forum->getForums();
     } catch (DBA_Exception $e) {
         return new TplException($e, $template);
     /* Get the id of whatever you are replying to */
     $parent_id = intval($request['replyto_id']);
     try {
         /* This gets a result from whatever the parent_id is */
         @($parent = $this->dba->GetRow("SELECT * FROM " . POSTS . " WHERE id = {$parent_id}"));
         // todo error checking
         /* Even though the $parent could be the thread, we still need to get the thread, because we don't want to check if it is or not the thread */
         @($thread = $this->dba->GetRow("SELECT * FROM " . POSTS . " WHERE row_left <= " . $parent['row_left'] . " AND row_right >= " . $parent['row_right'] . " AND row_type = 2"));
         /* Get the forum from the thread's parent_id */
         @($f = $forum->getForum($thread['parent_id']));
     } catch (DBA_Exception $e) {
         return new TplException($e, $template);
     /* I came into the weirdest problem.. It seems to be that sqlite_escape_string make that Ø when nothing is passed to it. */
     if ($request['title'] == 'Ø' || !$request['title']) {
         $title = 'Re: ' . stripslashes($this->dba->Quote($parent['name']));
     } else {
         $title = stripslashes($request['title']);
     /* Is this forum password-protected? */
     if ($f['private'] == 1 && @$_SESSION['forum_logged'] != $f['id']) {
         $template['forum_id'] = $f['id'];
         $template->content = array('file' => 'forum_login.html');
     } else {
         /* Check if the forum is locked or suspended, and if it is one of the above, check if the user is an admin or a moderator */
         if (($f['suspend'] == 1 && $session['user']['perms'] & ADMIN || $f['suspend'] != 1) && ($thread['row_locked'] != 1 || $thread['row_locked'] == 1 && $f['is_link'] != 1 && $session['user']['perms'] >= MOD) && ($f['row_lock'] != 1 || $f['row_lock'] == 1 && $session['user']['perms'] >= MOD)) {
             /* If the parent_id is invalid */
             if ($parent_id != 0 || !$parent_id) {
                 /* Get the number of replies on the same level as this */
                 if ($this->getNumOnLevel($parent_id) > 0) {
                     $left = $parent['row_right'];
                 } else {
                     $left = $parent['row_left'] + 1;
                 /* Get the depth and set the right value */
                 $depth = $parent['row_level'] + 1;
                 $right = $left + 1;
                 /* If this user has permission to post */
                 if ($user_perms >= $f['can_reply']) {
                     /* Should we ammend to the thread? */
                     if (($thread['row_right'] - $thread['row_left'] - 1) / 2 == 0 && $thread['poster_id'] == $session['user']['id']) {
                         try {
                             /* Create new body text */
                             $body_text = stripslashes($this->dba->Quote($thread['body_text'])) . "\n<br />\n<br /><!-- OMIT --><strong>" . $title . "</strong>\n<br />" . stripslashes($request['message']) . "<!-- /OMIT -->";
                             /* Ammend to the thread */
                             @$this->dba->Query("UPDATE " . POSTS . " SET body_text = '{$body_text}' WHERE id = " . $thread['id']);
                         } catch (DBA_Exception $e) {
                             return new TplException($e, $template);
                     } else {
                         $time = time();
                         try {
                             /* Make space in the Forums table for the reply */
                             @$this->dba->Query("UPDATE " . FORUMS . " SET row_right = row_right+2 WHERE row_left < {$left} AND row_right >= {$left}");
                             /* Keep making space in the Forums table for the reply */
                             @$this->dba->Query("UPDATE " . FORUMS . " SET row_left = row_left+2, row_right=row_right+2 WHERE row_left >= {$left}");
                             /* Make space in the Posts table for the reply */
                             @$this->dba->Query("UPDATE " . POSTS . " SET row_right = row_right+2 WHERE row_left < {$left} AND row_right >= {$left}");
                             /* Keep making space in the Posts table for the reply */
                             @$this->dba->Query("UPDATE " . POSTS . " SET row_left = row_left+2, row_right=row_right+2 WHERE row_left >= {$left}");
                             /* Finally Insert the reply into the database */
                             @$this->dba->Query("INSERT INTO " . POSTS . " (row_left, row_right, name, parent_id, row_level, body_text, created, poster_name, poster_id, row_type, forum_id) VALUES ({$left}, {$right}, '{$title}', {$parent_id}, {$depth}, '" . stripslashes($request['message']) . "', " . time() . ", '" . $session['user']['name'] . "', " . $session['user']['id'] . ", 4, " . $f['id'] . ")");
                             /* Set the last reply info for the thread info */
                             @$this->dba->Query("UPDATE " . POSTS . " SET last_reply = " . $time . ", reply_uid = " . $session['user']['id'] . ", reply_uname = '" . $session['user']['name'] . "' WHERE id = " . $thread['id']);
                             /* get the last post by this user */
                             $last_post_id = @$this->lastPostByUser($session['user']['id']);
                             /* Update the post count for the forum */
                             $this->dba->Query("UPDATE " . FORUMS . " SET posts = posts+1, thread_created = {$time}, thread_name = '" . $title . "', thread_id = " . $thread['id'] . ", thread_uname = '" . $session['user']['name'] . "', thread_uid = " . $session['user']['id'] . " WHERE id = " . $f['id']);
                             /* Update the user count if the user exists :) */
                             if ($user_id != 0) {
                                 $this->dba->Query("UPDATE " . USERS . " SET posts = posts+1 WHERE id = " . $session['user']['id']);
                         } catch (DBA_Exception $e) {
                             return new TplException($e, $template);
                 } else {
                     return new Error($template['L_PERMCANTREPLY'], $template);
                 /* If we've gotten this far, reload the page :) */
                 return new Error($template['L_SUCCESSADDINGREPLY'] . '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; url=viewthread.php?id=' . $thread['id'] . '">', $template);
             } else {
                 return new Error($template['L_ERRORREPLYING'], $template);
         } else {
             return new Error($template['L_PERMCANTREPLY'], $template);
     // end check forum login required