function Imprimer_form($parametres, $action) { print '<table border="0" bgcolor="#EBEBEB" align="center"><tr><td>'; print Imprime_titreListe("Accès aux projets", "titre"); print "<br>"; $f = new Formulaire("POST", "pus.php"); $f->debutTable(VERTICAL); //$f->champTexte("$this->{$value}", "$this->{$value}", $this->{$value}, 3, 58); //$f->champListe("chosir un élément de la liste", $this->{variable}, $this->{variable}, 1, $uneListe); //$f->champFenetre("fenêtre", $this->{$value}, $this->{$value}, 1, 79); $f->champCache("pu_id", $this->pu_id); $f->finTable(); $f->debutTable(HORIZONTAL); $f->champValider("sauver", "action"); $f->finTable(); $f->fin(); print '</td></tr></table>'; }
function Imprimer_form($action, $css, $listeUsagers) { $listeAcces[0] = "non "; $listeAcces[1] = "oui"; print '<table border="0" bgcolor="#EBEBEB" align="center"><tr><td>'; print Imprime_titreListe("Gestion d'un projet", "titre"); print "<br>"; $f = new Formulaire("post", "projets.php"); $f->debutTable(HORIZONTAL); $f->champTexte("no du projet", "pj_no", $this->pj_no, 15, 15); $f->champTexte("nom du projet", "pj_nom", $this->pj_nom, 50, 50); $f->champListe("nom du responsable", "usager_id", $this->usager_id, 1, $listeUsagers); $f->champListe("peut éditer ?", "pj_acces", $this->pj_acces, 1, $listeAcces); $f->champCache("pj_id", $this->pj_id); $f->finTable(); $f->debutTable(HORIZONTAL); $f->champValider("sauver", "action"); $f->finTable(); $f->fin(); print '</td></tr></table>'; }
function Imprimer_form($css, $mode, $forme, $listePostes) { print '<table border="0" bgcolor="#EBEBEB" align="center"><tr><td>'; print Imprime_titreListe("Gestion d'un poste d'une instance", "titre"); print "<br>"; $f = new Formulaire("post", "postes.php", "", TRUE, $forme); $f->debutTable(HORIZONTAL); $f->champListe("{$instance_id}", "instance_id", $this->instance_id, 1, $listePostes); $f->champTexte("{$poste_no}", "poste_no", $this->poste_no, 3, 58); $f->champTexte("{$poste_nom}", "poste_nom", $this->poste_nom, 3, 58); $f->champTexte("{$poste_proc}", "poste_proc", $this->poste_proc, 3, 58); $f->finTable(); $f->debutTable(HORIZONTAL); if ($mode == "ajouter") { $f->champValider("sauver", "action"); } else { $f->champValider("sauver", "action"); $f->champValider("sauver", "action"); } $f->finTable(); $f->champCache("poste_id", $this->poste_id); $f->fin(); print '</td></tr></table>'; }
function Menu_budget($choix, $action = "") { $gesAcces = array(1, 33); // 1=Pierre Lavigne 33= Charles Cormier print "<br />" . "\n"; print '<div class="taC invisible">' . "\n"; if (in_array($_SESSION['usager_id'], $gesAcces)) { print ' <a href="projets.php" class="boutonM"> projets </a> ' . "\n"; print ' <a href="comptes.php" class="boutonM"> comptes </a> ' . "\n"; } print ' <a href="budgets.php" class="boutonM"> <b>B U D G E T S </b></a> ' . "\n"; print ' <a href="budgets.php?action=sommaire" class="boutonM"> <b>S O M M A I R E</b> </a> ' . "\n"; print ' <a href="budgets.php?action=detail" class="boutonM"><b> D É T A I L </b></a> ' . "\n"; print ' <a href="budgets.php?action=liste-projets-comptes" class="boutonM"> listes p/c </a> ' . "\n"; print ' <a href="budgets.php?action=deconnexion" class="boutonM"> déconnexion </a> ' . "\n"; print ' <a href="" class="boutonM"> G E S P V I </a> ' . "\n"; if (in_array($_SESSION['usager_id'], $gesAcces)) { print ' <a href="" class="boutonM"> analyse comptes </a> ' . "\n"; } if (in_array($_SESSION['usager_id'], $gesAcces)) { $f = new Formulaire("post", "budgets.php"); $f->debutTable(HORIZONTAL); $dateRapport = trim($_SESSION['dateRapport']) == "" ? date("Y-m-d") : $_SESSION['dateRapport']; $f->champTexte("nouvelle date pour les rapports", "dateRapport", $dateRapport, 25, 15); $f->champValider("changer-date-du-rapport", "action"); $f->finTable(); $f->fin(); } print "</div>" . "\n"; //print("<br />" . "\n"); }
\t a:link {font-color:blue;} \t a:visited {font-color:blue;} TD, TH {font-family:Verdana; font-size:9pt;} --> </style EOD; print Html3("haut", $action, $css); if (!isset($instances)) { $instances = "cad cex add cco cac cet cre cai cve"; } $f = new Formulaire("POST", "mem_postes.php", FALSE, "Form"); $f->debutTable(HORIZONTAL); // $instances = "cad cex add cco cac cet cre cai cve"; $f->champTexte("entrez une ou plusieurs instances (séparées par un espace) <a href='' style='color:blue;'>retour à mem</a><br><span style='font-size:smaller; font-weight:normal;'>enlever, ci-dessous, les instances qui ne sont pas nécessaires </span>", instances, $instances, 85, 85); $f->champValider("mem-postes", "action"); $f->finTable(); $f->fin(); $reqSel = "SELECT cp.nom, " . " cp.prenom, " . " ins.instance_id, " . " pos.sgiPoste_no, " . " pos.sgiPoste_nom, " . " aff.date_arrivee, " . " aff.date_depart " . " FROM sgiAffec as aff, " . " sgInstances as ins, " . " sgiPostes as pos, " . " cPerson as cp " . " WHERE aff.sgiPoste_id = pos.sgiPoste_id " . " AND aff.instance_id = ins.instance_id " . " AND aff.cPerson_id = cp.cPerson_id " . " AND aff.instance_id = ins.instance_id " . " AND INSTR('{$instances}', aff.instance_id) " . " ORDER by cp.nom ASC, " . " cp.prenom, " . " date_arrivee ASC "; $resSel = $bd->execRequete($reqSel); print "<table width='950' border='1' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='0'>"; print " <tr>"; print " <th>nom</th>"; print " <th>prénom</th>"; print " <th>ins</th>"; print " <th>no</th>"; print " <th>poste nom</th>"; print " <th>début</th>"; print " <th>fin</th>"; print " </tr>"; $nomTemp = "xxxxx"; while ($per = $bd->objetSuivant($resSel)) {
function Imprimer_form($css, $mode, $forme) { print '<table border="0" bgcolor="#EBEBEB" align="center"><tr><td>'; print Imprime_titreListe("titre de la liste", "titre"); print "<br>"; $f = new Formulaire("post", "paffecs.php", "", TRUE, $forme); $f->debutTable(HORIZONTAL); $f->champTexte("{$poste_id}", "poste_id", $this->poste_id, 3, 58); $f->champTexte("{$usager_id}", "usager_id", $this->usager_id, 3, 58); $f->champTexte("{$paffec_mandatNo}", "paffec_mandatNo", $this->paffec_mandatNo, 3, 58); $f->champTexte("{$paffec_actif}", "paffec_actif", $this->paffec_actif, 3, 58); $f->champTexte("{$paffec_vacant}", "paffec_vacant", $this->paffec_vacant, 3, 58); $f->champTexte("{$paffec_debut}", "paffec_debut", $this->paffec_debut, 3, 58); $f->champTexte("{$paffec_arrivee}", "paffec_arrivee", $this->paffec_arrivee, 3, 58); $f->champTexte("{$paffec_fin}", "paffec_fin", $this->paffec_fin, 3, 58); $f->champTexte("{$paffec_depart}", "paffec_depart", $this->paffec_depart, 3, 58); $f->champTexte("{$sgaffec_raisonFin}", "sgaffec_raisonFin", $this->sgaffec_raisonFin, 3, 58); $f->champTexte("{$paffec_relance}", "paffec_relance", $this->paffec_relance, 3, 58); $f->champTexte("{$paffec_decret}", "paffec_decret", $this->paffec_decret, 3, 58); $f->champTexte("{$paffec_notes}", "paffec_notes", $this->paffec_notes, 3, 58); $f->finTable(); $f->debutTable(HORIZONTAL); if ($mode == "ajouter") { $f->champValider("sauver", "action"); } else { $f->champValider("sauver", "action"); $f->champValider("sauver", "action"); } $f->finTable(); $f->champCache("paffec_id", $this->paffec_id); $f->fin(); print '</td></tr></table>'; }
function Imprimer_form($action, $css) { $listeRdr[1] = "oui"; $listeRdr[0] = "non"; print '<table border="0" bgcolor="#EBEBEB" align="center"><tr><td>'; print Imprime_titreListe("Gestion d'un compte", "titre"); print "<br>"; $f = new Formulaire("POST", "comptes.php"); $f->debutTable(HORIZONTAL); $f->champTexte(" no du compte", "ct_no", $this->ct_no, 15, 15); $f->champTexte(" nom du compte", "ct_nom", $this->ct_nom, 50, 50); $f->champTexte(" 0 = dépenses<br /> 1 = revenus", "ct_genre", $this->ct_genre, 12, 1); $f->champTexte(" 1 = niveau titre<br /> 2 = niveau compte", "ct_niveau", $this->ct_niveau, 13, 1); $f->champListe(" rdr", "ct_rdr", $this->ct_rdr, 2, $listeRdr); $f->champCache("ct_id", $this->ct_id); $f->finTable(); $f->debutTable(HORIZONTAL); $f->champValider("sauver", "action"); $f->finTable(); $f->fin(); print '</td></tr></table>'; }
function Imprimer_form($css) { print '<table border="0" bgcolor="#EBEBEB" align="center"><tr><td>'; print Imprime_titreListe("titre de la liste", "titre"); print "<br>"; $f = new Formulaire("POST", "pcs.php"); $f->debutTable(VERTICAL); $f->champCache("pc_id", $this->pc_id); $f->finTable(); $f->debutTable(HORIZONTAL); $f->champValider("sauver", "action"); $f->finTable(); $f->fin(); print '</td></tr></table>'; }