
require_once './classes/admin.class.php';
$admin = new Admin($db);
#create form object
$opt = new Formitable($db, 'sionapros_pubs');
$opt->forceTypes(array('doc', 'id', 'category'), array('file', 'hidden', 'select'));
#custom labels
$opt->labelFields(array('title', 'doc', 'category', 'pub_date'), array('Document Title *', 'Upload File *', 'Category *', 'Publication Date *'));
//set up regular expressions for field validation
$opt->registerValidation("required", ".+", "Field MUST be filled in please.");
//set up fields for validation using regexs above
$opt->validateField("title", "required");
$opt->validateField("doc", "required");
$opt->validateField("category", "required");
$opt->validateField("pub_date", "validateDate");
#set default value
$opt->setDefaultValue('id', $admin->getId($opt->table));
#set normalized
$opt->normalizedField('category', 'sionapros_categories', 'id', 'value', 'id ASC');
//set all output to be returned instead of printed
$opt->returnOutput = true;
if (isset($_FILES)) {
    //path to upload to (with trailing slash)
    $path = "./docs/";
    //array of filetypes to check against
    $filetypes = array("png", "jpeg", "gif", "PNG", "JPEG", "GIF", "jpg", "JPG", "pdf", "PDF", "ps", "PS");
    //should file be include(ed) or exclude(ed) to be acceptable?
    $filemode = "exclude";
    foreach ($_FILES as $key => $value) {

#create form object
$staff = new Formitable($db, 'sionapros_users');
#set primary key field
#set encryption key
#set identifier field
#unique username
$staff->uniqueField('username', "This Username already exists");
$staff->forceTypes(array('identifier', 'password', 'reg_date'), array('hidden', 'password', 'hidden'));
$staff->forceTypes(array('change_password', 'account_status'), array('hidden', 'hidden'));
#custom labels
$staff->labelFields(array('firstname', 'lastname'), array('First Name *', 'Last Name *'));
$staff->labelFields(array('username', 'password'), array('User Name *', 'Password *'));
//set up regular expressions for field validation
$staff->registerValidation("required", ".+", "Field MUST be filled in please.");
//set up fields for validation using regexs above
$staff->validateField("firstname", "required");
$staff->validateField("lastname", "required");
$staff->validateField("username", "required");
$staff->validateField("password", "required");
#set default values
$staff->setDefaultValue('reg_date', date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
$staff->setDefaultValue('change_password', 'Yes');
$staff->setDefaultValue('account_status', 'Active');
//set all output to be returned instead of printed

require_once './classes/cats.class.php';
$ts = new Cats($db);
#create form object
$cats = new Formitable($db, 'sionapros_categories');
$cats->forceTypes(array('id', 'value'), array('hidden', 'varchar'));
#custom labels
$cats->labelFields(array('value'), array('Category *'));
//set up regular expressions for field validation
$cats->registerValidation("required", ".+", "Field MUST be filled in please.");
//set up fields for validation using regexs above
$cats->validateField("value", "required");
$cats->uniqueField("value", "This Category Name Already Exists");
#set default values
$cats->setDefaultValue('id', $ts->getCatNo());
//set all output to be returned instead of printed
$cats->returnOutput = true;
if (!isset($_POST['submit']) || isset($_POST['submit']) && $cats->submitForm(false) == -1) {
    $catsForm = $cats->printForm();
    $smarty->assign('cats', $catsForm);
} else {
    #$smarty->assign('client_no', $client_no);
    #submit msg
    $smarty->assign('updateMsg', $cats->submitMsg);
    #$content	= $smarty->fetch( "./main/allergy/reg_allergy_group.tpl.html" );
    #unset prevPath
$content = $smarty->fetch("./cats/main.reg_category.tpl.html");

require_once './classes/security.class.php';
$security = new Security($db);
#create form object
$sec = new Formitable($db, 'sionapros_profiles');
$sec->forceTypes(array('profile_id'), array('hidden'));
#custom labels
$sec->labelField('profile', 'Profile Name *');
$sec->labelField('remarks', 'Remarks i.e Describe the Profile');
//set up regular expressions for field validation
$sec->registerValidation("required", ".+", "Field MUST be filled in please.");
//set up fields for validation using regexs above
$sec->validateField("profile", "required");
$sec->validateField("remarks", "required");
$sec->uniqueField("profile", "This Profile Name Already Exists");
#set default values
$sec->setDefaultValue('profile_id', $security->getProfileId());
#submit msg
$sec->msg_insertSuccess = "A new profile called {$_POST['profile']} was created.";
//set all output to be returned instead of printed
$sec->returnOutput = true;
if (!isset($_POST['submit']) || isset($_POST['submit']) && $sec->submitForm(false) == -1) {
    $secForm = $sec->printForm();
    $smarty->assign('sec', $secForm);
} else {
    $smarty->assign('updateMsg', $sec->submitMsg);
    #unset prevPath
$content = $smarty->fetch("./security/tm0.security.create_profile.tpl.html");
Пример #5

<div class="boxed">
/*** change the following variables ***/
$user = "******";
$pass = "******";
$DB = "database";
//include class, create new Formitable, set primary key field name
include "../Formitable.class.php";
$newForm = new Formitable(@mysql_connect("localhost", $user, $pass), $DB, "formitable_demo");
//hide primary key field, force a few field types
$newForm->forceTypes(array("foods", "day_of_week"), array("checkbox", "radio"));
//get data pairs from another table
$newForm->normalizedField("toon", "formitable_toons", "ID", "name", "pkey ASC");
//set custom field labels
$newForm->labelFields(array("f_name", "l_name", "description", "pets", "foods", "color", "day_of_week", "b_day", "toon"), array("First Name", "Last Name", "About Yourself", "Your Pets", "Favorite Foods", "Favorite Color", "Favorite Day", "Your Birthday", "Favorite Cartoon"));
//set some default values
$newForm->setDefaultValue("pets", "Dog");
$newForm->setDefaultValue("color", "Blue");
$newForm->setDefaultValue("toon", "3");
$newForm->setDefaultValue("foods", "pizza,salad");
$newForm->setDefaultValue("day_of_week", date("l"));
//set up regular expressions for field validation
$newForm->registerValidation("required", ".+", "Input is required.");
//set up a field for validation using regex above
$newForm->validateField("f_name", "required");
//set validation feedback mode
Пример #6

$id = $_REQUEST['id'];
#$faq = new Allergy($db);
#create form object
$faq = new Formitable($db, 'sionapros_faqs');
$faq->forceTypes(array('id', 'done_by', 'reg_date', 'category'), array('hidden', 'hidden', 'hidden', 'select'));
#custom labels
$faq->labelFields(array('faq_qn', 'faq_ans', 'category'), array('Question *', 'Answer *', 'Category *'));
//set up regular expressions for field validation
$faq->registerValidation("required", ".+", "Field MUST be filled in please.");
//set up fields for validation using regexs above
$faq->registerValidation("required", ".+", "Field MUST be filled in please.");
//set up fields for validation using regexs above
$faq->validateField("faq_qn", "required");
$faq->validateField("faq_ans", "required");
$faq->validateField("category", "required");
#set default values
$faq->setDefaultValue('done_by', $_SESSION['loginUsername']);
#normalized field
$faq->normalizedField("category", "sionapros_categories", "id", "value", "id ASC");
//set all output to be returned instead of printed
$faq->returnOutput = true;
if (!isset($_POST['submit']) || isset($_POST['submit']) && $faq->submitForm(false) == -1) {
    $faqForm = $faq->printForm();
    $smarty->assign('faq', $faqForm);
} else {
    $smarty->assign('updateMsg', $faq->submitMsg);
    #unset prevPath
#create form object
$staff = new Formitable($db, 'sionapros_users');
#set primary key field
#retrieve staff's data
#hide primary key field
#customiszing form
$staff->forceTypes(array('account_status', 'change_password'), array('select', 'select'));
#custom labels
$staff->labelFields(array('firstname', 'lastname'), array('First Name *', 'Last Name *'));
$staff->labelFields(array('account_status', 'change_password'), array('Account Status *', 'Change Password *'));
//set up regular expressions for field validation
$staff->registerValidation("required", ".+", "Field MUST be filled in please.");
//set up fields for validation using regexs above
$staff->validateField("firstname", "required");
$staff->validateField("lastname", "required");
$staff->validateField("change_password", "required");
$staff->validateField("account_status", "required");
#$staff->validateField("country", "required");
#submit msg
$nmSQL = "SELECT firstname,lastname FROM sionapros_users WHERE identifier = {$_SESSION['upd_no']}";
$nm = $db->execute($nmSQL);
$staff->msg_updateSuccess = "{$nm[0]['firstname']} {$nm[0]['lastname']}'s account data was changed.";
    $_SESSION['news_no'] = $_GET['news_no'];
#check to see that the selected news article has no photo already uploaded
$SQL = "SELECT photo FROM sionapros_news WHERE news_no = '{$_SESSION['news_no']}'";
$photo = $db->execute($SQL);
if (count($photo) == 0) {
} else {
    $smarty->assign('secMsg', 'Not Allowed');
#create form object
$news = new Formitable($db, 'sionapros_news');
#set encryption key
$news->forceTypes(array('news_no', 'photo', 'title', 'summary', 'details', 'username', 'reg_date', 'category', 'pub_date'), array('hidden', 'file', 'hidden', 'hidden', 'hidden', 'hidden', 'hidden', 'hidden', 'hidden'));
#custom labels
$news->labelFields(array('photo', 'photo_desc'), array('Upload A Photo *', 'Short Photo Description *'));
//set up regular expressions for field validation
$news->registerValidation("required", ".+", "Field MUST be filled in please.");
//set up fields for validation using regexs above
$news->validateField("photo", "required");
$news->validateField("photo_desc", "required");
#set default values
$news->setDefaultValue('news_no', $_SESSION['news_no']);
#submit msg
$news->msg_updateSuccess = "A photo for a news article was uploaded.";
//set all output to be returned instead of printed
$news->returnOutput = true;
if (isset($_FILES)) {
    //path to upload to (with trailing slash)

$news = new Formitable($db, 'sionapros_news');
$news->forceTypes(array('news_no', 'reg_date', 'username', 'photo', 'photo_desc', 'category'), array('hidden', 'hidden', 'hidden', 'hidden', 'hidden', 'select'));
#custom labels
$news->labelFields(array('title', 'summary', 'detail', 'photo', 'pub_date'), array('Title *', 'News Summary*', 'Details *', 'Upload Photo', 'Publication Date *'));
//set up regular expressions for field validation
$news->registerValidation("required", ".+", "Field MUST be filled in please.");
//set up fields for validation using regexs above
$news->validateField("title", "required");
$news->validateField("summary", "required");
$news->validateField("details", "required");
$news->validateField("category", "required");
$news->validateField("pub_date", "validateDate");
#set default values
#get news_No
$newsSQL = "SELECT MAX(news_no) FROM sionapros_news";
$result = $db->execute($newsSQL);
$id = $result[0];
$news_no = $id['MAX(news_no)'] + 1;
$news->setDefaultValue('news_no', $news_no);
$news->setDefaultValue('reg_date', date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
$news->setDefaultValue('username', $_SESSION['loginUsername']);
$news->normalizedField("category", "sionapros_categories", "id", "value", "id ASC");
//set all output to be returned instead of printed
$news->returnOutput = true;
if (!isset($_POST['submit']) || isset($_POST['submit']) && $news->submitForm(false) == -1) {
    $newsForm = $news->printForm();
    $smarty->assign('news', $newsForm);
} else {
Пример #10
/*** change the following variables ***/
$user = "******";
$pass = "******";
$DB = "db";
require "Formitable.class.php";
require_once 'C:\\apachefriends\\xampp\\htdocs\\anyDB2\\examples\\connect.inc.php';
if (strstr($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], "local")) {
    $server = "localhost";
} else {
    $server = "localhost";
$newForm = new Formitable($db, "formitable_users");
//set the field name of primary key
//force a few field types
$newForm->forceTypes(array("UserType", "WkDays", "Occupation", "Address", "Address2", "City", "Password"), array("select", "checkbox", "text", "text", "text", "text", "password"));
//retrieve normalized data from another table
$newForm->normalizedField("UserType", "field_data", "ID", "name", "ID ASC", "type='user'");
$newForm->normalizedField("NewsLetter", "field_data", "ID", "name", "ID DESC", "type='yn'");
$newForm->normalizedField("Donation", "field_data", "ID", "name", "ID ASC", "type='donate'");
$newForm->normalizedField("recurring_Method", "field_data", "ID", "name", "ID ASC", "type='recurring'");
$newForm->normalizedField("Donation_Type", "field_data", "ID", "name", "ID ASC", "type='dtype'");
$newForm->normalizedField("NamePosted", "field_data", "ID", "name", "ID DESC", "type='yn'");
$newForm->normalizedField("volunteer", "field_data", "ID", "name", "ID ASC", "type='volunteer'");
$newForm->normalizedField("gender", "field_data", "ID", "name", "ID ASC", "type='gender'");
$newForm->normalizedField("WkDays", "field_data", "ID", "name", "ID ASC", "type='days'");
$newForm->normalizedField("StateCode", "states", "Code", "Name", "Name ASC");
//set custom field labels
$newForm->labelFields(array("FName", "MName", "LName", "UserType", "FindUs", "NewsLetter", "volunteer", "Donation", "NamePosted", "WkDays", "PostalCode", "StateCode", "TelePhone", "Mobile", "Facsimile", "Details"), array("First Name", "Middle Name", "Last Name", "I am a", "How did you find us?", "Subscribe to our newsletter?", "I want to Volunteer", "I would like to donate", "Add name to Sponsors page?", "I can work these days", "Zip Code", "State", "Home Phone", "Cell Phone", "FAX", "Personal Message"));
$newForm->labelField("Password_verify", "Verify Password");
//don't output field sets (<fieldset> tag)

#create form object
$staff = new Formitable($db, 'sionapros_newsletter_receipient');
#set primary key field
#set encryption key
#set identifier field
#unique username
$staff->uniqueField('email', "This Email Address already exists");
$staff->forceTypes(array('id'), array('hidden'));
#custom labels
$staff->labelFields(array('fname', 'lname', 'email'), array('First Name *', 'Last Name *', 'Email Address *'));
//set up regular expressions for field validation
$staff->registerValidation("required", ".+", "Field MUST be filled in please.");
//set up fields for validation using regexs above
$staff->validateField("firstname", "required");
$staff->validateField("lastname", "required");
$staff->validateField("email", "required");
//set all output to be returned instead of printed
$staff->returnOutput = true;
//test for last page and no errors to submit form, otherwise start form
if (@$_POST['formitable_multipage'] != "end" || isset($staff->errMsg)) {
    $staffOpen = $staff->openForm();
    $smarty->assign('staffOpen', $staffOpen);
} else {
    #$object = $objectpath;#so that it looks like the path variable
    $smarty->assign('folder', 'set');
} else {
    if ($_REQUEST['filename']) {
        $objectpath = $_REQUEST['filename'];
        #$objectpath = basename($objectpath);
$security = new Security($db);
$result = $security->profileObjects($objectpath);
if (count($result) == 0) {
    $assignedTo = 'NONE';
#create form object
$sec = new Formitable($db, 'sionapros_object_profile');
$sec->forceTypes(array('object'), array('hidden'));
$sec->skipFields(array('activefolder', 'filename'));
$sec->normalizedField('profile_id', 'sionapros_profiles', 'profile_id', 'profile', 'profile_id ASC');
#custom labels
$sec->labelField('profile_id', 'Profile *');
//set up regular expressions for field validation
$sec->registerValidation("required", ".+", "Field MUST be filled in please.");
//set up fields for validation using regexs above
$sec->validateField("profile_id", "required");
#set default values
$sec->setDefaultValue('object', $objectpath);
$nmSQL = "SELECT profile FROM sionapros_profiles WHERE profile_id = {$_POST['profile_id']}";
$nm = $db->execute($nmSQL);
$sec->msg_insertSuccess = "The object {$objectpath} is now only accessible to users under the {$nm[0]['profile']} profile.";
//set all output to be returned instead of printed
$sec->returnOutput = true;