public function showAction() { $this->view->userRole = $this->_helper->checkUserRole->check(); $id = $this->_request->getParam('id'); $model = new Model_Ad(); //check if the ad exists in memcached $oBackend = new Zend_Cache_Backend_Memcached(array('servers' => array(array('host' => '', 'port' => '11211')), 'compression' => true)); // configure caching frontend strategy $oFrontend = new Zend_Cache_Core(array('lifetime' => 3600 * 24 * 7, 'caching' => true, 'cache_id_prefix' => 'singleAd', 'logging' => false, 'write_control' => true, 'automatic_serialization' => true, 'ignore_user_abort' => true)); // build a caching object $cacheAd = Zend_Cache::factory($oFrontend, $oBackend); $cacheTest = $cacheAd->test((int) $id); if ($cacheTest == false) { //if not exists in cache lets query to db $this->view->ad = $model->getAd((int) $id); $cacheAd->save($this->view->ad, (int) $id); } else { //load ad from memcached $this->view->ad = $cacheAd->load((int) $id); } //lets count the comments number and update $modelComments = new Model_Comment(); $this->view->checkCountAd = $count = $modelComments->countCommentsAd((int) $id); //let's increment +1 the ad view counter $model->updateReadedAd($id); $this->view->countReadedAd = $model->countReadedAd($id); if ($this->view->checkCountAd > 0) { $modelComments->updateCommentsAd($id, $count); } if ($this->view->ad != null) { // if the id ad exists then render the ad and comments if ($this->view->ad['type'] == 1) { $this->view->page_title .= $this->view->translate('give') . ' ' . $this->view->translate('second hand') . ' '; } if ($this->view->ad['type'] == 2) { $this->view->page_title .= $this->view->translate('want') . ' ' . $this->view->translate('second hand') . ' '; } $this->view->comments = $model->getComments($id); $this->view->woeidName = $this->_helper->woeid->name($this->view->ad['woeid_code'], $this->lang); $this->view->page_title .= $this->view->ad['title']; $this->view->page_title .= ' ' . $this->view->translate('free') . ' '; $this->view->page_title .= ' ' . $this->view->woeidName; //add meta description to head $this->view->metaDescription = $this->view->page_title . '. ' . $this->view->ad['body']; //add link rel canonical , better seo $this->view->canonicalUrl = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/' . $this->lang . '/ad/' . $id . '/' . $this->view->slugTitle($this->view->ad['title']); //if user logged in, show the comment form, if not show the login link $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance(); if (!$auth->hasIdentity()) { $this->view->createcomment = '<a href="/' . $this->lang . '/auth/login">' . $this->view->translate('login to post a comment') . '</a> '; } else { require_once APPLICATION_PATH . '/forms/Comment.php'; $form = new Form_Comment(); $form->setAction('/' . $this->lang . '/comment/create/ad_id/' . $id); $this->view->createcomment = $form; } } else { $urlChunks = explode('/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $urlChunks = str_replace('.html', '', $urlChunks); $urlChunks = str_replace('-', ' ', $urlChunks); //redir to search $this->_redirect('/' . $this->lang . '/search/?q=' . $urlChunks[sizeof($urlChunks) - 1] . '&ad_type=1&woeid=' . $this->location, array('code' => 301)); } }
public function contestmoreAction() { $uid = Zend_Registry::get('uid'); $id = $this->_request->getParam('id'); $this->view->dugaar = $id; $q = $this->_request->getParam('q'); if ($q == 'signup') { $this->view->is = 'signup'; } if ($q == 'rating') { $this->view->is = 'rating'; } if ($q == 'davaa') { $this->view->is = 'davaa'; } $tmp = 0; $davaas = new Model_DbTable_Davaa(); $this->view->davaa = $davaas->fetchAll($davaas->select()->where('fantasy_id =' . $id . ' AND active =' . $tmp)); $tmp = 1; $this->view->davaaduussan = $davaas->fetchAll($davaas->select()->where('fantasy_id =' . $id . ' AND active =' . $tmp)); $fantasys = new Model_DbTable_Fantasy(); $fantasy = $fantasys->fetchAll($fantasys->select()->where('id=' . $id)); foreach ($fantasy as $key => $value) { $this->view->fantasyname = $value['name']; } $users = new Model_DbTable_Users(); $this->view->user = $users->fetchAll($users->select()); $gals = new Model_DbTable_Gal(); $this->view->galuud = $gals->fetchAll($gals->select()); $this->view->gal = $gals->fetchAll($gals->select()->where('ezen_id =' . $uid)); $gald = $gals->fetchAll($gals->select()->where('ezen_id =' . $uid)); $gid = 0; foreach ($gald as $key => $value) { $gid = $value['id']; } $scores = new Model_DbTable_Score(); $this->view->rating = $scores->fetchAll($scores->select()->where('fantasyid =' . $id)->order('total_score DESC')); $this->view->score = $scores->fetchAll($scores->select()->where('galid =' . $gid . ' AND fantasyid=' . $id)); $form = new Form_Comment(); $request = $this->getRequest(); if ($request->isPost()) { if ($form->isValid($this->_request->getPost())) { $content = $this->_request->getParam('commentbody'); $content = $this->check($content); $uid = Zend_Registry::get('uid'); $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $uri = 'index/index/id/' . $id; $comments = new Model_DbTable_Comment(); $comments->insert(array('uri' => $uri, 'content' => $content, 'uid' => $uid, 'date' => $date)); $this->_redirect('news/more/id/' . $id); } } $form->setAction('../../index/index'); $this->view->form = $form; $news = new Model_DbTable_News(); $this->view->news = $news->fetchAll($news->select()->where('isactive = 1')->order('isping DESC')->order('date DESC')); $this->view->news1 = $news->fetchAll($news->select()->where('isactive = 0')->order('date DESC')); $page = 0; if ($this->_request->getParam("page") != null) { $page = $this->_request->getParam("page"); } $this->view->page = $page; $q = $news->fetchAll($news->select()->where('isactive = 1')->order('isping DESC')->order('date DESC')); $id = $this->_request->getParam('id'); $this->view->dugaar = $id; $paginator = Zend_Paginator::factory($q); $paginator->setItemCountPerPage("6")->setCurrentPageNumber($this->_getParam('page', 1)); $this->view->medee = $paginator; $comments = new Model_DbTable_Comment(); $this->view->comment = $comments->fetchAll($comments->select()->order('date DESC')); }