public function input($fieldName, $options = array()) { if (isset($options['label']) && (!isset($options['label']['class']) || !empty($options['label']['class']))) { $options['label'] = array('class' => 'col-lg-2 control-label', 'text' => $options['label']); } return parent::input($fieldName, $options); }
function input($fieldName, $options = array()) { if (isset($options['type']) && $options['type'] == 'hidden') { return parent::input($fieldName, $options); } return $this->divWrap(parent::input($fieldName, $options)); }
/** * Input redefinition - required class += required span * @link */ function input($fieldName, $options = array()) { if (isset($options['class']) && strstr('required', $options['class'])) { $options['label'] .= $this->required(); } return parent::input($fieldName, $options) . "\n"; }
public function input($fieldName, $options = array()) { if (!empty($options['type']) and ($options['type'] == 'submit')) { if ((!empty($options['label'])) and is_array($options['label'])) { $label['class'] = (!empty($label['class']))? 'control-label col-sm-2 '.$options['label']: 'control-label col-sm-2'; $label['text'] = (!empty($label['text']))? $options['label']['text']: false; } else if (!empty($options['label'])) { $label['text'] = false; $label['class'] = 'control-label col-sm-2'; } if (isset($label)) { $options['label'] = $label; } if (empty($options['class'])) $options['class'] = 'btn btn-danger'; } else { if (!empty($options['class'])) $options['class'] = 'form-control '.$options['class']; if ((!empty($options['label'])) and is_array($options['label'])) { $options['label']['class'] = (!empty($options['label']['class']))? 'control-label col-sm-2 '.$options['label']['class']: 'control-label col-sm-2'; } else if (!empty($options['label'])) { $label['text'] = $options['label']; $label['class'] = 'control-label col-sm-2'; $options['label'] = $label; } } if (empty($options['between'])) $options['between'] = '<div class="col-sm-10">'; if (!empty($options['after'])) $options['after'] = $options['after'].'</div></div> '; return parent::input($fieldName, $options); }
/** * Adds Bootstrap-style class name to datetime inputs * @param string $fieldName * @param array $options * @return string */ public function input($fieldName, $options = array()) { if (!isset($options['multiple'])) { // TODO : find a way to make select multiple change into multiple checkboxes // $options['multiple'] = 'checkbox'; } if (!isset($options['type'])) { $modelKey = $this->model(); $fieldKey = $this->field(); $fieldDef = $this->_introspectModel($modelKey, 'fields', $fieldKey); if (is_null($fieldDef)) { $options['multiple'] = 'checkbox'; } else { if ($fieldDef['type'] == 'datetime') { // Add "input-small" to class attribute if (isset($options['class'])) { $classes = explode(' ', $options['class']); $classes[] = 'input-medium'; $options['class'] = implode(' ', $classes); } else { $options['class'] = 'input-medium'; } } } } else { if ($options['type'] == 'quantity') { $options['type'] = 'number'; $options['pattern'] = '^[0-9]\\d*$'; } } return parent::input($fieldName, $options); }
function input($fieldName, $options = array()) { if (!empty($this->params['named']) && !empty($this->params['named'][$fieldName])) { $options['value'] = $this->params['named'][$fieldName]; } $fieldType = $fieldName; $pos = strrpos($fieldType, '.'); if (!($pos === false)) { $fieldType = substr($fieldType, $pos + 1); } switch ($fieldType) { case "file": case "movie": case "image": case "thumbnail": case "thumb": case "logo": case "afbeelding": case "foto": case "photo": $options['type'] = 'file'; break; } return parent::input($fieldName, $options); }
public function input($fieldName, $options = array()) { $defaults = array('before' => '', 'between' => '<div class="controls">', 'after' => '</div>', 'format' => array('before', 'label', 'between', 'input', 'error', 'after'), 'class' => $this->formSpan, 'div' => array('class' => 'control-group'), 'error' => array('attributes' => array('class' => 'help-block error', 'wrap' => 'span')), 'help' => '', 'required' => false, 'append' => array(), 'prepend' => array()); $options = array_merge($defaults, $this->_inputDefaults, $options); if (isset($options['type']) && $options['type'] == 'radio') { $options['between'] = $options['after'] = ''; } if (isset($options['help'])) { $options['after'] = '<p class="help-block">' . $options['help'] . '</p>' . $options['after']; unset($options['help']); } if (isset($options['actions'])) { $options['after'] .= '<div class="actions">' . join("\n", $options['actions']) . '</div>'; unset($options['actions']); } if (!empty($options['prepend']) && empty($options['append'])) { $prepend = is_array($options['prepend']) ? join("\n", $options['prepend']) : '<span class="add-on">' . $options['prepend'] . '</span>'; $options['between'] .= '<div class="input-prepend">' . $prepend; $options['after'] = '</div>' . $options['after']; unset($options['prepend']); } elseif (!empty($options['append']) && empty($options['prepend'])) { $append = is_array($options['append']) ? join("\n", $options['append']) : '<span class="add-on">' . $options['append'] . '</span>'; $options['between'] .= '<div class="input-append">'; $options['after'] = $append . '</div>' . $options['after']; unset($options['append']); } elseif (!empty($options['prepend']) && !empty($options['append'])) { $prepend = is_array($options['prepend']) ? join("\n", $options['prepend']) : '<span class="add-on">' . $options['prepend'] . '</span>'; $append = is_array($options['append']) ? join("\n", $options['append']) : '<span class="add-on">' . $options['append'] . '</span>'; $options['between'] .= '<div class="input-append input-prepend">' . $prepend; $options['after'] = $append . '</div>' . $options['after']; unset($options['prepend']); unset($options['append']); } return parent::input($fieldName, $options); }
function input($fieldName, $options = array()) { if (ClassRegistry::isKeySet($this->model())) { $model =& ClassRegistry::getObject($this->model()); if ($model->isOrigamiColumn($fieldName)) { $type = $model->getOrigamiColumnType($fieldName); if (method_exists($this, $type)) { unset($options['type']); // We are specifying the type, so we need to remove any user specified types $out = $this->{$type}($fieldName, $options); // The code is this section is mostly copied from the cake php // FormHelper input method $div = true; $divOptions = array(); if (array_key_exists('div', $options)) { $div = $options['div']; unset($options['div']); } if (!empty($div)) { $divOptions['class'] = 'input'; $divOptions = $this->addClass($divOptions, $type); if (is_string($div)) { $divOptions['class'] = $div; } elseif (is_array($div)) { $divOptions = array_merge($divOptions, $div); } if (in_array($this->field(), $this->fieldset['validates'])) { $divOptions = $this->addClass($divOptions, 'required'); } if (!isset($divOptions['tag'])) { $divOptions['tag'] = 'div'; } } if ($type != 'hidden') { $error = null; if (isset($options['error'])) { $error = $options['error']; unset($options['error']); } if ($error !== false) { $errMsg = $this->error($fieldName, $error); if ($errMsg) { $out .= $errMsg; $divOptions = $this->addClass($divOptions, 'error'); } } } if (isset($divOptions) && isset($divOptions['tag'])) { $tag = $divOptions['tag']; unset($divOptions['tag']); $out = $this->Html->tag($tag, $out, $divOptions); } // end cake php inputs copy return $out; } } } return parent::input($fieldName, $options); }
/** * create tweet box * * @param $fieldName * @param $options * type: element type (default: textarea) * maxLength: text max length (default: 140) * counterText: length message * submit: submit button message. if set to false, not create. * jqueryCharCount: path to charCount.js (jquery plugin) * other keys set to input element options. */ public function tweet($fieldName, $options = array()) { $this->setEntity($fieldName); $domId = !empty($options['id']) ? $options['id'] : $this->domId($fieldName); $default = array('type' => 'textarea', 'maxlength' => 140, 'jqueryCharCount' => '/twitter_kit/js/charCount.js', 'counterText' => __d('twitter_kit', 'Characters left: ', true), 'submit' => __d('twitter_kit', 'Tweet', true)); $options = am($default, $options); $inputOptions = $options; unset($inputOptions['jqueryCharCount']); unset($inputOptions['counterText']); unset($inputOptions['submit']); $out = $this->Html->script($options['jqueryCharCount']); $out .= $this->Form->input($fieldName, $inputOptions); $out .= $this->Js->buffer("\n \$('#{$domId}').charCount({\n limit: {$options['maxlength']},\n counterText: '{$options['counterText']}',\n exceeded: function(element) {\n \$('#{$domId}Submit').attr('disabled', true);\n },\n allowed: function(element) {\n \$('#{$domId}Submit').removeAttr('disabled');\n }\n });\n "); if ($options['submit']) { $out .= $this->Form->submit($options['submit'], array('id' => $domId . 'Submit')); } return $this->output($out); }
public function input($fieldName, $options = array()) { $this->setEntity($fieldName); $model = $this->_getModel($this->model()); $fieldKey = $this->field(); if (!@$options['type'] && $model->hasMethod('cloudinaryFields') && in_array($fieldKey, $model->cloudinaryFields())) { $options['type'] = 'file'; } return parent::input($fieldName, $options); }
public function input($fieldName, $options = array()) { $this->setEntity($fieldName); $options = $this->_parseOptions($options); if ($options['type'] == 'checkbox') { $options['format'] = array('before', 'label', 'between', 'input', 'after', 'error'); } elseif ($options['type'] == 'text' || $options['type'] == 'textarea') { $options = array_merge(array('class' => 'input-xxlarge'), $options); } return parent::input($fieldName, $options); }
public function input($fieldName, $options = array()) { $options += $this->_inputDefaults + array('div' => 'form-field', 'class' => 'input-text medium', 'error' => array('attributes' => array('wrap' => 'small'))); if ($options['class'] !== 'input-text') { $options['class'] .= ' input-text'; } if (!empty($options['error']) && empty($options['error']['attributes']['wrap'])) { $options['error']['attributes']['wrap'] = 'small'; } return parent::input($fieldName, $options); }
/** * Create a input with CKEditor * * @param string $name - field name * @param array $options - input options * @return string */ public function editor($fieldName, $options = array()) { $this->Html->script('vendor/ckeditor/ckeditor', array('inline' => false)); $this->Html->css('/js/vendor/ckeditor/fixes', array('inline' => false)); $options = array_merge(array('class' => 'ckeditor'), $options); // // $options['class'] = 'ckeditor '.$options['class']; if (isset($options['fullwidth']) && $options['fullwidth']) { return '<div class="control-group"><div class="clearfix"></div><div class="shadow text-center">' . $this->textarea($fieldName, $options) . '</div></div>'; } return parent::input($fieldName, $options); }
public function input($fieldName, $options = array()) { $fieldNameShort = $fieldName; if (strstr($fieldName, '.')) { $fullName = explode('.', $fieldName); $model = $fullName[0]; $fieldNameShort = end($fullName); } $defaults = array('placeholder' => Inflector::humanize($fieldNameShort)); $options = Set::merge($defaults, $options); return parent::input($fieldName, $options); }
public function input($fieldName, $options = array()) { if (isset($options['label']) && is_string($options['label'])) { $option['text'] = $options['label']; $options['label'] = array_merge($option, $this->_inputDefaults['label']); } else { if (isset($options['label']['text']) && !isset($options['label']['class'])) { $options['label'] = array_merge($options['label'], $this->_inputDefaults['label']); } } return parent::input($fieldName, $options); }
function input($fieldName, $options = array()) { if (empty($options['div'])) { $options['div'] = array(); } $options['div']['data-role'] = 'fieldcontain'; if (!empty($options['type']) && $options['type'] == 'checkbox') { $options['before'] = '<fieldset data-role="controlgroup">'; $options['after'] = '</fieldset>'; } return parent::input($fieldName, $options); }
public function editor($fieldName, $options = array()) { $options = Hash::merge(['div' => false, 'label' => false], $options); $options['class'] = 'rte-ckeditor'; $options['type'] = 'textarea'; $this->setEntity($fieldName); //$this->Html->scriptStart(); //$this->Html->scriptEnd(); $out = parent::input($fieldName, $options); $element = $this->_View->element('ckeditor/script'); return $out; // . PHP_EOL . $element; }
public function input($fieldName, $options = array()) { if (empty($options['title']) && empty($options['label']) && !empty($options['placeholder']) && empty($options['tooltip'])) { $options['tooltip'] = $options['placeholder']; } if (!empty($options['help'])) { $options = $this->_helpText($options); } if (array_key_exists('tooltip', $options)) { $options = $this->_tooltip($options); } return parent::input($fieldName, $options); }
/** * build custom input field * @param $name * @return string */ public function input($fieldName, $options = array()) { $this->setEntity($fieldName); $defaults = array('format' => array('before', 'label', 'between', 'input', 'error', 'after'), 'div' => array('class' => 'control-group'), 'error' => array('attributes' => array('class' => 'help-inline', 'wrap' => 'span')), 'help' => ''); $options = array_merge($defaults, $options); if (!empty($options['help'])) { $options['after'] = '<span class="help-block">' . $options['help'] . '</span>' . $options['after']; } $modelKey = $this->model(); $fieldKey = $this->field(); if ($this->_introspectModel($modelKey, 'validates', $fieldKey)) { $options['label'] = $this->addClass($options['div'], 'notice'); } return parent::input($fieldName, $options); }
public function input($fieldName, $options = array()) { if (isset($options['bootstrap']) && $options['bootstrap'] == false) { unset($options['bootstrap']); return parent::input($fieldName, $options); } $model = $this->_getModel($this->model()); if ($model && is_array($fieldOptions = $model->getFieldProperties($fieldName))) { if (!empty($options)) { $options = am($fieldOptions, $options); } else { $options = $fieldOptions; } } return parent::input($fieldName, $options); }
public function input($fieldName, $options = array()) { $optionsDefault = array('class' => 'form-control', 'div' => 'form-group'); $options = array_merge_recursive($optionsDefault, $options); if (sizeof($options['div']) > 1) { $options['div'] = join(' ', $options['div']); } if (!isset($options['placeholder'])) { $label = isset($options['label']) ? $options['label'] : Inflector::humanize($fieldName); $options['placeholder'] = $label; } if (isset($options['helpText'])) { $options['after'] = '<span class="help-block">' . $options['helpText'] . '</span>'; } return parent::input($fieldName, $options); }
public function input($fieldName, $options = array()) { $this->setEntity($fieldName); $defaultOptions = $this->_parseOptions($options); if ($defaultOptions['type'] == 'checkbox') { $newDefaultOptions = array('div' => array('class' => 'checkbox'), 'class' => false, 'type' => 'checkbox'); if (isset($defaultOptions["disabled"]) && $defaultOptions['disabled'] == 'disabled') { $newDefaultOptions['div']['class'] .= ' disabled'; } $options = array_merge($newDefaultOptions, $options); } if ($defaultOptions['type'] == 'radio') { $defaultOptions = array('div' => array('class' => 'radio'), 'separator' => '</div><div class="radio">', 'class' => false, 'legend' => false); $options = array_merge($defaultOptions, $options); } return parent::input($fieldName, $options); }
public function input($fieldName, $options = array()) { if (!isset($options['type']) && !isset($options['options'])) { $modelKey = $this->model(); if (preg_match('/^enum\\((.+)\\)$/ui', $this->fieldset[$modelKey]['fields'][$fieldName]['type'], $m)) { $match = trim($m[1]); $qOpen = substr($match, 0, 1); $qClose = substr($match, -1); $delimiter = $qOpen . ',' . $qClose; preg_match('/^' . $qOpen . '(.+)' . $qClose . '$/u', $match, $m); $_options = explode($delimiter, $m[1]); $options['type'] = 'select'; $options['options'] = array_combine($_options, $_options); } } return parent::input($fieldName, $options); }
/** * Overwrite FormHelper::input() * * - Generates a form input element complete with label and wrapper div * * ### Options * * See each field type method for more information. Any options that are part of * $attributes or $options for the different **type** methods can be included in `$options` for input().i * Additionally, any unknown keys that are not in the list below, or part of the selected type's options * will be treated as a regular html attribute for the generated input. * * - `type` - Force the type of widget you want. e.g. `type => 'select'` * - `label` - Either a string label, or an array of options for the label. See FormHelper::label(). * - `div` - Either `false` to disable the div, or an array of options for the div. * See HtmlHelper::div() for more options. * - `options` - For widgets that take options e.g. radio, select. * - `error` - Control the error message that is produced. Set to `false` to disable any kind of error reporting (field * error and error messages). * - `errorMessage` - Boolean to control rendering error messages (field error will still occur). * - `empty` - String or boolean to enable empty select box options. * - `before` - Content to place before the label + input. * - `after` - Content to place after the label + input. * - `between` - Content to place between the label + input. * - `format` - Format template for element order. Any element that is not in the array, will not be in the output. * - Default input format order: array('before', 'label', 'between', 'input', 'after', 'error') * - Default checkbox format order: array('before', 'input', 'between', 'label', 'after', 'error') * - Hidden input will not be formatted * - Radio buttons cannot have the order of input and label elements controlled with these settings. * * Added options * - `wrapInput` - Either `false` to disable the div wrapping input, or an array of options for the div. * See HtmlHelper::div() for more options. * - `checkboxDiv` - Wrap input checkbox tag's class. * - `beforeInput` - Content to place before the input. * - `afterInput` - Content to place after the input. * - `errorClass` - Wrap input tag's error message class. * * @param string $fieldName This should be "Modelname.fieldname" * @param array $options Each type of input takes different options. * @return string Completed form widget. * @link */ public function input($fieldName, $options = array()) { $this->_fieldName = $fieldName; $default = array('error' => array('attributes' => array('wrap' => 'span', 'class' => 'help-block text-danger')), 'wrapInput' => array('tag' => 'div'), 'checkboxDiv' => 'checkbox', 'beforeInput' => '', 'afterInput' => '', 'errorClass' => 'has-error error'); if (isset($options['label']) && is_string($options['label'])) { $options['label'] = array('text' => $options['label']); } $options = Hash::merge($default, $this->_inputDefaults, $options); $this->_inputOptions = $options; $options['error'] = false; if (isset($options['wrapInput'])) { unset($options['wrapInput']); } if (isset($options['checkboxDiv'])) { unset($options['checkboxDiv']); } if (isset($options['beforeInput'])) { unset($options['beforeInput']); } if (isset($options['afterInput'])) { unset($options['afterInput']); } if (isset($options['errorClass'])) { unset($options['errorClass']); } $inputDefaults = $this->_inputDefaults; $this->_inputDefaults = array(); $html = parent::input($fieldName, $options); $this->_inputDefaults = $inputDefaults; if ($this->_inputType === 'checkbox') { if (isset($options['before'])) { $html = str_replace($options['before'], '%before%', $html); } $regex = '/(<label.*?>)(.*?<\\/label>)/'; if (preg_match($regex, $html, $label)) { $label = str_replace('$', '\\$', $label); $html = preg_replace($regex, '', $html); $html = preg_replace('/(<input type="checkbox".*?>)/', $label[1] . '$1 ' . $label[2], $html); } if (isset($options['before'])) { $html = str_replace('%before%', $options['before'], $html); } } return $html; }
/** * Add divs and classes necessary for bootstrap * */ public function input($fieldName, $params = array()) { $defaults = array('div' => array('class' => 'control-group'), 'label' => array('class' => 'control-label'), 'between' => '<div class="controls">', 'format' => array('before', 'label', 'between', 'input', 'error', 'after')); $options = Set::merge($defaults, $params); $prepend = isset($options['bootstrap-prepend']) && is_string($options['bootstrap-prepend']) ? " input-prepend" : ""; $append = isset($options['bootstrap-append']) && is_string($options['bootstrap-append']) ? " input-append" : ""; if ($prepend || $append) { if (!isset($options['before'])) { $options['before'] = ''; } if (!isset($options['between'])) { $options['between'] = ''; } if (!isset($options['after'])) { $options['after'] = ''; } $options['before'] .= '<div class="' . trim($prepend . $append) . '">'; if ($prepend) { $options['between'] .= '<span class="add-on">' . $options['bootstrap-prepend'] . '</span>'; } if ($append) { $options['after'] .= '<span class="add-on">' . $options['bootstrap-append'] . '</span>'; } $options['after'] .= '</div>'; unset($options['bootstrap-prepend']); unset($options['bootstrap-append']); } if (!isset($options['after'])) { $options['after'] = ''; } $options['after'] .= '</div>'; if (isset($options['label']) && is_string($options['label'])) { $options['label'] = array('class' => 'control-label', 'text' => $options['label']); } if (isset($options['div']) && $options['div'] === false) { unset($options['between'], $options['after']); } // if ($append) { // prd(compact('fieldName', 'options', 'params', 'default')); // } return parent::input($fieldName, $options); }
function input($fieldName, $options = array()) { $this->setEntity($fieldName); $modelKey = $this->model(); $fieldKey = $this->field(); if (!isset($this->fieldset[$modelKey])) { $this->_introspectModel($modelKey); } if ((!isset($options['type']) || $options['type'] == 'select') && !isset($options['options'])) { if (isset($this->fieldset[$modelKey]['fields'][$fieldKey])) { $type = $this->fieldset[$modelKey]['fields'][$fieldKey]['type']; if (substr($type, 0, 4) == 'enum') { $arr = explode('\'', $type); $enumValues = array(); foreach ($arr as $value) { if ($value != 'enum(' && $value != ',' && $value != ')') { $options['options'][$value] = __($value, true); } } } } } return parent::input($fieldName, $options); }
/** * インプットタグを作成する * * @param type $fieldName * @param type $options * @return string */ public function input($fieldName, $options = array()) { $options['div'] = isset($options['div']) ? $options['div'] : false; $options['label'] = isset($options['label']) ? $options['label'] : false; $options['error'] = isset($options['error']) ? $options['error'] : false; $options['legend'] = isset($options['legend']) ? $options['legend'] : false; $options['refer'] = isset($options['refer']) ? $options['refer'] : true; $arrTmp = explode('.', $fieldName); if (isset($arrTmp[1]) && $options['refer'] === true) { $model = ClassRegistry::init(array_shift($arrTmp)); $options = am($model->getFormParams(join('.', $arrTmp)), $options); } else { if ($this->_model instanceof Model && $options['refer'] === true) { $options = am($this->_model->getFormParams($fieldName), $options); } } unset($options['refer']); if (in_array($options['type'], array('date', 'time', 'datetime'))) { $options['monthNames'] = isset($options['monthNames']) ? $options['monthNames'] : false; $options['timeFormat'] = isset($options['timeFormat']) ? $options['timeFormat'] : 24; $options['dateFormat'] = isset($options['dateFormat']) ? $options['dateFormat'] : 'YMD'; } return parent::input($fieldName, $options); }
public function input($fieldName, $options = array()) { $options = array_merge(array('format' => array('before', 'label', 'between', 'input', 'error', 'after')), $this->_inputDefaults, $options); $this->_Opts[$fieldName] = $options; $type = $this->_extractOption('type', $options); $options = $this->_getType($fieldName, $options); $hidden = null; if ('hidden' === $options['type']) { $options['div'] = false; $options['label'] = false; } else { $options = $this->uneditable($fieldName, $options, true); $options = $this->addon($fieldName, $options, true); $options = $this->textarea($fieldName, $options, true); $options = $this->checkbox($fieldName, $options, true); $options = $this->_controlGroupStates($fieldName, $options); $options = $this->_buildAfter($options); $hidden = $this->_hidden($fieldName, $options); if ($hidden) { $options['hiddenField'] = false; } } if (is_null($type) && empty($this->_Opts[$fieldName]['type'])) { unset($options['type']); } $disabled = $this->_extractOption('disabled', $options, false); if ($disabled) { $options = $this->addClass($options, 'disabled'); } $div = $this->_extractOption('div', $options); $options['div'] = false; $before = $this->_extractOption('before', $options); $options['before'] = null; $label = $this->_extractOption('label', $options); if (false !== $label) { if (!is_array($label)) { $label = array('text' => $label); } if (false !== $div) { $class = $this->_extractOption('class', $label, 'control-label'); $label = $this->addClass($label, $class); } $text = $label['text']; unset($label['text']); $label = $this->label($fieldName, $text, $label); } $options['label'] = false; $between = $this->_extractOption('between', $options); $options['between'] = null; $input = parent::input($fieldName, $options); $divControls = $this->_extractOption('divControls', $options, self::CLASS_INPUTS); $input = $hidden . (false === $div ? $input : $this->Html->div($divControls, $input)); $out = $before . $label . $between . $input; return false === $div ? $out : $this->Html->div($div, $out); }
public function input($fieldName, $options = array()) { $this->setEntity($fieldName); $temp_options = $this->_parseOptions($options); $field_array = $this->entity(); $currentModel = $this->_getModel($field_array[0]); $field = array_pop($field_array); //put placeholders if (isset($currentModel->placeholder) && !isset($options['placeholder'])) { if (isset($currentModel->placeholder[$field])) { $options['placeholder'] = __($currentModel->placeholder[$field]); } } //put tooltips if (isset($currentModel->tooltips)) { if (isset($currentModel->tooltips[$field])) { if (isset($options['label']) && $options['label'] === false) { $options['label'] = false; } else { if (!empty($options['label'])) { $options['label'] = $options['label'] . '<span class="btn btn-xs btn-link cakeui-tooltip" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="' . __($currentModel->tooltips[$field]) . '">?</button>'; } else { $label = __(Inflector::humanize(Inflector::underscore($field))); $options['label'] = $label . '<button type="button" class="btn btn-xs btn-link cakeui-tooltip" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="' . __($currentModel->tooltips[$field]) . '">?</button>'; } } } } //put mask if (isset($currentModel->mask) && !isset($mask['data-inputmask'])) { if (isset($currentModel->mask[$field])) { if (is_array($currentModel->mask[$field])) { if (!isset($options['class'])) { $options['class'] = null; } $options['class'] .= 'form-control ' . $currentModel->mask[$field]['class']; } else { $options['data-inputmask'] = $currentModel->mask[$field]; } } } if ($this->isFieldError($fieldName)) { if (isset($options['div'])) { if (is_array($options['div'])) { if (!isset($options['div']['class'])) { $options['div']['class'] = ' has-error has-feedback'; } else { $options['div']['class'] .= ' has-error has-feedback'; } } else { $options['div'] .= ' has-error has-feedback'; } } else { $options['div']['class'] = ' has-error has-feedback'; } if (!isset($options['after'])) { $options['after'] = null; } if ($temp_options['type'] == 'text' || $temp_options['type'] == 'password' || $temp_options['type'] == 'email') { if ($temp_options['label'] == false) { $options['after'] .= '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove form-control-feedback no-label"></span>'; } else { $options['after'] .= '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove form-control-feedback"></span>'; } } } if (isset($options['multiple']) && $options['multiple'] === 'checkbox') { $options['class'] = null; $options['between'] = '<div class="checkbox-container">'; $options['after'] = '</div>'; } $options = $this->_parseOptions($options); if ($options['type'] == 'checkbox') { if (empty($options['div']['class'])) { $options['div']['class'] = 'checkbox'; } else { $options['div']['class'] .= ' checkbox'; } } return parent::input($fieldName, $options); }
/** * Takes the array of options and will apply the append or prepend bits * from the options and returns the input string. * * @param mixed $input * @param string $type * @access public * @return string */ public function _combineInput($options) { $combine_markup = array("append" => "", "prepend" => ""); $input = ""; if (isset($options["input"])) { $input = $options["input"]; } else { $opt = array("div" => false, "label" => false, "error" => false); foreach ($options as $key => $value) { if (!in_array($key, $this->__dontSendToFormHelper)) { if ($key !== 'type' || !empty($value)) { $opt[$key] = $value; } } } $input = parent::input($options["field"], $opt); if (isset($options["checkbox_label"])) { $input = $this->label($options["field"], $input . ' ' . $options["checkbox_label"], array('class' => 'checkbox')); } } foreach (array_keys($combine_markup) as $combine) { if (isset($options[$combine]) && !empty($options[$combine])) { $_tag = "span"; if (strpos($options[$combine], "button") !== false) { $_tag = false; } if (strpos($options[$combine], "input") !== false) { $_tag = "label"; } if ($_tag) { $combine_markup[$combine] = $this->Html->tag($_tag, $options[$combine], array("class" => "add-on")); } else { $combine_markup[$combine] = $options[$combine]; } } } $_class = ""; if (!empty($combine_markup["append"])) { $input = $input . $combine_markup["append"]; $_class .= " input-append"; } if (!empty($combine_markup["prepend"])) { $input = $combine_markup["prepend"] . $input; $_class .= " input-prepend"; } if (!empty($combine_markup["append"]) || !empty($combine_markup["prepend"])) { $input = $this->Html->tag("div", $input, array("class" => trim($_class))); } return $input; }