  * returns the form
  * @return Form
 public function getGoogleSiteSearchForm($name = "GoogleSiteSearchForm")
     $formIDinHTML = "Form_" . $name;
     if ($page = GoogleCustomSearchPage::get()->first()) {
         Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery/jquery.js');
         $apiKey = Config::inst()->get("GoogleCustomSearchExt", "api_key");
         $cxKey = Config::inst()->get("GoogleCustomSearchExt", "cx_key");
         if ($apiKey && $cxKey) {
             Requirements::customScript("\n\t\t\t\t\t\tGoogleCustomSearch.apiKey = '" . $apiKey . "';\n\t\t\t\t\t\tGoogleCustomSearch.cxKey = '" . $cxKey . "';\n\t\t\t\t\t\tGoogleCustomSearch.formSelector = '#" . $formIDinHTML . "';\n\t\t\t\t\t\tGoogleCustomSearch.inputFieldSelector = '#" . $formIDinHTML . "_search';\n\t\t\t\t\t\tGoogleCustomSearch.resultsSelector = '#" . $formIDinHTML . "_Results';\n\t\t\t\t\t", "GoogleCustomSearchExt");
             $form = new Form($this->owner, 'GoogleSiteSearchForm', new FieldList($searchField = new TextField('search'), $resultField = new LiteralField($name . "_Results", "<div id=\"" . $formIDinHTML . "_Results\"></div>")), new FieldList(new FormAction('doSearch', _t("GoogleCustomSearchExt.GO", "Full Results"))));
             if ($page = GoogleCustomSearchPage::get()->first()) {
             $searchField->setAttribute("autocomplete", "off");
             $form->setAttribute("autocomplete", "off");
             return $form;
         } else {
             user_error("You must set an API Key and a CX key in your configs to use the Google Custom Search Form", E_USER_NOTICE);
     } else {
         user_error("You must create a GoogleCustomSearchPage first.", E_USER_NOTICE);
  * Return the payment form
 public function PayForm()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $response = Session::get('EwayResponse');
     $months = array('01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '12');
     $years = range(date('y'), date('y') + 10);
     //Note: years beginning with 0 might cause issues
     $amount = $response->Payment->TotalAmount;
     $amount = number_format($amount / 100, 2);
     $currency = $response->Payment->CurrencyCode;
     $fields = new FieldList(HiddenField::create('EWAY_ACCESSCODE', '', $response->AccessCode), TextField::create('PayAmount', 'Amount', $amount . ' ' . $currency)->setDisabled(true), $nameField = TextField::create('EWAY_CARDNAME', 'Card holder'), $numberField = TextField::create('EWAY_CARDNUMBER', 'Card Number'), $expMonthField = DropdownField::create('EWAY_CARDEXPIRYMONTH', 'Expiry Month', array_combine($months, $months)), $expYearField = DropdownField::create('EWAY_CARDEXPIRYYEAR', 'Expiry Year', array_combine($years, $years)), $cvnField = TextField::create('EWAY_CARDCVN', 'CVN Number'), HiddenField::create('FormActionURL', '', $response->FormActionURL));
     //Test data
     if (Director::isDev()) {
         $nameField->setValue('Test User');
         $expYearField->setValue(date('y') + 1);
     $actions = new FieldList(FormAction::create('', 'Process'));
     $form = new Form($this, 'PayForm', $fields, $actions);
     Requirements::javascript(FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/thirdparty/jquery/jquery.js');
     Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-entwine/dist/jquery.entwine-dist.js');
     $this->extend('updatePayForm', $form);
     return $form;
 public function getEditForm($id = null, $fields = null)
     $classname = $this->modelClass;
     $list = $classname::get();
     $listField = GridField::create($this->sanitiseClassName($this->modelClass), false, $list, $fieldConfig = GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor::create($this->stat('page_length'))->removeComponentsByType('GridFieldFilterHeader'));
     if (!$this->stat('enable_sorting')) {
         $summary_fields = Config::inst()->get($this->modelClass, 'summary_fields');
         $sorting = array();
         foreach ($summary_fields as $col) {
             $sorting[$col] = 'FieldNameNoSorting';
     // Validation
     if (singleton($this->modelClass)->hasMethod('getCMSValidator')) {
         $detailValidator = singleton($this->modelClass)->getCMSValidator();
     $form = new Form($this, 'EditForm', new FieldList($listField), new FieldList());
     $form->addExtraClass('cms-edit-form cms-panel-padded center');
     $editFormAction = Controller::join_links($this->Link($this->sanitiseClassName($this->modelClass)), 'EditForm');
     $form->setAttribute('data-pjax-fragment', 'CurrentForm');
     $this->extend('updateEditForm', $form);
     return $form;
 public function Form()
     $fields = new FieldList(new TextField('Name'), new EmailField('Email'), new TextareaField('Message'));
     $actions = new FieldList(new FormAction('submit', 'Submit'));
     $form = new Form($this, 'form', $fields, $actions);
     return $form;
 public function updateEditForm(Form $form)
     $locale = isset($_REQUEST['locale']) ? $_REQUEST['locale'] : $_REQUEST['Locale'];
     if (!empty($locale) && i18n::validate_locale($locale) && singleton('SiteConfig')->has_extension('Translatable') && (Translatable::get_allowed_locales() === null || in_array($locale, (array) Translatable::get_allowed_locales(), false)) && $locale != Translatable::get_current_locale()) {
         $orig = Translatable::get_current_locale();
         $formAction = $form->FormAction();
 function Form()
     $query = $this->request->getVar("search");
     $fields = new FieldList(new TextField("search", "", $query));
     $actions = new FieldList($searchaction = new FormAction("index", "Search"));
     $form = new Form($this, "SearchForm", $fields, $actions);
     return $form;
  * Builds the entry form so the user can choose what to export.
 function TranslationForm()
     $fields = new FieldList();
     $fields->push(new LanguageDropdownField('From', 'From language'));
     $fields->push(new LanguageDropdownField('To', 'To language'));
     $fields->push(new CheckboxField('Mangle', 'Mangle with ROT13'));
     // Create actions for the form
     $actions = new FieldList(new FormAction("translate", "Translate"));
     $form = new Form($this, "TranslationForm", $fields, $actions);
     $form->setFormAction(Director::baseURL() . 'dev/data/translate/EntireSiteTranslator/TranslationForm');
     return $form;
  * Return a form which sends the user to the first results page. If you want
  * to customize this form, use your own extension and apply that to the
  * page.
  * @return Form
 public function getGoogleSiteSearchForm()
     if ($page = GoogleSiteSearchPage::get()->first()) {
         $label = Config::inst()->get('GoogleSiteSearchDefaultFormExtension', 'submit_button_label');
         $formLabel = Config::inst()->get('GoogleSiteSearchDefaultFormExtension', 'input_label');
         $form = new Form($this, 'GoogleSiteSearchForm', new FieldList(new TextField('Search', $formLabel)), new FieldList(new FormAction('doSearch', $label)));
         return $form;
  * Builds the entry form so the user can choose what to export.
 function ExportForm()
     $fields = new FieldList();
     // Display available yml files so we can re-export easily.
     $ymlDest = BASE_PATH . '/' . TestDataController::get_data_dir();
     $existingFiles = scandir($ymlDest);
     $ymlFiles = array();
     foreach ($existingFiles as $file) {
         if (preg_match("/.*\\.yml/", $file)) {
             $ymlFiles[$file] = $file;
     if ($ymlFiles) {
         $fields->push(new DropdownField('Reexport', 'Reexport to file (will override any other setting): ', $ymlFiles, '', null, '-- choose file --'));
     // Get the list of available DataObjects
     $dataObjectNames = ClassInfo::subclassesFor('DataObject');
     foreach ($dataObjectNames as $dataObjectName) {
         // Skip test only classes.
         $class = singleton($dataObjectName);
         if ($class instanceof TestOnly) {
         // Skip testdata internal class
         if ($class instanceof TestDataTag) {
         // 	Create a checkbox for including this object in the export file
         $count = $class::get()->Count();
         $fields->push($class = new CheckboxField("Class[{$dataObjectName}]", $dataObjectName . " ({$count})"));
         // 	Create an ID range selection input
         $fields->push($range = new TextField("Range[{$dataObjectName}]", ''));
     // Create the "traverse relations" option - whether it should automatically include relation objects even if not explicitly ticked.
     $fields->push(new CheckboxField('TraverseRelations', 'Traverse relations (implicitly includes objects, for example pulls Groups for Members): ', 1));
     // Create the option to include real files.
     $path = BASE_PATH . '/' . TestDataController::get_data_dir();
     $fields->push(new CheckboxField('IncludeFiles', "Copy real files (into {$path}files)", 0));
     // Create file name input field
     $fields->push(new TextField('FileName', 'Name of the output YML file: ', 'output.yml'));
     // Create actions for the form
     $actions = new FieldList(new FormAction("export", "Export"));
     $form = new Form($this, "ExportForm", $fields, $actions);
     $form->setFormAction(Director::baseURL() . 'dev/data/export/TestDataExporter/ExportForm');
     return $form;
  * @param Controller $controller
  * @param string $back_url
  * @return Form
 public static function buildLoginForm(Controller $controller, $back_url = '')
     if (!defined('OPENSTACKID_ENABLED') || OPENSTACKID_ENABLED == false) {
         $form = MemberAuthenticator::get_login_form($controller);
         return $form;
     } else {
         $back_url = OpenStackIdCommon::cleanBackUrl($back_url);
         $form = new Form($controller, 'OpenStackIdLoginForm', $fields = new FieldList(), $actions = new FieldList(array(new FormAction('dologin', _t('Member.BUTTONLOGIN', "Log in")))));
         return $form;
 function getEditForm($id = null, $fields = null)
     $list = $this->getList();
     $exportButton = new GridFieldExportButton('before');
     $listField = GridField::create($this->sanitiseClassName($this->modelClass), false, $list, $fieldConfig = GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor::create($this->stat('page_length'))->removeComponentsByType('GridFieldFilterHeader'));
     // Validation
     if (singleton($this->modelClass)->hasMethod('getCMSValidator')) {
         $detailValidator = singleton($this->modelClass)->getCMSValidator();
     $form = new Form($this, 'EditForm', new FieldList($listField, new HeaderField(_t('DynamicTemplateAdmin.IMPORTTEMPLATE', 'Import template'), 3), new LiteralField('TemplateImportFormIframe', sprintf('<iframe src="%s" id="TemplateImportFormIframe" width="100%%" height="250px" border="0"></iframe>', $this->Link('DynamicTemplate/templateimport')))), new FieldList());
     $form->addExtraClass('cms-edit-form cms-panel-padded center');
     $form->setFormAction(Controller::join_links($this->Link($this->sanitiseClassName($this->modelClass)), 'EditForm'));
     //		$form->setAttribute('data-pjax-fragment', 'DTEditForm');
     $this->extend('updateEditForm', $form);
     //		$this->getRequest()->addHeader('X-Pjax', 'CurrentForm');
     return $form;
Пример #12
  * Shows results from the "search" action in a TableListField.
  * @return Form
 function ResultsForm($searchCriteria)
     if ($searchCriteria instanceof HTTPRequest) {
         $searchCriteria = $searchCriteria->getVars();
     $summaryFields = $this->getResultColumns($searchCriteria);
     $className = $this->parentController->resultsTableClassName();
     $tf = new $className($this->modelClass, $this->modelClass, $summaryFields);
     // @todo Remove records that can't be viewed by the current user
     $tf->setPermissions(array_merge(array('view', 'export'), TableListField::permissions_for_object($this->modelClass)));
     // csv export settings (select all columns regardless of user checkbox settings in 'ResultsAssembly')
     $exportFields = $this->getResultColumns($searchCriteria, false);
     $url = '<a href=\\"' . $this->Link() . '/$ID/edit\\">$value</a>';
     $tf->setFieldFormatting(array_combine(array_keys($summaryFields), array_fill(0, count($summaryFields), $url)));
     // implemented as a form to enable further actions on the resultset
     // (serverside sorting, export as CSV, etc)
     $form = new Form($this, 'ResultsForm', new FieldSet(new HeaderField('SearchResultsHeader', _t('ModelAdmin.SEARCHRESULTS', 'Search Results'), 2), $tf), new FieldSet(new FormAction("goBack", _t('ModelAdmin.GOBACK', "Back")), new FormAction("goForward", _t('ModelAdmin.GOFORWARD', "Forward"))));
     // Include the search criteria on the results form URL, but not dodgy variables like those below
     $filteredCriteria = $searchCriteria;
     if (isset($filteredCriteria['Investors__PEFirm__IsPECMember']) && !$filteredCriteria['Investors__PEFirm__IsPECMember']) {
     $form->setFormAction($this->Link() . '/ResultsForm?' . http_build_query($filteredCriteria));
     return $form;
Пример #13
  * Build snapshot move form.
  * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request
  * @param DNDataArchive|null $dataArchive
  * @return Form|SS_HTTPResponse
 public function getMoveForm(SS_HTTPRequest $request, DNDataArchive $dataArchive = null)
     $dataArchive = $dataArchive ? $dataArchive : DNDataArchive::get()->byId($request->requestVar('DataArchiveID'));
     $envs = $dataArchive->validTargetEnvironments();
     if (!$envs) {
         return $this->environment404Response();
     $warningMessage = '<div class="alert alert-warning"><strong>Warning:</strong> This will make the snapshot ' . 'available to people with access to the target environment.<br>By pressing "Change ownership" you ' . 'confirm that you have considered data confidentiality regulations.</div>';
     $form = new Form($this, 'MoveForm', new FieldList(new HiddenField('DataArchiveID', null, $dataArchive->ID), new LiteralField('Warning', $warningMessage), new DropdownField('EnvironmentID', 'Environment', $envs->map())), new FieldList(FormAction::create('doMove', 'Change ownership')->addExtraClass('btn')));
     $form->setFormAction($this->getCurrentProject()->Link() . '/MoveForm');
     return $form;
 public function CountriesForm()
     $shopConfig = ShopConfig::get()->First();
     $fields = new FieldList($rootTab = new TabSet("Root", $tabMain = new Tab('Shipping', new HiddenField('ShopConfigSection', null, 'Countries'), new GridField('ShippingCountries', 'Shipping Countries', $shopConfig->ShippingCountries(), GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor::create()->removeComponentsByType('GridFieldFilterHeader')->removeComponentsByType('GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter'))), new Tab('Billing', new GridField('BillingCountries', 'Billing Countries', $shopConfig->BillingCountries(), GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor::create()->removeComponentsByType('GridFieldFilterHeader')->removeComponentsByType('GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter')))));
     $actions = new FieldList();
     $form = new Form($this, 'EditForm', $fields, $actions);
     $form->setAttribute('data-pjax-fragment', 'CurrentForm');
     $form->addExtraClass('cms-content cms-edit-form center ss-tabset');
     if ($form->Fields()->hasTabset()) {
     $form->setFormAction(Controller::join_links($this->Link($this->sanitiseClassName($this->modelClass)), 'Countries/CountriesForm'));
     return $form;
  * Calls {@link DataObject->getCMSFields()}
  * @param Int $id
  * @param FieldList $fields
  * @return Form
 public function ItemEditForm($id = null, $fields = null)
     if ($this->record) {
         $className = $this->getItemClassName();
         $record = null;
         if ($id && is_numeric($id)) {
             $record = DataObject::get_by_id($className, (int) $id);
         } else {
             if (!empty($_REQUEST['RecordID'])) {
                 $record = DataObject::get_by_id($className, (int) $_REQUEST['RecordID']);
             } else {
                 if (!empty($_REQUEST['ID'])) {
                     $record = DataObject::get_by_id($className, (int) $_REQUEST['ID']);
                 } else {
                     if ($this->_idField) {
                         $record = DataObject::get_by_id($className, (int) $this->_idField);
                     } else {
                         if ($id = $this->getSessionID()) {
                             $record = DataObject::get_by_id($className, $id);
         if (!$record) {
             $record = new $className();
         $fields = $fields ? $fields : $record->getCMSFields();
         if ($fields == null) {
             user_error("getCMSFields() returned null  - it should return a FieldList object.\n                                        Perhaps you forgot to put a return statement at the end of your method?", E_USER_ERROR);
         if ($record->hasMethod('getAllCMSActions')) {
             $actions = $record->getAllCMSActions();
         } else {
             $actions = $record->getCMSActions();
             // add default actions if none are defined
             if (!$actions || !$actions->Count()) {
                 if ($record->hasMethod('canEdit') && $record->canEdit()) {
                     $actions->push(FormAction::create('save', _t('CMSMain.SAVE', 'Save'))->addExtraClass('ss-ui-action-constructive')->setAttribute('data-icon', 'accept'));
                 if ($record->hasMethod('canDelete') && $record->canDelete() && $record->exists()) {
                     $actions->push(FormAction::create('delete', _t('ModelAdmin.DELETE', 'Delete'))->addExtraClass('ss-ui-action-destructive'));
         // Use <button> to allow full jQuery UI styling
         $actionsFlattened = $actions->dataFields();
         if ($actionsFlattened) {
             foreach ($actionsFlattened as $action) {
         $form = new Form($this, "ItemEditForm", $fields, $actions);
         $form->addExtraClass('cms-edit-form ContentRelationshipEditor_Form');
         $form->setAttribute('data-pjax-fragment', 'CurrentForm');
         // Set this if you want to split up tabs into a separate header row
         // if($form->Fields()->hasTabset()) {
         // 	$form->Fields()->findOrMakeTab('Root')->setTemplate('CMSTabSet');
         // }
         // Add a default or custom validator.
         // @todo Currently the default Validator.js implementation
         //  adds javascript to the document body, meaning it won't
         //  be included properly if the associated fields are loaded
         //  through ajax. This means only serverside validation
         //  will kick in for pages+validation loaded through ajax.
         //  This will be solved by using less obtrusive javascript validation
         //  in the future, see http://open.silverstripe.com/ticket/2915 and
         //  http://open.silverstripe.com/ticket/3386
         if ($record->hasMethod('getCMSValidator')) {
             $validator = $record->getCMSValidator();
             // The clientside (mainly LeftAndMain*.js) rely on ajax responses
             // which can be evaluated as javascript, hence we need
             // to override any global changes to the validation handler.
         } else {
         if ($record->hasMethod('canEdit') && !$record->canEdit()) {
             $readonlyFields = $form->Fields()->makeReadonly();
         if ($record->exists()) {
             //rename to recordID so it doesn't conflict with CMSMain/LeftAndMain
             $fields->push(new HiddenField('RecordID', 'RecordID', $record->ID));
             //store in session so we can use for subfields
         //echo $form->getRecord()->ID;exit;
         return $form;
     return false;
    function getEPayForm()
        Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . "/jquery/jquery.js");
        $customscript = <<<JS
\t\t\tjQuery(document).ready(function(\$) {\t\t\t\t
\t\t\t\t\treturn false;
        if (Director::isLive()) {
            $customscript .= <<<JS
\t\t\t\tjQuery(document).ready(function(\$) {
\t\t\t\t\topen_ePay_window(); //enable for auto-submit
        Requirements::customScript($customscript, 'epayinit');
        $controller = new EpaydkPayment_Controller();
        $fields = new FieldSet(new HiddenField('merchantnumber', 'Merchant Number', self::$merchant_number), new HiddenField('orderid', 'Order ID', $this->ID), new HiddenField('currency', 'Currency', self::$supported_currencies[$this->Amount->Currency]['code']), new HiddenField('amount', 'Amount', $this->Amount->Amount * 100), new HiddenField('language', 'Language', self::$language), new HiddenField('accepturl', 'Accept URL', Director::absoluteBaseURL() . $controller->Link('accept')), new HiddenField('declineurl', 'Decline URL', Director::absoluteBaseURL() . $controller->Link('decline')), new HiddenField('callbackurl', 'Callback URL', Director::absoluteBaseURL() . $controller->Link('callback')), new HiddenField('instantcallback', 'Instant Callback', 1), new HiddenField('instantcapture', 'Instant Capture', 1), new HiddenField('windowstate', 'Window State', 2), new HiddenField('ownreceipt', 'Own Receipt', 1));
        //custom configs
        if (self::$md5key) {
            $md5data = $this->generateMD5();
            $fields->push(new HiddenField('md5key', 'MD5 Key', $md5data));
        if (self::$limit_card_types) {
            $fields->push(new HiddenField('cardtype', 'Card Type', self::$limit_card_types));
        if (self::$add_fee) {
            $fields->push(new HiddenField('addfee', 'Add Fee', 1));
        if (self::$auth_sms) {
            $fields->push(new HiddenField('authsms', 'Auth SMS', self::$auth_sms));
        if (self::$auth_mail) {
            $fields->push(new HiddenField('authmail', 'Auth Mail', self::$auth_mail));
        if (self::$google_tracker) {
            $fields->push(new HiddenField('googletracker', 'Google Tracker', self::$google_tracker));
        if (self::$use3d) {
            $fields->push(new HiddenField('use3D', 'Use 3D', self::$use3d));
        $actions = new FieldSet($openwindow = new FormAction('openwindow', _t('EpaydkPayment.OPENPAYMENTWINDOW', 'Open the ePay Payment Window')));
        $form = new Form($controller, 'ePay', $fields, $actions);
        return $form;
  * Form used for renaming a folder
  * @return {Form} Form to be used for renaming a folder
 public function RenameFolderForm()
     $folder = SnippetFolder::get()->byID(intval(str_replace('folder-', '', $this->request->getVar('ID'))));
     if (!empty($folder) && $folder !== false && $folder->ID != 0) {
         $fields = new FieldList(new TabSet('Root', new Tab('Main', 'Main', new TextField('Name', _t('SnippetFolder.NAME', '_Name'), null, 150))), new HiddenField('ID', 'ID'));
         $actions = new FieldList(new FormAction('doRenameFolder', _t('CodeBank.SAVE', '_Save')));
     } else {
         $fields = new FieldList();
         $actions = new FieldList();
     $validator = new RequiredFields('Name');
     $form = new Form($this, 'RenameFolderForm', $fields, $actions, $validator);
     //If no parent disable folder
     if (empty($folder) || $folder === false || $folder->ID == 0) {
         $form->setMessage(_t('CodeBank.FOLDER_NOT_FOUND', '_Folder could not be found'), 'bad');
     } else {
         $form->setFormAction(Controller::join_links($form->FormAction(), '?ID=' . $folder->ID));
     return $form;
 public static function getUploadForm($file, $parentClass, $parentId, $parentField)
     if ($file instanceof File && class_exists($parentClass) && is_subclass_of($parentClass, "DataObject")) {
         $parent = $parentClass::get()->byId($parentId);
         $fields = new FieldList($uploadField = new UploadField($parentField, 'Upload', $parent));
         // Block access to Silverstripe assets library
         // Don't show target filesystem folder on upload field
         $uploadField->relationAutoSetting = false;
         // Prevents the form thinking the GalleryPage is the underlying object
         $uploadField->setFolderName('Address Book');
         if ($file instanceof Image) {
         $actions = new FieldList(new FormAction('submit', 'Save'));
         $from = new Form(Controller::curr(), 'feFileUploadForm', $fields, $actions, null);
         $urlParams = array('feclass' => $parentClass, 'fefield' => $parentField, 'feid' => $parentId, 'filesUpload' => true, 'fefileid' => $file->ID, 'fefileclass' => $file->ClassName);
         //   feclass: parentClass,
         //                        fefield: parentField,
         //                        feid: parentId,
         //                        feisUpload: true,
         //                        value: "{feclass: " + objClass + ",feid: " + objId + "}"
         //            echo http_build_query($urlParams) . "\n";
         $from->setFormAction('home/feFileUploadForm?' . http_build_query($urlParams));
         return $from;
Пример #19
  * @return Form
 function SyncForm()
     $form = new Form($this, 'SyncForm', new FieldSet(), new FieldSet($btn = new FormAction('doSync', _t('FILESYSTEMSYNC', 'Look for new files'))));
     $btn->describe(_t('AssetAdmin_left.ss.FILESYSTEMSYNC_DESC', 'SilverStripe maintains its own database of the files &amp; images stored in your assets/ folder.  Click this button to update that database, if files are added to the assets/ folder from outside SilverStripe, for example, if you have uploaded files via FTP.'));
     return $form;
  * Shows results from the "search" action in a TableListField. 
  * @uses getResultsTable()
  * @return Form
 function ResultsForm($searchCriteria)
     if ($searchCriteria instanceof SS_HTTPRequest) {
         $searchCriteria = $searchCriteria->getVars();
     $tf = $this->getResultsTable($searchCriteria);
     // implemented as a form to enable further actions on the resultset
     // (serverside sorting, export as CSV, etc)
     $form = new Form($this, 'ResultsForm', new FieldSet(new HeaderField('SearchResultsHeader', _t('ModelAdmin.SEARCHRESULTS', 'Search Results'), 2), $tf), new FieldSet(new FormAction("goBack", _t('ModelAdmin.GOBACK', "Back")), new FormAction("goForward", _t('ModelAdmin.GOFORWARD', "Forward"))));
     // Include the search criteria on the results form URL, but not dodgy variables like those below
     $filteredCriteria = $searchCriteria;
     $form->setFormAction($this->Link() . '/ResultsForm?' . http_build_query($filteredCriteria));
     return $form;
Пример #21
  * Returns a form for filtering of files and assets gridfield.
  * Result filtering takes place in {@link getList()}.
  * @return Form
  * @see AssetAdmin.js
 public function SearchForm()
     $folder = $this->currentPage();
     $context = $this->getSearchContext();
     $fields = $context->getSearchFields();
     $actions = new FieldList(FormAction::create('doSearch', _t('CMSMain_left_ss.APPLY_FILTER', 'Apply Filter'))->addExtraClass('ss-ui-action-constructive'), Object::create('ResetFormAction', 'clear', _t('CMSMain_left_ss.RESET', 'Reset')));
     $form = new Form($this, 'filter', $fields, $actions);
     $form->setFormAction(Controller::join_links($this->Link('show'), $folder->ID));
     // This have to match data-name attribute on the gridfield so that the javascript selectors work
     $form->setAttribute('data-gridfield', 'File');
     return $form;
Пример #22
  * Build snapshot move form.
 public function getMoveForm($request, $dataArchive = null)
     $dataArchive = $dataArchive ? $dataArchive : DNDataArchive::get()->byId($request->requestVar('DataArchiveID'));
     $envs = $dataArchive->validTargetEnvironments();
     if (!$envs) {
         return new SS_HTTPResponse("Environment '" . Convert::raw2xml($request->latestParam('Environment')) . "' not found.", 404);
     $form = new Form($this, 'MoveForm', new FieldList(new HiddenField('DataArchiveID', false, $dataArchive->ID), new LiteralField('Warning', '<p class="text-warning"><strong>Warning:</strong> This will make the snapshot available to people with access to the target environment.<br>By pressing "Change ownership" you confirm that you have considered data confidentiality regulations.</p>'), new DropdownField('EnvironmentID', 'Environment', $envs->map())), new FieldList(FormAction::create('doMove', 'Change ownership')->addExtraClass('btn')));
     $form->setFormAction($this->getCurrentProject()->Link() . '/MoveForm');
     return $form;
 public function ExchangeRateSettingsForm()
     $shopConfig = ShopConfig::get()->First();
     if (singleton($this->modelClass)->hasMethod('getCMSValidator')) {
         $detailValidator = singleton($this->modelClass)->getCMSValidator();
     $config = GridFieldConfig_HasManyRelationEditor::create();
     $detailForm = $config->getComponentByType('GridFieldDetailForm')->setValidator(singleton('ExchangeRate')->getCMSValidator());
     if (class_exists('GridFieldSortableRows')) {
         $config->addComponent(new GridFieldSortableRows('SortOrder'));
     $fields = new FieldList($rootTab = new TabSet('Root', $tabMain = new Tab('ExchangeRates', GridField::create('ExchangeRates', 'ExchangeRates', $shopConfig->ExchangeRates(), $config))));
     $actions = new FieldList();
     $actions->push(FormAction::create('saveExchangeRateSettings', _t('GridFieldDetailForm.Save', 'Save'))->setUseButtonTag(true)->addExtraClass('ss-ui-action-constructive')->setAttribute('data-icon', 'add'));
     $form = new Form($this, 'EditForm', $fields, $actions);
     $form->setAttribute('data-pjax-fragment', 'CurrentForm');
     $form->addExtraClass('cms-content cms-edit-form center ss-tabset');
     if ($form->Fields()->hasTabset()) {
     $form->setFormAction(Controller::join_links($this->Link($this->sanitiseClassName($this->modelClass)), 'ExchangeRate/ExchangeRateSettingsForm'));
     return $form;
  * Return a Form instance with fields for the
  * particular report currently viewed.
  * @param string $className Class of the report to fetch
  * @return Form
 public function getEditForm($className = null)
     if (!$className) {
         return $form = $this->EmptyForm();
     Session::set('currentPage', $className);
     $fields = new FieldSet();
     $actions = new FieldSet();
     $reports = SS_Report::get_reports('ReportAdmin');
     if (!isset($reports[$className])) {
         return false;
     $report = $reports[$className];
     if (!$report || !$report->canView()) {
         return Security::permissionFailure($this);
     $fields = $report->getCMSFields();
     $actions = $report->getCMSActions();
     $idField = new HiddenField('ID');
     $form = new Form($this, 'EditForm', $fields, $actions);
     // Include search criteria in the form action so that pagination works
     $filteredCriteria = array_merge($_GET, $_POST);
     foreach (array('ID', 'url', 'ajax', 'ctf', 'update', 'action_updatereport', 'SecurityID') as $notAParam) {
     $formLink = $this->Link() . '/EditForm';
     if ($filteredCriteria) {
         $formLink .= '?' . http_build_query($filteredCriteria);
     return $form;
 public function SearchForm()
     $searchText = $this->GetSearchTerm() ?: "";
     $queryType = $this->GetSearchType() ?: "";
     $category = $this->GetCategory() ?: "";
     $searchField = new TextField('Search', "Search youtube for:", $searchText);
     $searchField->setAttribute('placeholder', "Type here");
     $fields = new FieldList(new DropdownField('queryType', "Search type:", array('relevance' => 'All Videos', 'viewcount' => 'Most Viewed Videos', 'date' => 'Most recent', 'rating' => 'Top rated'), $queryType), new DropdownField('category', "Category:", $this->GetCategories(), $category), $searchField);
     $action = new FormAction('YouTubeSearchResults', _t('SearchForm.GO', 'Go'));
     $action->addExtraClass('btn btn-default btn-search');
     $action->useButtonTag = true;
     $action->setButtonContent('<i class="fa fa-search"></i><span class="text-hide">Search</span>');
     $actions = new FieldList($action);
     $form = new Form($this, 'YouTubeSearchForm', $fields, $actions);
     $form->setFormAction($this->Link() . "");
     return $form;
  * Shows state which is allowed to be modified while a test session is in progress.
 public function ProgressForm()
     $fields = $this->getBaseFields();
     $form = new Form($this, 'ProgressForm', $fields, new FieldList(new FormAction('set', 'Set testing state')));
     $this->extend('updateProgressForm', $form);
     return $form;
 function done()
     $unsubscribeRecordIDs = $this->urlParams['IDs'];
     $hash = $this->urlParams['ID'];
     if ($unsubscribeRecordIDs) {
         $fields = new FieldList(new HiddenField("UnsubscribeRecordIDs", "", $unsubscribeRecordIDs), new HiddenField("Hash", "", $hash), new LiteralField("ResubscribeText", "Click the \"Resubscribe\" if you unsubscribed by accident and want to re-subscribe"));
         $actions = new FieldList(new FormAction("resubscribe", "Resubscribe"));
         $form = new Form($this, "ResubscribeForm", $fields, $actions);
         $mailinglists = $this->getMailingListsByUnsubscribeRecords($unsubscribeRecordIDs);
         if ($mailinglists && $mailinglists->count()) {
             $listTitles = "";
             foreach ($mailinglists as $list) {
                 $listTitles .= "<li>" . $list->Title . "</li>";
             $recipient = $this->getRecipient();
             $title = $recipient->FirstName ? $recipient->FirstName : $recipient->Email;
             $content = sprintf(_t('Newsletter.UNSUBSCRIBEFROMLISTSSUCCESS', '<h3>Thank you, %s.</h3><br />You will no longer receive: %s.'), $title, "<ul>" . $listTitles . "</ul>");
         } else {
             $content = _t('Newsletter.UNSUBSCRIBESUCCESS', 'Thank you.<br />You have been unsubscribed successfully');
     return $this->customise(array('Title' => _t('UNSUBSCRIBEDTITLE', 'Unsubscribed'), 'Content' => $content, 'Form' => $form))->renderWith('Page');
Пример #28
 public function AttributeSettingsForm()
     $shopConfig = ShopConfig::get()->First();
     $fields = new FieldList($rootTab = new TabSet('Root', $tabMain = new Tab('Attribute', GridField::create('Attributes', 'Attributes', $shopConfig->Attributes(), GridFieldConfig_HasManyRelationEditor::create()))));
     $actions = new FieldList();
     $actions->push(FormAction::create('saveAttributeSettings', _t('GridFieldDetailForm.Save', 'Save'))->setUseButtonTag(true)->addExtraClass('ss-ui-action-constructive')->setAttribute('data-icon', 'add'));
     $form = new Form($this, 'EditForm', $fields, $actions);
     $form->setAttribute('data-pjax-fragment', 'CurrentForm');
     $form->addExtraClass('cms-content cms-edit-form center ss-tabset');
     if ($form->Fields()->hasTabset()) {
     $form->setFormAction(Controller::join_links($this->Link($this->sanitiseClassName($this->modelClass)), 'Attribute/AttributeSettingsForm'));
     return $form;
Пример #29
  * Generate a CSV import form for a single {@link DataObject} subclass.
  * @return Form
 public function ImportForm()
     $modelName = $this->modelClass;
     // check if a import form should be generated
     if (!$this->showImportForm || is_array($this->showImportForm) && !in_array($modelName, $this->showImportForm)) {
         return false;
     $importers = $this->getModelImporters();
     if (!$importers || !isset($importers[$modelName])) {
         return false;
     if (!singleton($modelName)->canCreate(Member::currentUser())) {
         return false;
     $fields = new FieldList(new HiddenField('ClassName', _t('ModelAdmin.CLASSTYPE'), $modelName), new FileField('_CsvFile', false));
     // get HTML specification for each import (column names etc.)
     $importerClass = $importers[$modelName];
     $importer = new $importerClass($modelName);
     $spec = $importer->getImportSpec();
     $specFields = new ArrayList();
     foreach ($spec['fields'] as $name => $desc) {
         $specFields->push(new ArrayData(array('Name' => $name, 'Description' => $desc)));
     $specRelations = new ArrayList();
     foreach ($spec['relations'] as $name => $desc) {
         $specRelations->push(new ArrayData(array('Name' => $name, 'Description' => $desc)));
     $specHTML = $this->customise(array('ModelName' => Convert::raw2att($modelName), 'Fields' => $specFields, 'Relations' => $specRelations))->renderWith('ModelAdmin_ImportSpec');
     $fields->push(new LiteralField("SpecFor{$modelName}", $specHTML));
     $fields->push(new CheckboxField('EmptyBeforeImport', _t('ModelAdmin.EMPTYBEFOREIMPORT', 'Replace data'), false));
     $actions = new FieldList(new FormAction('import', _t('ModelAdmin.IMPORT', 'Import from CSV')));
     $form = new Form($this, "ImportForm", $fields, $actions);
     $form->setFormAction(Controller::join_links($this->Link($this->sanitiseClassName($this->modelClass)), 'ImportForm'));
     $this->extend('updateImportForm', $form);
     return $form;
  * Gets the form instance for a record.
  * @param GridField $grid
  * @param DataObjectInterface $record
  * @return Form
 public function getForm(GridField $grid, DataObjectInterface $record)
     $fields = $this->getFields($grid, $record);
     $form = new Form($this, null, $fields, new FieldList());
     $form->setFormAction(Controller::join_links($grid->Link(), 'editable/form', $record->ID));
     return $form;