function forecast_render_element_content() { global $template, $picture, $page, $conf; load_language('plugin.lang', FORECAST_PATH); if (empty($page['image_id']) and !is_numeric($page['image_id'])) { return; } // Load coordinates and date_creation from picture $query = "SELECT latitude,longitude,date FROM forecast WHERE id='" . $page['image_id'] . "';"; //FIXME LIMIT 1 ? $result = pwg_query($query); $row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result); if (!isset($row) or !isset($row['latitude']) or empty($row['latitude']) or !isset($row['longitude']) or empty($row['longitude']) or !isset($row['date']) or empty($row['date'])) { return; } $lat = $row['latitude']; $lon = $row['longitude']; $date = $row['date']; // Load parameter, fallback to default if unset $fc_height = isset($conf['forecast_conf']['height']) ? $conf['forecast_conf']['height'] : '200'; $fc_header = isset($conf['forecast_conf']['link']) ? $conf['forecast_conf']['link'] : 'Overcast'; $fc_header_css = isset($conf['forecast_conf']['linkcss']) ? $conf['forecast_conf']['linkcss'] : ''; $fc_show_link = isset($conf['forecast_conf']['show']) ? $conf['forecast_conf']['show'] : 'true'; $fc_api_key = isset($conf['forecast_conf']['api_key']) ? $conf['forecast_conf']['api_key'] : ''; if (strlen($fc_header_css) != 0) { $fc_css = "style='" . $fc_header_css . "'"; } $fc_link = "" . $lat . "," . $lon; // Init lib include 'lib/'; // Can be set to 'us', 'si', 'ca', 'uk' or 'auto' (see API); default is auto // Can be set to 'en', 'de', 'pl', 'es', 'fr', 'it', 'tet' or 'x-pig-latin' (see API); default is 'en' $fc_unit = isset($conf['forecast_conf']['unit']) ? $conf['forecast_conf']['unit'] : 'auto'; $fc_lang = isset($conf['forecast_conf']['lang']) ? $conf['forecast_conf']['lang'] : 'en'; /* Do we have a API key */ if (strlen($fc_api_key) != 0) { // Make a request to using the user supply API, proxy set to false $forecast = new ForecastIO($fc_api_key, $fc_unit, $fc_lang, false); } else { /** * Make a request to * to non disclose the API key, proxy set to true * Source code at **/ $forecast = new ForecastIO($fc_api_key, $fc_unit, $fc_lang, true); } $condition = $forecast->getHistoricalConditions($lat, $lon, $date); if (!isset($condition) or $condition === 'false') { return; } //print_r($condition); // Parse weather condition to human readable $condition = parseCondition($condition); // Select the template $template->set_filenames(array('forecast_content' => dirname(__FILE__) . "/template/picture.tpl")); // Assign the template variables $template->assign(array('FORECAST_HEIGHT' => $fc_height, 'FORECAST_PATH' => embellish_url(get_gallery_home_url() . FORECAST_PATH), 'FORECAST_NAME' => $fc_header, 'FORECAST_NAME_CSS' => $fc_header_css, 'FORECAST_SHOW_LINK' => $fc_show_link, 'FORECAST_LINK' => $fc_link, 'FORECAST_DATA' => $condition)); // Return the rendered html $forecast_content = $template->parse('forecast_content', true); return $forecast_content; }
$apiKeyParam = $_GET["apiKey"]; $latParam = $_GET["lat"]; $lonParam = $_GET["lon"]; $unitsParam = $_GET["units"]; $langParam = $_GET["lang"]; $units = 'us'; // Can be set to 'us', 'si', 'ca', 'uk' or 'auto' (see API); default is auto $lang = 'en'; // Can be set to 'en', 'de', 'pl', 'es', 'fr', 'it', 'tet' or 'x-pig-latin' (see API); default is 'en' if ($unitsParam != "") { $units = $unitsParam; } if ($langParam != "") { $lang = $langParam; } //error_log(date(DATE_RFC822)." -- api=".$apiKeyParam.",lat=".$latParam.",lon=".$lonParam.",units=".$units.",lang=".$lang."\n", 3, '/home/weather.log'); $forecast = new ForecastIO($apiKeyParam, $units, $lang); $condition = $forecast->getCurrentConditions($latParam, $lonParam); echo "CURRENT_TEMP=" . round($condition->getTemperature()) . "\n"; echo "CURRENT_HUMIDITY=" . $condition->getHumidity() * 100 . "\n"; echo "CURRENT_ICON=" . $condition->getIcon() . "\n"; echo "CURRENT_SUMMARY=" . $condition->getSummary() . "\n"; $conditions_week = $forecast->getForecastWeek($latParam, $lonParam); echo "MAX_TEMP_TODAY=" . round($conditions_week[0]->getMaxTemperature()) . "\n"; echo "MIN_TEMP_TODAY=" . round($conditions_week[0]->getMinTemperature()) . "\n"; echo "ICON_TODAY=" . $conditions_week[0]->getIcon() . "\n"; echo "SUMMARY_TODAY=" . $conditions_week[0]->getSummary() . "\n"; echo "MAX_TEMP_TOMORROW=" . round($conditions_week[1]->getMaxTemperature()) . "\n"; echo "ICON_TOMORROW=" . $conditions_week[1]->getIcon() . "\n"; echo "MIN_TEMP_TOMORROW=" . round($conditions_week[1]->getMinTemperature()) . "\n"; echo "SUMMARY_TODAY=" . $conditions_week[1]->getSummary() . "\n";
<?php include 'lib/'; $api_key = '<your_api_key>'; $latitude = '52.4308'; $longitude = '13.2588'; $units = 'auto'; // Can be set to 'us', 'si', 'ca', 'uk' or 'auto' (see API); default is auto $lang = 'en'; // Can be set to 'en', 'de', 'pl', 'es', 'fr', 'it', 'tet' or 'x-pig-latin' (see API); default is 'en' $forecast = new ForecastIO($api_key, $units, $lang); // all default will be // $forecast = new ForecastIO($api_key); /* * GET CURRENT CONDITIONS */ $condition = $forecast->getCurrentConditions($latitude, $longitude); echo 'Current temperature: ' . $condition->getTemperature() . "\n"; /* * GET HOURLY CONDITIONS FOR TODAY */ $conditions_today = $forecast->getForecastToday($latitude, $longitude); echo "\n\nTodays temperature:\n"; foreach ($conditions_today as $cond) { echo $cond->getTime('H:i:s') . ': ' . $cond->getTemperature() . "\n"; } /* * GET DAILY CONDITIONS FOR NEXT 7 DAYS */ $conditions_week = $forecast->getForecastWeek($latitude, $longitude); echo "\n\nConditions this week:\n";
$userIP = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { $userIP = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } else { $userIP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } $IPInfoLoc = json_decode(file_get_contents('{$userIP}/loc')); $IPInfoArray = explode(",", $IPInfoLoc); $userLat = $IPInfoArray[0]; $userLong = $IPInfoArray[1]; } else { $userLat = $_GET['latitude']; $userLong = $_GET['longitude']; } } $forecast = new ForecastIO($apikey); if ($userLat != null && $userLong != null) { $units = 'si'; $_COOKIE['tempPref'] == 'F' ? $units = 'us' : pass; $condition = $forecast->getCurrentConditions($userLat, $userLong, $units); $weatherCondition = $condition->getIcon(); // $weatherCondition = 'clear'; $backgroundImageURL = './weather-backgrounds/' . $weatherCondition . '.jpg'; $conditionLaterToday = $forecast->getForecastToday($userLat, $userLong, $units); $weatherConditionLater = $conditionLaterToday[7]->getIcon(); if (in_array($weatherConditionLater, ['rain', 'snow', 'sleet'])) { } if (in_array($weatherCondition, ['clear-night', 'partly-cloudy-night'])) { $isNight = True; } }
$city[$count] = $row["city"]; $Latitude[$count] = $row["latitude"]; $Longtitude[$count] = $row["longtitude"]; $count++; } } else { echo "0 results"; } //making api request include ''; $api_key = 'f823baf7f2ef7fdf8122040b3f7c8074'; $units = 'auto'; // Can be set to 'us', 'si', 'ca', 'uk' or 'auto' (see API); default is auto $lang = 'en'; // Can be set to 'en', 'de', 'pl', 'es', 'fr', 'it', 'tet' or 'x-pig-latin' (see API); default is 'en' $forecast = new ForecastIO($api_key, $units, $lang); $tempCount = 0; while ($tempCount < $count) { $arrayData = $forecast->getArray($Latitude[$tempCount], $Longtitude[$tempCount]); //weekly $weekly = $arrayData[2]; $current = $arrayData[0]; $day = 0; foreach ($weekly as $current) { $dateW = $current->getTime('Y-m-d'); $summaryW = $current->getSummary(); $maxTempW = $current->getMaxTemperature(); $minTempW = $current->getMinTemperature(); $iconW = $current->getIcon(); $sunRise = $current->getSunrise(); $sunSet = $current->getSunset();
<?php include 'lib/'; #Slack slash command to return the weather given a zipcode # Uses PHP API by $api_key = '0743673bd6f1c055452ab6ee2731dcfd'; // API key $units = 'us'; //units of measurement $lang = 'en'; //language #$command = $_POST['command']; //Slack command name $text = $_POST['text']; //given zipcode $forecast = new ForecastIO($api_key, $units, $lang); #Convert zipcode to lat/long $zip = $forecast->getLatLong($text); $latitude = $zip['lat']; $longitude = $zip['lng']; #Int conversion on lat/long $lat = (int) $latitude; $long = (int) $longitude; $geocode = file_get_contents('' . $text . '&sensor=true'); $output = json_decode($geocode); $location = $output->results[0]->formatted_address; $condition = $forecast->getCurrentConditions($lat, $long); echo $location . '|' . $condition->getTemperature() . '|' . $condition->getCloudCover(); //print info to slack
<?php //making api request include ''; $api_key = 'f823baf7f2ef7fdf8122040b3f7c8074'; $units = 'auto'; // Can be set to 'us', 'si', 'ca', 'uk' or 'auto' (see API); default is auto $lang = 'en'; // Can be set to 'en', 'de', 'pl', 'es', 'fr', 'it', 'tet' or 'x-pig-latin' (see API); default is 'en' $forecast = new ForecastIO($api_key, $units, $lang); $arrayData = $forecast->getArray(43.7, 79.40000000000001); $temperatureNow = $arrayData[0]; $temperatureWeekly = $arrayData[2]; echo $temperatureNow . getTemperature(); foreach ($temperatureWeekly as $temperatureNow) { echo $temperatureNow->getTime('Y-m-d') . ': ' . $temperatureNow->getMaxTemperature() . "\n"; } //echo $temperatureWeekly; //while ($tempCount < $count) //{ //getting data array //$arrayData = $forecast->getArray(43.7, -79.4); //$temperatureNow = $arrayData[0]->getTemperature(); //echo $temperatureNow; /*$temperature = $condition->getTemperature(); $ApparentTemperature = $condition->getApparentTemperature(); $Summary = $condition->getSummary(); $Icon = $condition->getIcon(); $Time = $condition->getTime(); $ressure = $condition->getPressure(); $DewPoint = $condition->getDewPoint();
ini_set("html_errors", 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); session_start(); include_once '../m/ToolsPdo.php'; include '../m/libs/'; // include('./v/stylesheet.css'); //Get my model's singleton ToolsPdo $toolPdo = ToolsPdo::getToolsPdo(); $searchRange = 10; //forecast api need those $api_key = '538a11475afb9fdd4f9891efb0b697db'; $units = 'auto'; // Can be set to 'us', 'si', 'ca', 'uk' or 'auto' (see API); default is auto $lang = 'en'; // Can be set to 'en', 'de', 'pl', 'es', 'fr', 'it', 'tet' or 'x-pig-latin' (see API); default is 'en' $forecast = new ForecastIO($api_key, $units, $lang); if (!empty($_GET['ID'])) { for ($i = 0; $i < $searchRange; $i++) { if ($_GET['ID'] == $i) { $found = true; break; } else { $found = false; } } if ($found) { $_SESSION['user'] = $toolPdo->getUser($_GET['ID']); $condition = $forecast->getCurrentConditions($_SESSION['user']['CoordLat'], $_SESSION['user']['CoordLong']); include "../v/v_weather.php"; } else { echo "<div='error'><h1>We've met some 404 error, sorry for that...</h1></div>\n\t\t\t<p>Consider trying another ID number in the URL</p>";
function getweather($api_key, $latitude, $longitude, $units = "auto", $lang = "en") { $forecast = new ForecastIO($api_key, $units, $lang); //This is array holding CURRENT weather data i.e. weather right now $now = array(); $yesterday = array(); //This holds today's, tomorrow's and the day after's weather data $twoday = array(); //create a timestamp of yestday, so we can retrieve its weather $today = new DateTime("now"); $yesterdaytime = $today->sub(new DateInterval('P1D'))->getTimeStamp(); //echo $yesterday; //Get current conditions and give to array too $condition = $forecast->getCurrentConditions($latitude, $longitude); echo "current: " . $condition->getTemperature() . "\n"; echo "percent rain: " . $condition->getPrecipitationProbability() . "\n"; echo "humidity: " . $condition->getHumidity() . "\n"; echo "rain fall: " . $condition->getPrecipitationIntensity(); $now['temp'] = $condition->getTemperature(); $now['chancerain'] = $condition->getPrecipitationProbability(); $now['humidity'] = $condition->getHumidity(); $now['summary'] = $condition->getSummary(); $now['rainfall'] = $condition->getPrecipitationIntensity(); //If precip probability > 0 then get precip type too if ($now['chancerain'] > 0) { echo "Precip type: " . $current->PrecipitationType() . "\n"; $now['preciptype'] = $current->PrecipitationType(); } //Get weekly forecast (next 2 days is fine) $conditions_week = $forecast->getForecastWeek($latitude, $longitude); //print_r($conditions_week); echo "\nConditions this week:\n"; $i = 0; foreach ($conditions_week as $conditions) { $cheese = new DateTime("now"); $step = new DateInterval('P2D'); //If day is less then or equal to 2 days from now then we want that info if ($cheese->add($step)->format('Y-m-d') >= $conditions->getTime('Y-m-d')) { echo $conditions->getTime('Y-m-d') . ": " . $conditions->getMaxTemperature() . "\n"; $twoday[$i]['maxtemp'] = $conditions->getMaxTemperature(); $twoday[$i]['chancerain'] = $conditions->getPrecipitationProbability(); $twoday[$i]['rainfall'] = $conditions->getPrecipitationIntensity(); $twoday[$i]['rainfallmax'] = $conditions->getPrecipitationIntensityMax(); if ($twoday[$i]['rainfallmax'] > 0) { $twoday[$i]['rainfallmaxtime'] = $conditions->getPrecipitationIntensityMaxTime(); } if ($twoday[$i]['chancerain'] > 0) { echo "Precip type: " . $conditions->getPrecipitationType() . "\n"; $twoday[$i]['preciptype'] = $conditions->getPrecipitationType(); } $twoday[$i]['humidity'] = $conditions->getHumidity(); $twoday[$i]['summary'] = $conditions->getSummary(); } $i++; } //Get Yesterdays forecast echo "\n Yesterdays conditions: \n"; $yesterdays = $forecast->getHistoricalConditions($latitude, $longitude, $yesterdaytime); echo "Yesterday: " . $yesterdays->getMaxTemperature() . "\n"; echo "percent rain: " . $yesterdays->getPrecipitationProbability() . "\n"; echo "humidity: " . $yesterdays->getHumidity() . "\n"; echo "rain fall: " . $yesterdays->getPrecipitationIntensity(); $yesterday['temp'] = $yesterdays->getMaxTemperature(); $yesterday['chancerain'] = $yesterdays->getPrecipitationProbability(); $yesterday['humidity'] = $yesterdays->getHumidity(); $yesterday['summary'] = $yesterdays->getSummary(); $yesterday['rainfall'] = $yesterdays->getPrecipitationIntensity(); //If precip probability > 0 then get precip type too if ($yesterday['chancerain'] > 0) { echo "Precip type: " . $yesterdays->PrecipitationType() . "\n"; $yesterdays['preciptype'] = $yesterdays->PrecipitationType(); } //print_r($yesterdays); //return array with current, today, tomorrow, and day after temp/conditions return [$now, $twoday]; }
<?php include ''; $api_key = 'e3e8ebe2bd577358b2092c49cb6da160'; $latitude = '52.4308'; $longitude = '13.2588'; $units = 'us'; // Can be set to 'us', 'si', 'ca', 'uk' or 'auto' (see API); default is auto $lang = 'en'; // Can be set to 'en', 'de', 'pl', 'es', 'fr', 'it', 'tet' or 'x-pig-latin' (see API); default is 'en' $forecast = new ForecastIO($api_key); /* * GET CURRENT CONDITIONS */ $condition = $forecast->getCurrentConditions($latitude, $longitude, $units, $lang); echo $condition->getTemperature(); /* * GET HOURLY CONDITIONS FOR TODAY */ $conditions_today = $forecast->getForecastToday($latitude, $longitude, $units, $lang); foreach ($conditions_today as $cond) { echo $cond->getTime('H:i:s') . ': ' . $cond->getTemperature(); } /* * GET DAILY CONDITIONS FOR NEXT 7 DAYS */ $conditions_week = $forecast->getForecastWeek($latitude, $longitude); foreach ($conditions_week as $conditions) { echo $conditions->getTime('Y.m.d') . ': ' . $conditions->getMaxTemperature(); } /*
} else { return 'none'; } } $now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); //proper created_at / updated_at mysql format $today = date("Y-m-d"); $db = connect(); $api_key = returnApiKey(); $latitude = '34.101655'; $longitude = '-117.707591'; $units = 'auto'; // Can be set to 'us', 'si', 'ca', 'uk' or 'auto' (see API); default is auto $lang = 'en'; // Can be set to 'en', 'de', 'pl', 'es', 'fr', 'it', 'tet' or 'x-pig-latin' (see API); default is 'en' $forecast = new ForecastIO($api_key, $units, $lang); // all default will be // $forecast = new ForecastIO($api_key); /* * GET CURRENT CONDITIONS */ //$condition = $forecast->getCurrentConditions($latitude, $longitude); /* * GET HOURLY CONDITIONS FOR TODAY */ $temperature = $forecast->getForecastToday($latitude, $longitude); $current_temp = $temperature[0]->getTemperature(); // foreach($conditions_today as $cond) { // // //echo $cond->getTime('H:i:s') . ': ' . $cond->getTemperature(). "\n"; // //echo "<br>";
$fc_api_key = isset($conf['forecast_conf']['api_key']) ? $conf['forecast_conf']['api_key'] : ''; // Can be set to 'us', 'si', 'ca', 'uk' or 'auto' (see API); default is auto // Can be set to 'en', 'de', 'pl', 'es', 'fr', 'it', 'tet' or 'x-pig-latin' (see API); default is 'en' $fc_unit = isset($conf['forecast_conf']['unit']) ? $conf['forecast_conf']['unit'] : 'auto'; $fc_lang = isset($conf['forecast_conf']['lang']) ? $conf['forecast_conf']['lang'] : 'en'; /* Do we have a API key */ if (strlen($fc_api_key) != 0) { // Make a request to using the user supply API, proxy set to false $forecast = new ForecastIO($fc_api_key, $fc_unit, $fc_lang, false); } else { /** * Make a request to * to non disclose the API key, proxy set to true * Source code at **/ $forecast = new ForecastIO($fc_api_key, $fc_unit, $fc_lang, true); } $images = hash_from_query($query, 'id'); $datas = array(); $errors = array(); $warnings = array(); $infos = array(); foreach ($images as $image) { // Fech reverse location from API $condition = $forecast->getHistoricalConditions($image['latitude'], $image['longitude'], $image['date']); if (!isset($condition) or $condition === 'false') { $errors[] = "Error fetching weather condition data for " . $image['name']; } //print_r($condition); // If reponse include icon if (isset($condition) and isset($condition->icon) and !empty($condition->icon)) {