Пример #1
 public function actionAdd()
     $flowId = intval(EnvUtil::getRequest("flowid"));
     $flow = new ICFlowType($flowId);
     if (EnvUtil::submitCheck("formhash")) {
         $this->checkFlowAccess($flowId, 1, $this->createUrl("new/add"));
         $this->beforeAdd($_POST, $flow);
         $run = array("name" => $_POST["name"], "flowid" => $flowId, "beginuser" => $this->uid, "begintime" => TIMESTAMP);
         $runId = FlowRun::model()->add($run, true);
         $runProcess = array("runid" => $runId, "processid" => 1, "uid" => $this->uid, "flag" => FlowConst::PRCS_UN_RECEIVE, "flowprocess" => 1, "createtime" => TIMESTAMP);
         if (strstr($flow->autoname, "{N}")) {
             FlowType::model()->updateCounters(array("autonum" => 1), sprintf("flowid = %d", $flowId));
             CacheUtil::rm("flowtype_" . $flowId);
         $runData = array("runid" => $runId, "name" => $_POST["name"], "beginuser" => $this->uid, "begin" => TIMESTAMP);
         $this->handleRunData($flow, $runData);
         $param = array("flowid" => $flowId, "runid" => $runId, "processid" => 1, "flowprocess" => 1, "fromnew" => 1);
         $jumpUrl = $this->createUrl("form/index", array("key" => WfCommonUtil::param($param)));
         $this->ajaxReturn(array("isSuccess" => true, "jumpUrl" => $jumpUrl));
     } else {
         $this->checkFlowAccess($flowId, 1);
         if (!empty($flow->autoname)) {
             $runName = WfNewUtil::replaceAutoName($flow, $this->uid);
         } else {
             $runName = sprintf("%s (%s)", $flow->name, date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
         $data = array("flow" => $flow->toArray(), "runName" => $runName, "lang" => Ibos::getLangSources());
         $this->renderPartial("add", $data);
Пример #2
 protected function handleList($runProcess)
     $allProcess = FlowProcess::model()->fetchAllProcessSortByFlowId();
     foreach ($runProcess as &$run) {
         $run["user"] = User::model()->fetchByUid($run["beginuser"]);
         $rp = FlowRunProcess::model()->fetchCurrentNextRun($run["runid"], $this->uid);
         if (!empty($rp)) {
             $run["processid"] = $rp["processid"];
             $run["flowprocess"] = $rp["flowprocess"];
             $run["opflag"] = $rp["opflag"];
             $run["flag"] = $rp["flag"];
         if ($run["type"] == 1) {
             if (isset($allProcess[$run["flowid"]][$run["flowprocess"]]["name"])) {
                 $run["stepname"] = $allProcess[$run["flowid"]][$run["flowprocess"]]["name"];
             } else {
                 $run["stepname"] = Ibos::lang("Process steps already deleted");
         } else {
             $run["stepname"] = Ibos::lang("Step", "", array("{step}" => $run["processid"]));
         $param = array("runid" => $run["runid"], "flowid" => $run["flowid"], "processid" => $run["processid"], "flowprocess" => $run["flowprocess"]);
         $run["key"] = WfCommonUtil::param($param);
     return array("list" => $runProcess);
Пример #3
 public static function createNewRun($flowId, $uid, $uidstr, $pid = 0, $remind = 0, $startTime = "")
     if (!$startTime) {
         $startTime = TIMESTAMP;
     $flow = new ICFlowType(intval($flowId));
     $runName = self::replaceAutoName($flow, $uid, !!$pid);
     $maxRunId = FlowRun::model()->getMaxRunId();
     if ($maxRunId) {
         $runId = $maxRunId + 1;
     $data = array("runid" => $runId, "name" => $runName, "flowid" => $flowId, "beginuser" => $uid, "begintime" => $startTime, "parentrun" => $pid);
     if (strstr($runName, "{RUN}") !== false) {
         $runName = str_replace("{RUN}", $runId, $runName);
         FlowRun::model()->modify($runId, array("name" => $runName));
     foreach (explode(",", trim($uidstr, ",")) as $k => $v) {
         if ($v == $uid) {
             $opflag = 1;
         } else {
             $opflag = 0;
         $wrpdata = array("runid" => $runId, "processid" => 1, "uid" => $v, "flag" => 1, "flowprocess" => 1, "opflag" => $opflag, "createtime" => $startTime);
     if ($remind) {
         $remindUrl = Ibos::app()->urlManager->createUrl("workflow/form/index", array("key" => WfCommonUtil::param(array("runid" => $runId, "flowid" => $flowId, "processid" => 1, "flowprocess" => 1))));
         $config = array("{url}" => $remindUrl, "{runname}" => $runName, "{runid}" => $runId);
         Notify::model()->sendNotify($uid, "workflow_new_notice", $config);
     if ($pid != 0) {
         $pflowId = FlowRun::model()->fetchFlowIdByRunId($pid);
         $pRundata = WfHandleUtil::getRunData($pid);
         $pfield = $subFlow = array();
         $relation = FlowProcess::model()->fetchRelationOut($pflowId, $flowId);
         if ($relation) {
             $relationArr = explode(",", trim($relation, ","));
             foreach ($relationArr as $field) {
                 $pfield[] = substr($field, 0, strpos($field, "=>"));
                 $subFlow[] = substr($field, strpos($field, "=>") + strlen("=>"));
         $runData = array("runid" => $runId, "name" => $runName, "begin" => $startTime, "beginuser" => $uid);
     $structure = $flow->form->parser->structure;
     if (is_array($structure) && 0 < count($structure)) {
         foreach ($structure as $k => $v) {
             if ($v["data-type"] !== "label") {
                 if ($v["data-type"] == "checkbox") {
                     if (stristr($v["content"], "checked") || stristr($v["content"], " checked=\"checked\"")) {
                         $itemData = "on";
                     } else {
                         $itemData = "";
                 if ($v["data-type"] != "select" && $v["data-type"] != "listview") {
                     $itemData = isset($v["data-value"]) ? $v["data-value"] : "";
                     $itemData = str_replace("\"", "", $itemData);
                     if ($v["data-type"] == "auto") {
                         $itemData = "";
                 if ($pid != 0 && in_array($v["data-title"], $subFlow)) {
                     $i = array_search($v["data-title"], $subFlow);
                     $ptitle = $pfield[$i];
                     $itemData = $pRundata["{$ptitle}"];
                     if (is_array($itemData) && $v["data-type"] == "listview") {
                         $itemDataStr = "";
                         $newDataStr = "";
                         for ($j = 1; $j < count($itemData); ++$j) {
                             foreach ($itemData[$j] as $val) {
                                 $newDataStr .= $val . "`";
                             $itemDataStr .= $newDataStr . "\r\n";
                             $newDataStr = "";
                         $itemData = $itemDataStr;
                 $runData[$k] = $itemData;
     WfCommonUtil::addRunData($flowId, $runData, $structure);
     return $runId;
Пример #4
 protected function countUnReceive()
     return FlowRunProcess::model()->countByAttributes(array("uid" => $this->uid, "flag" => 1));
Пример #5
 protected function makeUserSelect($runId, $index, $process, $name, $flowId, $processId)
     $lang = Ibos::getLangSource("workflow.default");
     $tablestr = "";
     if ($index) {
         $display = "none;";
     } else {
         $display = "";
     if ($process["childflow"] != 0) {
         $flow = FlowType::model()->fetchByPk($process["childflow"]);
         if ($flow) {
             $type = $flow["type"];
         if ($type == 2) {
             $process["prcs_id_next"] = "";
         $subfp = FlowProcess::model()->fetchProcess($process["childflow"], 1);
         if ($subfp) {
             $prcsuser = WfHandleUtil::getPrcsUser($process["childflow"], $processId);
         } else {
             $prcsuser = "";
         $prcsuser = sprintf("[%s]", !empty($prcsuser) ? StringUtil::iImplode($prcsuser) : "");
         if (empty($subfp["uid"]) && empty($subfp["deptid"]) && empty($subfp["positionid"])) {
             $nopriv = $lang["Not set step permissions"];
         $tablestr = "            <div style='display:{$display};' id='user_select_{$index}'>\r\n                <div class=\"control-group first-group\">\r\n                    <label class=\"control-label\">{$lang["Host"]}</label>\r\n                    <div class=\"controls\">\r\n                        <strong>{$name} {$nopriv}</strong>\r\n                        <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"topflag{$index}\" value=\"0\">\r\n                        <input id=\"prcs_user_op{$index}\" name=\"prcs_user_op{$index}\" type=\"text\" />\r\n                    </div>\r\n                </div>\r\n                <div class=\"control-group\">\r\n                    <label class=\"control-label\">{$lang["Agent"]}</label>\r\n                    <div class=\"controls\">\r\n                        <input id=\"prcs_user{$index}\" name=\"prcs_user{$index}\" type=\"text\" />\r\n                    </div>\r\n                </div>\r\n            </div>\r\n            <script>\r\n\t\t\t\t\$(function(){\r\n\t\t\t\t\tvar prcsData{$index} = {$prcsuser};\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\$('#prcs_user_op{$index}').userSelect({\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbox:\$('<div id=\"prcs_user_op_box{$index}\"></div>').appendTo(document.body),\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdata:Ibos.data.includes(prcsData{$index}),\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttype:'user',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tmaximumSelectionSize:'1'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t});\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\$('#prcs_user{$index}').userSelect({\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbox:\$('<div id=\"prcs_user_box{$index}\"></div>').appendTo(document.body),\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdata:Ibos.data.includes(prcsData{$index}),\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttype:'user'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t});\r\n\t\t\t\t});\r\n\t\t\t</script>";
     } else {
         if (empty($process["uid"]) && empty($process["deptid"]) && empty($process["positionid"])) {
             $nopriv = $lang["Not set step permissions"];
         $prcsOpUser = $prcsUserAuto = "";
         $deptArr = DepartmentUtil::loadDepartment();
         if ($process["autotype"] == 1) {
             $uid = FlowRun::model()->fetchBeginUserByRunID($runId);
             $prcsuser = User::model()->fetchByUid($uid);
             if ($process["deptid"] == "alldept" || StringUtil::findIn($process["uid"], $prcsuser["uid"]) || StringUtil::findIn($process["deptid"], $prcsuser["alldeptid"]) || StringUtil::findIn($process["positionid"], $prcsuser["allposid"])) {
                 $prcsOpUser = $prcsuser["uid"];
                 $prcsUserAuto = $prcsuser["uid"] . ",";
         } elseif (in_array($process["autotype"], array(2, 4, 5, 6))) {
             if ($process["autobaseuser"] != 0) {
                 $baseUid = FlowRunProcess::model()->fetchBaseUid($runId, $process["autobaseuser"]);
                 $baseuser = User::model()->fetchByUid($baseUid);
                 $autodept = $baseuser["deptid"];
             } else {
                 $autodept = Ibos::app()->user->deptid;
             if (0 < intval($autodept)) {
                 if ($process["autotype"] == 2) {
                     $tmpdept = $autodept;
                 } else {
                     if ($process["autotype"] == 4 || $process["autotype"] == 6) {
                         $tmpdept = $deptArr[$autodept]["pid"] == 0 ? $autodept : $deptArr[$autodept]["pid"];
                     } elseif ($process["autotype"] == 5) {
                         $deptStr = Department::model()->queryDept($autodept, true);
                         $temp = explode(",", $deptStr);
                         $count = count($temp);
                         $dept = isset($temp[$count - 2]) ? $temp[$count - 2] : $autodept;
                         if ($deptArr[$dept]["pid"] != 0) {
                             $tmpdept = $deptArr[$dept]["deptid"];
                         } else {
                             $tmpdept = $autodept;
                 $manager = $deptArr[$tmpdept]["manager"];
                 if ($process["autotype"] == 4 || $process["autotype"] == 6) {
                     $leader = $deptArr[$autodept]["leader"];
                     $subleader = $deptArr[$autodept]["subleader"];
                     if ($leader != "0" && $process["autotype"] == 4) {
                         $manager = $leader;
                     if ($subleader != "0" && $process["autotype"] == 6) {
                         $manager = $subleader;
                 if (!empty($manager)) {
                     $muser = User::model()->fetchByUid($manager);
                     if (!empty($muser)) {
                         if ($process["deptid"] == "alldept" || StringUtil::findIn($process["uid"], $muser["uid"]) || StringUtil::findIn($process["deptid"], $muser["alldeptid"]) || StringUtil::findIn($process["positionid"], $muser["allposid"])) {
                             $prcsUserAuto = $muser["uid"] . ",";
                         if ($prcsUserAuto != "") {
                             $prcsOpUser = strtok($prcsUserAuto, ",");
                 } else {
                     $userPerMax = "";
                     foreach (User::model()->fetchAllOtherManager($tmpdept) as $user) {
                         $user = User::model()->fetchByUid($user["uid"]);
                         $uid = $user["uid"];
                         $position = $user["allposid"];
                         if ($process["deptid"] == "alldept" || StringUtil::findIn($process["uid"], $uid) || StringUtil::findIn($process["deptid"], $user["alldeptid"]) || StringUtil::findIn($process["positionid"], $position)) {
                             if ($userPerMax == "") {
                                 $prcsOpUser = $uid;
                                 $prcsUserAuto .= $uid . ",";
                                 $userPerMax = $position;
                             } elseif ($position == $userPerMax) {
                                 $prcsUserAuto .= $uid . ",";
         } elseif ($process["autotype"] == 3) {
             $autouserop = User::model()->fetchByUid($process["autouserop"]);
             if (!empty($autouserop)) {
                 if ($process["deptid"] == "alldept" || StringUtil::findIn($process["uid"], $autouserop["uid"]) || StringUtil::findIn($process["deptid"], $autouserop["alldeptid"]) || StringUtil::findIn($process["positionid"], $autouserop["allposid"])) {
                     $prcsOpUser = $autouserop["uid"];
             if (!empty($process["autouser"])) {
                 foreach (User::model()->fetchAllByUids(explode(",", trim($process["autouser"], ","))) as $user) {
                     if ($process["deptid"] == "alldept" || StringUtil::findIn($process["uid"], $user["uid"]) || StringUtil::findIn($process["deptid"], $user["alldeptid"]) || StringUtil::findIn($process["positionid"], $user["allposid"])) {
                         $prcsUserAuto .= $user["uid"] . ",";
         } elseif ($process["autotype"] == 7) {
             if (is_numeric($process["autouser"])) {
                 $itemData = FlowDataN::model()->fetchItem($process["autouser"], $process["flowid"], $runId);
                 $tmp = strtok($itemData, ",");
                 $userarr = array();
                 while ($tmp) {
                     $userarr[$tmp] = array();
                     $tmp = strtok(",");
                 $tempArray = explode(",", trim($itemData, ","));
                 foreach ($tempArray as $key => $value) {
                     if (is_numeric($value)) {
                         $value = User::model()->fetchRealnameByUid($value, "");
                         $tempArray[$key] = $value;
                 foreach (User::model()->fetchAllByRealnames($tempArray) as $k => $v) {
                     $dept = Department::model()->queryDept($v["alldeptid"]);
                     if ($process["deptid"] == "alldept" || StringUtil::findIn($process["uid"], $v["uid"]) || StringUtil::findIn($process["deptid"], $dept) || StringUtil::findIn($process["positionid"], $v["allposid"])) {
                         $prcsUserAuto .= $v["uid"] . ",";
                 if ($prcsUserAuto != "") {
                     $prcsOpUser = strtok($prcsUserAuto, ",");
         } else {
             if ($process["autotype"] == 8 && is_numeric($process["autouser"])) {
                 $uid = FlowRunProcess::model()->fetchBaseUid($runId, $process["autouser"]);
                 if ($uid) {
                     $temp = User::model()->fetchByUid($uid);
                     if ($temp) {
                         if ($process["deptid"] == "alldept" || StringUtil::findIn($process["uid"], $temp["uid"]) || StringUtil::findIn($process["deptid"], $temp["alldeptid"]) || StringUtil::findIn($process["positionid"], $temp["allposid"])) {
                             $prcsOpUser = $prcsUserAuto = $temp["uid"];
                             $prcsUserAuto .= ",";
             } elseif ($process["autotype"] == 9) {
                 $main = Ibos::app()->user->deptid;
                 foreach (User::model()->fetchAllFitDeptUser($main) as $k => $v) {
                     if ($process["deptid"] == "alldept" || StringUtil::findIn($process["uid"], $v["uid"]) || StringUtil::findIn($process["deptid"], $v["alldeptid"]) || StringUtil::findIn($process["positionid"], $v["allposid"])) {
                         $prcsUserAuto .= $v["uid"] . ",";
                 if (!empty($prcsUserAuto)) {
                     $prcsOpUser = strtok($prcsUserAuto, ",");
             } elseif ($process["autotype"] == 10) {
                 $main = Ibos::app()->user->deptid;
                 $deptStr = Department::model()->queryDept($main, true);
                 $temp = explode(",", $deptStr);
                 $count = count($temp);
                 $dept = isset($temp[$count - 2]) ? $temp[$count - 2] : $main;
                 if ($deptArr[$dept]["pid"] != 0) {
                     $tmpdept = $deptArr[$dept]["deptid"];
                 } else {
                     $tmpdept = $main;
                 foreach (User::model()->fetchAllFitDeptUser($tmpdept) as $k => $v) {
                     if ($process["deptid"] == "alldept" || StringUtil::findIn($process["uid"], $v["uid"]) || StringUtil::findIn($process["deptid"], $v["alldeptid"]) || StringUtil::findIn($process["positionid"], $v["allposid"])) {
                         $prcsUserAuto .= $v["uid"] . ",";
                 if (!empty($prcsUserAuto)) {
                     $prcsOpUser = strtok($prcsUserAuto, ",");
             } else {
                 if ($process["uid"] != "" && $process["deptid"] == "" && $process["positionid"] == "") {
                     $prcsUserArr = explode(",", $process["uid"]);
                     $prcsUserCount = count($prcsUserArr) - 1;
                     if ($prcsUserCount == 1) {
                         $prcsUserAuto = $process["uid"];
                         $prcsOpUser = $prcsUserAuto;
         $prcsuser = WfHandleUtil::getPrcsUser($flowId, $process["processid"]);
         $prcsuser = sprintf("[%s]", !empty($prcsuser) ? StringUtil::iImplode($prcsuser) : "");
         if ($process["userlock"] != 1) {
             $attr = 'islock="1"';
         } else {
             $attr = '';
         if (!empty($prcsOpUser)) {
             $prcsOpUser = StringUtil::wrapId($prcsOpUser);
         if (!empty($prcsUserAuto)) {
             $prcsUserAuto = StringUtil::wrapId(StringUtil::filterStr($prcsUserAuto));
         $tablestr = "        <div class=\"control-group\" style=\"display:{$display};\" id='user_select_{$index}'>\r\n            <div class=\"control-group first-group\">\r\n                <label class=\"control-label\">{$lang["Host"]}</label>\r\n                <div class=\"controls\">\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"topflag{$index}\" value=\"{$process["topdefault"]}\">\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<input id=\"prcs_user_op{$index}\" {$attr} name=\"prcs_user_op{$index}\"  value=\"{$prcsOpUser}\" type=\"text\" />\r\n\t\t\t\t</div>\r\n            </div>\r\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\r\n                <label class=\"control-label\">{$lang["Agent"]}</label>\r\n                <div class=\"controls\">\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<input id=\"prcs_user{$index}\" {$attr} name=\"prcs_user{$index}\" value=\"{$prcsUserAuto}\" type=\"text\" />\r\n\t\t\t\t</div>\r\n            </div>\r\n        </div>\r\n        <script>\r\n            \$(function(){\r\n\t\t\t\tvar prcsData{$index} = {$prcsuser};\r\n                var puo = \$('#prcs_user_op{$index}');\r\n                var pu = \$('#prcs_user{$index}');\r\n\t\t\t\tvar topdef = '{$process["topdefault"]}';\r\n                puo.userSelect({\r\n                    box:\$('<div id=\"prcs_user_op_box{$index}\"></div>').appendTo(document.body),\r\n                    data:Ibos.data.includes(prcsData{$index}),\r\n\t\t\t\t\ttype:'user',\r\n                    maximumSelectionSize:'1'\r\n                });\r\n                if(puo.attr('islock')==1 || topdef != 0){\r\n                    puo.userSelect('setReadOnly');\r\n                }     \r\n                pu.userSelect({\r\n\t\t\t\t\tbox:\$('<div id=\"prcs_user_box{$index}\"></div>').appendTo(document.body),\r\n                    data:Ibos.data.includes(prcsData{$index}),\r\n\t\t\t\t\ttype:'user'\r\n                });\r\n                if(pu.attr('islock')==1){\r\n                    pu.userSelect('setReadOnly');\r\n                }\r\n            });\r\n        </script>";
     return $tablestr;
Пример #6
 public function actionTrans()
     if (EnvUtil::submitCheck("formhash")) {
         $data =& $_POST;
         $conArr = array("begin" => !empty($data["begin"]) ? strtotime($data["begin"]) : "", "end" => !empty($data["end"]) ? strtotime($data["end"]) : "", "runbegin" => !empty($data["runbegin"]) ? intval($data["runbegin"]) : "", "runend" => !empty($data["runend"]) ? intval($data["runend"]) : "");
         $flowStr = StringUtil::filterStr($data["flowid"]);
         $uid = implode(",", StringUtil::getId($data["uid"]));
         $toid = implode(",", StringUtil::getId($data["toid"]));
         $fitRunIds = FlowRun::model()->fetchAllRunIdByFlowIdFeatCondition($flowStr, $conArr);
         if (!empty($fitRunIds)) {
             FlowRunProcess::model()->updateTransRun($uid, $toid, $fitRunIds);
         $this->ajaxReturn(array("isSuccess" => true));
     } else {
         $data = array("flows" => FlowType::model()->fetchAllOnOptlist($this->uid), "lang" => Ibos::getLangSources());
         $this->renderPartial("trans", $data);
Пример #7
 public static function getRunPermission($runId, $uid, $processId = 0)
     $user = User::model()->fetchByUid($uid);
     $per = array();
     $flowId = FlowRun::model()->fetchFlowIdByRunId($runId);
     if (!$flowId) {
         return "";
     if ($user["isadministrator"]) {
         $per[] = 1;
     if (FlowRunProcess::model()->getIsOp($uid, $runId, $processId)) {
         $per[] = 2;
     $permissions = FlowPermission::model()->fetchPermission($uid, $flowId);
     if (in_array($permissions, array(0, 1, 2), true)) {
         $per[] = 3;
     } elseif ($permissions == 3) {
         $per[] = 5;
     if (FlowRunProcess::model()->getIsAgent($uid, $runId, $processId)) {
         $per[] = 4;
     return implode(",", $per);
Пример #8
 protected function getListData()
     if (EnvUtil::submitCheck("formhash")) {
         $runid = intval(EnvUtil::getRequest("runid"));
         $flowid = intval(EnvUtil::getRequest("flowid"));
         $userType = EnvUtil::getRequest("usertype");
         $runName = StringUtil::filterCleanHtml(EnvUtil::getRequest("runname"));
         $toid = !empty($_POST["toid"]) ? implode(",", StringUtil::getId($_POST["toid"])) : "";
     } else {
         $runid = 0;
         $userType = $runName = $toid = "";
         $flowid = "all";
     $flowIds = WfQueryUtil::getMyFlowIDs($this->uid);
     if (empty($flowIds)) {
         $flowIds = array(0);
     $condition = array("and", "fr.delflag = 0", array("in", "fr.flowid", $flowIds), array("in", "frp.flag", array(1, 2)), "(frp.opflag = 1 OR frp.topflag = 2)");
     $field = "frp.runid,frp.processid,frp.uid,frp.flag,frp.processtime,frp.flowprocess,fr.attachmentid,fr.focususer,ft.freeother";
     if ($flowid !== "all") {
         $condition[] = "ft.flowid = " . $flowid;
     if (!empty($runid)) {
         $condition[] = "fr.runid = " . $runid;
     if (!empty($runName)) {
         $condition[] = " fr.name LIKE '%{$runName}%'";
     if ($toid != "") {
         if ($userType == "opuser") {
             $condition[] = "frp.uid = {$toid}";
         } else {
             $condition[] = "fr.beginuser = {$toid}";
     $lang = Ibos::getLangSource("workflow.default");
     $count = Ibos::app()->db->createCommand()->select("count(fr.runid)")->from("{{flow_run}} fr")->leftJoin("{{flow_type}} ft", "fr.flowid = ft.flowid")->leftJoin("{{flow_run_process}} frp", "fr.runid = frp.runid")->where($condition)->queryScalar();
     $pages = PageUtil::create($count, $this->getListPageSize());
     $list = Ibos::app()->db->createCommand()->select($field)->from("{{flow_run}} fr")->leftJoin("{{flow_type}} ft", "fr.flowid = ft.flowid")->leftJoin("{{flow_run_process}} frp", "fr.runid = frp.runid")->where($condition)->group("frp.runid")->order("frp.runid DESC")->limit($pages->getLimit())->offset($pages->getOffset())->queryAll();
     foreach ($list as $k => &$rec) {
         $temp = Ibos::app()->db->createCommand()->select("ft.flowid,ft.freeother,fr.name as runName,ft.name as typeName,ft.type,ft.sort")->from("{{flow_type}} ft")->leftJoin("{{flow_run}} fr", "fr.flowid = ft.flowid")->where("fr.runid = " . $rec["runid"])->queryRow();
         if ($temp) {
             $rec = array_merge($rec, $temp);
         } else {
         if ($temp["type"] == 1) {
             $fp = FlowProcess::model()->fetchProcess($temp["flowid"], $rec["flowprocess"]);
             if ($fp) {
                 $rec["stepname"] = $fp["name"];
             } else {
                 $rec["stepname"] = $lang["Process steps already deleted"];
         } else {
             $rec["stepname"] = Ibos::lang("Step", "", array("{step}" => $rec["processid"]));
         if ($rec["flag"] == FlowConst::PRCS_UN_RECEIVE) {
             $deliverTime = FlowRunProcess::model()->fetchDeliverTime($rec["runid"], $rec["flowprocess"]);
             if ($deliverTime) {
                 $prcsBeginTime = $deliverTime;
         } else {
             $prcsBeginTime = $rec["processtime"];
         if (!isset($prcsBeginTime) || $prcsBeginTime == 0) {
             $prcsBeginTime = TIMESTAMP;
         $usedTime = TIMESTAMP - $prcsBeginTime;
         $rec["timestr"] = WfCommonUtil::getTime($usedTime, "dhi");
         if (!empty($rec["attachmentid"])) {
             $rec["attachdata"] = AttachUtil::getAttachData($rec["attachmentid"]);
         $rec["focus"] = StringUtil::findIn($this->uid, $rec["focususer"]);
         $rec["user"] = User::model()->fetchByUid($rec["uid"]);
         $rec["key"] = WfCommonUtil::param(array("flowid" => $rec["flowid"], "runid" => $rec["runid"], "processid" => $rec["processid"], "flowprocess" => $rec["flowprocess"]));
         if (empty($rec["user"])) {
     return array("list" => $list, "pages" => $pages);
Пример #9
 protected function checkIllegal()
     $illegal = FlowRunProcess::model()->getIsIllegal($this->runid, $this->processid, $this->flowprocess, $this->uid);
     if ($illegal) {
         $this->error(Ibos::lang("Form run has been processed"), $this->createUrl("list/index"));
Пример #10
 protected function redo($runId, $processId, $uid, $flowProcess)
     if (FlowRunProcess::model()->updateRedo($runId, $processId, $uid, $flowProcess)) {
         $name = User::model()->fetchRealnameByUid($uid);
         $message = Ibos::lang("Agent redo", "", array("{user}" => $name));
         WfCommonUtil::runlog($runId, $processId, $flowProcess, $this->uid, 7, $message);
         return true;
     return false;
Пример #11
 protected function setByAllID($runId, $processId, $flowProcess, $uid)
     $attr = FlowRunProcess::model()->fetchRunProcess($runId, $processId, $flowProcess, $uid);
Пример #12
 public static function getViewFlowData($runId, $flowId, $uid, &$remindUid)
     $fl = array();
     $flow = new ICFlowType(intval($flowId));
     $pMaxId = FlowRunProcess::model()->fetchMaxIDByRunID($runId);
     $process = WfCommonUtil::loadProcessCache($flowId);
     for ($processId = 1; $processId <= $pMaxId; $processId++) {
         foreach (FlowRunProcess::model()->fetchAllProcessByProcessID($runId, $processId) as $rp) {
             $temp = array("flowprocess" => $rp["flowprocess"], "parent" => $rp["parent"], "runid" => $rp["runid"], "processid" => $rp["processid"]);
             if (FlowRunProcess::model()->getIsAgent($runId, $processId, $uid, $rp["flowprocess"])) {
                 $temp["isprocuser"] = 1;
             } else {
                 $temp["isprocuser"] = 0;
             $op = FlowRunProcess::model()->fetchOpUserByUniqueID($runId, $processId, $rp["flowprocess"]);
             if (!empty($op)) {
                 $temp["opuser"] = !empty($op["uid"]) ? User::model()->fetchRealnameByUid($op["uid"]) : "";
                 $temp["opprocessflag"] = $op["flag"];
             } else {
                 $temp["opuser"] = User::model()->fetchRealnameByUid($rp["uid"]);
                 $temp["opprocessflag"] = $rp["flag"];
             if ($flow->isFixed()) {
                 if (isset($process[$rp["flowprocess"]])) {
                     $temp["name"] = $process[$rp["flowprocess"]]["name"];
                     $temp["timeout"] = $process[$rp["flowprocess"]]["timeout"];
                     $temp["signlook"] = $process[$rp["flowprocess"]]["signlook"];
                 } else {
                     $temp["name"] = Ibos::lang("Process steps already deleted", "workflow.default");
             } else {
                 $temp["timeout"] = 0;
             foreach (FlowRunProcess::model()->fetchAllProcessByFlowProcess($runId, $processId, $rp["flowprocess"]) as $arp) {
                 $temp["prcsuid"] = $arp["uid"];
                 $temp["opflag"] = $arp["opflag"];
                 $temp["flag"] = $arp["flag"];
                 $temp["processtime"] = ConvertUtil::formatDate($arp["processtime"], "u");
                 $temp["delivertime"] = $arp["delivertime"] != 0 ? ConvertUtil::formatDate($arp["delivertime"], "u") : $arp["delivertime"];
                 if ($arp["flag"] == "1") {
                     $temp["timeused"] = 0;
                 } elseif ($arp["flag"] == "2") {
                     $temp["timeused"] = TIMESTAMP - $arp["processtime"];
                 } elseif ($arp["delivertime"] == 0) {
                     $temp["timeused"] = 0;
                 } else {
                     $temp["timeused"] = $arp["delivertime"] - $arp["processtime"];
                 if ($arp["processtime"] == "") {
                     $temp["timeused"] = 0;
                 $temp["timestr"] = WfCommonUtil::getTime($temp["timeused"]);
                 $temp["timeoutflag"] = 0;
                 if ($arp["flag"] == "2" && $arp["processtime"] != "" && $temp["timeout"] != 0) {
                     if ($temp["timeout"] * 3600 < $temp["timeused"]) {
                         $temp["timeoutflag"] = 1;
                         $temp["timeused"] = WfCommonUtil::getTime($temp["timeused"] - $temp["timeout"] * 3600);
                 if ($arp["flag"] == 1 || $temp["timeoutflag"] == 1) {
                     $remindUid[] = $arp["uid"];
                 $temp["redo"] = false;
                 if ($temp["opuser"] == $uid && $arp["uid"] != $uid && ($temp["opprocessflag"] == 1 || $temp["opprocessflag"] == 2) && ($arp["flag"] == 3 || $arp["flag"] == 4)) {
                     $temp["redo"] = true;
                 $temp["log"] = FlowRunLog::model()->fetchLog($temp["runid"], $temp["processid"], $temp["flowprocess"], 8);
             $fl[count($fl) + 1] = $temp;
     return $fl;
Пример #13
 private function getAllItemName($var)
     $flow = $var["flow"];
     if ($var["processid"] == 1) {
         $allItemName = WfFormUtil::getAllItemName($flow->form->structure, array(), ($flow->allowattachment == "1" ? "" : "[A@]") . "[B@]");
     } else {
         $allItemName = FlowRunProcess::model()->fetchFreeitem($var["runid"], $var["processid"]);
     return $allItemName;
Пример #14
 protected function handleTimeOut($model)
     $lang = Ibos::getLangSources("workflow.default");
     $label = "macro_timeout";
     $exp = "/#\\[" . $label . "(\\d*)(\\*?)\\]/i";
     preg_match_all($exp, $model, $matches);
     foreach ($matches[1] as $k => $v) {
         if (!empty($v)) {
             $data = FlowRunProcess::model()->fetchTimeoutRecord($this->run->runid, $v);
             if ($data) {
                 $flowPrcs = $data["flowprocess"];
                 $processTime = $data["processtime"];
                 $createTime = $data["createtime"];
                 $deliverTime = $data["delivertime"];
             } else {
                 $flowPrcs = "";
             if ($flowPrcs) {
                 $info = FlowProcess::model()->fetchTimeoutInfo($this->run->flowid, $flowPrcs);
                 if ($info) {
                     $processName = $lang["The"] . $v . $lang["Steps"] . ":" . $info["name"];
                     if (!isset($timeout) && $timeout == "") {
                         $timeout = $info["timeout"];
                     $timeOutType = $info["timeouttype"];
                 if (isset($timeOutType) && $timeOutType == 0) {
                     $prcsBeginTime = $processTime;
                     if (!$processTime) {
                         $prcsBeginTime = $createTime;
                 } else {
                     $prcsBeginTime = $createTime;
                 $prcsEndTime = $deliverTime;
                 $prcsBeginTime = strtotime($prcsBeginTime);
                 $prcsEndTime = strtotime($prcsEndTime);
                 if (!$prcsBeginTime) {
                     $prcsBeginTime = TIMESTAMP;
                 if (!$prcsEndTime) {
                     $prcsEndTime = TIMESTAMP;
                 $timeUsedDesc = WfCommonUtil::getTime($prcsEndTime - $prcsBeginTime);
                 $str = $processName . $lang["Timeout"] . ":" . $timeUsedDesc;
                 $model = str_replace($matches[0][$k], $str, $model);
             } else {
                 $model = str_replace($matches[0][$k], "", $model);
Пример #15
 public function del($id, $uid)
     $ids = is_array($id) ? $id : explode(",", $id);
     $count = 0;
     $logContent = Ibos::lang("Del run", "workflow.default");
     foreach ($ids as $runID) {
         $per = WfCommonUtil::getRunPermission($runID, $uid, 1);
         $isOnly = FlowRunProcess::model()->getIsOnlyOne($runID);
         if (!StringUtil::findIn($per, 2) && $isOnly && !StringUtil::findIn($per, 1) && !StringUtil::findIn($per, 3)) {
         if ($this->modify($runID, array("delflag" => 1))) {
             WfCommonUtil::runlog($runID, 0, 0, $uid, 3, $logContent);
     return $count;
Пример #16
 private function refreshRun(&$run)
     $rp = FlowRunProcess::model()->fetchCurrentNextRun($run["runid"], $this->uid, $this->flag);
     if (!empty($rp)) {
         $run["processid"] = $rp["processid"];
         $run["flowprocess"] = $rp["flowprocess"];
         $run["opflag"] = $rp["opflag"];
         $run["flag"] = $rp["flag"];
Пример #17
 public function loadNew()
     return intval(FlowRunProcess::model()->countByAttributes(array("uid" => Ibos::app()->user->uid, "flag" => 1)));
Пример #18
 protected function handleList($flowId, $runId, $processId)
     $processNameArr = $list = array();
     for ($pId = 1; $pId <= $processId; $pId++) {
         $process = array("count" => 0);
         $processes = FlowRunProcess::model()->fetchAllProcessByProcessID($runId, $pId);
         foreach ($processes as $value) {
             $process["flowprocess"] = $flowProcess = $value["flowprocess"];
             $uids = FlowRunProcess::model()->fetchAllUidByRealProcess($runId, $pId, $flowProcess);
             $process["userName"] = User::model()->fetchRealnamesByUids($uids);
             if (!isset($processNameArr[$flowProcess])) {
                 $name = FlowProcess::model()->fetchName($flowId, $flowProcess);
                 $name && ($processNameArr[$flowProcess] = $name);
         $list[$pId] = $process;
     return array("list" => $list, "prcsName" => $processNameArr);
Пример #19
 public function actionSearchResult()
     if (EnvUtil::submitCheck("formhash")) {
         $data = $this->getPostData();
         $param = array_merge((array) $data["flowconditions"], array("condition" => $data["condformula"]), array("flowid" => $data["flowid"]));
     } else {
         $searchParam = EnvUtil::getRequest("key");
         if (!$searchParam) {
             $this->error(Ibos::lang("Parameters error", "error"), $this->createUrl("query/advanced"));
         $param = WfCommonUtil::param($searchParam, "DECODE");
     $isManager = FlowPermission::model()->fetchPermission($this->uid, $param["flowid"], array(0, 1));
     $condition = $this->getSearchCondition($param);
     if (!empty($param["condition"])) {
         $count = Ibos::app()->db->createCommand()->select("count(*)")->from("{{flow_type}} ft")->leftJoin("{{flow_run}} fr", "ft.flowid = fr.flowid")->leftJoin(sprintf("{{flow_data_%d}} fd", $param["flowid"]), "fd.runid = fr.runid")->where($condition)->queryScalar();
         $pages = PageUtil::create($count, $this->getListPageSize());
         $list = Ibos::app()->db->createCommand()->select("fr.name as runName,ft.name as typeName,fr.*,ft.*")->from("{{flow_run}} fr")->leftJoin("{{flow_type}} ft", "fr.flowid = ft.flowid")->leftJoin(sprintf("{{flow_data_%d}} fd", $param["flowid"]), "fd.runid = fr.runid")->where($condition)->order("fr.runid")->limit($pages->getLimit())->offset($pages->getOffset())->queryAll();
     } else {
         $count = Ibos::app()->db->createCommand()->select("count(*)")->from("{{flow_type}} ft")->leftJoin("{{flow_run}} fr", "ft.flowid = fr.flowid")->where($condition)->queryScalar();
         $pages = PageUtil::create($count, $this->getListPageSize());
         $list = Ibos::app()->db->createCommand()->select("fr.name as runName,ft.name as typeName,fr.*,ft.*")->from("{{flow_run}} fr")->leftJoin("{{flow_type}} ft", "fr.flowid = ft.flowid")->where($condition)->order("fr.runid")->limit($pages->getLimit())->offset($pages->getOffset())->queryAll();
     $pages->params = array("key" => WfCommonUtil::param($param));
     foreach ($list as &$rec) {
         $rp = FlowRunProcess::model()->fetch(array("select" => "processid,flag,flowprocess,opflag", "condition" => "runid = :runid AND uid = :uid AND flag<>'4'", "params" => array(":runid" => $rec["runid"], ":uid" => $this->uid), "order" => "flag", "limit" => 1));
         $keyParam = array("flowid" => $rec["flowid"], "runid" => $rec["runid"]);
         if ($rp) {
             $rec["flag"] = $rp["flag"];
             $rec["opflag"] = $rp["opflag"];
             $keyParam["processid"] = $rp["processid"];
             $keyParam["flowprocess"] = $rp["flowprocess"];
         } else {
             $rec["flag"] = "";
         $rec["key"] = WfCommonUtil::param($keyParam);
         $editper = FlowPermission::model()->fetchPermission($this->uid, $rec["flowid"], array(4));
         if ($editper || Ibos::app()->user->isadministrator == 1) {
             $rec["editper"] = true;
         } else {
             $rec["editper"] = false;
         $rec["isend"] = false;
         if ($param["flowstatus"] == "all") {
             if ($rec["endtime"] != 0) {
                 $rec["isend"] = true;
         } elseif ($param["flowstatus"] == 0) {
             $rec["isend"] = true;
         if (!empty($rec["attachmentid"])) {
             $rec["attachdata"] = AttachUtil::getAttachData($rec["attachmentid"]);
         $rec["focus"] = StringUtil::findIn($this->uid, $rec["focususer"]);
         $rec["user"] = User::model()->fetchByUid($rec["beginuser"]);
         $rec["begin"] = ConvertUtil::formatDate($rec["begintime"], "n月j日 H:i");
     $this->setPageTitle(Ibos::lang("Query results"));
     $this->setPageState("breadCrumbs", array(array("name" => Ibos::lang("Workflow")), array("name" => Ibos::lang("Work query"), "url" => $this->createUrl("query/index")), array("name" => Ibos::lang("Advanced query"), "url" => $this->createUrl("query/advanced")), array("name" => Ibos::lang("specify query conditions"), "url" => $this->createUrl("query/search", array("flowid" => $param["flowid"]))), array("name" => Ibos::lang("Query results"))));
     $data = array("pages" => $pages, "list" => $list, "flowid" => $param["flowid"], "advanceOpt" => $isManager || Ibos::app()->user->isadministrator == 1);
     $this->render("result", $data);