Пример #1
 function onBeforeSaveField(&$field, &$post, &$file, &$item)
     if (!in_array($field->field_type, self::$field_types)) {
     $use_ingroup = $field->parameters->get('use_ingroup', 0);
     // Check if field has posted data
     if (empty($post) && !$use_ingroup) {
     // Make sure posted data is an array
     $post = !is_array($post) ? array($post) : $post;
     //echo "<pre>"; print_r($post);
     // Get configuration
     $is_importcsv = JRequest::getVar('task') == 'importcsv';
     $import_media_folder = JRequest::getVar('import_media_folder');
     $image_source = $field->parameters->get('image_source', 0);
     if ($image_source > 1) {
         global $fc_folder_mode_err;
         if (empty($fc_folder_mode_err[$field->id])) {
             echo __FUNCTION__ . "(): folder-mode: " . $image_source . " not implemented please change image-source mode in image/gallery field with id: " . $field->id;
             $fc_folder_mode_err[$field->id] = 1;
             $image_source = 1;
     $unique_tmp_itemid = JRequest::getVar('unique_tmp_itemid', '');
     // Set a warning message for overriden/changed files: form.php (frontend) or default.php (backend)
     if (!$is_importcsv && empty($unique_tmp_itemid)) {
         $app = JFactory::getApplication();
         $app->enqueueMessage('WARNING, field: ' . $field->label . ' requires variable -unique_tmp_itemid- please update your ' . ($app->isSite() ? 'form.php' : 'default.php'), 'warning');
     // Execute once
     static $initialized = null;
     static $srcpath_original = '';
     if (!$initialized) {
         $initialized = 1;
         if ($is_importcsv) {
             $srcpath_original = JPath::clean(JPATH_SITE . DS . $import_media_folder . DS);
             require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_flexicontent' . DS . 'controllers' . DS . 'filemanager.php';
     // ***********************************************
     // Special steps for image field in folder-mode(s)
     // ***********************************************
     if ($image_source > 0) {
         $dir = $field->parameters->get('dir');
         $unique_tmp_itemid = JRequest::getVar('unique_tmp_itemid', '');
         $destpath = JPath::clean(JPATH_SITE . DS . $dir . DS . 'item_' . $item->id . '_field_' . $field->id . DS);
         if ($image_source > 1) {
         // TODO
         // Create original images folder if doing CSV import and folder does not exist
         if ($is_importcsv) {
             $destpath_original = $destpath . 'original' . DS;
             if (!JFolder::exists($destpath_original) && !JFolder::create($destpath_original)) {
                 JError::raiseWarning(100, $field->label . ': Error. Unable to create folder: ' . $destpath_original);
                 return false;
                 // Cancel item creation
         } else {
             if ($unique_tmp_itemid && $item->id != $unique_tmp_itemid) {
                 $temppath = JPath::clean(JPATH_SITE . DS . $dir . DS . 'item_' . $unique_tmp_itemid . '_field_' . $field->id . DS);
                 JFolder::move($temppath, $destpath);
     // **************************************************************************
     // Rearrange file array so that file properties are groupped per image number
     // **************************************************************************
     //echo "<pre>"; print_r($file); echo "</pre>";
     $files = array();
     if ($file) {
         foreach ($file as $key => $all) {
             foreach ($all as $i => $val) {
                 $files[$i][$key] = $val;
     //echo "<pre>"; print_r($files); echo "</pre>";
     // *****************************************************************************************
     // Reformat the posted data & handle uploading / removing / deleting / replacing image files
     // *****************************************************************************************
     $newpost = array();
     $new = 0;
     foreach ($post as $n => $v) {
         if (empty($v)) {
             if ($use_ingroup) {
                 // empty value for group
                 $newpost[$new] = array('originalname' => '');
         // support for basic CSV import / export
         if ($is_importcsv && !is_array($v)) {
             if (@unserialize($v) !== false || $v === 'b:0;') {
                 // support for exported serialized data)
                 $v = unserialize($v);
             } else {
                 $v = array('originalname' => $v);
         // Add system message if upload error
         $err_code = isset($files[$n]['error']) ? $files[$n]['error'] : false;
         if ($err_code && $err_code != UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) {
             $err_msg = array(UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE => 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini', UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE => 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form', UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL => 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded', UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE => 'No file was uploaded', UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR => 'Missing a temporary folder', UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE => 'Failed to write file to disk', UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION => 'A PHP extension stopped the file upload');
             JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage("FILE FIELD: " . $err_msg[$err_code], 'warning');
         // Handle uploading a new original file
         $new_file = $err_code === 0;
         $new_file_uploaded = null;
         if ($new_file) {
             $new_file_uploaded = $this->uploadOriginalFile($field, $v, $files[$n]);
         } else {
             if ($is_importcsv && $import_media_folder) {
                 $filename = basename($v['originalname']);
                 $sub_folder = dirname($v['originalname']);
                 $sub_folder = $sub_folder && $sub_folder != '.' ? DS . $sub_folder : '';
                 if ($image_source) {
                     $srcfilepath = JPath::clean($srcpath_original . $v['originalname']);
                     $destfilepath = JPath::clean($destpath_original . $filename);
                     if (JFile::exists($srcfilepath)) {
                         $result = JFile::copy($srcfilepath, $destfilepath);
                         if ($result && JPath::canChmod($destfilepath)) {
                             chmod($destfilepath, 0644);
                     $v['originalname'] = $filename;
                     // make sure filename is without subfolder
                 } else {
                     $fman = new FlexicontentControllerFilemanager();
                     JRequest::setVar('return-url', null, 'post');
                     JRequest::setVar('file-dir-path', DS . $import_media_folder . $sub_folder, 'post');
                     JRequest::setVar('file-filter-re', preg_quote($filename), 'post');
                     JRequest::setVar('secure', 1, 'post');
                     JRequest::setVar('keep', 1, 'post');
                     $file_ids = $fman->addlocal();
                     // Reset array to point to first element
                     $v['originalname'] = key($file_ids);
                     // The (first) key of file_ids array is the cleaned up filename
         // Defaut values for unset required properties of values
         $v['originalname'] = isset($v['originalname']) ? $v['originalname'] : '';
         $v['existingname'] = isset($v['existingname']) ? $v['existingname'] : '';
         $v['delete'] = isset($v['delete']) ? $v['delete'] : false;
         $v['remove'] = isset($v['remove']) ? $v['remove'] : false;
         if ($v['originalname'] || $v['existingname']) {
             //echo $v['originalname'] ." ". $v['existingname'] ."<br>";
             // (b) Handle removing image assignment OR deleting the image file
             if ($v['originalname']) {
                 if ($v['delete'] == 1 || $new_file_uploaded && !$field->parameters->get('existing_imgs', 1)) {
                     // Try to clean unused values (this is forced to YES if existing image list is disabled)
                     $filename = $v['delete'] == 1 ? $v['originalname'] : $v['delete'];
                     // we may submit filename for deletion via 'delete' form field
                     $canDeleteImage = $this->canDeleteImage($field, $filename, $item);
                     // security concern check if value is in use
                     if ($canDeleteImage) {
                         $this->removeOriginalFile($field, $filename);
                         //JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($field->label . ' ['.$n.'] : ' . 'Deleted image file: '.$filename.' from server storage');
                     } else {
                         if ($v['delete'] == 1) {
                             JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($field->label . ' [' . $n . '] : ' . 'Cannot delete image file: ' . $filename . ' from server storage, it is in use');
                 } elseif ($v['remove'] && $v['existingname']) {
                     JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($field->label . ' [' . $n . '] : ' . 'Removed image assignment of file: ' . $filename . ' from the field');
             // Need to clear 'delete' if not, to allow saving new value, we use 'delete' to post the auto-saved clear text
             $v['delete'] = $v['delete'] == 1 ? $v['delete'] : false;
             // (c) Handle replacing image with a new existing image
             if ($v['existingname']) {
                 $v['originalname'] = $v['existingname'];
                 $v['existingname'] = '';
             } else {
                 if ($v['delete'] || $v['remove']) {
                     $v = '';
         } else {
             // No original file posted discard current image row
             $v = '';
         // Add image entry to a new array skipping empty image entries
         if ($v) {
             $newpost[$new] = $v;
     $post = $newpost;
     // Serialize multi-property data before storing them into the DB
     foreach ($post as $i => $v) {
         $post[$i] = serialize($v);
Пример #2
 function onBeforeSaveField(&$field, &$post, &$file, &$item)
     // execute the code only if the field type match the plugin type
     if (!in_array($field->field_type, self::$field_types)) {
     // Check if field has posted data
     if (empty($post)) {
     // Make sure posted data is an array
     $post = !is_array($post) ? array($post) : $post;
     //echo "<pre>"; print_r($post);
     // Get configuration
     $is_importcsv = JRequest::getVar('task') == 'importcsv';
     $import_media_folder = JRequest::getVar('import_media_folder');
     $image_source = $field->parameters->get('image_source', 0);
     if ($image_source > 1) {
         global $fc_folder_mode_err;
         if (empty($fc_folder_mode_err[$field->id])) {
             echo __FUNCTION__ . "(): folder-mode: " . $image_source . " not implemented please change image-source mode in image/gallery field with id: " . $field->id;
             $fc_folder_mode_err[$field->id] = 1;
             $image_source = 1;
     $unique_tmp_itemid = JRequest::getVar('unique_tmp_itemid', '');
     // Set a warning message for overriden/changed files: form.php (frontend) or default.php (backend)
     if (!$is_importcsv && empty($unique_tmp_itemid)) {
         $app = JFactory::getApplication();
         $app->enqueueMessage('WARNING, field: ' . $field->label . ' requires variable -unique_tmp_itemid- please update your ' . ($app->isSite() ? 'form.php' : 'default.php'), 'warning');
     // Execute once
     static $initialized = null;
     static $srcpath_original = '';
     if (!$initialized) {
         $initialized = 1;
         if ($is_importcsv) {
             $srcpath_original = JPath::clean(JPATH_SITE . DS . $import_media_folder . DS);
             require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_flexicontent' . DS . 'controllers' . DS . 'filemanager.php';
     // ***********************************************
     // Special steps for image field in folder-mode(s)
     // ***********************************************
     if ($image_source > 0) {
         $dir = $field->parameters->get('dir');
         $unique_tmp_itemid = JRequest::getVar('unique_tmp_itemid', '');
         $destpath = JPath::clean(JPATH_SITE . DS . $dir . DS . 'item_' . $field->item_id . '_field_' . $field->id . DS);
         if ($image_source > 1) {
         // TODO
         // Create original images folder if doing CSV import and folder does not exist
         if ($is_importcsv) {
             $destpath_original = $destpath . 'original' . DS;
             if (!JFolder::exists($destpath_original) && !JFolder::create($destpath_original)) {
                 JError::raiseWarning(100, $field->label . ': Error. Unable to create folder: ' . $destpath_original);
                 return false;
                 // Cancel item creation
         } else {
             if ($unique_tmp_itemid && $field->item_id != $unique_tmp_itemid) {
                 $temppath = JPath::clean(JPATH_SITE . DS . $dir . DS . 'item_' . $unique_tmp_itemid . '_field_' . $field->id . DS);
                 JFolder::move($temppath, $destpath);
     // **************************************************************************
     // Rearrange file array so that file properties are groupped per image number
     // **************************************************************************
     $files = array();
     if ($file) {
         foreach ($file as $key => $all) {
             foreach ($all as $i => $val) {
                 $files[$i][$key] = $val;
     // *****************************************************************************************
     // Reformat the posted data & handle uploading / removing / deleting / replacing image files
     // *****************************************************************************************
     $newpost = array();
     $new = 0;
     foreach ($post as $n => $v) {
         if (empty($v)) {
         // support for basic CSV import / export
         if ($is_importcsv && !is_array($v)) {
             if (@unserialize($v) !== false || $v === 'b:0;') {
                 // support for exported serialized data)
                 $v = unserialize($v);
             } else {
                 $v = array('originalname' => $v);
         // (a) Handle uploading a new original file
         if (isset($files[$n])) {
             $this->uploadOriginalFile($field, $v, $files[$n]);
         } else {
             if ($is_importcsv && $import_media_folder) {
                 $filename = $v['originalname'];
                 if ($image_source) {
                     $srcfilepath = JPath::clean($srcpath_original . $filename);
                     $destfilepath = JPath::clean($destpath_original . $filename);
                     if (JFile::exists($srcfilepath)) {
                         $result = JFile::copy($srcfilepath, $destfilepath);
                         if ($result && JPath::canChmod($destfilepath)) {
                             chmod($destfilepath, 0644);
                 } else {
                     $fman = new FlexicontentControllerFilemanager();
                     JRequest::setVar('return-url', null, 'post');
                     JRequest::setVar('file-dir-path', DS . $import_media_folder, 'post');
                     JRequest::setVar('file-filter-re', preg_quote($filename), 'post');
                     JRequest::setVar('secure', 1, 'post');
                     JRequest::setVar('keep', 1, 'post');
                     $file_ids = $fman->addlocal();
                     // Reset array to point to first element
                     $v['originalname'] = key($file_ids);
                     // The keys of file_ids array is the cleaned up filenames
         // Defaut values for unset required properties of values
         $v['originalname'] = isset($v['originalname']) ? $v['originalname'] : '';
         $v['existingname'] = isset($v['existingname']) ? $v['existingname'] : '';
         $v['delete'] = isset($v['delete']) ? $v['delete'] : false;
         $v['remove'] = isset($v['remove']) ? $v['remove'] : false;
         if ($v['originalname'] || $v['existingname']) {
             //echo $v['originalname'] ." ". $v['existingname'] ."<br>";
             // (b) Handle removing image assignment OR deleting the image file
             if ($v['originalname']) {
                 if ($v['delete']) {
                     $filename = $v['originalname'];
                     $this->removeOriginalFile($field, $filename);
                     //JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($field->label . ' ['.$n.'] : ' . JText::_('Deleted image from server storage'));
                 } elseif ($v['remove'] && $v['existingname']) {
                     //JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($field->label . ' ['.$n.'] : ' . JText::_('Removed image assignment to the field'));
             // (c) Handle replacing image with a new existing image
             if ($v['existingname']) {
                 $v['originalname'] = $v['existingname'];
                 $v['existingname'] = '';
             } else {
                 if ($v['delete'] || $v['remove']) {
                     $v = '';
         } else {
             // No original file posted discard current image row
             $v = '';
         // Add image entry to a new array skipping empty image entries
         if ($v) {
             $newpost[$new] = $v;
     $post = $newpost;
     // Serialize multi-property data before storing them into the DB
     foreach ($post as $i => $v) {
         $post[$i] = serialize($v);
Пример #3
 function onBeforeSaveField(&$field, &$post, &$file, &$item)
     if (!in_array($field->field_type, self::$field_types)) {
     $use_ingroup = $field->parameters->get('use_ingroup', 0);
     if (!is_array($post) && !strlen($post) && !$use_ingroup) {
     // Make sure posted data is an array
     //echo "<pre>"; print_r($post); exit;
     $post = !is_array($post) ? array($post) : $post;
     //echo "<pre>"; print_r($post);
     // Get configuration
     $inputmode = (int) $field->parameters->get('inputmode', 1);
     $is_importcsv = JRequest::getVar('task') == 'importcsv';
     $import_docs_folder = JRequest::getVar('import_docs_folder');
     $iform_allowdel = $field->parameters->get('iform_allowdel', 1);
     $iform_title = $inputmode == 1 ? 0 : $field->parameters->get('iform_title', 1);
     $iform_desc = $inputmode == 1 ? 0 : $field->parameters->get('iform_desc', 1);
     $iform_lang = $inputmode == 1 ? 0 : $field->parameters->get('iform_lang', 0);
     $iform_dir = $inputmode == 1 ? 0 : $field->parameters->get('iform_dir', 0);
     // Execute once
     static $initialized = null;
     static $srcpath_original = '';
     if (!$initialized) {
         $initialized = 1;
         $srcpath_original = JPath::clean(JPATH_SITE . DS . $import_docs_folder . DS);
     $newpost = array();
     $new = 0;
     foreach ($post as $n => $v) {
         if (empty($v)) {
             if ($use_ingroup) {
                 // empty value for group
                 $newpost[$new] = '';
         // support for basic CSV import / export
         if ($is_importcsv) {
             if (!is_numeric($v)) {
                 $filename = basename($v);
                 $sub_folder = dirname($v);
                 $sub_folder = $sub_folder && $sub_folder != '.' ? DS . $sub_folder : '';
                 $fman = new FlexicontentControllerFilemanager();
                 $Fobj = new stdClass();
                 $Fobj->return_url = null;
                 $Fobj->file_dir_path = DS . $import_docs_folder . $sub_folder;
                 $Fobj->file_filter_re = preg_quote($filename);
                 $Fobj->secure = 0;
                 $Fobj->keep = 1;
                 $file_ids = $fman->addlocal($Fobj);
                 $v = !empty($file_ids) ? reset($file_ids) : false;
                 // Get fist element
                 //$_filetitle = key($file_ids);  this is the cleaned up filename, currently not needed
         } else {
             $file_id = isset($v['file-id']) ? (int) $v['file-id'] : $v;
             $file_id = is_numeric($file_id) ? (int) $file_id : 0;
             // if $v is not an array
             $err_code = $_FILES["custom"]["error"][$field->name][$n]['file-data'];
             $new_file = $err_code == 0;
             if ($err_code && $err_code != UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) {
                 $err_msg = array(UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE => 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini', UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE => 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form', UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL => 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded', UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE => 'No file was uploaded', UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR => 'Missing a temporary folder', UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE => 'Failed to write file to disk', UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION => 'A PHP extension stopped the file upload');
                 JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage("FILE FIELD: " . $err_msg[$err_code], 'warning');
             // validate data or empty/set default values
             $v['file-del'] = !$iform_allowdel ? 0 : (int) @$v['file-del'];
             $v['file-title'] = !$iform_title ? '' : flexicontent_html::dataFilter($v['file-title'], 1000, 'STRING', 0);
             $v['file-desc'] = !$iform_desc ? '' : flexicontent_html::dataFilter($v['file-desc'], 10000, 'STRING', 0);
             $v['file-lang'] = !$iform_lang ? '' : flexicontent_html::dataFilter($v['file-lang'], 9, 'STRING', 0);
             $v['secure'] = !$iform_dir ? 0 : ((int) $v['secure'] ? 1 : 0);
             // UPDATE existing file
             if (!$new_file && $file_id) {
                 $dbdata = array();
                 $dbdata['id'] = $file_id;
                 if ($iform_title) {
                     $dbdata['altname'] = $v['file-title'];
                 if ($iform_desc) {
                     $dbdata['description'] = $v['file-desc'];
                 if ($iform_lang) {
                     $dbdata['language'] = $v['file-lang'];
                 // !! Do not change folder for existing files
                 //if ($iform_dir) {  $dbdata['secure'] = $v['secure'];
                 // Load file data from DB
                 $row = JTable::getInstance('flexicontent_files', '');
                 $_filename = $row->filename_original ? $row->filename_original : $row->filename;
                 $dbdata['secure'] = $row->secure ? 1 : 0;
                 // !! Do not change media/secure -folder- for existing files
                 // Security concern, check file is assigned to current item
                 $isAssigned = $this->checkFileAssignment($field, $file_id, $item);
                 if ($v['file-del']) {
                     if (!$isAssigned) {
                         //JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage("FILE FIELD: refusing to delete file: '".$_filename."', that is not assigned to current item", 'warning' );
                     } else {
                         //JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage("FILE FIELD: refusing to update file properties of a file: '".$_filename."', that is not assigned to current item", 'warning' );
                 // Delete existing file if so requested
                 if ($v['file-del']) {
                     $canDelete = $this->canDeleteFile($field, $file_id, $item);
                     if ($isAssigned && $canDelete) {
                         $fm = new FlexicontentModelFilemanager();
                     // Skip file since unloading / removal was requested
                 // Set the changed data into the object
                 foreach ($dbdata as $index => $data) {
                     $row->{$index} = $data;
                 // Update DB data of the file
                 if (!$row->check() || !$row->store()) {
                     JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage("FILE FIELD: " . JFactory::getDBO()->getErrorMsg(), 'warning');
                 // Set file id as value of the field
                 $v = $file_id;
             } else {
                 if ($new_file) {
                     // new file was uploaded, but also handle previous selected file ...
                     if ($file_id) {
                         // Security concern, check file is assigned to current item
                         $isAssigned = $this->checkFileAssignment($field, $file_id, $item);
                         if (!$isAssigned) {
                             /*$row = JTable::getInstance('flexicontent_files', '');
                             		$row->load( $file_id );
                             		$_filename = $row->filename_original ? $row->filename_original : $row->filename;
                             		JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage("FILE FIELD: refusing to delete file: '".$_filename."', that is not assigned to current item", 'warning' );*/
                         } else {
                             if ($this->canDeleteFile($field, $file_id, $item)) {
                                 $fm = new FlexicontentModelFilemanager();
                     // Skip file if unloading / removal was requested
                     if ($v['file-del']) {
                     $fman = new FlexicontentControllerFilemanager();
                     // Controller will do the data filter too
                     JRequest::setVar('return-url', null, 'post');
                     // needed !
                     JRequest::setVar('secure', $v['secure'], 'post');
                     JRequest::setVar('file-title', $v['file-title'], 'post');
                     JRequest::setVar('file-desc', $v['file-desc'], 'post');
                     JRequest::setVar('file-lang', $v['file-lang'], 'post');
                     // The dform field name of the <input type="file" ...
                     JRequest::setVar('file-ffname', 'custom', 'post');
                     JRequest::setVar('fname_level1', $field->name, 'post');
                     JRequest::setVar('fname_level2', $n, 'post');
                     JRequest::setVar('fname_level3', 'file-data', 'post');
                     $file_id = $fman->upload();
                     $v = !empty($file_id) ? $file_id : false;
                 } else {
                     // no existing file and no new file uploaded
                     $v = 0;
         if (!$use_ingroup) {
             // NOT inside field group, add it only if not empty reverse the file array, indexing it by file IDs, to add each file only once
             if (!empty($v) && is_numeric($v)) {
                 $newpost[(int) $v] = $new++;
         } else {
             // Inside fieldgroup, allow same file multiple times
             $newpost[$new++] = (int) $v;
     // IF NOT inside field group, the file array was reversed (indexed by file IDs), so that the same file can be added once
     $post = !$use_ingroup ? array_flip($newpost) : $newpost;
Пример #4
 function onBeforeSaveField(&$field, &$post, &$file, &$item)
     // execute the code only if the field type match the plugin type
     if (!in_array($field->field_type, self::$field_types)) {
     // Check if field has posted data
     if (empty($post)) {
     // Make sure posted data is an array
     $post = !is_array($post) ? array($post) : $post;
     //echo "<pre>"; print_r($post);
     // Get configuration
     $is_importcsv = JRequest::getVar('task') == 'importcsv';
     $import_docs_folder = JRequest::getVar('import_docs_folder');
     // Execute once
     static $initialized = null;
     static $srcpath_original = '';
     if ($is_importcsv && !$initialized) {
         $initialized = 1;
         $srcpath_original = JPath::clean(JPATH_SITE . DS . $import_docs_folder . DS);
         require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_flexicontent' . DS . 'controllers' . DS . 'filemanager.php';
     $new = 0;
     $newpost = array();
     foreach ($post as $n => $v) {
         if (empty($v)) {
         // support for basic CSV import / export
         if ($is_importcsv) {
             if (!is_numeric($v)) {
                 $filename = $v;
                 $fman = new FlexicontentControllerFilemanager();
                 JRequest::setVar('return-url', null, 'post');
                 JRequest::setVar('file-dir-path', DS . $import_docs_folder, 'post');
                 JRequest::setVar('file-filter-re', preg_quote($filename), 'post');
                 JRequest::setVar('secure', 1, 'post');
                 JRequest::setVar('keep', 1, 'post');
                 $file_ids = $fman->addlocal();
                 $v = !empty($file_ids) ? reset($file_ids) : '';
                 // Get fist element
                 //$_filetitle = key($file_ids);  this is the cleaned up filename, currently not needed
         if (!empty($v) && is_numeric($v)) {
             $newpost[$v] = $new++;
     $post = array_flip($newpost);