/** * Automatically review an revision and add a log entry in the review log. * * This is called during edit operations after the new revision is added * and the page tables updated, but before LinksUpdate is called. * * $auto is here for revisions checked off to be reviewed. Auto-review * triggers on edit, but we don't want those to count as just automatic. * This also makes it so the user's name shows up in the page history. * * If $flags is given, then they will be the review tags. If not, the one * from the stable version will be used or minimal tags if that's not possible. * If no appropriate tags can be found, then the review will abort. */ public static function autoReviewEdit(Page $article, $user, Revision $rev, array $flags = null, $auto = true) { wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); $title = $article->getTitle(); // convenience # Get current stable version ID (for logging) $oldSv = FlaggedRevision::newFromStable($title, FR_MASTER); $oldSvId = $oldSv ? $oldSv->getRevId() : 0; # Set the auto-review tags from the prior stable version. # Normally, this should already be done and given here... if (!is_array($flags)) { if ($oldSv) { # Use the last stable version if $flags not given if ($user->isAllowed('bot')) { $flags = $oldSv->getTags(); // no change for bot edits } else { # Account for perms/tags... $flags = self::getAutoReviewTags($user, $oldSv->getTags()); } } else { // new page? $flags = self::quickTags(FR_CHECKED); // use minimal level } if (!is_array($flags)) { wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return false; // can't auto-review this revision } } # Get review property flags $propFlags = $auto ? array('auto') : array(); # Rev ID is not put into parser on edit, so do the same here. # Also, a second parse would be triggered otherwise. $editInfo = $article->prepareTextForEdit($rev->getText()); $poutput = $editInfo->output; // revision HTML output # If this is an image page, store corresponding file info $fileData = array('name' => null, 'timestamp' => null, 'sha1' => null); if ($title->getNamespace() == NS_FILE) { # We must use WikiFilePage process cache on upload or get bitten by slave lag $file = $article instanceof WikiFilePage || $article instanceof ImagePage ? $article->getFile() : wfFindFile($title, array('bypassCache' => true)); // skip cache; bug 31056 if (is_object($file) && $file->exists()) { $fileData['name'] = $title->getDBkey(); $fileData['timestamp'] = $file->getTimestamp(); $fileData['sha1'] = $file->getSha1(); } } # Our review entry $flaggedRevision = new FlaggedRevision(array('rev' => $rev, 'user_id' => $user->getId(), 'timestamp' => $rev->getTimestamp(), 'quality' => FlaggedRevs::getQualityTier($flags, 0), 'tags' => FlaggedRevision::flattenRevisionTags($flags), 'img_name' => $fileData['name'], 'img_timestamp' => $fileData['timestamp'], 'img_sha1' => $fileData['sha1'], 'templateVersions' => $poutput->getTemplateIds(), 'fileVersions' => $poutput->getFileSearchOptions(), 'flags' => implode(',', $propFlags))); $flaggedRevision->insert(); # Update the article review log FlaggedRevsLog::updateReviewLog($title, $flags, array(), '', $rev->getId(), $oldSvId, true, $auto); # Update page and tracking tables and clear cache FlaggedRevs::stableVersionUpdates($title); wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return true; }
/** * Automatically review an revision and add a log entry in the review log. * * This is called during edit operations after the new revision is added * and the page tables updated, but before LinksUpdate is called. * * $auto is here for revisions checked off to be reviewed. Auto-review * triggers on edit, but we don't want those to count as just automatic. * This also makes it so the user's name shows up in the page history. * * If $flags is given, then they will be the review tags. If not, the one * from the stable version will be used or minimal tags if that's not possible. * If no appropriate tags can be found, then the review will abort. */ public static function autoReviewEdit(WikiPage $article, $user, Revision $rev, array $flags = null, $auto = true) { wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); $title = $article->getTitle(); // convenience # Get current stable version ID (for logging) $oldSv = FlaggedRevision::newFromStable($title, FR_MASTER); $oldSvId = $oldSv ? $oldSv->getRevId() : 0; # Set the auto-review tags from the prior stable version. # Normally, this should already be done and given here... if (!is_array($flags)) { if ($oldSv) { # Use the last stable version if $flags not given if ($user->isAllowed('bot')) { $flags = $oldSv->getTags(); // no change for bot edits } else { # Account for perms/tags... $flags = self::getAutoReviewTags($user, $oldSv->getTags()); } } else { // new page? $flags = self::quickTags(FR_CHECKED); // use minimal level } if (!is_array($flags)) { wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return false; // can't auto-review this revision } } # Get review property flags $propFlags = $auto ? array('auto') : array(); # Note: this needs to match the prepareContentForEdit() call WikiPage::doEditContent. # This is for consistency and also to avoid triggering a second parse otherwise. $editInfo = $article->prepareContentForEdit($rev->getContent(), null, $user, $rev->getContentFormat()); $poutput = $editInfo->output; // revision HTML output # Get the "review time" versions of templates and files. # This tries to make sure each template/file version either came from the stable # version of that template/file or was a "review time" version used in the stable # version of this page. If a pending version of a template/file is currently vandalism, # we try to avoid storing its ID as the "review time" version so it won't show up when # someone views the page. If not possible, this stores the current template/file. if (FlaggedRevs::inclusionSetting() === FR_INCLUDES_CURRENT) { $tVersions = $poutput->getTemplateIds(); $fVersions = $poutput->getFileSearchOptions(); } else { $tVersions = $oldSv ? $oldSv->getTemplateVersions() : array(); $fVersions = $oldSv ? $oldSv->getFileVersions() : array(); foreach ($poutput->getTemplateIds() as $ns => $pages) { foreach ($pages as $dbKey => $revId) { if (!isset($tVersions[$ns][$dbKey])) { $srev = FlaggedRevision::newFromStable(Title::makeTitle($ns, $dbKey)); if ($srev) { // use stable $tVersions[$ns][$dbKey] = $srev->getRevId(); } else { // use current $tVersions[$ns][$dbKey] = $revId; } } } } foreach ($poutput->getFileSearchOptions() as $dbKey => $info) { if (!isset($fVersions[$dbKey])) { $srev = FlaggedRevision::newFromStable(Title::makeTitle(NS_FILE, $dbKey)); if ($srev && $srev->getFileTimestamp()) { // use stable $fVersions[$dbKey]['time'] = $srev->getFileTimestamp(); $fVersions[$dbKey]['sha1'] = $srev->getFileSha1(); } else { // use current $fVersions[$dbKey]['time'] = $info['time']; $fVersions[$dbKey]['sha1'] = $info['sha1']; } } } } # If this is an image page, get the corresponding file version info... $fileData = array('name' => null, 'timestamp' => null, 'sha1' => null); if ($title->getNamespace() == NS_FILE) { # We must use WikiFilePage process cache on upload or get bitten by slave lag $file = $article instanceof WikiFilePage || $article instanceof ImagePage ? $article->getFile() : wfFindFile($title, array('bypassCache' => true)); // skip cache; bug 31056 if (is_object($file) && $file->exists()) { $fileData['name'] = $title->getDBkey(); $fileData['timestamp'] = $file->getTimestamp(); $fileData['sha1'] = $file->getSha1(); } } # Our review entry $flaggedRevision = new FlaggedRevision(array('rev' => $rev, 'user_id' => $user->getId(), 'timestamp' => $rev->getTimestamp(), 'quality' => FlaggedRevs::getQualityTier($flags, 0), 'tags' => FlaggedRevision::flattenRevisionTags($flags), 'img_name' => $fileData['name'], 'img_timestamp' => $fileData['timestamp'], 'img_sha1' => $fileData['sha1'], 'templateVersions' => $tVersions, 'fileVersions' => $fVersions, 'flags' => implode(',', $propFlags))); $flaggedRevision->insert(); # Update the article review log FlaggedRevsLog::updateReviewLog($title, $flags, array(), '', $rev->getId(), $oldSvId, true, $auto); # Update page and tracking tables and clear cache FlaggedRevs::stableVersionUpdates($article); wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return true; }
protected function update_flaggedrevs($start = null) { $this->output("Populating and correcting flaggedrevs columns\n"); $BATCH_SIZE = 1000; $db = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER); if ($start === null) { $start = $db->selectField('revision', 'MIN(rev_id)', false, __METHOD__); } $end = $db->selectField('revision', 'MAX(rev_id)', false, __METHOD__); if (is_null($start) || is_null($end)) { $this->output("...revision table seems to be empty.\n"); return; } # Do remaining chunk $end += $BATCH_SIZE - 1; $blockStart = $start; $blockEnd = $start + $BATCH_SIZE - 1; $count = 0; $changed = 0; while ($blockEnd <= $end) { $this->output("...doing fr_rev_id from {$blockStart} to {$blockEnd}\n"); $cond = "rev_id BETWEEN {$blockStart} AND {$blockEnd} \n\t\t\t\tAND fr_rev_id = rev_id AND page_id = rev_page"; $res = $db->select(array('revision', 'flaggedrevs', 'page'), array('fr_rev_id', 'fr_tags', 'fr_quality', 'page_namespace', 'page_title', 'fr_img_name', 'fr_img_timestamp', 'fr_img_sha1', 'rev_page'), $cond, __METHOD__); $db->begin(); # Go through and clean up missing items, as well as correct fr_quality... foreach ($res as $row) { $tags = FlaggedRevision::expandRevisionTags($row->fr_tags); # Quality rating levels may have changed due to config tweaks... $quality = FlaggedRevs::getQualityTier($tags, 0); $file = $row->fr_img_name; $fileTime = $row->fr_img_timestamp; $fileSha1 = $row->fr_img_sha1; # Check for file version to see if it's stored the old way... if ($row->page_namespace == NS_FILE && !$file) { $irow = $db->selectRow('flaggedimages', array('fi_img_timestamp', 'fi_img_sha1'), array('fi_rev_id' => $row->fr_rev_id, 'fi_name' => $row->page_title), __METHOD__); $fileTime = $irow ? $irow->fi_img_timestamp : null; $fileSha1 = $irow ? $irow->fi_img_sha1 : null; $file = $irow ? $row->page_title : null; # Fill in from current if broken if (!$irow) { $crow = $db->selectRow('image', array('img_timestamp', 'img_sha1'), array('img_name' => $row->page_title), __METHOD__); $fileTime = $crow ? $crow->img_timestamp : null; $fileSha1 = $crow ? $crow->img_sha1 : null; $file = $crow ? $row->page_title : null; } } # Check if anything needs updating if ($quality != $row->fr_quality || $file != $row->fr_img_name || $fileSha1 != $row->fr_img_sha1 || $fileTime != $row->fr_img_timestamp) { # Update the row... $db->update('flaggedrevs', array('fr_quality' => $quality, 'fr_img_name' => $file, 'fr_img_sha1' => $fileSha1, 'fr_img_timestamp' => $fileTime), array('fr_rev_id' => $row->fr_rev_id), __METHOD__); $changed++; } $count++; } $db->commit(); $db->freeResult($res); $blockStart += $BATCH_SIZE; $blockEnd += $BATCH_SIZE; wfWaitForSlaves(5); } $this->output("fr_quality and fr_img_* columns update complete ..." . " {$count} rows [{$changed} changed]\n"); }