protected static function fetchTemplateChanges(FlaggedRevision $frev, $newTemplates = null)
     $diffLinks = array();
     if ($newTemplates === null) {
         $changes = $frev->findPendingTemplateChanges();
     } else {
         $changes = $frev->findTemplateChanges($newTemplates);
     foreach ($changes as $tuple) {
         list($title, $revIdStable, $hasStable) = $tuple;
         $link = Linker::linkKnown($title, htmlspecialchars($title->getPrefixedText()), array(), array('diff' => 'cur', 'oldid' => $revIdStable));
         if (!$hasStable) {
             $link = "<strong>{$link}</strong>";
         $diffLinks[] = $link;
     return $diffLinks;
  * Updates the flagging tracking tables for this page
  * @param FlaggedRevision $srev The new stable version
  * @param int|null $latest The latest rev ID (optional)
  * @return bool Updates were done
 public function updateStableVersion(FlaggedRevision $srev, $latest = null)
     $rev = $srev->getRevision();
     if (!$this->exists() || !$rev) {
         return false;
         // no bogus entries
     # Get the latest revision ID if not set
     if (!$latest) {
         $latest = $this->mTitle->getLatestRevID(Title::GAID_FOR_UPDATE);
     $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
     # Get the highest quality revision (not necessarily this one)...
     if ($srev->getQuality() === FlaggedRevs::highestReviewTier()) {
         $maxQuality = $srev->getQuality();
         // save a query
     } else {
         $maxQuality = $dbw->selectField(array('flaggedrevs', 'revision'), 'fr_quality', array('fr_page_id' => $this->getId(), 'rev_id = fr_rev_id', 'rev_page = fr_page_id', 'rev_deleted & ' . Revision::DELETED_TEXT => 0), __METHOD__, array('ORDER BY' => 'fr_quality DESC', 'LIMIT' => 1));
         $maxQuality = max($maxQuality, $srev->getQuality());
         // sanity
     # Get the timestamp of the first edit after the stable version (if any)...
     $nextTimestamp = null;
     if ($rev->getId() != $latest) {
         $timestamp = $dbw->timestamp($rev->getTimestamp());
         $nextEditTS = $dbw->selectField('revision', 'rev_timestamp', array('rev_page' => $this->getId(), "rev_timestamp > " . $dbw->addQuotes($timestamp)), __METHOD__, array('ORDER BY' => 'rev_timestamp ASC', 'LIMIT' => 1));
         if ($nextEditTS) {
             // sanity check
             $nextTimestamp = $nextEditTS;
     # Get the new page sync status...
     $synced = !($nextTimestamp !== null || $srev->findPendingTemplateChanges() || $srev->findPendingFileChanges('noForeign'));
     # Alter table metadata
     $dbw->replace('flaggedpages', array('fp_page_id'), array('fp_page_id' => $this->getId(), 'fp_stable' => $rev->getId(), 'fp_reviewed' => $synced ? 1 : 0, 'fp_quality' => $maxQuality === false ? null : $maxQuality, 'fp_pending_since' => $dbw->timestampOrNull($nextTimestamp)), __METHOD__);
     # Update pending edit tracking table
     self::updatePendingList($this->getId(), $latest);
     return true;