Пример #1
 public static function resource($path, array $options)
     $options = array_replace_recursive(["class" => null, "list_mode" => "list", "sql" => ["table" => null, "raw" => null, "primary_key" => "id"]], $options);
     $path = rtrim($path, "/") ?: "/";
     $resource = $options["class"];
     $table = $options["sql"]["table"];
     $raw = $options["sql"]["raw"];
     $pkey = $options["sql"]["primary_key"];
     $sql_list = $raw ?: "SELECT * FROM {$table}";
     $sql_single = strpos($sql_list, "WHERE") === false ? "{$sql_list} WHERE {$pkey}=:{$pkey}" : str_replace("WHERE ", "WHERE {$pkey}=:{$pkey} AND ", $sql_list);
     $sql_single .= " LIMIT 1";
     // Ensure endpoint options sanity
     if (class_exists($resource, false) && ($table || $raw) && $pkey) {
         // List
         Route::on($path, function () use($resource, $table, $sql_list, $options) {
             return $resource::fromSQL($sql_list);
         // Single
         Route::on("{$path}/:id", function ($id) use($resource, $table, $pkey, $sql_single) {
             return ['data' => $resource::singleFromSQL($sql_single, ["{$pkey}" => $id]) ?: API::error("Not found", 404)];
         // Projection short-hand
         Route::on("{$path}/:id/:parameter", function ($id, $parameter) use($resource, $table, $pkey, $sql_single) {
             Filter::add("api.{$resource}.getProjectionFields", function ($t) use($parameter) {
                 return $parameter;
             return ['data' => $resource::singleFromSQL($sql_single, ["{$pkey}" => $id]) ?: API::error("Not found", 404)];
Пример #2
  * Test using a closure as a filter
  * @return null
 public function testFilterAsClosure()
     global $_GET;
     global $_POST;
     global $_REQUEST;
     global $_FILES;
     global $_SERVER;
     $validEmail = '*****@*****.**';
     // create and register a Filter instance
     $filter = new Filter();
     $filter->add('testVal', function ($value) {
         return 'returned: ' . $value;
     $input = new Input($filter);
     $input->set('get', 'testVal', $validEmail);
     $result = $input->get('testVal');
     $this->assertEquals('returned: ' . $validEmail, $result);
Пример #3
    return str_replace(array('`{{', '}}`'), array('{{', '}}'), $content);
}, 30);
 * Other(s)
 * --------
 * I'm trying to not touching the source code of the Markdown plugin at all.
 * [1]. Add bordered class for tables in content.
 * [2]. Add `rel="nofollow"` attribute in external links.
if ($config->html_parser) {
    Filter::add('content', function ($content) use($config) {
        return preg_replace(array('#<table>#', '#<a href="(?!' . preg_quote($config->url, '/') . '|javascript:|[\\.\\/\\?\\#])#'), array('<table class="table-bordered table-full-width">', '<a rel="nofollow" href="'), $content);
        return $content;
    }, 20);
 * Set Page Metadata
 * -----------------
Weapon::add('meta', function () {
    $config = Config::get();
    $speak = Config::speak();
    $html = O_BEGIN . Cell::meta(null, null, array('charset' => $config->charset)) . NL;
    $html .= Cell::meta('viewport', 'width=device-width', array(), 2) . NL;
    if (isset($config->article->description)) {
        $description = strip_tags($config->article->description);
    } else {
        if (isset($config->page->description)) {
Пример #4
 * [1]. /
Route::accept('/', function () use($config, $excludes) {
    $s = Get::articles();
    if ($articles = Mecha::eat($s)->chunk(1, $config->index->per_page)->vomit()) {
        $articles = Mecha::walk($articles, function ($path) use($excludes) {
            return Get::article($path, $excludes);
    } else {
        $articles = false;
    Filter::add('pager:url', function ($url) {
        return Filter::apply('index:url', $url);
    Config::set(array('articles' => $articles, 'pagination' => Navigator::extract($s, 1, $config->index->per_page, $config->index->slug)));
}, 110);
 * Route Hook: after
 * -----------------
 * Do Routing
 * ----------
Пример #5
 * Frog CMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * Frog CMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with Frog CMS.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * Frog CMS has made an exception to the GNU General Public License for plugins.
 * See exception.txt for details and the full text.
 * The Textile plugin allows users to edit pages using the textile syntax.
 * @package frog
 * @subpackage plugin.textile
 * @author Philippe Archambault <*****@*****.**>
 * @version 1.0.0
 * @since Frog version 0.9.0
 * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html GPL License
 * @copyright Philippe Archambault, 2008
Plugin::setInfos(array('id' => 'textile', 'title' => 'Textile filter', 'description' => 'Allows you to compose page parts or snippets using the Textile text filter.', 'version' => '1.0.0', 'website' => 'http://www.madebyfrog.com/', 'update_url' => 'http://www.madebyfrog.com/plugin-versions.xml'));
Filter::add('textile', 'textile/filter_textile.php');
Пример #6

Plugin::setInfos(array('id' => 'hello_world', 'title' => 'Hello world!', 'description' => 'Allows you to display "Hello World! where you want.', 'version' => '1.0.0', 'license' => 'GPL', 'author' => 'Martijn van der Kleijn', 'website' => 'http://www.wolfcms.org/', 'update_url' => 'http://www.siforster.net/plugin-versions.xml', 'require_wolf_version' => '0.5.0'));
function hello()
    echo 'Hello World!';
Filter::add('hello_world', 'hello_world/filter_hello_world.php');
Пример #7

function do_asset_version($url, $source)
    $path = Asset::path($source);
    if ($path && strpos($path, '://') === false) {
        return $url . '?v=' . File::T($path);
    return $url;
Filter::add('asset:url', 'do_asset_version');

Weapon::add('shield_before', function () {
    $config = Config::get();
    if ($config->comments->allow) {
        $comment_service_config = File::open(__DIR__ . DS . 'states' . DS . 'config.txt')->unserialize();
        Config::set('plugins.comment_service_config', $comment_service_config);
        $active = $comment_service_config['service'];
        if ($s = Config::get($config->page_type)) {
            $active = isset($s->fields->comment_service) && trim($s->fields->comment_service) !== "" ? $s->fields->comment_service : $active;
        if ($launch = File::exist(__DIR__ . DS . 'workers' . DS . $active . DS . 'launch.php')) {
            require $launch;
        Filter::add('chunk:path', function ($path) use($active) {
            if ($active !== 0 && File::N($path) === 'comments') {
                return __DIR__ . DS . 'workers' . DS . $active . DS . 'comments.php';
            return $path;
Пример #9
        $config->html_minifier = true;
        Config::set('html_minifier', $config->html_minifier);
        $content = Converter::detractSkeleton($content);
    // Minify URL
    if (isset($c['url_minifier']) && Text::check($content)->has('="' . $url)) {
        $content = str_replace(array('="' . $url . '"', '="' . $url . '/', '="' . $url . '?', '="' . $url . '#'), array('="/"', '="/', '="?', '="#'), $content);
    // Minify Embedded CSS
    if (isset($c['css_minifier'])) {
        $content = preg_replace_callback('#<style(>| .*?>)([\\s\\S]*?)<\\/style>#i', function ($matches) use($config, $c, $url) {
            $css = Converter::detractShell($matches[2]);
            if (isset($c['url_minifier'])) {
                $css = preg_replace('#(?<=[\\s:])(src|url)\\(' . preg_quote($url, '/') . '#', '$1(', $css);
            return '<style' . $matches[1] . $css . '</style>';
        }, $content);
    // Minify Embedded JavaScript
    if (isset($c['js_minifier'])) {
        $content = preg_replace_callback('#<script(>| .*?>)([\\s\\S]*?)<\\/script>#i', function ($matches) {
            $js = Converter::detractSword($matches[2]);
            return '<script' . $matches[1] . $js . '</script>';
        }, $content);
    return $content;
if ($config->url_path === $config->manager->slug . '/login' || $config->page_type !== 'manager') {
    // Apply `do_minify` filter
    Filter::add('shield:input', 'do_minify', 1);
Пример #10

function do_shortcode_php($content)
    if (strpos($content, '{{php}}') === false) {
        return $content;
    global $config, $speak;
    return preg_replace_callback('#(?<!`)\\{\\{php\\}\\}(?!`)([\\s\\S]*?)(?<!`)\\{\\{\\/php\\}\\}(?!`)#', function ($matches) use($config, $speak) {
        return Converter::phpEval($matches[1], array('config' => $config, 'speak' => $speak));
    }, $content);
if (!Guardian::happy() || Guardian::happy(1)) {
    Filter::add('shortcode', 'do_shortcode_php', 20.1);
// Create a new comment
if (!Guardian::happy(1)) {
    // Disallow `{{php}}` shortcode in comment to prevent PHP script injection
    Filter::add('request:comment', function ($lot) {
        if (isset($lot['message'])) {
            $lot['message'] = str_replace(array('{{php}}', '{{/php}}'), "", $lot['message']);
        return $lot;
Пример #11

Filter::add(array('plugin:shortcode', 'shield:shortcode'), function ($content) use($config, $speak) {
    if (strpos($content, '<!-- block:') === false) {
        return $content;
    $form = '---

<form class="form-donate" action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post" target="_blank">
  <input name="cmd" type="hidden" value="_s-xclick">
  <input name="hosted_button_id" type="hidden" value="TNVGH7NQ7E4EU">
  <input name="submit" type="image" class="help" src="" alt="PayPal &ndash; The safer, easier way to pay online!" title="' . Text::parse($speak->manager->description_donate, '->encoded_html') . '">
  <img alt="" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/id_ID/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1">
    return str_replace('<!-- block:donate -->', $form, $content);
Пример #12
// HTML output manipulation
Filter::add('chunk:output', function ($content, $path) use($config, $speak) {
    $name = File::N($path);
    // Add an icon to the log in form button
    if ($name === 'page.body' && Route::is($config->manager->slug . '/login')) {
        return str_replace('>' . $speak->login . '</button>', '><i class="fa fa-key"></i> ' . trim(strip_tags($speak->login)) . '</button>', $content);
    // Add an icon to the older and newer link text
    if ($name === 'pager') {
        $content = str_replace('>' . $speak->newer . '</a>', '><i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i> ' . trim(strip_tags($speak->newer)) . '</a>', $content);
        $content = str_replace('>' . $speak->older . '</a>', '>' . trim(strip_tags($speak->older)) . ' <i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i></a>', $content);
    // Add an icon to the article date
    if ($name === 'article.time') {
        $content = str_replace('<time ', '<i class="fa fa-calendar"></i> <time ', $content);
    // Add an icon to the comments title
    if ($name === 'comments.header') {
        $content = str_replace('<h3>', '<h3><i class="fa fa-comments"></i> ', $content);
    // Add an icon to the comment form button
    if ($name === 'comment.form') {
        $content = str_replace('>' . $speak->publish . '</button>', '><i class="fa fa-check-circle"></i> ' . trim(strip_tags($speak->publish)) . '</button>', $content);
    // Add an icon to the log in/out link
    if ($name === 'block.footer.bar') {
        $content = str_replace('>' . $speak->log_in . '</a>', '><i class="fa fa-sign-in"></i> ' . trim(strip_tags($speak->log_in)) . '</a>', $content);
        $content = str_replace('>' . $speak->log_out . '</a>', '><i class="fa fa-sign-in"></i> ' . trim(strip_tags($speak->log_out)) . '</a>', $content);
    return $content;
// Exclude these fields on index, tag, archive, search page ...
        return $speak->plugin_private_post->description;
    $s = isset($results->fields->pass) ? $results->fields->pass : "";
    if (strpos($s, ':') !== false) {
        $s = explode(':', $s, 2);
        if (isset($s[1])) {
            $speak->plugin_private_post->hint = ltrim($s[1]);
        // override password hint
        $s = $s[0];
    $hash = md5($s . PRIVATE_POST_SALT);
    $html = Notify::read(false) . '<div class="overlay--' . File::B(__DIR__) . '"></div><form class="form--' . File::B(__DIR__) . '" action="' . $config->url . '/' . File::B(__DIR__) . '/do:access" method="post">' . NL;
    $html .= TAB . Form::hidden('token', Guardian::token()) . NL;
    $html .= TAB . Form::hidden('_', $hash) . NL;
    $html .= TAB . Form::hidden('kick', $config->url_current) . NL;
    $html .= TAB . '<p>' . $speak->plugin_private_post->hint . '</p>' . NL;
    $html .= TAB . '<p>' . Form::text('access', "", $speak->password . '&hellip;', array('autocomplete' => 'off')) . ' ' . Form::button($speak->submit, null, 'submit') . '</p>' . NL;
    $html .= '</form>' . O_END;
    if ($results && isset($results->fields->pass) && trim($results->fields->pass) !== "") {
        if (!Guardian::happy() && Session::get('is_allow_post_access') !== $hash) {
            return $html;
    return $content;
$filters = Mecha::walk(glob(POST . DS . '*', GLOB_NOSORT | GLOB_ONLYDIR), function ($v) {
    return File::B($v) . ':content';
Filter::add($filters, 'do_private_post', 30);
Пример #14
    $parser->empty_element_suffix = ES;
    $parser->table_align_class_tmpl = 'text-%%';
    // table align class, example: `<td class="text-right">`
    return preg_replace(array('#<table>#', '#<a href="(?!javascript:|[./?\\#]|' . preg_quote($config->url, '/') . ')#'), array('<table class="table-bordered table-full-width">', '<a rel="nofollow" href="'), trim($parser->transform($url . "\n\n" . $abbr . "\n\n" . $input)));
function do_markdown($content, $results = array())
    global $config;
    $results = (object) $results;
    if (!isset($results->content_type) || $results->content_type === 'Markdown' || $results->content_type === 'Markdown Extra') {
        return Text::parse($content, '->html');
    return $content;
// Apply `do_markdown` filter
Filter::add(array('content', 'message'), 'do_markdown', 1);
// Set new `html_parser` type
$config->html_parser->type = array_merge((array) $config->html_parser->type, array('Markdown' => 'Markdown Extra'));
// --ibid
Config::set('html_parser.type', $config->html_parser->type);
// Re-write `comment_wizard` value
if ($config->html_parser->active === 'Markdown' || $config->html_parser->active === 'Markdown Extra') {
    Config::set('speak.comment_wizard', $speak->__comment_wizard);
// Create a new comment
if ($config->is->post && Request::method('post')) {
    if (isset($_POST['message'])) {
        // **Markdown Extra** does not support syntax to generate `del`, `ins` and `mark` tag
        $_POST['message'] = Text::parse($_POST['message'], '->text', '<br><del><ins><mark>', false);
        // Temporarily disallow image(s) in comment to prevent XSS
        $_POST['message'] = preg_replace('#(\\!\\[.*?\\]\\(.*?\\))#', '`$1`', $_POST['message']);
Пример #15

/// Copyright (c) 2004-2012, Needlworks  / Tatter Network Foundation
/// All rights reserved. Licensed under the GPL.
/// See the GNU General Public License for more details. (/documents/LICENSE, /documents/COPYRIGHT)
$IV = array('GET' => array('command' => array('any', 'mandatory' => false, 'default' => 'block'), 'id' => array('id', 'mandatory' => false), 'mode' => array(array('ip', 'url', 'content', 'name', 'whiteurl')), 'value' => array('string', 'mandatory' => false)));
require ROOT . '/library/preprocessor.php';
$isAjaxRequest = checkAjaxRequest();
$filter = new Filter();
if ($_GET['command'] == 'unblock') {
    if (empty($_GET['id'])) {
        $filter->type = $_GET['mode'];
        $filter->pattern = $_GET['value'];
    } else {
        $filter->id = $_GET['id'];
    if ($filter->remove()) {
        $isAjaxRequest ? Respond::PrintResult(array('error' => 0)) : header("Location: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
    } else {
        $isAjaxRequest ? Respond::PrintResult(array('error' => 1, 'msg' => POD::error())) : header("Location: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
} else {
    $filter->type = $_GET['mode'];
    $filter->pattern = $_GET['value'];
    if ($filter->add()) {
        $isAjaxRequest ? Respond::PrintResult(array('error' => 0, 'id' => $filter->id)) : header("Location: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
    } else {
        $isAjaxRequest ? Respond::PrintResult(array('error' => 1, 'msg' => POD::error())) : header("Location: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
Пример #16
function importer($path, $node, $line)
    global $blogid, $migrational, $items, $item;
    switch ($path) {
        case '/blog/setting':
            setProgress($item++ / $items * 100, _t('블로그 설정을 복원하고 있습니다.'));
            $setting = new BlogSetting();
            if (isset($node['title'][0]['.value'])) {
                $setting->title = $node['title'][0]['.value'];
            if (isset($node['description'][0]['.value'])) {
                $setting->description = $node['description'][0]['.value'];
            if (isset($node['banner'][0]['name'][0]['.value'])) {
                $setting->banner = $node['banner'][0]['name'][0]['.value'];
            if (isset($node['useSloganOnPost'][0]['.value'])) {
                $setting->useSloganOnPost = $node['useSloganOnPost'][0]['.value'];
            if (isset($node['postsOnPage'][0]['.value'])) {
                $setting->postsOnPage = $node['postsOnPage'][0]['.value'];
            if (isset($node['postsOnList'][0]['.value'])) {
                $setting->postsOnList = $node['postsOnList'][0]['.value'];
            if (isset($node['postsOnFeed'][0]['.value'])) {
                $setting->postsOnFeed = $node['postsOnFeed'][0]['.value'];
            if (isset($node['publishWholeOnFeed'][0]['.value'])) {
                $setting->publishWholeOnFeed = $node['publishWholeOnFeed'][0]['.value'];
            if (isset($node['acceptGuestComment'][0]['.value'])) {
                $setting->acceptGuestComment = $node['acceptGuestComment'][0]['.value'];
            if (isset($node['acceptcommentOnGuestComment'][0]['.value'])) {
                $setting->acceptcommentOnGuestComment = $node['acceptcommentOnGuestComment'][0]['.value'];
            if (isset($node['language'][0]['.value'])) {
                $setting->language = $node['language'][0]['.value'];
            if (isset($node['timezone'][0]['.value'])) {
                $setting->timezone = $node['timezone'][0]['.value'];
            if (!$setting->save()) {
                user_error(__LINE__ . $setting->error);
            if (!empty($setting->banner) && !empty($node['banner'][0]['content'][0]['.stream'])) {
                Utils_Base64Stream::decode($node['banner'][0]['content'][0]['.stream'], Path::combine(ROOT, 'attach', $blogid, $setting->banner));
                Attachment::adjustPermission(Path::combine(ROOT, 'attach', $blogid, $setting->banner));
            return true;
        case '/blog/category':
            setProgress($item++ / $items * 100, _t('분류를 복원하고 있습니다.'));
            $category = new Category();
            $category->name = $node['name'][0]['.value'];
            $category->priority = $node['priority'][0]['.value'];
            if (isset($node['root'][0]['.value'])) {
                $category->id = 0;
            if (!$category->add()) {
                user_error(__LINE__ . $category->error);
            if (isset($node['category'])) {
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($node['category']); $i++) {
                    $childCategory = new Category();
                    $childCategory->parent = $category->id;
                    $cursor =& $node['category'][$i];
                    $childCategory->name = $cursor['name'][0]['.value'];
                    $childCategory->priority = $cursor['priority'][0]['.value'];
                    if (!$childCategory->add()) {
                        user_error(__LINE__ . $childCategory->error);
            return true;
        case '/blog/post':
            setProgress($item++ / $items * 100, _t('글을 복원하고 있습니다.'));
            $post = new Post();
            $post->id = $node['id'][0]['.value'];
            $post->slogan = @$node['.attributes']['slogan'];
            $post->visibility = $node['visibility'][0]['.value'];
            if (isset($node['starred'][0]['.value'])) {
                $post->starred = $node['starred'][0]['.value'];
            } else {
                $post->starred = 0;
            $post->title = $node['title'][0]['.value'];
            $post->content = $node['content'][0]['.value'];
            $post->contentformatter = isset($node['content'][0]['.attributes']['formatter']) ? $node['content'][0]['.attributes']['formatter'] : 'ttml';
            $post->contenteditor = isset($node['content'][0]['.attributes']['editor']) ? $node['content'][0]['.attributes']['editor'] : 'modern';
            $post->location = $node['location'][0]['.value'];
            $post->password = isset($node['password'][0]['.value']) ? $node['password'][0]['.value'] : null;
            $post->acceptcomment = $node['acceptComment'][0]['.value'];
            $post->accepttrackback = $node['acceptTrackback'][0]['.value'];
            $post->published = $node['published'][0]['.value'];
            if (isset($node['longitude'][0]['.value'])) {
                $post->longitude = $node['longitude'][0]['.value'];
            if (isset($node['latitude'][0]['.value'])) {
                $post->latitude = $node['latitude'][0]['.value'];
            $post->created = @$node['created'][0]['.value'];
            $post->modified = @$node['modified'][0]['.value'];
            if ($post->visibility == 'private' && intval($post->published) > $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] || !empty($node['appointed'][0]['.value']) && $node['appointed'][0]['.value'] == 'true') {
                // for compatibility of appointed entries
                $post->visibility = 'appointed';
            if ($post->slogan == '') {
                $post->slogan = 'Untitled' . $post->id;
            if (!empty($node['category'][0]['.value'])) {
                $post->category = Category::getId($node['category'][0]['.value']);
            if (isset($node['tag'])) {
                $post->tags = array();
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($node['tag']); $i++) {
                    if (!empty($node['tag'][$i]['.value'])) {
                        array_push($post->tags, $node['tag'][$i]['.value']);
            if (floatval(Setting::getServiceSettingGlobal('newlineStyle')) >= 1.1 && floatval(@$node['.attributes']['format']) < 1.1) {
                $post->content = nl2brWithHTML($post->content);
            if (!$post->add()) {
                user_error(__LINE__ . $post->error);
            if (isset($node['attachment'])) {
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($node['attachment']); $i++) {
                    $attachment = new Attachment();
                    $attachment->parent = $post->id;
                    $cursor =& $node['attachment'][$i];
                    $attachment->name = $cursor['name'][0]['.value'];
                    $attachment->label = $cursor['label'][0]['.value'];
                    $attachment->mime = @$cursor['.attributes']['mime'];
                    $attachment->size = $cursor['.attributes']['size'];
                    $attachment->width = $cursor['.attributes']['width'];
                    $attachment->height = $cursor['.attributes']['height'];
                    $attachment->enclosure = @$cursor['enclosure'][0]['.value'];
                    $attachment->attached = $cursor['attached'][0]['.value'];
                    $attachment->downloads = @$cursor['downloads'][0]['.value'];
                    if (!$attachment->add()) {
                        user_error(__LINE__ . $attachment->error);
                    } else {
                        if ($cursor['name'][0]['.value'] != $attachment->name) {
                            $post2 = new Post();
                            if ($post2->open($post->id, 'id, content')) {
                                $post2->content = str_replace($cursor['name'][0]['.value'], $attachment->name, $post2->content);
                    if (!empty($cursor['content'][0]['.stream'])) {
                        Utils_Base64Stream::decode($cursor['content'][0]['.stream'], Path::combine(ROOT, 'attach', $blogid, $attachment->name));
                        Attachment::adjustPermission(Path::combine(ROOT, 'attach', $blogid, $attachment->name));
            if (isset($node['comment'])) {
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($node['comment']); $i++) {
                    $comment = new Comment();
                    $comment->entry = $post->id;
                    $cursor =& $node['comment'][$i];
                    $comment->name = $cursor['commenter'][0]['name'][0]['.value'];
                    if (!empty($cursor['id'][0]['.value'])) {
                        $comment->id = $cursor['id'][0]['.value'];
                    if (!empty($cursor['commenter'][0]['.attributes']['id'])) {
                        $comment->commenter = $cursor['commenter'][0]['.attributes']['id'];
                    if (!empty($cursor['commenter'][0]['homepage'][0]['.value'])) {
                        $comment->homepage = $cursor['commenter'][0]['homepage'][0]['.value'];
                    if (!empty($cursor['commenter'][0]['ip'][0]['.value'])) {
                        $comment->ip = $cursor['commenter'][0]['ip'][0]['.value'];
                    if (!empty($cursor['commenter'][0]['openid'][0]['.value'])) {
                        $comment->openid = $cursor['commenter'][0]['openid'][0]['.value'];
                    $comment->password = $cursor['password'][0]['.value'];
                    $comment->secret = $cursor['secret'][0]['.value'];
                    $comment->written = $cursor['written'][0]['.value'];
                    if (isset($cursor['longitude'][0]['.value'])) {
                        $comment->longitude = $cursor['longitude'][0]['.value'];
                    if (isset($cursor['latitude'][0]['.value'])) {
                        $comment->latitude = $cursor['latitude'][0]['.value'];
                    $comment->content = $cursor['content'][0]['.value'];
                    if (!empty($cursor['isFiltered'][0]['.value'])) {
                        $comment->isfiltered = $cursor['isFiltered'][0]['.value'];
                    if (!$comment->add()) {
                        user_error(__LINE__ . $comment->error);
                    if (isset($node['comment'][$i]['comment'])) {
                        for ($j = 0; $j < count($node['comment'][$i]['comment']); $j++) {
                            $childComment = new Comment();
                            $childComment->entry = $post->id;
                            $childComment->parent = $comment->id;
                            $cursor =& $node['comment'][$i]['comment'][$j];
                            if (!empty($cursor['id'][0]['.value'])) {
                                $childComment->id = $cursor['id'][0]['.value'];
                            if (!empty($cursor['commenter'][0]['.attributes']['id'])) {
                                $childComment->commenter = $cursor['commenter'][0]['.attributes']['id'];
                            $childComment->name = $cursor['commenter'][0]['name'][0]['.value'];
                            if (!empty($cursor['commenter'][0]['homepage'][0]['.value'])) {
                                $childComment->homepage = $cursor['commenter'][0]['homepage'][0]['.value'];
                            if (!empty($cursor['commenter'][0]['ip'][0]['.value'])) {
                                $childComment->ip = $cursor['commenter'][0]['ip'][0]['.value'];
                            if (!empty($cursor['commenter'][0]['openid'][0]['.value'])) {
                                $childComment->openid = $cursor['commenter'][0]['openid'][0]['.value'];
                            $childComment->password = $cursor['password'][0]['.value'];
                            $childComment->secret = $cursor['secret'][0]['.value'];
                            $childComment->written = $cursor['written'][0]['.value'];
                            if (isset($cursor['longitude'][0]['.value'])) {
                                $comment->longitude = $cursor['longitude'][0]['.value'];
                            if (isset($cursor['latitude'][0]['.value'])) {
                                $comment->latitude = $cursor['latitude'][0]['.value'];
                            $childComment->content = $cursor['content'][0]['.value'];
                            if (!empty($cursor['isFiltered'][0]['.value'])) {
                                $childComment->isfiltered = $cursor['isFiltered'][0]['.value'];
                            if (!$childComment->add()) {
                                user_error(__LINE__ . $childComment->error);
            if (isset($node['trackback'])) {
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($node['trackback']); $i++) {
                    $trackback = new Trackback();
                    $trackback->entry = $post->id;
                    $cursor =& $node['trackback'][$i];
                    $trackback->url = $cursor['url'][0]['.value'];
                    $trackback->site = $cursor['site'][0]['.value'];
                    $trackback->title = $cursor['title'][0]['.value'];
                    $trackback->excerpt = @$cursor['excerpt'][0]['.value'];
                    if (!empty($cursor['ip'][0]['.value'])) {
                        $trackback->ip = $cursor['ip'][0]['.value'];
                    if (!empty($cursor['received'][0]['.value'])) {
                        $trackback->received = $cursor['received'][0]['.value'];
                    if (!empty($cursor['isFiltered'][0]['.value'])) {
                        $trackback->isFiltered = $cursor['isFiltered'][0]['.value'];
                    if (!$trackback->add()) {
                        user_error(__LINE__ . $trackback->error);
            if (isset($node['logs'][0]['trackback'])) {
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($node['logs'][0]['trackback']); $i++) {
                    $log = new TrackbackLog();
                    $log->entry = $post->id;
                    $cursor =& $node['logs'][0]['trackback'][$i];
                    $log->url = $cursor['url'][0]['.value'];
                    if (!empty($cursor['sent'][0]['.value'])) {
                        $log->sent = $cursor['sent'][0]['.value'];
                    if (!$log->add()) {
                        user_error(__LINE__ . $log->error);
            return true;
        case '/blog/page':
            setProgress($item++ / $items * 100, _t('페이지를 복원하고 있습니다.'));
            $page = new Page();
            $page->id = $node['id'][0]['.value'];
            $page->slogan = @$node['.attributes']['slogan'];
            $page->visibility = $node['visibility'][0]['.value'];
            if (isset($node['starred'][0]['.value'])) {
                $page->starred = $node['starred'][0]['.value'];
            } else {
                $page->starred = 0;
            $page->title = $node['title'][0]['.value'];
            $page->content = $node['content'][0]['.value'];
            $page->contentformatter = isset($node['content']['.attributes']['formatter']) ? $node['content']['.attributes']['formatter'] : getDefaultFormatter();
            $page->contenteditor = isset($node['content']['.attributes']['editor']) ? $node['content']['.attributes']['editor'] : getDefaultEditor();
            $page->published = $node['published'][0]['.value'];
            $page->created = @$node['created'][0]['.value'];
            $page->modified = @$node['modified'][0]['.value'];
            if (floatval(Setting::getServiceSettingGlobal('newlineStyle')) >= 1.1 && floatval(@$node['.attributes']['format']) < 1.1) {
                $page->content = nl2brWithHTML($page->content);
            if (!$page->add()) {
                user_error(__LINE__ . $page->error);
            if (isset($node['attachment'])) {
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($node['attachment']); $i++) {
                    $attachment = new Attachment();
                    $attachment->parent = $page->id;
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                    $attachment->downloads = @$cursor['downloads'][0]['.value'];
                    if (Attachment::doesExist($attachment->name)) {
                        if (!$attachment->add()) {
                            user_error(__LINE__ . $attachment->error);
                        $page2 = new Page();
                        if ($page2->open($page->id, 'id, content')) {
                            $page2->content = str_replace($cursor['name'][0]['.value'], $attachment->name, $page2->content);
                    } else {
                        if (!$attachment->add()) {
                            user_error(__LINE__ . $attachment->error);
                    if (!empty($cursor['content'][0]['.stream'])) {
                        Utils_Base64Stream::decode($cursor['content'][0]['.stream'], Path::combine(ROOT, 'attach', $blogid, $attachment->name));
                        Attachment::adjustPermission(Path::combine(ROOT, 'attach', $blogid, $attachment->name));
            return true;
        case '/blog/notice':
            setProgress($item++ / $items * 100, _t('공지를 복원하고 있습니다.'));
            $notice = new Notice();
            $notice->id = $node['id'][0]['.value'];
            $notice->slogan = @$node['.attributes']['slogan'];
            $notice->visibility = $node['visibility'][0]['.value'];
            if (isset($node['starred'][0]['.value'])) {
                $notice->starred = $node['starred'][0]['.value'];
            } else {
                $notice->starred = 0;
            $notice->title = $node['title'][0]['.value'];
            $notice->content = $node['content'][0]['.value'];
            $notice->contentformatter = isset($node['content'][0]['.attributes']['formatter']) ? $node['content'][0]['.attributes']['formatter'] : getDefaultFormatter();
            $notice->contenteditor = isset($node['content'][0]['.attributes']['editor']) ? $node['content'][0]['.attributes']['editor'] : getDefaultEditor();
            $notice->published = intval($node['published'][0]['.value']);
            $notice->created = @$node['created'][0]['.value'];
            $notice->modified = @$node['modified'][0]['.value'];
            if (floatval(Setting::getServiceSettingGlobal('newlineStyle')) >= 1.1 && floatval(@$node['.attributes']['format']) < 1.1) {
                $notice->content = nl2brWithHTML($notice->content);
            if (!$notice->add()) {
                user_error(__LINE__ . $notice->error);
            if (isset($node['attachment'])) {
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($node['attachment']); $i++) {
                    $attachment = new Attachment();
                    $attachment->parent = $notice->id;
                    $cursor =& $node['attachment'][$i];
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                    $attachment->label = $cursor['label'][0]['.value'];
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                    $attachment->height = $cursor['.attributes']['height'];
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                    $attachment->attached = $cursor['attached'][0]['.value'];
                    $attachment->downloads = @$cursor['downloads'][0]['.value'];
                    if (Attachment::doesExist($attachment->name)) {
                        if (!$attachment->add()) {
                            user_error(__LINE__ . $attachment->error);
                        $notice2 = new Notice();
                        if ($notice2->open($notice->id, 'id, content')) {
                            $notice2->content = str_replace($cursor['name'][0]['.value'], $attachment->name, $notice2->content);
                    } else {
                        if (!$attachment->add()) {
                            user_error(__LINE__ . $attachment->error);
                    if (!empty($cursor['content'][0]['.stream'])) {
                        Utils_Base64Stream::decode($cursor['content'][0]['.stream'], Path::combine(ROOT, 'attach', $blogid, $attachment->name));
                        Attachment::adjustPermission(Path::combine(ROOT, 'attach', $blogid, $attachment->name));
            return true;
        case '/blog/keyword':
            setProgress($item++ / $items * 100, _t('키워드를 복원하고 있습니다.'));
            $keyword = new Keyword();
            $keyword->id = $node['id'][0]['.value'];
            $keyword->visibility = $node['visibility'][0]['.value'];
            if (isset($node['starred'][0]['.value'])) {
                $keyword->starred = $node['starred'][0]['.value'];
            } else {
                $keyword->starred = 0;
            $keyword->name = $node['name'][0]['.value'];
            $keyword->description = $node['description'][0]['.value'];
            $keyword->descriptionEditor = isset($node['description'][0]['.attributes']['editor']) ? $node['description'][0]['.attributes']['editor'] : getDefaultEditor();
            $keyword->descriptionFormatter = isset($node['description'][0]['.attributes']['formatter']) ? $node['description'][0]['.attributes']['formatter'] : getDefaultFormatter();
            $keyword->published = intval($node['published'][0]['.value']);
            $keyword->created = @$node['created'][0]['.value'];
            $keyword->modified = @$node['modified'][0]['.value'];
            if (floatval(Setting::getServiceSettingGlobal('newlineStyle')) >= 1.1 && floatval(@$node['.attributes']['format']) < 1.1) {
                $keyword->description = nl2brWithHTML($keyword->description);
            if (!$keyword->add()) {
                user_error(__LINE__ . $keyword->error);
            if (isset($node['attachment'])) {
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($node['attachment']); $i++) {
                    $attachment = new Attachment();
                    $attachment->parent = $keyword->id;
                    $cursor =& $node['attachment'][$i];
                    $attachment->name = $cursor['name'][0]['.value'];
                    $attachment->label = $cursor['label'][0]['.value'];
                    $attachment->mime = @$cursor['.attributes']['mime'];
                    $attachment->size = $cursor['.attributes']['size'];
                    $attachment->width = $cursor['.attributes']['width'];
                    $attachment->height = $cursor['.attributes']['height'];
                    $attachment->enclosure = @$cursor['enclosure'][0]['.value'];
                    $attachment->attached = $cursor['attached'][0]['.value'];
                    $attachment->downloads = @$cursor['downloads'][0]['.value'];
                    if (Attachment::doesExist($attachment->name)) {
                        if (!$attachment->add()) {
                            user_error(__LINE__ . $attachment->error);
                        $keyword2 = new Keyword();
                        if ($keyword2->open($keyword->id, 'id, content')) {
                            $keyword2->content = str_replace($cursor['name'][0]['.value'], $attachment->name, $keyword2->content);
                    } else {
                        if (!$attachment->add()) {
                            user_error(__LINE__ . $attachment->error);
                    if (!empty($cursor['content'][0]['.stream'])) {
                        Utils_Base64Stream::decode($cursor['content'][0]['.stream'], Path::combine(ROOT, 'attach', $blogid, $attachment->name));
                        Attachment::adjustPermission(Path::combine(ROOT, 'attach', $blogid, $attachment->name));
            return true;
        case '/blog/linkCategories':
            setProgress($item++ / $items * 100, _t('링크 카테고리를 복원하고 있습니다.'));
            $linkCategory = new LinkCategories();
            $linkCategory->name = $node['name'][0]['.value'];
            $linkCategory->priority = $node['priority'][0]['.value'];
            $linkCategory->visibility = !isset($node['visibility'][0]['.value']) || empty($node['visibility'][0]['.value']) ? 2 : $node['visibility'][0]['.value'];
            $linkCategory->id = LinkCategories::getId($linkCategory->name);
            if ($linkCategory->id) {
                if (!$linkCategory->update()) {
                    user_error(__LINE__ . $linkCategory->error);
            } else {
                if (!$linkCategory->add()) {
                    user_error(__LINE__ . $linkCategory->error);
            return true;
        case '/blog/link':
            setProgress($item++ / $items * 100, _t('링크를 복원하고 있습니다.'));
            $link = new Link();
            $link->category = empty($node['category'][0]['.value']) ? 0 : $node['category'][0]['.value'];
            $link->url = $node['url'][0]['.value'];
            $link->title = $node['title'][0]['.value'];
            if (!empty($node['feed'][0]['.value'])) {
                $link->feed = $node['feed'][0]['.value'];
            if (!empty($node['registered'][0]['.value'])) {
                $link->registered = $node['registered'][0]['.value'];
            if (!empty($node['xfn'][0]['.value'])) {
                $link->xfn = $node['xfn'][0]['.value'];
            $link->id = Link::getId($link->url);
            if ($link->id) {
                if (!$link->update()) {
                    user_error(__LINE__ . $link->error);
            } else {
                if (!$link->add()) {
                    user_error(__LINE__ . $link->error);
            return true;
        case '/blog/logs/referer':
            setProgress($item++ / $items * 100, _t('리퍼러 로그를 복원하고 있습니다.'));
            $log = new RefererLog();
            if (isset($node['path'][0]['.value'])) {
                $log->url = $node['path'][0]['.value'];
            } else {
                $log->url = $node['url'][0]['.value'];
            $log->referred = $node['referred'][0]['.value'];
            if (!$log->add(false)) {
                user_error(__LINE__ . $log->error);
            return true;
        case '/blog/commentsNotified/comment':
            setProgress($item++ / $items * 100, _t('댓글 알리미 내용을 복원하고 있습니다.'));
            $cmtNotified = new CommentNotified();
            $cmtNotified->id = $node['id'][0]['.value'];
            $cursor =& $node['commenter'][0];
            $cmtNotified->name = $cursor['name'][0]['.value'];
            $cmtNotified->homepage = $cursor['homepage'][0]['.value'];
            $cmtNotified->ip = $cursor['ip'][0]['.value'];
            $cmtNotified->entry = $node['entry'][0]['.value'];
            $cmtNotified->password = $node['password'][0]['.value'];
            $cmtNotified->content = $node['content'][0]['.value'];
            $cmtNotified->parent = $node['parent'][0]['.value'];
            $cmtNotified->secret = $node['secret'][0]['.value'];
            $cmtNotified->written = $node['written'][0]['.value'];
            $cmtNotified->modified = $node['modified'][0]['.value'];
            $cmtNotified->url = $node['url'][0]['.value'];
            $cmtNotified->isnew = $node['isNew'][0]['.value'];
            $site = new CommentNotifiedSiteInfo();
            if (!$site->open("url = '{$node['site'][0]['.value']}'")) {
                $site->title = '';
                $site->name = '';
                $site->modified = 31536000;
                $site->url = $node['site'][0]['.value'];
            $cmtNotified->siteid = $site->id;
            $cmtNotified->remoteid = $node['remoteId'][0]['.value'];
            $cmtNotified->entrytitle = !isset($node['entryTitle'][0]['.value']) || empty($node['entryTitle'][0]['.value']) ? 'No title' : $node['entryTitle'][0]['.value'];
            $cmtNotified->entryurl = $node['entryUrl'][0]['.value'];
            if (!$cmtNotified->add()) {
                user_error(__LINE__ . $cmtNotified->error);
            return true;
        case '/blog/commentsNotifiedSiteInfo/site':
            setProgress($item++ / $items * 100, _t('댓글 알리미 내용을 복원하고 있습니다.'));
            $cmtNotifiedSite = new CommentNotifiedSiteInfo();
            if ($cmtNotifiedSite->open("url = '{$node['url'][0]['.value']}'")) {
                if (intval($node['modified'][0]['.value']) > intval($cmtNotifiedSite->modified)) {
                    $cmtNotifiedSite->title = $node['title'][0]['.value'];
                    $cmtNotifiedSite->name = $node['name'][0]['.value'];
                    $cmtNotifiedSite->modified = $node['modified'][0]['.value'];
                if (!$cmtNotifiedSite->update()) {
                    user_error(__LINE__ . $cmtNotifiedSite->error);
            } else {
                $cmtNotifiedSite->url = $node['url'][0]['.value'];
                $cmtNotifiedSite->title = $node['title'][0]['.value'];
                $cmtNotifiedSite->name = $node['name'][0]['.value'];
                $cmtNotifiedSite->modified = $node['modified'][0]['.value'];
                if (!$cmtNotifiedSite->add()) {
                    user_error(__LINE__ . $cmtNotifiedSite->error);
            return true;
        case '/blog/statistics/referer':
            setProgress($item++ / $items * 100, _t('리퍼러 통계를 복원하고 있습니다.'));
            $statistics = new RefererStatistics();
            $statistics->host = $node['host'][0]['.value'];
            $statistics->count = $node['count'][0]['.value'];
            if (!$statistics->add()) {
                user_error(__LINE__ . $statistics->error);
            return true;
        case '/blog/statistics/visits':
            setProgress($item++ / $items * 100, _t('블로그 통계 정보를 복원하고 있습니다.'));
            $statistics = new BlogStatistics();
            $statistics->visits = $node['.value'];
            if (!$statistics->add()) {
                user_error(__LINE__ . $statistics->error);
            return true;
        case '/blog/statistics/daily':
            setProgress($item++ / $items * 100, _t('일별 통계 정보를 복원하고 있습니다.'));
            $statistics = new DailyStatistics();
            $statistics->date = $node['date'][0]['.value'];
            $statistics->visits = $node['visits'][0]['.value'];
            if (!$statistics->add()) {
                user_error(__LINE__ . $statistics->error);
            return true;
        case '/blog/skin':
            setProgress($item++ / $items * 100, _t('스킨 설정을 복원하고 있습니다.'));
            $setting = new SkinSetting();
            if (false) {
                $setting->skin = $node['name'][0]['.value'];
                if (!$setting->save()) {
                    user_error(__LINE__ . $setting->error);
                $setting->skin = null;
            $setting->entriesOnRecent = $node['entriesOnRecent'][0]['.value'];
            $setting->commentsOnRecent = $node['commentsOnRecent'][0]['.value'];
            $setting->trackbacksOnRecent = $node['trackbacksOnRecent'][0]['.value'];
            $setting->commentsOnGuestbook = $node['commentsOnGuestbook'][0]['.value'];
            $setting->tagsOnTagbox = $node['tagsOnTagbox'][0]['.value'];
            $setting->alignOnTagbox = $node['alignOnTagbox'][0]['.value'];
            $setting->expandComment = $node['expandComment'][0]['.value'];
            $setting->expandTrackback = $node['expandTrackback'][0]['.value'];
            if (!empty($node['recentNoticeLength'][0]['.value'])) {
                $setting->recentNoticeLength = $node['recentNoticeLength'][0]['.value'];
            $setting->recentEntryLength = $node['recentEntryLength'][0]['.value'];
            $setting->recentTrackbackLength = $node['recentTrackbackLength'][0]['.value'];
            $setting->linkLength = $node['linkLength'][0]['.value'];
            $setting->showListOnCategory = $node['showListOnCategory'][0]['.value'];
            $setting->showListOnArchive = $node['showListOnArchive'][0]['.value'];
            if (isset($node['tree'])) {
                $cursor =& $node['tree'][0];
                $setting->tree = $cursor['name'][0]['.value'];
                $setting->colorOnTree = $cursor['color'][0]['.value'];
                $setting->bgcolorOnTree = $cursor['bgColor'][0]['.value'];
                $setting->activecolorOnTree = $cursor['activeColor'][0]['.value'];
                $setting->activebgcolorOnTree = $cursor['activeBgColor'][0]['.value'];
                $setting->labelLengthOnTree = $cursor['labelLength'][0]['.value'];
                $setting->showValueOnTree = $cursor['showValue'][0]['.value'];
            if (!$setting->save()) {
                user_error(__LINE__ . $setting->error);
            return true;
        case '/blog/plugin':
            //			setProgress($item++ / $items * 100, _t('플러그인 설정을 복원하고 있습니다.'));
            //			$setting = new PluginSetting();
            //			$setting->name = $node['name'][0]['.value'];
            //			$setting->setting = $node['setting'][0]['.value'];
            //			if (!$setting->add())
            //				user_error(__LINE__ . $setting->error);
            return true;
        case '/blog/personalization':
            //			setProgress($item++ / $items * 100, _t('사용자 편의 설정을 복원하고 있습니다.'));
            //			$setting = new UserSetting();
            //			$setting->name = 'rowsPerPage';
            //			$setting->value = $node['rowsPerPage'][0]['.value'];
            //			if (!$setting->add())
            //				user_error(__LINE__ . $setting->error);
            //			$setting->name = 'readerPannelVisibility';
            //			$setting->value = $node['readerPannelVisibility'][0]['.value'];
            //			if (!$setting->add())
            //				user_error(__LINE__ . $setting->error);
            //			$setting->name = 'readerPannelHeight';
            //			$setting->value = $node['readerPannelHeight'][0]['.value'];
            //			if (!$setting->add())
            //				user_error(__LINE__ . $setting->error);
            //			$setting->name = 'lastVisitNotifiedPage';
            //			$setting->value = $node['lastVisitNotifiedPage'][0]['.value'];
            //			if (!$setting->add())
            //				user_error(__LINE__ . $setting->error);
            return true;
        case '/blog/userSetting':
            //			setProgress($item++ / $items * 100, _t('사용자 편의 설정을 복원하고 있습니다'));
            //			$setting = new UserSetting();
            //			$setting->name = $node['name'][0]['.value'];
            //			$setting->value = $node['value'][0]['.value'];
            //			if (!$setting->add())
            //				user_error(__LINE__ . $setting->error);
            return true;
        case '/blog/guestbook/comment':
            setProgress($item++ / $items * 100, _t('방명록을 복원하고 있습니다.'));
            $comment = new GuestComment();
            $comment->name = $node['commenter'][0]['name'][0]['.value'];
            if (!empty($node['id'][0]['.value'])) {
                $comment->id = $node['id'][0]['.value'];
            if (!empty($node['commenter'][0]['.attributes']['id'])) {
                $comment->commenter = $node['commenter'][0]['.attributes']['id'];
            if (!empty($node['commenter'][0]['homepage'][0]['.value'])) {
                $comment->homepage = $node['commenter'][0]['homepage'][0]['.value'];
            if (!empty($node['commenter'][0]['ip'][0]['.value'])) {
                $comment->ip = $node['commenter'][0]['ip'][0]['.value'];
            if (!empty($node['commenter'][0]['openid'][0]['.value'])) {
                $comment->openid = $node['commenter'][0]['openid'][0]['.value'];
            $comment->password = $node['password'][0]['.value'];
            $comment->secret = @$node['secret'][0]['.value'];
            $comment->written = $node['written'][0]['.value'];
            $comment->content = $node['content'][0]['.value'];
            if (!$comment->add()) {
                user_error(__LINE__ . $comment->error);
            if (isset($node['comment'])) {
                for ($j = 0; $j < count($node['comment']); $j++) {
                    $childComment = new GuestComment();
                    $childComment->parent = $comment->id;
                    $cursor =& $node['comment'][$j];
                    $childComment->name = $cursor['commenter'][0]['name'][0]['.value'];
                    if (!empty($cursor['id'][0]['.value'])) {
                        $comment->id = $cursor['id'][0]['.value'];
                    if (!empty($cursor['commenter'][0]['.attributes']['id'])) {
                        $childComment->commenter = $cursor['commenter'][0]['.attributes']['id'];
                    if (!empty($cursor['commenter'][0]['homepage'][0]['.value'])) {
                        $childComment->homepage = $cursor['commenter'][0]['homepage'][0]['.value'];
                    if (!empty($cursor['commenter'][0]['ip'][0]['.value'])) {
                        $childComment->ip = $cursor['commenter'][0]['ip'][0]['.value'];
                    if (!empty($cursor['commenter'][0]['openid'][0]['.value'])) {
                        $childComment->openid = $cursor['commenter'][0]['openid'][0]['.value'];
                    $childComment->password = $cursor['password'][0]['.value'];
                    $childComment->secret = @$cursor['secret'][0]['.value'];
                    $childComment->written = $cursor['written'][0]['.value'];
                    $childComment->content = $cursor['content'][0]['.value'];
                    if (!$childComment->add()) {
                        user_error(__LINE__ . $childComment->error);
            return true;
        case '/blog/filter':
            setProgress($item++ / $items * 100, _t('필터 설정을 복원하고 있습니다.'));
            $filter = new Filter();
            $filter->type = $node['.attributes']['type'];
            $filter->pattern = $node['pattern'][0]['.value'];
            if (!$filter->add()) {
                user_error(__LINE__ . $filter->error);
            return true;
        case '/blog/feed':
            setProgress($item++ / $items * 100, _t('리더 데이터를 복원하고 있습니다.'));
            $feed = new Feed();
            if (!empty($node['group'][0]['.value'])) {
                $feed->group = FeedGroup::getId($node['group'][0]['.value'], true);
            $feed->url = $node['url'][0]['.value'];
            if (!$feed->add()) {
                user_error(__LINE__ . $feed->error);
            return true;
        case '/blog/line':
            setProgress($item++ / $items * 100, _t('라인을 복원하고 있습니다.'));
            $line = Model_Line::getInstance();
            if (!empty($node['author'][0]['.value'])) {
                $line->author = $node['author'][0]['.value'];
            if (!empty($node['category'][0]['.value'])) {
                $line->category = $node['category'][0]['.value'];
            if (!empty($node['root'][0]['.value'])) {
                $line->root = $node['root'][0]['.value'];
            if (!empty($node['permalink'][0]['.value'])) {
                $line->permalink = $node['permalink'][0]['.value'];
            if (!empty($node['content'][0]['.value'])) {
                $line->content = $node['content'][0]['.value'];
            if (!empty($node['created'][0]['.value'])) {
                $line->created = intval($node['created'][0]['.value']);
            if ($line->add()) {
                return true;
            } else {
                user_error(__LINE__ . $line->_error);
Пример #17
 public function __construct($mimeSpec)
     $this->readSpec = $mimeSpec['read'];
     $this->writeSpec = $mimeSpec['write'];
     Filter::add($mimeSpec['write']['target'], $this);
Пример #18
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * The CKEditor plugin for Wolf cms
 * @package wolf
 * @subpackage plugin.ckeditor
 * @author Andri Kusumah <*****@*****.**>
 * @version 1.0
 * @since Wolf version 0.5.5
 * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html GPL License
 * @copyright Andri Kusumah, 2009
Plugin::setInfos(array('id' => 'ckeditor', 'title' => __('CKEditor'), 'description' => __('CKEditor Text Filter'), 'version' => '1.1', 'license' => 'GPLv3', 'author' => 'Andri Kusumah (Goroworks)', 'website' => 'http://www.goroworks.com/', 'update_url' => 'http://ulin.goroworks.com/files/oss/wolf/ckeditor-wolf-version.xml', 'require_wolf_version' => '0.7.3'));
Plugin::addController('ckeditor', __('CKEditor'), 'administrator', false);
Filter::add('ckeditor', 'ckeditor/filter_ckeditor.php');
Plugin::addController('ckeditor', 'ckeditor', 'administrator,developer', false);
Plugin::addJavascript('ckeditor', 'init.js.php');
Plugin::addJavascript('ckeditor', 'ckeditor/ckeditor.js');
Пример #19
    foreach (Get::state_shortcode() as $key => $value) {
        $key = preg_quote($key, '#');
        // %[a,b,c]: option(s) ... accept `a`, `b`, or `c`
        if (strpos($key, '%\\[') !== false) {
            $key = preg_replace_callback('#%\\\\\\[(.*?)\\\\\\]#', function ($matches) {
                return '(' . str_replace(array(',', '&\\#44;'), array('|', ','), $matches[1]) . ')';
            }, $key);
        // %s: accept any value(s) without line break(s)
        // %m: accept any value(s) with/without line break(s)
        // %i: accept integer number(s)
        // %f: accept float number(s)
        // %b: accept boolean value(s)
        $key = str_replace(array('%s', '%m', '%i', '%f', '%b'), array('(.+?)', '([\\s\\S]+?)', '(\\d+?)', '((?:\\d*\\.)?\\d+?)', '\\b(TRUE|FALSE|YES|NO|Y|N|ON|OFF|true|false|yes|no|y|n|on|off|1|0|\\+|\\-)\\b'), $key);
        $content = preg_replace('#(?<!`)' . $key . '|' . $key . '(?!`)#', Converter::DW($value), $content);
    return $content;
function do_shortcode_x($content)
    if (strpos($content, '`{{') === false) {
        return $content;
    return str_replace(array('`{{', '}}`'), array('{{', '}}'), $content);
Filter::add('shortcode', 'do_shortcode', 20);
// YOU ARE HERE! -- Specify your own shortcode priority to be greater
// than the default shortcode file priority, but lesser than the shortcode
// deactivation priority by determining the shortcode priority between 20 - 30
Filter::add('shortcode', 'do_shortcode_x', 30);
                    $prefix = File::B(File::D($response->path));
                    $to = Config::speak($prefix . '_reply_to_', Cell::a('#' . $prefix . '-' . $parent, $response->name));
                    echo Cell::h4($to);
    // Error
    if ($s = Request::post('parent', false)) {
        Filter::add('guardian:kick', function ($url) use($config, $s) {
            if (!Notify::errors()) {
                return $url;
            $ss = explode('#', $url, 2);
            return $config->url_current . HTTP::query('reply', $s) . '#' . $ss[1];
function do_response_ping($message, $results = array())
    $results = (object) $results;
    if (isset($results->parent) && !is_null($results->parent)) {
        $prefix = File::B(File::D($results->path));
        $name = is_callable('Get::' . $prefix . 'Anchor') ? call_user_func('Get::' . $prefix . 'Anchor', $results->parent)->name : $results->parent;
        $to = '<a href="#' . $prefix . '-' . $results->parent . '">@' . $name . '</a>';
        return strpos($message, '<p>') === 0 ? str_replace('^<p>', '<p>' . $to . ' ', '^' . $message) : $message . '<p>' . $to . '</p>';
    return $message;
Filter::add('comment:message', 'do_response_ping');
Пример #21

defined('MONSTRA_ACCESS') or die('No direct script access.');
 * Evaluate a string as PHP code
    Filter::add('content', 'evalPHP');
function obEval($mathes)
    $mathes = ob_get_contents();
    return $mathes;
function evalPHP($str)
    return preg_replace_callback('/\\[php\\](.*?)\\[\\/php\\]/ms', 'obEval', $str);
 * Add shortcode parser filter
Filter::add('content', 'Shortcode::parse', 11);
Пример #22
    return preg_replace(array('#<table>#', '#<a href="(?!javascript:|[./?\\#]|' . preg_quote($config->url, '/') . ')#'), array('<table class="table-bordered table-full-width">', '<a rel="nofollow" href="'), trim($parser->transform($url . "\n\n" . $abbr . "\n\n" . $input)));
function do_markdown($content, $results = array())
    global $config;
    $results = (object) $results;
    if (!isset($results->content_type) || $results->content_type === 'Markdown' || $results->content_type === 'Markdown Extra') {
        return Text::parse($content, '->html');
    return $content;
// Apply `do_markdown` filter
Filter::add(array('content', 'message'), 'do_markdown', 1);
// Set new `html_parser` type
$config->html_parser->type = array_merge((array) $config->html_parser->type, array('Markdown' => 'Markdown Extra'));
// --ibid
Config::set('html_parser.type', $config->html_parser->type);
if ($config->html_parser->active === 'Markdown' || $config->html_parser->active === 'Markdown Extra') {
    // Re-write `comment_wizard` value
    Config::set('speak.comment_wizard', $speak->__comment_wizard);
    // Create a new comment
    Filter::add('request:comment', function ($lot) {
        if (isset($lot['message'])) {
            // **Markdown Extra** does not support syntax to generate `del`, `ins` and `mark` tag
            $lot['message'] = Text::parse($lot['message'], '->text', '<br><del><ins><mark>', false);
            // Temporarily disallow image(s) in comment to prevent XSS
            $lot['message'] = preg_replace('#(\\!\\[.*?\\]\\(.*?\\))#', '`$1`', $lot['message']);
        return $lot;
Пример #23

 *  Markdown plugin
 *  @package Monstra
 *  @subpackage Plugins
 *  @author Romanenko Sergey / Awilum
 *  @copyright 2014 Romanenko Sergey / Awilum
 *  @version 1.0.0
// Register plugin
Plugin::register(__FILE__, __('Markdown'), __('Markdown markup language plugin for Monstra'), '1.0.0', 'Awilum', 'http://monstra.org/');
// Uncomment code below to use Markdown on Site Content
Filter::add('content', 'markdown', 1);
use Michelf\MarkdownExtra;
include PLUGINS . '/markdown/php-markdown/Michelf/Markdown.php';
include PLUGINS . '/markdown/php-markdown/Michelf/MarkdownExtra.php';
function markdown($content)
    return MarkdownExtra::defaultTransform($content);
Пример #24

if (!defined('IN_CMS')) {
// Provide the neccessary plugin information for Wolf.
Plugin::setInfos(array('id' => 'ssp', 'title' => 'Slide Show Pro', 'description' => 'Slide Show Pro integration for Wolf', 'version' => '1.5.0', 'author' => 'Arik Savage', 'website' => 'http://www.example.com', 'require_wolf_version' => '0.5.5'));
 * Load the plugin controller.
 * addController explained:
 * 'menu' => The plugin ID.
 * 'Menu' => The plugin tab label.
 * 'administrator' => permission name or group name - restricts who can access the controller.
 * 'true' => If set to true, a plugin tab is displayed in the backend navigation menu (default = false).
Plugin::addController('ssp', 'SlideShow Pro', 'administrator', true);
Filter::add('slideshow', 'ssp/filter_slideshow.php');
// Load the plugin models.
AutoLoader::addFolder(PLUGINS_ROOT . DS . 'ssp' . DS . 'models');
//load javascript for backend
Plugin::addJavascript('ssp', 'js/ssp_scripts.js');
Plugin::addJavascript('ssp', 'js/slideshow.js');
Пример #25
 * ===================================================================
 * ===================================================================
 * -- CODE: ----------------------------------------------------------
 *    Filter::colon('page:title', $content);
 *    // is equal to ...
 *    Filter::apply(array('page:title', 'title'), $content);
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------
Filter::plug('colon', function ($name, $value) {
    $arguments = func_get_args();
    if (strpos($name, ':') !== false) {
        $s = explode(':', $name, 2);
        $arguments[0] = array($name, $s[1]);
    return call_user_func_array('Filter::apply', $arguments);
// Set response, comment and user `status` as `pilot`, `passenger` and `intruder`
Filter::add(array('response:status', 'comment:status', 'user:status'), function ($status) {
    return Mecha::alter($status, array(0 => 'intruder', 1 => 'pilot', 2 => 'passenger'));
}, 1);
// Decode the obfuscated `email` value
Filter::add(array('response:email', 'comment:email', 'user:email'), function ($data) {
    return Text::parse($data, '->decoded_html');
}, 1);
Пример #26

Filter::add(array('plugin:shortcode', 'shield:shortcode'), function ($content) use($config) {
    if (!Text::check($content)->has('<!-- block:')) {
        return $content;
    $tip = $config->language === 'id_ID' ? 'Menggunakan proyek kode sumber terbuka itu sangatlah menyenangkan dan murah, akan tetapi kita juga perlu biaya untuk memelihara dan menjaga mereka tetap ada di &lt;code&gt;www&lt;/code&gt;.' : 'Using an open source project is incredibly fun and cheap, but we also need costs to maintain and keep them exist in the &lt;code&gt;www&lt;/code&gt;.';
    $donate = '---

<form class="form-donate" action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post" target="_blank">
  <input name="cmd" type="hidden" value="_s-xclick">
  <input name="hosted_button_id" type="hidden" value="TNVGH7NQ7E4EU">
  <input name="submit" type="image" class="help" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donate_LG.gif" alt="PayPal &ndash; The safer, easier way to pay online!" title="' . $tip . '">
  <img alt="" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/id_ID/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1">
    return str_replace('<!-- block:donate -->', $donate, $content);
Пример #27
 * Frog CMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * Frog CMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with Frog CMS.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * Frog CMS has made an exception to the GNU General Public License for plugins.
 * See exception.txt for details and the full text.
 * The Markdown plugin allows users edit pages using the markdown syntax.
 * @package frog
 * @subpackage plugin.markdown
 * @author Philippe Archambault <*****@*****.**>
 * @version 1.0.0
 * @since Frog version 0.9.0
 * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html GPL License
 * @copyright Philippe Archambault, 2008
Plugin::setInfos(array('id' => 'markdown', 'title' => 'Markdown filter', 'description' => 'Allows you to compose page parts or snippets using the Markdown text filter.', 'version' => '1.0.0', 'website' => 'http://www.madebyfrog.com/', 'update_url' => 'http://www.madebyfrog.com/plugin-versions.xml'));
Filter::add('markdown', 'markdown/filter_markdown.php');
Пример #28

 * This file is part of the Fansoro.
 * (c) Romanenko Sergey / Awilum <*****@*****.**>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
// Add Shortcode parser filter
Filter::add('content', 'Shortcode::parse', 1);
// Add Parsedown parser filter
Filter::add('content', 'Markdown::parse', 2);
Пример #29
            $bars[$text] = array('icon' => 'plus', 'url' => $config->manager->slug . '/' . $type . '/ignite', 'description' => Config::speak('manager.title_new_', $text), 'stack' => 9.029999999999999);
            $bars[$speak->edit] = array('icon' => 'pencil', 'url' => $config->manager->slug . '/' . $type . '/repair/id:' . $id, 'description' => $text_repair, 'stack' => 9.039999999999999);
            $bars[$speak->delete] = array('icon' => 'times', 'url' => $config->manager->slug . '/' . $type . '/kill/id:' . $id, 'description' => $text_kill, 'stack' => 9.050000000000001);
        } else {
            $link = Cell::a($config->manager->slug . '/article/ignite', Config::speak('manager.title_new_', $speak->article));
            $link .= ' &middot; ';
            $link .= Cell::a($config->manager->slug . '/page/ignite', Config::speak('manager.title_new_', $speak->page));
            $bars[$speak->add] = array('icon' => 'plus', 'url' => $config->manager->slug . '/article/ignite', 'description' => $link, 'stack' => 9.029999999999999);
        Config::merge('manager_menu', $menus);
        Config::merge('manager_bar', $bars);
// Loading frontend task(s) and route(s)
Weapon::add('routes_before', function () use($config, $speak) {
    require __DIR__ . DS . 'workers' . DS . 'task.comment.ignite.php';
    require __DIR__ . DS . 'workers' . DS . 'route.login.php';
// Add log in/out link in shield footer
function do_footer_manager_link($content, $path)
    global $config, $speak;
    if (File::N($path) === 'block.footer.bar') {
        $s = Guardian::happy() ? '<a href="' . Filter::colon('manager:url', $config->url . '/' . $config->manager->slug . '/logout') . '" rel="nofollow">' . $speak->log_out . '</a>' : '<a href="' . Filter::colon('manager:url', $config->url . '/' . $config->manager->slug . '/login') . '" rel="nofollow">' . $speak->log_in . '</a>';
        return str_replace('<div class="blog-footer-right">', '<div class="blog-footer-right">' . $s, $content);
    return $content;
// Apply `do_footer_manager_link` filter
Filter::add('chunk:output', 'do_footer_manager_link');

Filter::add('shield:path', function ($path) {
    if (Config::get('page_type') === '404') {
        return __DIR__ . DS . 'workers' . DS . '404.php';
    return $path;