Пример #1
 function generatePDF()
     // tempfolder
     $tmpBaseFolder = TEMP_FOLDER . '/shopsystem';
     $tmpFolder = project() ? "{$tmpBaseFolder}/" . project() : "{$tmpBaseFolder}/site";
     if (is_dir($tmpFolder)) {
     if (!file_exists($tmpFolder)) {
     $baseFolderName = basename($tmpFolder);
     //Get site
     $link = Director::absoluteURL($this->pdfLink() . "/?view=1");
     $response = Director::test($link);
     $content = $response->getBody();
     $content = utf8_decode($content);
     $contentfile = "{$tmpFolder}/" . $this->PublicURL . ".html";
     if (!file_exists($contentfile)) {
         // Write to file
         if ($fh = fopen($contentfile, 'w')) {
             fwrite($fh, $content);
     return $contentfile;
Пример #2
 public function processThumb($imgsrc, $_id, $isUrl = true)
     $_id = empty($_id) ? $this->_id : $_id;
     $storage = Yii::app()->params['feed_path'];
     $temp = Yii::app()->params['temp'];
     $fileInfo = explode('.', $imgsrc);
     $fileType = $fileInfo[count($fileInfo) - 1];
     $fileName = 'tmp_' . $_id . "." . $fileType;
     $tmpFile = $temp . DS . $fileName;
     if ($isUrl) {
         $res_get_file = FileRemote::getFromUrl($imgsrc, $tmpFile);
     } else {
         $fileSystem = new Filesystem();
         $res_get_file = $fileSystem->copy($imgsrc, $tmpFile);
     if (file_exists($tmpFile)) {
         $fileDest = StorageHelper::generalStoragePath($_id, $fileType, $storage);
         /*$fileSystem = new Filesystem();
           $copy = $fileSystem->copy($tmpFile,$fileDest);*/
         $width = Yii::app()->params['profile_image']['thumb']['width'];
         $height = Yii::app()->params['profile_image']['thumb']['height'];
         $resizeObj = new ResizeImage($tmpFile);
         $rs = $resizeObj->resizeImage($width, $height, 0);
         $res = $resizeObj->saveImage($fileDest, 100);
         if ($resizeObj) {
             $feed = self::model()->findByPk(new MongoId($_id));
             $fileDest = str_replace($storage, '', $fileDest);
             $feed->thumb = $fileDest;
             $res = $feed->save();
             return $res;
     } else {
         throw new Exception("create file temp error!", 7);
Пример #3
 protected function beforeGetContentBody()
     $sn = time();
     $i = 0;
     $tmpFile = $temp = Yii::app()->params['temp'];
     $storage = Yii::app()->params['feed_path'];
     $cdn = Yii::app()->params['cdn_url'];
     $contentParttern = $this->config['content_pattern'];
     foreach ($this->html->find("{$contentParttern} img") as $e) {
         $imgSrc = $e->src;
         if (!empty($imgSrc)) {
             $fileInfo = explode('.', $imgSrc);
             $fileType = $fileInfo[count($fileInfo) - 1];
             $fileName = 'tmp_' . $sn . $i . "." . $fileType;
             $sfile = $tmpFile . DS . $fileName;
             $res_get_file = FileRemote::getFromUrl($imgSrc, $sfile);
             if ($res_get_file && file_exists($sfile)) {
                 $fileDest = StorageHelper::generalStoragePath($sn . $i, $fileType, $storage);
                 $fileSystem = new Filesystem();
                 $copy = $fileSystem->copy($sfile, $fileDest);
                 if ($copy) {
                     echo $fileDest . "\n";
                     $fileDestUrl = str_replace($storage, $cdn, $fileDest);
                     $fileDestUrl = str_replace(DS, "/", $fileDestUrl);
                     echo $fileDestUrl . "\n";
                     $e->src = $fileDestUrl;
                     echo 'replace file content success' . "\n";
                 } else {
                     echo 'replace file content error' . "\n";
Пример #4
 protected function deleteTmpDir($testCase)
     if (!file_exists($dir = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/' . Kernel::VERSION . '/' . $testCase)) {
     $fs = new Filesystem();
Пример #5
 public function render()
     if (!empty($this->sPath)) {
         $oFilesystem = new Filesystem();
         $sFileContents = $oFilesystem->getFileContents($this->sPath);
         return $this->processMarkdown($sFileContents);
     return null;
Пример #6
 public function testShouldMoveFilesThatNeedEspecialPermissions()
     $filesystem = new Filesystem();
     $file = '/app/tmp/file';
     $target = '/system/root/';
     $return = $filesystem->sysMove($file, $target);
     $this->assertRegExp('/sudo mv -v/', $return);
     $this->assertRegExp('/\\/app\\/tmp\\/file/', $return);
     $this->assertRegExp('/\\/system\\/root\\//', $return);
Пример #7
 public static function processAvatar($model, $source, $type = "artist")
     try {
         $fileSystem = new Filesystem();
         $alowSize = Yii::app()->params['imageSize'];
         $maxSize = max($alowSize);
         $folderMax = "s0";
         foreach ($alowSize as $folder => $size) {
             // Create folder by ID
             $fileSystem->mkdirs($model->getAvatarPath($model->id, $folder, true));
             @chmod($model->getAvatarPath($model->id, $folder, true), 0755);
             // Get link file by ID
             $savePath[$folder] = $model->getAvatarPath($model->id, $folder);
             if ($size == $maxSize) {
                 $folderMax = $folder;
         // Delete file if exists
         if (file_exists($savePath[$folder])) {
         if (file_exists($source)) {
             list($width, $height) = getimagesize($source);
             $imgCrop = new ImageCrop($source, 0, 0, $width, $height);
             // aspect ratio for image size
             $aspectRatioW = $aspectRatioH = 1;
             if ($type == "video") {
                 $videoAspectRatio = Yii::app()->params['videoResolutionRate'];
                 list($aspectRatioW, $aspectRatioH) = explode(":", $videoAspectRatio);
             $res = array();
             foreach ($savePath as $k => $v) {
                 $desWidth = $alowSize[$k];
                 $desHeight = round($alowSize[$k] * intval($aspectRatioH) / intval($aspectRatioW));
                 if (file_exists($v) && is_file($v)) {
                 if ($width > 4000) {
                     self::ImageCropPro($v, $source, $desWidth, $desHeight, 70);
                 } else {
                     if ($k == $folderMax) {
                         $imgCrop->resizeRatio($v, $desWidth, $desHeight, 70);
                     } else {
                         $imgCrop->resizeCrop($v, $desWidth, $desHeight, 70);
             if ($type != "video") {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $error = $e->getMessage();
 public function testIfRetrievingTheFilesWorks()
     $config = \Mockery::mock('eXistenZNL\\PermCheck\\Config\\Config');
     $filesystem = new Filesystem($config, dirname(__FILE__));
     $files = array(__FILE__);
     $result = array();
     foreach ($filesystem->getFiles() as $file) {
         $result[] = $file->getPathname();
     $this->assertEquals($files, $result);
Пример #9
 public function manageConfigs()
     $fileSystem = new Filesystem();
     $files = $fileSystem->files(__DIR__ . '/config');
     if (!empty($files)) {
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             $name = explode('/', $file);
             $this->mergeConfigFrom($file, str_replace('.php', '', $name[count($name) - 1]));
Пример #10
 private function moveDefaultTemplate()
     $this->log('Moving default template...');
     $fileDir = $this->container->getParameter('claroline.param.files_directory');
     $defaultTemplate = $this->container->getParameter('claroline.param.default_template');
     $newTemplateDir = $fileDir . '/templates';
     $newTemplate = $newTemplateDir . '/default.zip';
     $fs = new Filesystem();
     $fs->copy($defaultTemplate, $newTemplate);
Пример #11
 public static function generalStoragePath($objId, $fileType = 'jpg', $storage, $isUrl = false)
     $year = date('Y');
     $month = date('m');
     $day = date('d');
     $sep = $isUrl ? '/' : DS;
     $exPath = $year . $sep . $month . $sep . $day;
     $filePath = $storage . $sep . $exPath;
     $fileSystem = new Filesystem();
     $res = $fileSystem->mkdirs($filePath, '0755');
     return $filePath . $sep . $objId . '.' . $fileType;
  * Process a php target file to append PHP syntax-sensitive content 
  * from multiple template sources.
  * @param  string $file, a php file to modify
  * @param  array  $templates list of key (property name), value (template file)
  * @param  string $data used to replace placeholders inside all template files
  * @param Boolean $front, set location to the front of the array 
 protected function processFile($file, $templates, $data, $front = false)
     $content = $this->files->get($file);
     $phpParser = new GenericPhpParser($content, $data, $this->parser);
     foreach ($templates as $property => $template) {
         $phpParser->parse($property, $template, $front);
     $content = $phpParser->prettyPrint();
     if (!is_null($content)) {
         $this->files->put($file, $content);
Пример #13
 public function testIfRetrievingTheFilesWorks()
     /** @var Config|MockInterface $config */
     $config = \Mockery::mock(new Config());
     $filesystem = new Filesystem($config, __DIR__);
     $files = array(__FILE__);
     $result = array();
     foreach ($filesystem->getFiles() as $file) {
         $result[] = $file->getPathname();
     $this->assertEquals($files, $result);
Пример #14
 public function __construct($sConfigFile = 'config.json')
     $oFilesystem = new Filesystem();
     $sContents = $oFilesystem->getFileContents($sConfigFile);
     if (!empty($sContents)) {
         $this->_aConfig = json_decode($sContents, true);
         if (empty($this->_aConfig)) {
             throw new BadConfigException(sprintf($this->sError, $sConfigFile, $this->getJSONError(json_last_error())));
     } else {
         throw new BadConfigException("Config file is empty: " . $sConfigFile);
 public function test_symlink_removal()
     $test_dir = 'tests/test-data/symlinks';
     $test_link = $test_dir . '/points_nowhere';
     if (is_dir($test_dir)) {
     symlink("does_not_exist", $test_link);
     $fs = new Filesystem();
     $this->assertFalse(is_link($test_link) || is_file($test_link));
 public function create(array $data)
     try {
         $projectFile = $this->repository->skipPresenter()->create($data);
         $this->storage->put($projectFile->getFileName(), $this->filesystem->get($data['file']));
         return ['success' => true];
     } catch (ValidatorException $e) {
         return ['error' => true, 'message' => $e->getMessageBag(), "messageDev" => 'ValidatorException'];
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return ["error" => true, "message" => 'Falha ao gravar registro.', "messageDev" => $e->getMessage()];
Пример #17
  * Replaces the `~` symbol with the user home path.
  * @param string $path
  * @return string The path with the `~` replaced with the user home path if any.
 public static function homeify($path, Filesystem $filesystem = null)
     if (!is_string($path)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Paht must be a string');
     if (empty($filesystem)) {
         $filesystem = new Filesystem();
     $userHome = $filesystem->getUserHome();
     if (!(empty($userHome) && false !== strpos($path, '~'))) {
         $path = str_replace('~', $userHome, $path);
     return $path;
  * Completes the job by zipping up the generated export and creating an
  * export record for it.
 protected function complete()
     $siteTitle = SiteConfig::current_site_config()->Title;
     $filename = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9-.+]/', '-', sprintf('%s-%s.zip', $siteTitle, date('c')));
     $dir = Folder::findOrMake(SiteExportExtension::EXPORTS_DIR);
     $dirname = ASSETS_PATH . '/' . SiteExportExtension::EXPORTS_DIR;
     $pathname = "{$dirname}/{$filename}";
     SiteExportUtils::zip_directory($this->tempDir, "{$dirname}/{$filename}");
     $file = new File();
     $file->ParentID = $dir->ID;
     $file->Title = $siteTitle . ' ' . date('c');
     $file->Filename = $dir->Filename . $filename;
     $export = new SiteExport();
     $export->ParentClass = $this->rootClass;
     $export->ParentID = $this->rootId;
     $export->Theme = $this->theme;
     $export->BaseUrlType = ucfirst($this->baseUrlType);
     $export->BaseUrl = $this->baseUrl;
     $export->ArchiveID = $file->ID;
     if ($this->email) {
         $email = new Email();
         $email->setSubject(sprintf('Site Export For "%s" Complete', $siteTitle));
         $email->populateTemplate(array('SiteTitle' => $siteTitle, 'Link' => $file->getAbsoluteURL()));
Пример #19
 public function save()
     if (!$this->getMailKey()) {
     return parent::save();
Пример #20
 public static function get()
     $rmFile = preg_replace("/\\/\\*([^x00]*)\\*?\\/?\\*\\//U", "", Filesystem::getFileContent(Config::ROADMAP));
     $roadMap = JSON::decode($rmFile, true);
     $tmpl = self::$_attr;
     $cnt = 0;
     $good = is_array($roadMap);
     //print_r( $roadMap ); die;
     for ($i = 0; $good && is_array($roadMap) && $i < count($roadMap); $i++) {
         $el = $roadMap[$i];
         foreach ($el as $k => $v) {
             if (($pos = array_search($k, $tmpl)) !== FALSE) {
                 $tmpl[$pos] = "asnfcjrwpht984fh9prewgf84fds";
         $good = $cnt == count(self::$_attr);
     if ($good) {
         return $roadMap;
     } else {
         return NULL;
 private static function loadSkinSpecification($path)
     $config_path = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'skin.json';
     $config = array();
     if (Filesystem::pathExists($config_path)) {
         $config = Filesystem::readFile($config_path);
         try {
             $config = phutil_json_decode($config);
         } catch (PhutilJSONParserException $ex) {
             throw new PhutilProxyException(pht("Skin configuration file '%s' is not a valid JSON file.", $config_path), $ex);
         $type = idx($config, 'type', self::TYPE_BASIC);
     } else {
         $type = self::TYPE_BASIC;
     $spec = new PhameSkinSpecification();
     switch ($type) {
         case self::TYPE_BASIC:
         case self::TYPE_ADVANCED:
             $spec->addPhutilLibrary($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'src');
             throw new Exception(pht('Unknown skin type!'));
     return $spec;
 public function setUp()
     // Set backend root to /AssetFieldTest
     $create = function ($path) {
         $fh = fopen($path, "w+");
         fwrite($fh, str_repeat('x', 1000000));
     // Write all DBFile references
     foreach (AssetFieldTest_Object::get() as $object) {
         $path = AssetStoreTest_SpyStore::getLocalPath($object->File);
     // Create a test files for each of the fixture references
     $files = File::get()->exclude('ClassName', 'Folder');
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $path = AssetStoreTest_SpyStore::getLocalPath($file);
 public function save()
     if (!$this->mailKey) {
         $this->mailKey = Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(20);
     return parent::save();
Пример #24
 protected function getProxyCommand()
     $uri = new PhutilURI($this->proxyURI);
     $username = AlmanacKeys::getClusterSSHUser();
     if ($username === null) {
         throw new Exception(pht('Unable to determine the username to connect with when trying ' . 'to proxy an SSH request within the Phabricator cluster.'));
     $port = $uri->getPort();
     $host = $uri->getDomain();
     $key_path = AlmanacKeys::getKeyPath('device.key');
     if (!Filesystem::pathExists($key_path)) {
         throw new Exception(pht('Unable to proxy this SSH request within the cluster: this device ' . 'is not registered and has a missing device key (expected to ' . 'find key at "%s").', $key_path));
     $options = array();
     $options[] = '-o';
     $options[] = 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no';
     $options[] = '-o';
     $options[] = 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null';
     // This is suppressing "added <address> to the list of known hosts"
     // messages, which are confusing and irrelevant when they arise from
     // proxied requests. It might also be suppressing lots of useful errors,
     // of course. Ideally, we would enforce host keys eventually.
     $options[] = '-o';
     $options[] = 'LogLevel=quiet';
     // NOTE: We prefix the command with "@username", which the far end of the
     // connection will parse in order to act as the specified user. This
     // behavior is only available to cluster requests signed by a trusted
     // device key.
     return csprintf('ssh %Ls -l %s -i %s -p %s %s -- %s %Ls', $options, $username, $key_path, $port, $host, '@' . $this->getUser()->getUsername(), $this->getOriginalArguments());
Пример #25
function phabricator_read_config_file($original_config)
    $root = dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
    // Accept either "myconfig" (preferred) or "myconfig.conf.php".
    $config = preg_replace('/\\.conf\\.php$/', '', $original_config);
    $full_config_path = $root . '/conf/' . $config . '.conf.php';
    // Make sure config file errors are reported.
    $old_error_level = error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
    $old_display_errors = ini_get('display_errors');
    ini_set('display_errors', 1);
    $conf = (include $full_config_path);
    $errors = ob_get_clean();
    ini_set('display_errors', $old_display_errors);
    if ($conf === false) {
        if (!Filesystem::pathExists($full_config_path)) {
            $files = id(new FileFinder($root . '/conf/'))->withType('f')->withSuffix('conf.php')->withFollowSymlinks(true)->find();
            foreach ($files as $key => $file) {
                $file = trim($file, './');
                $files[$key] = preg_replace('/\\.conf\\.php$/', '', $file);
            $files = "    " . implode("\n    ", $files);
            throw new Exception("CONFIGURATION ERROR\n" . "Config file '{$original_config}' does not exist. Valid config files " . "are:\n\n" . $files);
        throw new Exception("Failed to read config file '{$config}': {$errors}");
    return $conf;
Пример #26
  * writeTo
  * @param string $path
  * @return void
 public function writeTo($path)
     if (is_dir(dirname($path))) {
Пример #27
 public function run()
     $conduit = $this->getConduit();
     $results = array();
     foreach ($this->paths as $path) {
         $name = basename($path);
         $this->writeStatusMessage("Uploading '{$name}'...\n");
         try {
             $data = Filesystem::readFile($path);
         } catch (FilesystemException $ex) {
             $this->writeStatusMessage("Unable to upload file: " . $ex->getMessage() . "\n");
             $results[$path] = null;
         $phid = $conduit->callMethodSynchronous('file.upload', array('data_base64' => base64_encode($data), 'name' => $name));
         $info = $conduit->callMethodSynchronous('file.info', array('phid' => $phid));
         $results[$path] = $info;
         if (!$this->getJSON()) {
             echo "  {$name}: " . $info['uri'] . "\n\n";
     if ($this->getJSON()) {
         echo json_encode($results) . "\n";
     } else {
     return 0;
 public function save()
     if (!$this->getAccountSecret()) {
     return parent::save();
Пример #29
function buildThemes()
    global $Site;
    $themes = array();
    $themesPaths = Filesystem::listDirectories(PATH_THEMES);
    foreach ($themesPaths as $themePath) {
        // Check if the theme is translated.
        $languageFilename = $themePath . DS . 'languages' . DS . $Site->locale() . '.json';
        if (!Sanitize::pathFile($languageFilename)) {
            $languageFilename = $themePath . DS . 'languages' . DS . 'en_US.json';
        if (Sanitize::pathFile($languageFilename)) {
            $database = file_get_contents($languageFilename);
            $database = json_decode($database, true);
            $database = $database['theme-data'];
            $database['dirname'] = basename($themePath);
            // --- Metadata ---
            $filenameMetadata = $themePath . DS . 'metadata.json';
            if (Sanitize::pathFile($filenameMetadata)) {
                $metadataString = file_get_contents($filenameMetadata);
                $metadata = json_decode($metadataString, true);
                $database = $database + $metadata;
                // Theme data
                array_push($themes, $database);
    return $themes;
 private function markupText($markup_file)
     $contents = Filesystem::readFile($markup_file);
     $file = basename($markup_file);
     $parts = explode("\n~~~~~~~~~~\n", $contents);
     $this->assertEqual(3, count($parts), $markup_file);
     list($input_remarkup, $expected_output, $expected_text) = $parts;
     $engine = $this->buildNewTestEngine();
     switch ($file) {
         case 'raw-escape.txt':
             // NOTE: Here, we want to test PhutilRemarkupRuleEscapeRemarkup and
             // PhutilRemarkupBlockStorage, which are triggered by "\1". In the
             // test, "~" is used as a placeholder for "\1" since it's hard to type
             // "\1".
             $input_remarkup = str_replace("~", "", $input_remarkup);
             $expected_output = str_replace("~", "", $expected_output);
             $expected_text = str_replace("~", "", $expected_text);
         case 'toc.txt':
             $engine->setConfig('header.generate-toc', true);
     $actual_output = (string) $engine->markupText($input_remarkup);
     switch ($file) {
         case 'toc.txt':
             $table_of_contents = PhutilRemarkupEngineRemarkupHeaderBlockRule::renderTableOfContents($engine);
             $actual_output = $table_of_contents . "\n\n" . $actual_output;
     $this->assertEqual($expected_output, $actual_output, "Failed to markup HTML in file '{$file}'.");
     $actual_output = (string) $engine->markupText($input_remarkup);
     $this->assertEqual($expected_text, $actual_output, "Failed to markup text in file '{$file}'.");